New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Siagiah
4/16/2021 11:55 am

about whatever/whomever is irritating members (to replace accidentally deleted thread)

Posted by Siagiah
4/16/2021 1:57 pm

As far as I'm concerned, THIS (below) is beyond unacceptable in attacking both greenman and I, attempting to dump HIS TRASH upon our heads as if WE are the bad guys causing trouble instead of it ALL being HIM who routinely attacked all of us here, Pikes and I in particular, for NO GOOD REASON. 

Plus, HE LIED in it claiming things that NEVER happened such as me supposedly abusing his posters or that he "banned me". NO, he didn't and NO, I didn't.  I left his board on my own in 2008 because the malicious CRAP being dished out to me on a daily basis there (as well as to others) was causing me to be so angry that I was dishing it back out to them.  So, rather than turn into them, I LEFT. Donatello invited me to join the Blue board moderator staff.  mongo decided to make that claim after the Blue board renewed his permaban, that I'd convinced the others to be lifted because he begged for it and promised to behave... (yeah right as if he'd EVER change or behave himself). He was permabanned again in less than 4 hours after they agreed to lift it. He was so enraged at me for it that he decided to claim that he'd banned me.  The big baby lies a LOT!

Now, in his fraudulent claim that he wants peace, he's done nothing but attack me and PRETEND to be contrite for things he's done to others, but has yet to take responsibility for ANY of it nor to offer apologies for even the most egregious behaviors.  Instead, he spreads the "blame" around as if anyone else did the things that HE'S done without the slightest good reason.  Suggesting earlier that Pikes hangs out with "the wrong crowd" and that supposedly made Pikes do bad things (which he's NEVER DONE) and that somehow THAT'S why mongo libeled him off line with the most outrageous LIES that damaged his reputation and business calling him a pedophile -- which is PURE B.S.  So, we are expected to believe that he's had some epiphany because he heard Pikes performances??  He's heard TONS of them over the years he's attacked him and labeled it "elevator music" and other hateful crap.  He's trashed him and his music for YEARS and suddenly now wants a reset because he recognized that Pikes is actually excellent?  He was excellent before and he's known all along who he is and what he does for a living.

He's also been exceedingly cruel to me and used the photos and names of my dead family members to send me AND my family "friend requests" on Facebook, just to be cruel.  I have NEVER done anything whatsoever to him aside of refuse to be his friend or to trust/like him.

It's also a LIE that he only got my personal information from things I've posted online.  He gave me a ton of his personal info via email but I didn't want to give him any of mine when he pestered me for it because I didn't trust him.  He got it all from SMartin whom I NEVER, EVER should have trusted.  So, it's essentially stolen information that he's used to hurt me in real life that I NEVER gave to him.  I've NEVER done any such thing to him... EVER... Even though I could if I wanted to.  I'm not like that, but HE so obviously is.

So, bottom line, NO ONE should ever trust him.  He's pulled THIS CRAP on me too many times to count.  Now he's working on Poppet, Trish, and Pikes, trying to turn them against me.  It's not for real.  It's to try to get Pikes to drop his lawsuits against him for what he did to him professionally and privately.  THAT'S not going to happen.

He's just trying to smear me and make it look like I'm the bad guy when HE is the bad guy who has caused all of these problems and who is simply reaping what he's sown with how I feel about him

Claiming that he hasn't done the things that he's accused of is B.S. Claiming that he doesn't use proxies is more B.S. There are literally thousands of documented times that he's used proxies to attack people on boards he's banned from. 

Bottom line, HE CANNOT BE TRUSTED and everyone who knows him, knows that. 

I already DO focus on the good things in my life. HE is hardly "my focus". But when he pulls CRAP like this, yeah, I notice and address it. I'm tired of his lies and him being an AH online and in real life.

If he wants "this" to stop, then he should STOP posting B.S. crap attacking me in his B.S. attempts to make "nice" with others.  If he doesn't attack me, then I have no reason to even think about him.


Pikes and Trish
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 14, 2021, 6:13 pm
I am glad that we are entering into "reset" mode with the aim of building a better relationship amongst ourselves, and hopefully with others too.

Chat boards can bring out the worst in people because, over the years, they have been a forum for venting of frustration, verbal combat, and "road rage", starting back with the old MS/NBC chat boards. What I collectively term "Political Hardball" led to personal insult, threats, and, in a few cases, real-world violence.

Over the years, we have seen the carryover of this mentality onto the 3 main boards that the remaining extended family of associated posters populate. As a result, many people have left the boards ... just look at all the names in the heading of my main page ... same with the other boards. In fact, most people have left.

I often wonder what causes people to be hostile with others. Politics is a major root cause. Religion to a lesser extent. Sports? Rarely. How is it that people who are polarized dedicated sports fans can talk about who won and who lost without overt hostility. Politics and Religion are more in tune with core social, ethical and moral beliefs, I suppose. But, I think it goes deeper. Could it be that there is some innate deficiency or flaw in human nature that humans don't want to own up to, so they project it onto others, making them the villain instead?

As I mentioned earlier, I have cleaned up my board here, and I am working to alleviate any remaining hostility on Ken's board.

I was also heartened to see that you have discontinued hurtful remarks about me in the Back Alley. I would hope that some day, that whole monument to hostilities will disappear.

I am somewhat disheartened to see that greenman and Sia continue to malign me.

greenman has no reason to continue his hostility other than for revenge for me banning him on my board. I never had that much interaction with him in the first place. Why is he maligning me, but not Ken, who has permanently banned him from the Yellow board?

Sia is more of a deep-seated problem. I feel that she is out to really do me in. Consider her latest rant:

"The SECOND that I can PROVE, beyond any doubt (and I'm close to that), that it is HIM behind what's he's been pulling on FB towards me & my family, then he'll be slapped with ANOTHER LAWSUIT for that. If he knows what's good for him, HE'LL STOP THAT CRAP PRONTO."

I don't know where she is coming from. I haven't "diddled" with her Facebook. I could care less about her Facebook. I don't do Facebook, Twitter, or any of those other juvenile "social media" claptraps. While she and I have had a rocky relationship for over a decade because I kicked her off my board for abusing Deanna, Aurora and others, I have always complimented her on her two lovely daughters. The only thing I know about her and her family is what she has posted on these chat boards over the years, and she has opened herself up to anyone who might harbor ill will because she has probably pissed off more than a few people. I guess I have too, because I still get anonymous nasty posts on my board, and I have a list of the IPs of the offenders. I have been accused of a lot of sh*t that I didn't do. Most trolls hide behind proxy servers, and I hope the ransomware bandits devour their computers eventually. I think this may already happened to a few of them.

I want her nasty comments and threats to stop. They are uncalled for, and they serve only to stir up and perpetuate malice among others. Perhaps you two can get her to focus more on the positive things in her life. Haven't we all had enough?


Posted by greenman
4/16/2021 2:23 pm

Enjoying his fatuous and disingenuous ‘why are you all so MEAN to jb?’ post in Kenny’s board.  He’s done this many times - promoting jb’s disruption of other boards because it fits in with his own agenda, while ignoring jb’s spam on his own board.

Poppet answered very well, but I’m sure she knows what this nonsense is all about.  Just more of the same ol’ Mongo BS.

Posted by Siagiah
4/16/2021 3:13 pm

greenman wrote:

Enjoying his fatuous and disingenuous ‘why are you all so MEAN to jb?’ post in Kenny’s board. He’s done this many times - promoting jb’s disruption of other boards because it fits in with his own agenda, while ignoring jb’s spam on his own board.

Poppet answered very well, but I’m sure she knows what this nonsense is all about. Just more of the same ol’ Mongo BS.

I just read Poppet's answer.  It was perfect.

Posted by Poppet
4/17/2021 12:30 am

Thanks! I shouldn't even broach the subject of bauer...but it occurred to me some folks on R&E these days are relatively new and might have no idea about the history there.

Posted by greenman
4/17/2021 7:13 am

Or on Woodbine’s new (and tastefully decorated!) board.  I’ve given up on posting to him, finally, but he still gets attention with his demands for ‘wisdom’ from others’ faiths including, mysteriously, Atheists.

Maybe he’s just desperately searching for wisdom?  He could use a large helping...

Posted by Siagiah
4/17/2021 12:13 pm

greenman wrote:

Or on Woodbine’s new (and tastefully decorated!) board. I’ve given up on posting to him, finally, but he still gets attention with his demands for ‘wisdom’ from others’ faiths including, mysteriously, Atheists.

Maybe he’s just desperately searching for wisdom? He could use a large helping...

I'm SO pleased with Woodbine's choice of color.  I wasn't sure if I was being too presumptuous to ask him to add a nice color, in public no less, but I didn't want to abuse the fact that there's an email associated with his log in to Blue by using it for a personal communication he's never given permission for, so that only left asking on the board.

It's great that he's SO easy going and took it in the spirit it was asked in.


Posted by greenman
4/18/2021 7:04 am

Has anyone else noticed how much more aggressive Bauer has become in attacking other posters?

Not only is he more insulting than ever when it comes to others’ religious beliefs - or lack of them - but more aggressively defensive about Baha’i AND himself. He’s now constantly demanding ‘proof’ of everything he’s said (admitting at one point on Woodbines board that he ‘doesn’t remember what he posts’) and calling everyone else ‘liars’ for almost everything they post.

I thought he was obnoxious before, but he’s reached a new level.  That’s a big reason I quit posting to him, but that hasn’t discouraged him from posting - to me or anyone.

Not sure what that says about his mental state, but it’s not good...

Posted by Poppet
4/18/2021 11:00 am

I have indeed noticed...and decided to give him some of his own medicine. Call it a guilty pleasure...

But holy crap, did you read that list of "wise" quotes from Baháʼu'lláh? With two (out of ten) exceptions, it was all delusional, self-aggrandizing, insane blather. Standard issue "thinks they're God" (or pretends to to buffalo the gullible) rubbish from personality cult figures from time immemorial...  It's creepy stuff to anyone rational.

I'm beyond sick of The Blight's insufferable behavior. Ken has coddled that troll for the better part of two decades, and it's done untold harm to the integrity, usefulness, and atmosphere of R&E. Being good-hearted and expressing sympathy for someone with obvious (and significant) mental problems is admirable in its way...allowing but Bauer's toxic presence had always been done at the expense of everyone else's enjoyment of the forum.


Posted by Siagiah
4/18/2021 11:36 am

greenman wrote:

Has anyone else noticed how much more aggressive Bauer has become in attacking other posters?

Not only is he more insulting than ever when it comes to others’ religious beliefs - or lack of them - but more aggressively defensive about Baha’i AND himself. He’s now constantly demanding ‘proof’ of everything he’s said (admitting at one point on Woodbines board that he ‘doesn’t remember what he posts’) and calling everyone else ‘liars’ for almost everything they post.

I thought he was obnoxious before, but he’s reached a new level. That’s a big reason I quit posting to him, but that hasn’t discouraged him from posting - to me or anyone.

Not sure what that says about his mental state, but it’s not good...

I wouldn't worry TOO much about Bauer.  His increased aggressiveness isn't new. He's always been like that when using his "alter-ego" troll. He used to troll Blue aggressively and with NASTY hatred using throwaway "names".  So, he's NOT at all who he claims to be to begin with.

I'm glad to see that you're avoiding him and that's admirable that you're backing off because you think there's something wrong with him. However, don't feel guilty about it because he's ALWAYS been Mr. Nasty when using his proxies to sneak in.


Posted by greenman
4/18/2021 12:39 pm

Poppet wrote:

I have indeed noticed...and decided to give him some of his own medicine. Call it a guilty pleasure...

But holy crap, did you read that list of "wise" quotes from Baháʼu'lláh? With two (out of ten) exceptions, it was all delusional, self-aggrandizing, insane blather. Standard issue "thinks they're God" (or pretends to to buffalo the gullible) rubbish from personality cult figures from time immemorial...  It's creepy stuff to anyone rational.

I'm beyond sick of The Blight's insufferable behavior. Ken has coddled that troll for the better part of two decades, and it's done untold harm to the integrity, usefulness, and atmosphere of R&E. Being good-hearted and expressing sympathy for someone with obvious (and significant) mental problems is admirable in its way...allowing but Bauer's toxic presence had always been done at the expense of everyone else's enjoyment of the forum.


Easy to throw together a little fake ‘wisdom’ and get dopes to swallow it - see the whole history of the Mormon Church, for example.  And that bogus ‘Biblical language’ always impresses people with a Judeo-Christian heritage, it seems.

I agree 100% about Bauer and Ken, but my feelings about the latter are well-known.  Suffice to say he and Bauer have a lot in common...smh

Last edited by greenman (4/18/2021 12:39 pm)

Posted by greenman
4/18/2021 12:46 pm

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

Has anyone else noticed how much more aggressive Bauer has become in attacking other posters?

Not only is he more insulting than ever when it comes to others’ religious beliefs - or lack of them - but more aggressively defensive about Baha’i AND himself. He’s now constantly demanding ‘proof’ of everything he’s said (admitting at one point on Woodbines board that he ‘doesn’t remember what he posts’) and calling everyone else ‘liars’ for almost everything they post.

I thought he was obnoxious before, but he’s reached a new level. That’s a big reason I quit posting to him, but that hasn’t discouraged him from posting - to me or anyone.

Not sure what that says about his mental state, but it’s not good...

I wouldn't worry TOO much about Bauer.  His increased aggressiveness isn't new. He's always been like that when using his "alter-ego" troll. He used to troll Blue aggressively and with NASTY hatred using throwaway "names".  So, he's NOT at all who he claims to be to begin with.

I'm glad to see that you're avoiding him and that's admirable that you're backing off because you think there's something wrong with him. However, don't feel guilty about it because he's ALWAYS been Mr. Nasty when using his proxies to sneak in.


Yeah, more than one character present in that poster, I think. A true troll.

Humorously, my first nick on Slate when I started posting there about 20 years ago was ‘MrNasty.’  I’m sure some would say there’s been little change...

Posted by Siagiah
4/18/2021 5:04 pm

greenman wrote:

Yeah, more than one character present in that poster, I think. A true troll.

Humorously, my first nick on Slate when I started posting there about 20 years ago was ‘MrNasty.’ I’m sure some would say there’s been little change...


I would have never believed it given how devoted he is to his jb character, but when he was sneaking in, he used the same IP for his own character as his version of "Mr. Nasty" (and yeah, that's funny that you used that moniker, LOL)

Sooner or later, most trolls trip themselves up by mistakenly using the IP they've reserved for hateful trolling when posting with their "own name". jb is CLEARLY a whole different person in real life than the fake jb is.  He is much smarter, much nastier, and has NO problem figuring out how to keep getting attention. He goes right up to the limit that a board owner will tolerate and then backs off enough to let the person calm down.  The only times he's gotten himself bounced is when he went too far off line pestering the crap out of Ken.

The old "abuse database" was a gold mine for catching that stuff. It's not AS easy now with IPs hidden on forums one doesn't moderate as we cannot see them. But, it's not impossible, especially given that I downloaded the entire abuse database for the 5 boards most of us perused over the years from webapps before they closed, so can still search it if I really want or need to. 


Posted by greenman
4/22/2021 8:44 am

Can’t believe this SES post is still up on Kenny Boy’s board:

‘Hey Lebron James, you’re next.’

That is a racist threat, plain and simple. 

The context: in relation to the police shooting of Mak’hia Bryant in Columbus, James put up a post with the cop’s name saying ‘you’re next’ - meaning to be tried for murder, I have to assume.  He took it down because he felt it was too provocative, too angry; IMO, a good call.

So SES puts up a post which I can only assume is a threat of violence, since James has not broken the law or been arrested.  What else does that look like?  It looks to me like he’d like to see the police shoot Lebron James.

That board was already my a disgrace, this just made it worse.

Last edited by greenman (4/22/2021 8:46 am)

Posted by Siagiah
4/22/2021 3:43 pm

WOW, what the f*** ??
I sent K & T an inquiry as to why it's still there, being a racist threat & all.


Posted by greenman
4/22/2021 5:23 pm

Another fine example:

‘No justification for rioting. None. Absolutely none.’
Posted by SES on April 22, 2021, 2:33 pm, in reply to "Why are they rioting again?"
‘And someone needs to cap a few of these a-holes and put a stop to it.’

He’s simply a right-wing terrorist.  And Ken’s OK with that, it seems.

Of course, he’s always been afraid of SES.  Dunno if it’s his supposed Marine background or (fake) tough talk, but he lets him get away with murder.

Posted by Poppet
4/22/2021 6:49 pm

LeBron's tweet was widely interpreted as a threat of violence. He may or may not have meant it that way (and he's an idiot who happens to be really good at basketball), but it was hardly an unreasonable interpretation. I saw SES's post as nothing more than tit-for-tat, a response to LeBron's stupid tweet and nothing more. Neither was an appropriate thing to post, imo.


Posted by greenman
4/22/2021 8:27 pm

I don’t know what you mean by ‘widely interpreted,’ certainly Republican slugs like Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz chose (deliberately, and I believe dishonestly) to interpret it that way. Lebron, who is far from ‘an idiot,’ explained it differently, and I’d take his word for it rather than people like the two I mentioned.

Certainly Lebron erred; it doesn’t look like the cop was in the wrong in this particular shooting.  Plenty of other better examples, even in Columbus, though; two just in December 2020 - Casey Goodman Jr. and Andre Hill.  A cop is on trial for murder in the latter case; AFAIK no one has been indicted for the former.  But cops around here have a well-deserved bad reputation, so it’s not surprising people overreact.

As to SES, he’s simply a nasty, right-wing s—t-stirrer.  He’s never been anything else.


Posted by Siagiah
4/23/2021 12:31 am

greenman wrote:

I don’t know what you mean by ‘widely interpreted,’ certainly Republican slugs like Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz chose (deliberately, and I believe dishonestly) to interpret it that way. Lebron, who is far from ‘an idiot,’ explained it differently, and I’d take his word for it rather than people like the two I mentioned.

Certainly Lebron erred; it doesn’t look like the cop was in the wrong in this particular shooting. Plenty of other better examples, even in Columbus, though; two just in December 2020 - Casey Goodman Jr. and Andre Hill. A cop is on trial for murder in the latter case; AFAIK no one has been indicted for the former. But cops around here have a well-deserved bad reputation, so it’s not surprising people overreact.

As to SES, he’s simply a nasty, right-wing s—t-stirrer. He’s never been anything else.


and NOW you know why I have a DNR against him.  He's a complete AH.

Posted by Poppet
4/23/2021 1:31 am

greenman wrote:

I don’t know what you mean by ‘widely interpreted,’ certainly Republican slugs like Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz chose (deliberately, and I believe dishonestly) to interpret it that way. Lebron, who is far from ‘an idiot,’ explained it differently, and I’d take his word for it rather than people like the two I mentioned.

Personally, I interpreted it to mean that the cop in the Bryant shooting would soon be in a similar legal situation. But the more sinister meaning is, I reiterate, not at all an unreasonable interpretation even for aa more objective reader than those RW clowns you mention. I'm not budging on the "idiot:" assessment, either: even leaving aside past dumbassery on his part, the initial tweet AND the dismal critical thinking and rush-to-judgement that led to it are not something an intelligent person does.

And yes, obviously "idiot" is both harsh and not a literal assertion (the term has a precise clinical meaning).

Posted by greenman
4/23/2021 3:19 pm

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

I don’t know what you mean by ‘widely interpreted,’ certainly Republican slugs like Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz chose (deliberately, and I believe dishonestly) to interpret it that way. Lebron, who is far from ‘an idiot,’ explained it differently, and I’d take his word for it rather than people like the two I mentioned.

Certainly Lebron erred; it doesn’t look like the cop was in the wrong in this particular shooting. Plenty of other better examples, even in Columbus, though; two just in December 2020 - Casey Goodman Jr. and Andre Hill. A cop is on trial for murder in the latter case; AFAIK no one has been indicted for the former. But cops around here have a well-deserved bad reputation, so it’s not surprising people overreact.

As to SES, he’s simply a nasty, right-wing s—t-stirrer. He’s never been anything else.


and NOW you know why I have a DNR against him.  He's a complete AH.

Of course.  I simply don’t see how he gets away with it over, and over, and over again.  If Kenny Boy can’t moderate his board, shouldn’t he turn it over to a competent moderator?

Right now it’s a sewer.

Posted by greenman
4/25/2021 9:27 am

Another query:

Hemi is banned on Kenny Boy’s board and Woodbine’s as well, to my knowledge.  And yet he’s being allowed to post on both right now as ‘Cheese.’  Why?


Isn’t that Mongo using ‘San Juan Diego’ as a sock puppet?  That nick appeared on his board as a liberal poster, but is now appearing on yellow as a Rightie.  Seems suspicious...

Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2021 5:02 pm

greenman wrote:

Another query:

Hemi is banned on Kenny Boy’s board and Woodbine’s as well, to my knowledge. And yet he’s being allowed to post on both right now as ‘Cheese.’ Why?


Isn’t that Mongo using ‘San Juan Diego’ as a sock puppet? That nick appeared on his board as a liberal poster, but is now appearing on yellow as a Rightie. Seems suspicious...

I am confused by why "Cheese" is still there, but who knows? Maybe they haven't noticed?  IDK?  BTW, he accused you of posting there as "Observer", but that's typically a "mongo sock puppet" using proxies. Just wondering because it doesn't seem like you to me, but more like mongo trying to out HH.

At first,  I thought that San Juan Diego was True Grit, but it definitely isn't TG.  I'm not SURE who it is, but whomever it is, is playing a game.


Posted by greenman
4/25/2021 6:47 pm

It’s hilarious he thinks it’s me, I don’t even know how to use proxies and thus cannot post on the yellow board.

He’s doing the same thing in regard to a poster mostly calling himself ‘Fact’ on Woodbine’s board, also not me.  He’s an absolutely paranoid lunatic who flies into rages on a regular basis.  As bad a troll as jb or Mongo or GOG...

Posted by Poppet
4/25/2021 7:33 pm

greenman wrote:

It’s hilarious he thinks it’s me, I don’t even know how to use proxies and thus cannot post on the yellow board.

He’s doing the same thing in regard to a poster mostly calling himself ‘Fact’ on Woodbine’s board, also not me. He’s an absolutely paranoid lunatic who flies into rages on a regular basis. As bad a troll as jb or Mongo or GOG...

As bad a troll...and the only person I've encountered on these boards that sets off my threat alarm. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that were I ever to find myself in his presence IRL, I would literally have one hand on my carry piece. That guy has issues far beyond just being an arsehole.

Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2021 7:41 pm

greenman wrote:

It’s hilarious he thinks it’s me, I don’t even know how to use proxies and thus cannot post on the yellow board.

He’s doing the same thing in regard to a poster mostly calling himself ‘Fact’ on Woodbine’s board, also not me. He’s an absolutely paranoid lunatic who flies into rages on a regular basis. As bad a troll as jb or Mongo or GOG...

Too funny.  Sight unseen, I'd venture a guess that "Fact" is also mongo.  He's used that name before too.  If I wander on over there later on, I'll check those posts out too.  Posters always give themselves away sooner or later.

Posted by Siagiah
4/25/2021 10:06 pm

Oh, it's DEFINITELY mongo.  It's his signature trash.

Posted by greenman
5/02/2021 12:16 pm

‘San Juan Diego’ = Bauer?

I’m beginning to wonder.  The religiosity (albeit Christian, not Baha’i - of course, the latter would be a giveaway), the belligerence, the Rightie politics, the arrogance...

I had thought it might be Mongo, but I’m much less sure now.  The attacks on Atheists and Pagans are pure Bauer.

Posted by Siagiah
5/02/2021 2:53 pm

I've also been wondering if it's either jb or even yome in disguise. 

But yesterday, the claim of being a Christian made me lean towards yome. He routinely posts under other names to avoid the stink of stuff being stuck to him. It's usually obvious that it's him because of his poor English skills and tendency to go off on religious nonsense.

At first, I thought it was True Grit because of the misspellings and poor English skills, but the viewpoints don't fit him now that he's moved off of the White Whine to R&E.


Posted by Siagiah
5/03/2021 12:42 am

Okay, so I read a bunch of San Juan's posts and YES, it's extremely Baueresque, but I still lean towards yome, EXCEPT for the fact that the spelling and grammar is too good for it to be him.



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