Were any of you still awake when MF barged into R&E last night ??

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Posted by Siagiah
2/10/2020 1:40 am

Oh, and yeah, you missed two trashing posts by "Ass-King" (aka mongo) against you.  They were NASTY and HATEFUL, as usual, and one included an absolutely disgusting human male, fatter'n imaginable and nearly naked sitting in front of his computer.  The other used some of your disses made into videos (nose picking)  against you, saying you're a nose picker and other stupid crap.  Obvious who it was.

Ken already removed them. 

Posted by Poppet
2/10/2020 11:57 am

I must have missed it, too. Not surprising: I'm one (of many) posters HH has always exhibited irrational hatred for. That guy's got some serious anger issues...

Posted by Siagiah
2/10/2020 1:57 pm

You've nailed that one right.  He turned on me like a rabid dog when I stood up for you and refused to allow him access to Blue. 

He was always trying to manipulate me and his true self came out when he realized that it wasn't working.  No loss.  He was typically far more trouble than he was worth.  The little that he did contribute could never make up for the ridiculous and relentless attacks on everyone he didn't like.  I grew tired of trying to get through to him, hoping he'd improve and realized that it was a waste of my time and effort.  My patience is long, but it is NOT endless. That was a fool's errand and one I intend to NEVER repeat.

There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with anyone with such irrational hatred for folks they don't even know and such an unhealthy need to disrupt and destroy.


Posted by Poppet
2/10/2020 3:18 pm

I don't get that kind of thinking, either. I don't want to, really. Best to just remove such disruptive, angry folk from the conversation, as has been done here. It's not our job to act as therapy providers for troubled souls.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/10/2020 3:33 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Apricot Brandy is absolutely HH.  Saying that Sara is mongo's main enabler is CLASSIC HH. 

Its like havin' a bag full of sheep's eyeballs. You reach in blind and don't know what you're gonna get. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/10/2020 3:46 pm

True enough.  Tough lesson for me to stumble across folks who LIKE being troubled souls and causing trouble wherever they go. 

I am a peacemaker from git to go.  It is my nature to try to help folks get along better by reaching out to better understand them and find out what makes them tick.  Also to get folks to see others in a different light than their current negative ones.  I firmly believe that there is something of value in everyone.  However, some folks PREFER their negative views/behavior and just don't want to put down their fists or to give a single inch.  Once that is established, there's simply no further point in wasting an ounce of my limited of energy on them.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/12/2020 12:26 pm

What's orange and white
and goes through four days of ignorance,
except for two replies by a troll and a mocker? 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/12/2020 12:31 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/12/2020 4:16 pm

ROFLMAO... Did he kick off another poster ?? 
Too funny how DEAD his board is.  He should just put it out of its misery.  It's become an embarrassment.  More than usual, I mean.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/12/2020 8:17 pm

Siagiah wrote:

ROFLMAO... Did he kick off another poster ?? 
Too funny how DEAD his board is.  He should just put it out of its misery.  It's become an embarrassment.  More than usual, I mean.


First, orange is his color. Rubbed off from his leader. 
Second, yes, he booted "Butt Kicker."

Immediately below those dead days, are the
Mondo Chronicles, aka Mondo Diatribes; 
a series of subject Q&A where he answered himself
more than a dozen times, in the largest block of
activity on the site in months. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
2/13/2020 11:13 am

It's more than a little ironic that it's become the low-traffic echo chamber they so often accused this board of being.

Posted by Siagiah
2/13/2020 2:04 pm

I know, right ??  It's bizarre that mongo doesn't even make an effort very often to post on his own board and kicked out more than HALF of his participants.  A few have come over to Blue and some to R&E because there's NOTHING going on there on WW

Posted by greenman
2/13/2020 7:39 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

What's orange and white
and goes through four days of ignorance,
except for two replies by a troll and a mocker? 


His Politics-Free Fridays don't even attract any comment anymore - an idea I gave him (he wanted to do it one Friday, I suggested EVERY Friday and he enthusiastically accepted the idea) but which has, like his board, fizzled out.

No wonder he wants to crash other boards and attack this one...smh

Posted by Ken C
2/13/2020 11:15 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Second, yes, he booted "Butt Kicker."

Butt Kicker is Apricot Brandy/Ted Turner's Toenails/Karma /Heavy Hemi who is banned from R&E too.

I don't know what's wrong with that person.  It's funny how he wastes so much time posting things when I can delete them in a few seconds.


Last edited by Ken C (2/14/2020 12:27 am)

Posted by Siagiah
2/14/2020 12:13 am

Who knows Ken ??  Some folks enjoy that sort of nonsense.
mongo did it on Blue ALL the time... ALL the time...

There is something weird about Karma on WW though.  I don't think it's the same as the Karma that was on your board.  Especially since it wasn't removed on WW.  Ya know ?? 

That said, "Ted Turner's Toenails" ???  Seriously, that's a name he used ??  LOL


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/14/2020 1:52 am

Siagiah wrote:

Who knows Ken ??  Some folks enjoy that sort of nonsense.
mongo did it on Blue ALL the time... ALL the time...

There is something weird about Karma on WW though.  I don't think it's the same as the Karma that was on your board.  Especially since it wasn't removed on WW.  Ya know ?? 

That said, "Ted Turner's Toenails" ???  Seriously, that's a name he used ??  LOL


Often in the wee hours of the morning, so we had a mess to clean up first thing. Most irritating was he'd  go back as far as he could- a year even, and post something on an irrelevant, long forgotten thread that brought it back to top of the page. Often embedded in a monster thread with lots of discussion. We'd have to find his post, usually small and buried with a false name. Sometimes a "message" and sometimes not. Done solely to disrupt. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/14/2020 1:55 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/14/2020 2:23 pm

He did that because he objected to us sorting by activity instead of by date.  He couldn't accept that we did things differently, so he started pulling that crap just to annoy us because he could.  It was WORSE when the board first changed to sort by activity after Donatello's death when AayJay, Merlin, and I ran it and made the change in 2009.  He's nothing but a disrupter and a troublemaker. 

HH has always done a little of it, but NO ONE has ever been as bad, as nasty, or as relentless as mongo in disrupting other boards on purpose.


Posted by greenman
2/14/2020 3:22 pm

Even HH isn't as bad as the Idiot Tag Team of yome and GOG.  Not a hundred IQ points between them, and they spam EVERY thread, particularly GOG.

Letting him return was a mistake.  I'm on the verge of DNRing him.  Started a thread about ANTIFA and that Civil War reenactment group, and those two idiots are spamming the hell out of it.  I've already reported it to Ken.

Between the proselytization of one and the absurd conspiracies of the other, R & E is sinking fast.


Posted by Siagiah
2/14/2020 5:09 pm

Well, they may be obnoxious, but DNRing them won't stop them from posting their idiocy, only from posting it TO you.  If either one is harassing you with responses designed to annoy you, then absolutely, ask for it, but if they just bug you because they are able to post, a DNR isn't going to help at all.

I asked for one against yome because he was deliberately trying to annoy me with his proselytizing even though he knows darned well that I find it extremely insulting for him to spam me with it after telling him that I'd already once believed, reconsidered and ultimately REJECTED his version as pure bupkis.   I already explained that to him multiple times, asked him to stop, and he simply ignored that and relentlessly bombarded me with his crap every time I posted. 

That is blatant and deliberate disrespect that can only be stopped with a DNR or leaving the board.  I have NO intentions of leaving the board because he behaves like a cretin. 

GOG is, was, and always will be a conspiracy theorist and racist.  It's who he is.  I typically ignore his posts if I'm just not in the mood for his brand of crazy.  It's actually quite easy to do.  Same with jb and yome's posts, provided they weren't responding to ME. 

Letting GOG back in was kind of a mistake, IMHO, because he DOES spam everything...  However, OTOH, he's not a nasty troublemaker or constantly hateful, so he's easy enough to ignore.  Occasionally he even posts something a bit interesting, when he's not perusing the crazy toons sites.  Plus, some enjoy giving him "the business" and the back'n'forth, so I can see why Ken decided to let him return. 

It's all good though.  If GOG annoys you, annoy him right back by refusing to open or respond to his posts.  HE HATES THAT !!  LOL.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/14/2020 11:26 pm

Yome reminds me of Bill from Alice in Wonderland. So challenged he must think to blink. 

Careful! This is a mesmerizing, wonderful, barely known film. Best adaptation of the original story I know. 
Filmed as a stage play. Set design, costuming, make up without parallel or rival anywhere. I mean this is
one of the very best films I ever saw. The all star cast, and music of John Barry. It just absolutely melts my 
heart with the wonder of the human spirit and imagination. Most of all, it exposes the delicate beauty of equations
in a way to make them permeated with deep personality.

Oh yes... Bill. You can forward the movie to this mark: 29.30 through 33.10
to see Bill in action. You tell me if that isn't Yome! 
We can discuss it after you see it. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/15/2020 2:24 am

I've seen this a few times. Watched the section. Bill is certainly annoying and dimwitted. Is that what you'd meant about him being like yome?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/16/2020 7:18 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I've seen this a few times. Watched the section. Bill is certainly annoying and dimwitted. Is that what you'd meant about him being like yome?

Bill's slow, dimwitted, fears everything, angers easily, gets himself in trouble, and will throw anything as an offensive weapon. 

Who or what is Sir Real. Surreal. List of word players in this meaning is very short. Only
a few do it, and none too well. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/16/2020 7:38 pm

Sir Real used to be called "Pud" and, for awhile, "Edmund".  He's a good guy.  I consider him a friendly and find him to be reasonable and smart. 
Why do you ask ??


Posted by Siagiah
2/16/2020 7:54 pm

OMG Pikes... I went looking to see what you could be talking about.
You've made a huge mistake and I hope that you'll fix it.


The old joke a few years ago about Texas was when you were dissing Sprout and this one about the South tweaking was obviously tweaking yome.  Problem is, several on R&E are Southerners and, OF COURSE, they take it personally, even if you didn't intend that. 

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/17/2020 1:28 am

Siagiah wrote:

OMG Pikes... I went looking to see what you could be talking about.
You've made a huge mistake and I hope that you'll fix it.


The old joke a few years ago about Texas was when you were dissing Sprout and this one about the South tweaking was obviously tweaking yome.  Problem is, several on R&E are Southerners and, OF COURSE, they take it personally, even if you didn't intend that. 

Done. I understand. The quote was written as an obvious truism. Of course the South is full of Southerners. This was meant to poke fun at the stereotype and those who use and believe it. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/17/2020 1:50 am

I'm very pleased that you've lived up to my high regard of you.  I knew that you would immediately try to make amends because you're an honorable person. 

I was all but sure that I knew what had happened there when you didn't explain yourself when he confronted you, but got flippant with him instead. Any potential doubt was gone when you mentioned "sock puppet" and him being drunk.  Still, I recognized that it had to come from you. 

As for the truism, unfortunately, most folks would take that the wrong way and feel insulted. I have to admit that I would too because there's no visual cues that you'd meant it any other way than as an insult.  Although, I was sure that the insult wasn't supposed to be for anyone but yome & GOG, not southerners in general.  Maybe there's a better way to phrase it to convey what you actually mean so no one misunderstands in the future ??

It's too bad that I didn't see that exchange earlier, before it went downhill.  I'd have told you right away that he wasn't who you thought he was. 

Hopefully, he'll see that you are sincerely sorry and accept that you didn't mean it how it looked and then was so flippant towards him because you thought he was mongo once again giving you grief. 

Anyway, give it some time.  He's a good guy and I doubt that he wants to be at odds.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/17/2020 12:35 pm

I was exhausted when I got in last night, read that, and replied. 
I explained better this morning. I feel a little funny too. Hard time concentrating. 
Slept poorly last night. Bad dreams. Vivid too. 
One of the other players had a seizure during the performance. Right in front of me too.
He moved to begin a solo he had, and fell off his chair onto the floor, clutching
his horn. When his eyes rolled, we knew he was having a seizure. Everything stopped,
and people came in to help. Minutes passed and he was helped off stage. As he left
with help, he was still having tremors. 
We've had that happen with people in the audience. But never with a player. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/17/2020 1:44 pm

WOW, that's awful.  Poor guy.  I hope that he's going to be alright ??

I hope that Sir Real will recognize that you are sincerely sorry for the exchanges that occurred and realize that you have a "different kind of sense of humor" than many others so he can find his way to believing that you actually didn't mean to insult all Southerners, but were only making a sarcastic reference to stereotypes that both GOG and yome embody.  Problem with that is that it is far too easily misunderstood.

I know you pretty well and STILL miss a lot of your humor if it's not spelled out more clearly. 

What I recall about the exchanges about Texas, from years ago, were towards Sprout and his stereotypical responses and attitudes that you found offensive when you made a similar comment.  You also mentioned something about the people there whom you found lacking because they embraced a former educator/administrator from your Colorado school dept.  I don't recall the details, but it was all designed to slap Sprout for his nonsense responses.  I recall Sir Real, then using the moniker "Pud", being very annoyed and expressing it and you thought he was a notorious troll, so were dismissive with him then too.  I'd forgotten it until he mentioned it a couple of nights ago when talking to you. 

I know that mongo has been absolutely HORRID to you, but it isn't always him when someone expresses discontent to you.  He's done such a number on you that you seem to always think it is.  Be careful with that.  It's better to be "taken in" a time or two than to mistakenly target someone who isn't him and then end up in a pickle trying to explain yourself.  I can readily identify with that because it happened to me many years ago when I first came to webapps and saw "my tormenter" behind everything and most of the time I was mistaken. 

If others actually knew what kind of horrible things that mongo has done to you IRL and online, then they might better understand why you react the way you do when you think that it's him.  However, most really DON'T know what he's done to you so they totally don't get it at all.  You cannot spell it out on R&E because he's banned, so it's against the rules to spell it out.  So, just recognize that it's not enough to just say that you thought it was him and they'll instantly understand like some others of us do.  Just try not to always assume it is, because oftentimes, it isn't.

BTW, you should consider asking for a DNR against ASKING because he constantly targets you on R&E.  We all know who it is, so why LET him continue targeting you like he constantly does there ??  Force him to have to switch his IP to try to go after you from now on.  If you have a DNR and he uses the same IP as "ASKING", then Ken will readily see that he's violating the DNR. So, make him have to work for it if he goes after you.

Just send Ken an email asking for it and tell him why. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/17/2020 7:23 pm

Ah yes. Pud was briefly embroiled in Sprout being Sprout, bringing out the worst in me. I remember that. 
I believe I apologized to Pud back then, but don't know if he ever saw it. I don't recall seeing his name again, until now as Sir Real. 

It was the immediacy of his response to the Southerners remark along with taunts of my alleged running away and cowardice that led me to think it was Mondo. Since I did not really interact with Sir Real before, I didn't know who that was, and since Mondo has been numerous different names on R&E, I thought it was him. 

He's probably laughing himself into a fit of apoplexy. Maybe he'll swallow his tongue, or his nose. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/17/2020 9:11 pm

Don't let yourself get too stressed out about it.  It will all work out. 
Screw mongo, who cares about him ??

Posted by Siagiah
2/20/2020 9:38 pm

Do you mean from today ??  Oops you did it again - or something similar ??  That was HH, I'm pretty positive.


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