I see the DFM COVID propaganda thread is still up on the Yellow Board.

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Posted by greenman
7/08/2020 6:37 pm

This is pathetic...how do you leave GARBAGE and LIES like this up on your board, if you have even a SHRED of integrity?  Ken is aiding and abetting the spreading of  deliberate disinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic, and this in violation of his OWN prohibition, directed at GOG, in making such posts.  Almost criminal.  Of course, given that Sia has removed any criticism of Precious Ken, apparently no one's been allowed to say anything.

Well, I'm willing.  This should have been taken down DAYS ago:


Last edited by greenman (7/08/2020 6:37 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
7/08/2020 7:19 pm

I've NOT prevented anyone from having their say about whatever they want, including about R&E or Ken.

I removed threads I'd initiated because I was so upset about something very personal that Ken told me via email that made me feel like I needed to delete them.  The threads were already ended so it didn't seem like they needed to be preserved.  You know that I am highly sensitive to how other people feel and concerned about people's well being.  It seemed like the right thing to do.

That was NOT a message to anyone else that they couldn't have their say about whatever they want to say.  Obviously, your thread will remain, just as all of your other threads remain.  I only deleted threads that I started.

That said, there's two ways of looking at DFM's despicable posts there. 

One is that he did something quite similar to GOG's false medical information, so it should go. 

The second is that he's been exposed as a liar willing to distort information to support his false claims and no longer deserves an ounce of credibility.

Removing it removes his shame.


Glad to see you've popped in.  I hope you'll rejoin the discussions too.  We've missed you.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/09/2020 12:38 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

You are absolutely correct Sia. I chose to leave it to expose David's purposeful manipulation of data for all to see. Pikes has gone further and shown an accurate chart based on incoming information. We can wipe out lies from the screen, certainly. But sometimes exposing them is far more powerful. 

I agree. Notable DFM hasn't been back to post, but is prolifically posting on CPD where his authoritidy is unquestioned and unchallenged. What happened to him since MOTU? He became an idiot. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
7/09/2020 1:07 pm

Something radical happened to him.  Who knows what ?  Maybe politics weigh so heavy in him that they overwhelm everything else. 

Posted by Poppet
7/09/2020 3:33 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Something radical happened to him.  Who knows what ?  Maybe politics weigh so heavy in him that they overwhelm everything else. 

I think that's spot-on: DFM has become radicalized, politically. He's embraced far-right political ideology with...how shall I put this...considerable zealotry. Politics was always the one area I tended to avoid with him over the years, but for the most part, his political views seldom entered into the conversations we had (or into the large majority of his posts). Now it seems to be all he posts about, and the content is little different from that offered by the other ideologues on the White Board (in other words, either misleading or outright vacuous).

This has been a disturbing and disappointing transformation for me to witness. DFM was, for years, one of my absolute favorite posters on these boards, something of a kindred spirit in terms of preferring an objective, coldly rational approach to most questions. He's become such a different poster over the last year or two that I legitimately wondered if he had passed on and a family member (the sort one keeps inside, out of view, and doesn't really talk about to others...) had taken over the nick.

Last edited by Poppet (7/09/2020 7:58 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/09/2020 4:05 pm

Poppet wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Something radical happened to him.  Who knows what ?  Maybe politics weigh so heavy in him that they overwhelm everything else. 

I think that's spot-on: DFM has become radicalized, politically. He's embraced far-right political ideology with...how shall I put this...considerable zealotry. Politics was always the one area I tended to avoid with him over the years, but for the most part, his political views seldom entered into the conversations we had (or into the large majority of his posts). Now it seems to be all he posts about, and the content is little different from that offered the other ideologues on the White Board (in other words, either misleading or outright vacuous).

This has been a disturbing and disappointing transformation for me to witness. DFM was, for years, one of my absolute favorite posters on these boards, something of a kindred spirit in terms of preferring an objective, coldly rational approach to most questions. He's become such a different poster over the last year or two that I legitimately wondered if he had passed on and a family member (the sort one keeps inside, out of view, and doesn't really talk about to others...) had taken over the nick.

He was one of my favorite posters too for the same reasons. I met him on MOTU. 
Since his lie of omission, he disappeared from R&E, but launched twelve new threads on dead CPD. 
You suspect a second person. I wondered about a brain injury.
That incomplete data piece graph was an embarrassment. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
7/09/2020 4:18 pm

Poppet wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Something radical happened to him.  Who knows what ?  Maybe politics weigh so heavy in him that they overwhelm everything else. 

I think that's spot-on: DFM has become radicalized, politically. He's embraced far-right political ideology with...how shall I put this...considerable zealotry. Politics was always the one area I tended to avoid with him over the years, but for the most part, his political views seldom entered into the conversations we had (or into the large majority of his posts). Now it seems to be all he posts about, and the content is little different from that offered the other ideologues on the White Board (in other words, either misleading or outright vacuous).

This has been a disturbing and disappointing transformation for me to witness. DFM was, for years, one of my absolute favorite posters on these boards, something of a kindred spirit in terms of preferring an objective, coldly rational approach to most questions. He's become such a different poster over the last year or two that I legitimately wondered if he had passed on and a family member (the sort one keeps inside, out of view, and doesn't really talk about to others...) had taken over the nick.

Because I really don't know him, I wasn't willing to suggest that, but it's EXACTLY what I wondered too.  Such an abrupt and ENORMOUS change in someone is not typical unless there's been a major brain event; a take-over by another; or something happened that was so dramatic that it overwhelmed who they used to be. 

I've seen huge, natural changes in people's attitudes and viewpoints over the years,  (those that didn't involve brain injury or Alzheimers) but never in their basic personality and engagement style.  Normally, in "natural changes", you'd see an increase in anger or something like fear or disillusionment, changed attitudes, but NOT so massive a change in how they approach the world and communication on EVERY LEVEL.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/09/2020 10:27 pm

It is what it is. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
7/09/2020 11:12 pm

WOW, that's just nutty stuff.  Truly NUTTY stuff.

Posted by greenman
7/10/2020 11:33 am

He's fallen victim of the far-Right's long-standing propaganda campaign, run through popular sites like Faux Nooz and Limbaugh as well as other lesser-known but more-nefarious operators.  This woman saw her father fall prey to these people, although he seems to have recovered once he stopped listening to their lies and filth.  I can only hope DFM does the same, or has someone intervene for him:


Posted by Siagiah
7/10/2020 2:01 pm

WOW... Well, whether true about DFM or not, I can see truth in what has happened to people whom I know for that very same reason.  People who were once reasonable people gone NUTZ after too much exposure to those things.  Especially Rush, Alex Jones, and the like.


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