Tiger Woods Wins Masters

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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/16/2019 9:52 am

One of the most remarkable come backs in sports history. After the injuries, surgeries, private life turmoil, public life turmoil, Woods came back as a much more human, and humble man. 

Trump awarded Woods the Medal of Freedom; highest civilian award. Woods achievement doesn't rise to that standard. Trump again showed why he isn't presidential. 

This is one example of the kind of civilian excellence for whom the Medal of Freedom is reserved and meant.

"In 1958, Van Cliburn became an instant celebrity when he won the Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow. It caused a sensation for an American to win a Russian competition during the tense standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union known as the Cold War. Van Cliburn’s triumph in the competition was celebrated not only by Americans, but by Russians. New York Times Moscow correspondent Max Frankel covered the competition and later wrote that “The Soviet public celebrated Cliburn not only for his artistry but for his nationality; affection for him was a safe expression of affection for America.”

Woods achievement didn't rise to this kind of level.


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/16/2019 12:28 pm

Well, of course it didn't, but it was still an incredible accomplishment to come back like he did.  I'd prefer that any award given wasn't given until he'd backed up his comeback  accomplishment with many more wins and humble behavior to replace his previous nonsense. 

All tRUMP has done is to degrade the Medal of Freedom just a little bit. 

At least it's not THAT serious, given all the truly horrible things that he's also done.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/17/2019 1:46 pm

Trump degrades everything he touches. Trump's method is to shing so much flit everywhere, in all directions, through public address, rallies, tweets, interviews etc, that so much darkness is shed on the subject nobody is sure of anything. Beauty of the paralysis of this indecision is every time he walks away scot-free. In comparison with animals, his behavior resembles a hagfish. When attacked or threatened, it produces so much defensive slime, the predator may become nauseated.

Woods comeback and achievement is remarkable. But not Medal of Freedom material.

Remember to trump is to concoct with intent to deceive. Trumpery is worthless =16.25pxtrinketry, junk. Walmart gold painted plastic costume jewelry.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/17/2019 2:56 pm

Well, I cannot disagree with that evaluation.  LOL.  It fits too perfectly.


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