I see Sir Prize's post on Mongo's board, and it's an attack on me.

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Posted by greenman
5/30/2020 12:39 pm

The coward was doing what I suspected, attacking this board and myself for daring to criticize his pretentious, violent-tempered self on a board he had himself chosen NOT to join, and thus was unable to disagree with.  Inasmuch as this nasty little toad has fled the Urine Board out of a sense of outrage that GOG had broken a DNR with him, he doesn't really matter, but for those interested in the sac of pus he put up on Mongo's board, here you go.  Judge for yourself.  And Sir P?  Stick it where the sun don't shine! 

Posted by greenman to the blue board on May 4, 2020:

"Sir Real? He's become a real jerk. Look at his attacks on Thrinaxodon over there today, and his recent attacks on me before I was banned. Don't know when he sat on the sharp stick, but he's become almost intolerable.

He'd angrily complained about political posts one weekend, so I posted a mild comment about his post perhaps being a TAD condescending. He jumped all over me, called my post 'imbecilic,' and, well, it was on. Haven't had a discussion with him since.

If you invite him [to join the blue board] it's your business, but I'd make sure to caution him against attacking everyone who criticizes him. Even I manage to avoid that (most of the time), so he certainly could.."

I think it unfortunate that the blue board makes provision for back-stabbing attacks on people who are not there to defend themselves and whose basic human decency makes them disinclined to stoop to launching such [or similar] offensives against others themselves. It is in an effort to eliminate such below-the-belt conduct that Ken prohibits on his board posting about banned posters who, due to their absence, have no opportunity to defend themselves there. Last week, when in Ken's thread announcing greenie's banishment a couple of posters commenced piling on the memory of this recently, not-so-dearly-departed fellow, I intervened with an admonishment to all to respect Ken's aforementioned prohibition against bad-mouthing the defenseless exiled. That was before I read greenman's nasty-as-hell remarks targeting me on the blue board. Had I read THAT beforehand I simply would have kept silent at the sight of his not-so-good-to-begin-with name being further, duly sullied. I would have sat idly by as the pile-on continued to expand uncontested, though I would have properly kept to myself my personal and rock-solid firm concurrence with DFM's posted opinion that in some cases, as in this one, certainly, a board is only improved as a result of a particular poster's departure.

Now, setting the record straight regarding recent false claims made against me by greenman that continue to disgrace the blue board with their presence:

I don't recall the content of Thrinaxodon's post (its malevolent nature alone stayed with me beyond the moment) that prompted me to reciprocate in kind (although from one of his more recent conversation starters on Woodbine's board ["Only steers and queers are found in Texas..."] I can draw a pretty good feel for the level of jackassery to which he is capable of stooping and that undoubtedly permeated the post in question), but to characterize that particular exchange in a purely one-sided manner ("Look at [Sir Real's] attacks on Thrinaxodon over there today" ), as greenman unconscionably did, is a grossly omissive (read: blatantly dishonest) mischaracterization. I at that time had no idea who Thrinaxodon was (not until stumbling over his name a couple weeks or so later on Woodbine's board, which I very rarely visit, did I have even an inkling of who he was) and, presuming him to be a trolling sock puppet (since he was certainly posting like one), gave him a due dose of his own medicine. For that I have no regrets, am not to blame (as he was the aggressor), and, of course, continue to offer to him no undeserved apology (who in his or her right mind would?).

So, greenman recalls, he (greenman) ever so gently suggested that a particular post of mine [in which I used the word "kindergarten" to aptly describe a group of posters who were conducting themselves in a childish manner at the time] just might be a tad condescending. DAMNED RIGHT it was condescending. It was absolutely condescending and absolutely warrantedly so, as I stated at the time. Greenie's claim that I "jumped all over" him, however, is bullsh (unless perhaps he chooses to define the term as the most prissy-a$$ed human being on the face of the planet might, and even then the question would still be up for debate). I simply defended the "kindergarten" analogy as being not "childish," as contended, but rather an entirely suitable analogy of, in fact, perfect fit in describing the childishness of the posters spot-on targeted by the analogy.

Notwithstanding greenman's claim to the contrary, I absolutely DID NOT call ANYONE'S post "imbecilic." Upon seeing that claim made on R&E, I posted a "follow up" post that spelled out in explicit detail how THAT ABSOLUTELY WAS NOT THE CASE. That THAT post itself drew a response [not particularly challenging of its contents, no less] from greenie made clear that it was, in fact, read by him. I saw nothing in his response that would suggest that my "follow up" was NOT comprehended by the falsely accusing party. To paraphrase my remarks to greenman, those in which the word, imbecilic, was present: "Do you count yourself among those who are so imbecilic that they would blah blah blah [the obvious answer, I presumed, being NO, as it would not for a moment have occurred even to ME (much less, presumably, to greenman) to think of counting him among the 'imbecilic' being hypothetically referenced at that moment]? If not, then MY POST [to which he angrily replied] DOES NOT CONCERN YOU, so WTF are you getting bent out of shape about??" THAT -- just as I explained it in the "follow up" -- was the gist of what freaked-out, venom-spewing, delusional greenman described on May 4 as my having called his post 'imbecilic'." Never happened.

Finally, my statement from weeks back that I might at some point register on the blue board just to acquire the option of posting there on a very occasional basis in no way constituted a commitment to do so. Moreover, taking into consideration this most recent maniacal outburst from greenman, I am compelled to say that for as long as a certain razor-thin-skinned, whiney-hiney, wantonly attacking jerk continues to post there, I certainly WON't BE doing the same, as I personally find the omnipresence of a solitary, back-stabbing serial slanderer on one board even less tolerable than the intermittent presence of a handful of lowlife trolls on another. (Update: Again, my future participation on either board is now out of the question.)

Okay, so there you have my post of self-defense in response to being mugged by greenman in the back-alley shadows of the blue board, a "loose end" that I had decided last Wednesday, upon choosing to walk away from these boards, to leave permanently dangling. Needless to say, I changed my mind. Why? Because upon further reflection, I couldn't escape the fact that THAT would hardly be the ONLY loose end left behind were I to depart with no further comment. There's more, and as long as I felt compelled to post an addendum to the above then why not post EVERYTHING?

So, now ... on to Wednesday's likewise utterly unprovoked attack on me (this one on the yellow board), the occasion of my being recklessly and absolutely inexcusably accused by Trish of posting under a false identity. After setting the record straight on this matter, I received the following half-baked apology (my comments to the accuser are in brackets and in bold):

"I apologize - the wording in GOG's post implied his writing the message, thus the confusion. [This statement makes no sense to me. Was the word "your" intended where the word "his" appears? That's my best guess.] Could you tone down the flame meter. [Sorry, but I am not obliged to assist in your effort to dilute the wrong that was done me by shifting the focus from that wrong to my reaction to it.] I was not intending any harm. [Neither does a blindfolded driver who runs over a child in a school crosswalk intend any harm.] We do have people who come here on proxies with names, so making a mistake once in a while is normal. [Sorry, but that's utter bullsh*t -- there was NO EXCUSE for this. A full reading of your remarks in the thread (most notably those made in your 9:08 post which was quite clearly a continuation of your 5:49 reply to my original post signed as "Sir Real", just as I have signed EVERY post I have contributed for the past year and a half) makes it crystal-clear to anyone who has eyes to see that your unfortunate and NOT-"normal" reply to GOG ("so you are Sir Real... hum... the plot thickens"), whom you thereby recklessly misidentified as me, was an explicit and positively undeniable accusation that [b]I -- and not some interjecting, drive-by troll using a proxy -- was posting as "GOG". To put it in your own words: Quite simply, it's really simple.][/b] Sorry for the misunderstanding." [As am I, and equally sorry to see your doomed from the get-go attempt to bullsh*t me with a bullsh*t "apology" that succeeded only in adding insult to injury.]

One final loose end to tie up. My final post to the yellow board may have left the impression that GOG and GOG alone (who naturally and totally predictably stooped to sticking up for Trish simply because if was none other than yours truly who was being wronged) is the reason why these boards all will be in my rearview mirror by the time this post appears. That is hardly the case. While GOG-run-amok IS in fact, to his boundless shame, reason #1 of several, he is hardly a man of sufficient stature to bring about such a result entirely on his own. As has always been the case for as long as I have been acquainted with the pitiable fellow, he is ever in need of help (in more ways than one, quite frankly), and this was no exception.

I appreciate the opportunity to set the grotesquely disfigured record straight.

Mission accomplished.

The former Sir Real

Posted by greenman
5/30/2020 12:42 pm

ps - It won't let me edit the post for some reason, but the below was the beginning of his post, and got left out (note the absurd pretentiousness of his language).  Also, I would note that he attacked the post Trish made the other day as well, the one for which he flamed her outlandishly for a simple mistake:

Posted by Sir Real on May 29, 2020, 1:38 pm 

As I more or less remarked on the yellow board a couple days ago, I anticipate that this post either (a) will be routinely deleted in short order as unwanted "business" carried over from another board, or (b) will be generally very well received on account of its penetrating and passionately presented exposure of wrongdoing by persons historically unpopular here.

WHEREAS, greenman, thankfully, has been deservedly and predictably banned from the yellow board; and

WHEREAS, the topic of "greenman" is not a permitted topic on the yellow board by reason of that poster's just and inevitable banning; and

WHEREAS, my prospective registration at the blue board is not and will not be an option for as long as the poster known as "greenman" is present on that board (Update: This is [i]absolutely my FINAL post to any of these boards -- white, yellow, blue.[/i]); and

WHEREAS, neither yellow nor blue board is available to me as a vehicle for posting these remarks;

NOW, THEREFORE, I am bringing this refutation of false claims and mischaracterizations [made by greenie] to the white board for the edification of anyone who wishes to read and learn.

Last edited by greenman (5/30/2020 12:55 pm)

Posted by greenman
5/30/2020 12:46 pm

Incidentally, he DID call my initial criticism of him (which he ADMITS was a condescending post on his part) "imbecilic."  I remember it clearly, and his claims to the contrary are a LIE.  Indeed, most of his post is either pretentious, dishonest, mischaracterized, or flat-out absurd.  If he's truly left Kenny Boy's board, Ken's luckier than he knows.  The poster is absolute garbage in human form.

Posted by Siagiah
5/30/2020 1:14 pm

I saw it when it was sent to me via email after Trish had expressed her dismay in another thread and I was confused by what she was talking about.

I'm EXTREMELY disappointed that Sir Real either chose to refuse/ignore (or didn't see) my offer of a COURTESY LOG IN so that he could have his say to you right here and keep it OFF of the main boards.  He didn't see or ignored it in favor of taking it over there, ensuring that he got "even" by "mugging" two of our regulars who'd have zero opportunity to defend themselves, exactly what he was complaining about. 

It is very disappointing that he didn't bother to mention that courtesy log in had been offered OR that he was heartily defended here multiple times.

Also, c'mon, he's not "human garbage".  He's just ANGRY, same as you are.


Posted by greenman
5/30/2020 1:35 pm

Yes, it's even more repugnant if you offered him a forum.  I suspect he likes to rant against real or perceived 'enemies,' but he's not too good at just plain, ordinary debate.  Seems to prefer flaming and running.  Not TOO surprised he'd 'neglect to mention' it, though...

Posted by Siagiah
5/30/2020 2:36 pm

This is the original post   I posted the insides of relevant posts.  The others are available by clicking the links associated with them if desired.

Accusations, problems, feuds, etc from other BBs are not allowed here.
Posted by Ken (ADMIN) on May 26, 2020, 6:24 pm

Edited by board administrator May 26, 2020, 6:50 pm
★ I am keeping this forum out of all feuds between other forums. Please, a little kindness goes a long way.

★ Posts complaining about or criticizing other forums will be deleted, even if "they" started it.

★ I don't allow accusations about people who are currently not posting here and who are unable to offer a righteous defense.

This has always been my unwritten policy. I plan on adding this to the list of rules at the top.   

This is how the thread transpired

"I don't allow accusations about people who are currently not posting here ... 
Posted by Sir Real on May 27, 2020, 5:07 am, in reply to "Accusations, problems, feuds, etc from other BBs are not allowed here."
... and who are unable to offer a righteous defense."

Sound policy, Ken. Moreover, your ethical sensitivity, as reflected in the translation of such fair-minded principle into practical action, I think, is commendable.

Not all boards, however, have such a fair-minded prohibition in force. Of particular concern, IMO, would be "registration required" boards that allow the bad-mouthing of persons who are unable to offer a righteous defense there due to their being unregistered at the site, whether for their own considered reasons or, OTOH, because the forum admin prefers it that way, whatever the case may be.

Consider, for example, the case of an innocent individual who is "mugged" in the "back alley" of such a forum -- liberally trashed in a thoroughly misinformative and misrepresentative post contributed by, say, an individual who is currently banned from this board. There is no self-defensive recourse available to the victim here (prohibited). There is no recourse at the "scene of the crime" (registration required). What avenue(s) of redress might be open to such a victim?

Ethical questions for consideration:

1. Should a mugger as described above (banned here, back-stabbing one or more of this board's posters elsewhere) be deemed to have surrendered his "right to protection" here on account of having engaged in such conduct and the prohibition shielding him from being righteously targeted by his back-stabbed victim(s) be one-time waived in the interest of leveling the playing field, even if only for a moment? (Ken, your words "will be deleted, even if 'they' started it" seem to suggest that your answer would be NO, but whether that is the case or not, I think it would be interesting to see others' opinions [in addition to your own] on the question.)

2. Alternatively, suppose such a victim were to consider posting a righteous defense against such an unscrupulous attack on some board -- any board -- whose policy regarding such an action, if any, is unstated and/or unknown. Might there be any ethical consideration(s) at all to be pondered in deliberating whether to take such action? (Ya know, depending on (a) the identity of the attacker and (b) the identity of the board, that board's admin might actually regard such a contributin as being more like a presentation of a valued trophy than an unwelcome dumping of foreign matter.)

Thoughts, anyone?

Thought provoking and yes, interesting ethical quandary[size=200].[/size]
Posted by Siagiah on May 27, 2020, 9:17 am, in reply to ""I don't allow accusations about people who are currently not posting here ..."
When the Blue forum was built and "the back alley", in particular, created, there was the presumption that rowdy discussions there would be between the involved individuals or individuals who HAD recourse whether right there, on their own boards, or on a board where it was allowed. It was considered a "safety valve" to prevent the "board wars" that constantly broke out and made things incredibly ugly sometimes. We wanted it OFF of the main boards and sequestered in one spot.

It's never been an issue before that someone had nowhere to protest something written. However, you happen to be one of the few who has virtually NO PLACE to mount a defense or to have your say if attacked in the back alley by someone, as I just noticed that you were this morning.

I agree with you that it is unfair and unjust and I'm not okay with that. I'm giving it serious consideration and will consult with our mod group on how to address that particular situation.
I put together a post setting the record straight over the weekend

Posted by Sir Real on May 27, 2020, 11:18 am, in reply to "Thought provoking and yes, interesting ethical quandary."

with an eye toward dropping it on the white board sometime this week. Thought I'd put the feelers out (with the above post, and in particular question #2) to see if anyone might have anything to say that might possibly dissuade me from following through. So far no one has even touched question #2, so looks like it's a go. Also, the post to come is quite scathing and I wanted to contribute a post such as today's to serve in something of a preparatory role for what's to come. Wouldn't want to shell-shock anyone by dropping such a heavy load out of the blue.

I figure either the post will be routinely deleted in a matter of minutes or, OTOH, they just might eat it up over there and frame it for posterity. I will leave it waiting in the wings for another day or two to see if the consultation of which you speak happens, as the post could require a few minor modifications, depending on the results of that possible consultation, if any. It can be posted just as easily on Friday as today or tomorrow.

Never mind.
Posted by Sir Real on May 27, 2020, 12:38 pm, in reply to "Thought provoking and yes, interesting ethical quandary."

I see the AH troll GOG is once again violating our DNR. I am done.

I have better places to be and better things to do. That great Freedom Fighter GOG is now free to GFH, out of my sight, out of my mind.

Been nice posting with you over the years.

Ken, thanks for everything (hope you see this).


  • I'm sorry to see you go. - Siagiah May 27, 2020, 1:00 pm
  • Posted by Siagiah on May 27, 2020, 1:00 pm, in reply to "Never mind." 
  • Be well and be safe. Anytime you want to join Blue, you'll be welcomed.
  • I also understand if you don't.  I'm not at all sure what you'd planned on "dropping", but it can be arranged to let you drop it in the back alley if you wanted to have your say there. Email me if that is something you might want to do and I'll give you a log in to use anytime you wanted to have your say.
  • email to cpd.monitors@gmail.com will find its way to me directly.

  • Slow down a little. Be patient.  Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 on May 27, 2020, 2:07 pm, in reply to "Never mind.
  • Not everyone reads or posts every day, so let your questions have some time. Furthermore they're not questions answerable right away without some considerable thought.

  • First, a long history of animosity and provocation exists between the people of this discussion and question. Some of that extended into private, personal, real life through publication not only of real names, but accompanied by untrue accusations of child molestation and sexual misconduct with children, and minors as causes for real life situations.

    Some of that abuse came from multiple names, nics, and IP addresses traced to and proven from a real origin.

    Without user registration, libellous posts like those appeared randomly, cyclically, predictable in wee hours of night or morning when moderation slept, leaving messes to be cleaned in morning upon discovery.

    An abuse database was established, dominated by a few individuals who even spammed that in effort to remove their nickname from the front page due to frequenacy of their reported abuses. Nothing came of those abuses either.

    Other, independent abuse databases on the Internet exist, and nicknames and evidence of abuse from this same handful of trouble are documented and archived on them.

    At CGD, after long thought and argument, we agreed to require registration in effort to curtail and control the frequent abuse by this small handful of trouble. So far it worked well. We screen "applications," and those from individuals seeking "membership" whose IP addresses match those in the independent Internet abuse datasbases are subsequently denied.

    Dislike of the board remains an ongoing topic by some individuals likely denied admission. We simply took measures and steps to finally stop that abuse.

    This isn't really a matter of a victim's right to face his accusers or attackers. How can that exist on a forum where nicknames represent individuals, and anybody can be anybody?

    To borrow a moment and idea from Star Trek, the Prime Directive prohibits human interference with alies cultures. It applies to superior technology humans might acquire, and supply of same to less developed cultures, where superior technology in wong hands is socially destructive.

    It might be argued that we as a society are not ready for this technology of the Internet and Social Media, including abilitiy of anyone to be anyone, publish anything in any media, and interact productively or destructively with others. The destructive posts, habits and history on which this discussion is based, are why.



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