Were any of you still awake when MF barged into R&E last night ??

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Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2020 12:42 pm

Were any of you still awake when MF barged into R&E and began posting like he owned the place.  I decided to go after him for such disrespect for Ken C and lambasted him brutally.  He tried to fight back, but it was an epic fail with the usual lies and nonsense.  He quickly ran off and hid behind sock puppets and Dee Dee's skirts, popping up now and then under his moniker when the sock puppets went silent.  No doubt changing from his anonymous proxy back and forth to his regular IP in an attempt to fool Ken, as usual. 

He got what he asked for.  The gist of my attacks on him were for his blatant disrespect for Ken's 18 month ban on him and his sneakiness in doing it when he KNEW Ken was working and couldn't stop him until long after the fact.  THREE DAYS in a row, no less, because he found out that Ken was in dire straits trying to earn money and make up for losing 2 weeks pay because of that disgusting customer making false claims against him to avoid paying for their ride.  Of course, he couldn't address THAT obvious truth, so he tried to smear me for calling him out for his gross misbehavior. Since he brought it up, I also mentioned many of his evil deeds against others, including his disgusting libel against Pikes and his online quest to convince everyone that HH is a paroled child molester.  As if HH would have EVER told him, or anyone else on board, his real name.  I demolished his idiotic claims.  Lo and behold, out comes "HELPER" and "ASS-KING" to defend him.  ROFLMAO. 

Dee Dee even tried to defend him a few times, by attacking me based on lies told to her by 2 liars.   ROFLMAO.  EPIC FAIL, as usual. 

GOG jumped in, but really didn't spend much time defending mf.  Hopefully, he's got a real clue who mf really is as a person and how little character he possesses.  I've noticed that GOG seems wary of trusting him, which is good because we all know what mf would do to him if he got any information he could use to hurt him.  Absolutely NO scruples in mf -- ZILCH.  GOG certainly found it all amusing but seemed to be a little upset because I put down most of my manners in favor of  attacking a monster who more than deserved it.

In any case, MF posted MULTIPLE threads that I deliberately trashed him in, knowing that Ken would delete it all, so waged "no holds barred" attacks on him. 

Of course, Ken deleted it all around 1 - 2 AM as I'd sent him the links to it all with the acknowledgement that I'd deliberately blown it up to give MF EXACTLY what he deserves for doing that to Ken, KNOWING that Ken was working his BUTT OFF trying to recoup whatever he could of his lost 2 weeks of wages.  What an AH mf is to do that to him, 3 days in a row, just because he KNEW that Ken was so busy and unable to stop it until mf finished his "fun".

I think that mf was trying to make it look like he'd been accepted back when he KNOWS he's got another full year to go, IF Ken ever lets him back.  I think that Ken is getting a full view of why mf is perma-banned on Blue.  

We should ALL attack mf when he shows up where he's banned.  He doesn't like confrontation when it is fact based and there's virtually NO DEFENSE.  So he sends out his sock puppets instead.  Funny thing though, "ASS-KING" pretty much admitted that he IS mf with several things that he said, displaying a vast knowledge of mf/R&E/Blueboard history directly after claiming, against all logic, that he DOESN'T know mf or even who he is on the boards. ROFLMAO.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.  mongo actually admitted it.  Of course, that's all gone now. 

You'd all have LOVED watching  mf unable to deny that he's a dishonest, unethical, immoral, juvenile, lying, DRUNKEN TROLL with nothing better to do than crash places he doesn't belong.  The only thing he tried to deny is that he's a DRUNK, which we all know he is.  He didn't have ANY defense for crashing in and libeling others, other than trying to deflect from it by accusing me of being "nasty" and attacking him.  Yeah, I did exactly that and I'll do it again if he does something so disgusting as taking advantage of Ken's difficulties again, especially with such blatant disrespect.

I had a little fun with him tossing some "diddling little boys" accusations at him because he likes to toss it around against others in insidious ways that damage reputations.  Obviously, that's not true, he's more into molesting unsuspecting females and "swinging".  In his own smarmy and lecherous way, he loves lovely young ladies (over the age of consent at least) but I SERIOUSLY doubt any of them see him as anything but an old, fat clown desperate for attention and admiration from beautiful women and others that he thinks he deserves.  Here's a clue for mf, getting a selfie with a star doesn't make them your friend.  LOL.  Seems like he thinks that it does or fools others because he used to post the photos as if he was out on the town with them and not just getting a free selfie that most stars will tolerate from their fans because they kinda have to. 

I couldn't believe that he actually posted a thread looking for sympathy from others because I attacked him for crashing R&E behind Ken's back.  It was too funny that he actually expected anyone to stick up for him besides DeeDee and his sock puppets.

"Poor thing" (sarcasm dripping), he must be bored and lonely with only the lame posts of the few people who frequent his dead board.  Without the lame tweets and silly battles with FotM, there would be virtually NO posts there.  No wonder he was BEGGING for posters he abused to come back.  No wonder he let Fact of the Matter/True Grit return after trashing his board with a few hundred one word posts a few months ago.  The same sort of thing that mf used to do on Blue in the middle of the night, to disrupt things.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/26/2020 1:21 pm

MF must have been drinking again. Angry drunk. Drunk and a lech.
Lech and old, wrinkled, shrunken, shriveled swinger. The other day
he preached Bible verses. on R&E. And yeah, he's been on a tear. 

Swingers have their circles, and truck stops have B&W mags where
they parade their lifestyle with pride. Bet you his mug and ass decorate
many a photo. Old money to burn and no talent. No self discipline. 

I missed last nights assault on decency. But that too is his style.
How many times in the morning did we find our threads disrupted
from a late night MF attack?

He'd go back and find very old threads and post something tiny and hidden
to bring them back up top, and push the current discussion down and
off the page. Then there were his libelous posts about HH by real name
and me, and the accusations of child molesting! That will be his undoing,
but before that can happen, there's the ongoing criminal investigation. 
Lord knows who else and how many he feloniously stalked. 

He has more names and fake addresses than anyone can manage. 
He requires constant management and lots of censure and deletion. 
Hopefully Ken got a MF education.
Total banishment is the only effective control. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/26/2020 1:26 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
1/26/2020 2:49 pm

Doesn't surprise me that he's attacking R & E, given the success of his sockpuppet Asking and Ken's problems...and the near-death of his own worthless White Whine board.

I see Asking has now DNRed Sia, as he did me, which was another tipoff as to who he is.  He's also posted a reference to his own earlier post whining about this board.  And, after I derided an article he posted as Asking in a post to someone else, without mentioning him by name, he's now posted a 'reminder' about board DNRs - itself more of a violation than my post was in the first place. 

DeeDee the Dimwit had a nice Freudian slip in which she mentioned Mongo by name and then claimed it was due to 'auto-correct.'  What an annoying cow she is...I may end up DNRing her, given that there's absolutely no value in posting to her or even reading her empty content.

And don't even get me started about DFM and his Zionism and climate fascism....smh

What a board.

Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2020 6:13 pm

In all fairness, that WAS an "autofill" error because it's precisely what she posted to me last night, so it auto-filled itself.  She should FIX her auto-fill to only OFFER previous posts and not fill them in automatically.

She doesn't have enough sense to LOOK at what she's posting before she posts it.  I believe that she's also been TOLD how to stop it, but doesn't seem to understand simple directions.


Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2020 7:58 pm

Truly AMAZING.  Ass-king complained that I called him mongo and made a comment about him diddling the kids in retaliation for the disgusting crap & attacks on me that he posted both to me and against everyone else.  The diddling insult was in response to both Ass-King and mongo lobbing similar accusations against both Merlin and Greenman.  Of course, it's all disappeared now.   Ass-King is OBVIOUSLY just as thin skinned and pathetic as his real self, mongo.  Funny how he CLAIMS he doesn't know mongo or anything about him, yet he's the FIRST poster who rushed out to defend mongo. He also seems to know a BUTT-LOAD of information that NO "newbie" would possibly ever know.

The behavior pattern is IDENTICAL to that of mongo.  Immediately asking for multiple DNRs for others dishing out to him the EXACT behavior that he's dished out to those he complains about, just like mongo.   Same "enemies" as mongo and same terminology used to insult.  Even the same gifs used.  What's the likelihood of that ??  Same style of posting.  Same reactions.  Same "buddies".  He's proven it to ALL of us more times than I can count exactly who he is.  He's afraid that one of us is going to show everyone that he IS, in fact mongo.

Yet Ken STILL refuses to see it because "there's no proof".  BS there's no proof.  In any case, it's pointless to bother trying to help someone who refuses to help himself or to see the OBVIOUS.  He's getting played.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/26/2020 11:52 pm

​ROFLMFAO! Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Deana
One is drunk, the other is old. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/26/2020 11:53 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2020 12:11 am

One's a drunk and the other is a dimwitted bimbo.  BOTH are old, but she is older than anyone on the boards. 

Almost amusing that either idjit doesn't get it that mongo DOESN'T BELONG on R&E.  He's pissy because I called him out on it ??  Does he really think that he had ANY right being there when he's banned for 18 months.  He's the most entitled SOB imaginable. 

Absolutely a scream that he's WHINING about it.  ROFLMAO. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/27/2020 1:15 pm

Siagiah wrote:

One's a drunk and the other is a dimwitted bimbo.  BOTH are old, but she is older than anyone on the boards. 

Almost amusing that either idjit doesn't get it that mongo DOESN'T BELONG on R&E.  He's pissy because I called him out on it ??  Does he really think that he had ANY right being there when he's banned for 18 months.  He's the most entitled SOB imaginable. 

Absolutely a scream that he's WHINING about it.  ROFLMAO. 


They're both pieces of work that compliment each other and nothing else. Hard to imagine someone of her advanced age writing like a Los Angeles valley girl of the 1980's. 

I heard Mondo's "playing" on his clavinova, two links on CPD. I was surprized he had the nerve to put them up. Are they bad? OMG. Wrong notes, bad rhythms, total lack of sonority, beginner theory butchered, and that's what was good about it. If I was his clavinova, I'd run away. Of course he was complimented by his two or three fans. I think it must eat him alive to hear my music. In his case, rubbing it in is a privilege and pleasure. I hope he hears this. Recorded it last week. 

When he brought up his experience on R&E looking for sympathy, I howled! How dare you expose him! What part of "banned" doesn't he get? We know answer to that. Question is, does Ken realize what a monster he is? Although banned, he's there in other forms and disguises and has been all along. You CAN'T ban him. Too many identities, proxy abilities, IP addresses etc. When he is arrested, I hope ALL his computers are seized. That's the only thing that will stop him. Well, that and kicking the bucket. 

His swinger lifestyle is ... I saw his picture when I sought the oop. It is now expired because I must appear there in person to extend it. But since he's under investigation, it really isn't necessary. There's a trucker porn business across the SE where swingers advertize and publish their lifestyle- called Lion's Den. Guess who has B&W, very poor quality pictures of guests and him at various "goose and duck soirees?" His is an unforgettable face. He's a throwback. One of those shrimpy "southern" men most especially mad at the world, and in his world, especially the Black man for envied endowment that must drive him as nuts as does my music. How small the mind is that lays open to the ravages of stereotype and exaggeration amplified by insane jealousy. 

Now that frequent mention of pedophilia accusation is attached to him, I have to wonder if there isn't some hidden closet secret about that in his life. Like the Ted Haggard, and others who drew from their own personal habits to accuse and attack others, and were "found out." It makes sense. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/27/2020 1:33 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2020 1:47 pm

You simply MUST share them in our "secret enclaves" so we can all laugh about them !! 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/27/2020 2:37 pm

Siagiah wrote:

You simply MUST share them in our "secret enclaves" so we can all laugh about them !! 



Mondo threatened another ban of a non fan. 

nh4 formula

Depth of intellectual discussion on CPD is deep as a horse footprint on hard clay. 
There's the twit's tweets, and the one line wonders written by his devoted decapitated fans still digesting food because they're too stupid to know they're dead, and little else. LOL!!! Fact!


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/27/2020 2:38 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2020 6:53 pm

ROFLMAO - I vaguely remember seeing some whacky ads like those in our local paper under the "personals".  I'm pretty sure there weren't any photos though.  Those are just TOO FUNNY !!

WOW on the exchanges on WW.  Does the dingbat NOT realize that the ONLY reason there are ANY posts there aside of inane tweets and one post threads is FACT of the MATTER ?? 

mongo is simply dumber'n'dirt.  His board is dying and will soon be dead.  Of course, he'll just keep crashing R&E under fake personas and get away with it, so why should he care ??


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/27/2020 7:46 pm

Siagiah wrote:

ROFLMAO - I vaguely remember seeing some whacky ads like those in our local paper under the "personals".  I'm pretty sure there weren't any photos though.  Those are just TOO FUNNY !!

WOW on the exchanges on WW.  Does the dingbat NOT realize that the ONLY reason there are ANY posts there aside of inane tweets and one post threads is FACT of the MATTER ?? 

mongo is simply dumber'n'dirt.  His board is dying and will soon be dead.  Of course, he'll just keep crashing R&E under fake personas and get away with it, so why should he care ??


The swinger rags have photos. So technically, Mondo is published!  LOL!!! Fact!

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2020 8:16 pm

I didn't see any photos of him in the group of photos I skimmed.  I didn't check them all out, but looked at quite a few before feeling like I needed a shower. 

Some of the photos of folks advertising were downright gross looking people.

How did you happen to stumble across them ??  Was it part of the criminal investigation information you were given ??


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/27/2020 9:38 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I didn't see any photos of him in the group of photos I skimmed.  I didn't check them all out, but looked at quite a few before feeling like I needed a shower. 

Some of the photos of folks advertising were downright gross looking people.

How did you happen to stumble across them ??  Was it part of the criminal investigation information you were given ??


Questions asked. and what I knew. They didn't tell me anything, but their questions did. 
He wears glasses, has a round, fat, head, squinty eyes, tight, straight lipless lips, short hair cut, ungroomed. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2020 9:56 pm

Oh, I know what he looks like.  I just didn't see him in any that I looked at.
No biggie. 
BTW, I sent you & Greenman PMs in the "secret place" and you an email as well.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/27/2020 10:14 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Oh, I know what he looks like.  I just didn't see him in any that I looked at.
No biggie. 
BTW, I sent you & Greenman PMs in the "secret place" and you an email as well.


I replied with a PoI


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/07/2020 6:13 pm

Apparently a certain shithead (pardon my French) has spun out-of-control on the White Whine Board:
The Diary of a Sick, Mad Woman named SiaGhia and her Boy Toy Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 6, 2020, 9:28 pm These are some really sick people. They have been babbling about me and some of the rest of us for months in the dank, musty, foul bowels of that nasty Blew Board.


Were any of you still awake when MF barged into R&E and began posting like he owned the place. I decided to go after him for such disrespect for Ken C and lambasted him brutally. He tried to fight back, but it was an epic fail with the usual lies and nonsense. He quickly ran off and hid behind sock puppets and Dee Dee's skirts, popping up now and then under his moniker when the sock puppets went silent. No doubt changing from his anonymous proxy back and forth to his regular IP in an attempt to fool Ken, as usual.

He got what he asked for. The gist of my attacks on him were for his blatant disrespect for Ken's 18 month ban on him and his sneakiness in doing it when he KNEW Ken was working and couldn't stop him until long after the fact. THREE DAYS in a row, no less, because he found out that Ken was in dire straits trying to earn money and make up for losing 2 weeks pay because of that disgusting customer making false claims against him to avoid paying for their ride. Of course, he couldn't address THAT obvious truth, so he tried to smear me for calling him out for his gross misbehavior. Since he brought it up, I also mentioned many of his evil deeds against others, including his disgusting libel against Pikes and his online quest to convince everyone that HH is a paroled child molester. As if HH would have EVER told him, or anyone else on board, his real name. I demolished his idiotic claims. Lo and behold, out comes "HELPER" and "ASS-KING" to defend him. ROFLMAO.

Dee Dee even tried to defend him a few times, by attacking me based on lies told to her by 2 liars. ROFLMAO. EPIC FAIL, as usual.

GOG jumped in, but really didn't spend much time defending mf. Hopefully, he's got a real clue who mf really is as a person and how little character he possesses. I've noticed that GOG seems wary of trusting him, which is good because we all know what mf would do to him if he got any information he could use to hurt him. Absolutely NO scruples in mf -- ZILCH. GOG certainly found it all amusing but seemed to be a little upset because I put down most of my manners in favor of attacking a monster who more than deserved it.

In any case, MF posted MULTIPLE threads that I deliberately trashed him in, knowing that Ken would delete it all, so waged "no holds barred" attacks on him.

Of course, Ken deleted it all around 1 - 2 AM as I'd sent him the links to it all with the acknowledgement that I'd deliberately blown it up to give MF EXACTLY what he deserves for doing that to Ken, KNOWING that Ken was working his BUTT OFF trying to recoup whatever he could of his lost 2 weeks of wages. What an AH mf is to do that to him, 3 days in a row, just because he KNEW that Ken was so busy and unable to stop it until mf finished his "fun".

I think that mf was trying to make it look like he'd been accepted back when he KNOWS he's got another full year to go, IF Ken ever lets him back. I think that Ken is getting a full view of why mf is perma-banned on Blue.

We should ALL attack mf when he shows up where he's banned. He doesn't like confrontation when it is fact based and there's virtually NO DEFENSE. So he sends out his sock puppets instead. Funny thing though, "ASS-KING" pretty much admitted that he IS mf with several things that he said, displaying a vast knowledge of mf/R&E/Blueboard history directly after claiming, against all logic, that he DOESN'T know mf or even who he is on the boards. ROFLMAO. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. mongo actually admitted it. Of course, that's all gone now.

You'd all have LOVED watching mf unable to deny that he's a dishonest, unethical, immoral, juvenile, lying, DRUNKEN TROLL with nothing better to do than crash places he doesn't belong. The only thing he tried to deny is that he's a DRUNK, which we all know he is. He didn't have ANY defense for crashing in and libeling others, other than trying to deflect from it by accusing me of being "nasty" and attacking him. Yeah, I did exactly that and I'll do it again if he does something so disgusting as taking advantage of Ken's difficulties again, especially with such blatant disrespect.

I had a little fun with him tossing some "diddling little boys" accusations at him because he likes to toss it around against others in insidious ways that damage reputations. Obviously, that's not true, he's more into molesting unsuspecting females and "swinging". In his own smarmy and lecherous way, he loves lovely young ladies (over the age of consent at least) but I SERIOUSLY doubt any of them see him as anything but an old, fat clown desperate for attention and admiration from beautiful women and others that he thinks he deserves. Here's a clue for mf, getting a selfie with a star doesn't make them your friend. LOL. Seems like he thinks that it does or fools others because he used to post the photos as if he was out on the town with them and not just getting a free selfie that most stars will tolerate from their fans because they kinda have to.

I couldn't believe that he actually posted a thread looking for sympathy from others because I attacked him for crashing R&E behind Ken's back. It was too funny that he actually expected anyone to stick up for him besides DeeDee and his sock puppets.

"Poor thing" (sarcasm dripping), he must be bored and lonely with only the lame posts of the few people who frequent his dead board. Without the lame tweets and silly battles with FotM, there would be virtually NO posts there. No wonder he was BEGGING for posters he abused to come back. No wonder he let Fact of the Matter/True Grit return after trashing his board with a few hundred one word posts a few months ago. The same sort of thing that mf used to do on Blue in the middle of the night, to disrupt things.


Then, her Boy Toy "Symphony Man" Peaky Pikes chimed in:

MF must have been drinking again. Angry drunk. Drunk and a lech.
Lech and old, wrinkled, shrunken, shriveled swinger. The other day
he preached Bible verses. on R&E. And yeah, he's been on a tear.

Swingers have their circles, and truck stops have B&W mags where
they parade their lifestyle with pride. Bet you his mug and ass decorate
many a photo. Old money to burn and no talent. No self discipline.

I missed last nights assault on decency. But that too is his style.
How many times in the morning did we find our threads disrupted
from a late night MF attack?

He'd go back and find very old threads and post something tiny and hidden
to bring them back up top, and push the current discussion down and
off the page. Then there were his libelous posts about HH by real name
and me, and the accusations of child molesting! That will be his undoing,
but before that can happen, there's the ongoing criminal investigation.
Lord knows who else and how many he feloniously stalked.

He has more names and fake addresses than anyone can manage.
He requires constant management and lots of censure and deletion.
Hopefully Ken got a MF education.
Total banishment is the only effective control.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/26/2020 1:26 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony.


Then, nasty old GreenWeenie chimed in:

Doesn't surprise me that he's attacking R & E, given the success of his sockpuppet Asking and Ken's problems...and the near-death of his own worthless White Whine board.

I see Asking has now DNRed Sia, as he did me, which was another tipoff as to who he is. He's also posted a reference to his own earlier post whining about this board. And, after I derided an article he posted as Asking in a post to someone else, without mentioning him by name, he's now posted a 'reminder' about board DNRs - itself more of a violation than my post was in the first place.

DeeDee the Dimwit had a nice Freudian slip in which she mentioned Mongo by name and then claimed it was due to 'auto-correct.' What an annoying cow she is...I may end up DNRing her, given that there's absolutely no value in posting to her or even reading her empty content.

And don't even get me started about DFM and his Zionism and climate fascism....smh

What a board.

Posted by Siagiah
2/07/2020 9:14 pm

What a putz.

Posted by greenman
2/08/2020 12:07 pm

Now he's whining to Ken, trying to stir up trouble on other boads...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 8, 2020, 6:02 am 

I know that you think Sia and her muts are your friends, but you should see how they trash you and your board on their hate-filled hell-hole. Sis would trip her grandmother in the mud for a profit. Check it out:


One of nasty Sia's better slams to R&E:

"R&E is well on its way to being a trash heap again. Only this time, it will be WORSE. That's because all of the issues are back and MORE of them. Not looking forward to what it looks like there in another week." Siagiah Administrator 1/06/2020 8:24 pm

Last edited by greenman (2/08/2020 12:07 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
2/08/2020 1:09 pm

He's an idiot.  Ken knows exactly how I felt about what was going on. I told him myself.   Besides, does dimwit mongo NOT recognize that its OBVIOUSLY not a secret remark since even HE can read it??   

What a troublemaker he is.  Not that everyone doesn't already know that.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/08/2020 1:44 pm

Siagiah wrote:

He's an idiot. Ken knows exactly how I felt about what was going on. I told him myself. Besides, does dimwit mongo NOT recognize that its OBVIOUSLY not a secret remark since even HE can read it??

What a troublemaker he is. Not that everyone doesn't already know that.

Many and maybe most of Mondo's posts on R&E under his nic or some alias, are ad hominem attacks on people, and not discussion about issues. Those posts about issues attempt to trigger exchanges that lead to ad hominem attacks, his real intent and true love. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/08/2020 1:53 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/08/2020 3:26 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

He's an idiot. Ken knows exactly how I felt about what was going on. I told him myself. Besides, does dimwit mongo NOT recognize that its OBVIOUSLY not a secret remark since even HE can read it??

What a troublemaker he is. Not that everyone doesn't already know that.

Many and maybe most of Mondo's posts on R&E under his nic or some alias, are ad hominem attacks on people, and not discussion about issues. Those posts about issues attempt to trigger exchanges that lead to ad hominem attacks, his real intent and true love. 

There's a comical thread just below that where he made the initial post and filled in under it with a dozen or so further posts, ALL of them making fun of Democratic politicians with stupid 'jokes' and pictures.  He's so egomaniacal, and so bereft of posters, that he has to resort to creating fake threads on his own board...lol!

Posted by greenman
2/08/2020 6:20 pm

Just found out I was banned from Mongo's Whine Board.  I posted something out of curiousity, and it gave me this message:

"We're sorry, the board administrator has banned your IP address ( from posting messages to Civilized Personal Discussion."

lol...I've seldom been so honored...

Last edited by greenman (2/08/2020 6:20 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
2/08/2020 6:38 pm

Consider yourself BLESSED.  Being banned will help you resist temptation.
Still, I'm sure that you know how you can get around it ??  Find an anonymous proxy website.  I've never used one so can't recommend one, but I'm sure there are plenty out there since he and HH use them all the time.   He'll spend his time playing "whack-a-mole", just what he does on Ken's board and used to do on ours. 

Still, I'm not recommending it because it will make you as guilty as he is and unable to criticize him for it, but it's an option if you REALLY want to annoy him and don't care.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/09/2020 12:16 am

I never posted on Mondo's site, and am probably banned if I tried.
So consider yourself blessed as Sia wrote. 

If you want a belly laugh, consider Sia, you, and I are banned. Yet Mondo took our material from here, found by his snooping around, circumvented our ban and posted it on his site, on our behalf! If you want to post something there, write it here, and make sure there is something unflattering about Mondo in it. He'll carry the RAID into his nest. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/09/2020 12:18 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2020 12:50 am

True enough.  It never ceases to amaze me that he posts things said against him that are true as if others should be outraged by it.  No doubt, others snicker at his complete oblivion to the fact that he's taking insults and reports of his @$$whole-ery back to his own nest for his only remaining posters to see.

Every time he does it, I laugh out loud at what a flippin' clown he is in thinking ANYONE but him actually cares.


Posted by greenman
2/09/2020 6:44 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Consider yourself BLESSED.  Being banned will help you resist temptation.
Still, I'm sure that you know how you can get around it ??  Find an anonymous proxy website.  I've never used one so can't recommend one, but I'm sure there are plenty out there since he and HH use them all the time.   He'll spend his time playing "whack-a-mole", just what he does on Ken's board and used to do on ours. 

Still, I'm not recommending it because it will make you as guilty as he is and unable to criticize him for it, but it's an option if you REALLY want to annoy him and don't care.


I've never tried using proxies, and probably wouldn't ever do that.  I check in on Mongo's board once in awhile, but I doubt I'd ever go after it with a proxy.  Still, 'never say never,' right?

I sent an e-mail to Ken about a couple of Assking's posts on R & E, mostly attacking Pikes.  It's so obvious who he is, and I told Ken so.  We'll see what he thinks.


Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2020 7:53 pm

I have to say that I am DELIGHTED to read that you wouldn't stoop to their level because I consider that sort of behavior to be incorrigible and indefensible.  But I realize that not everyone feels or believes the same things.

Good on you for sending those posts.  They couldn't have been MORE obvious who it is behind them.  Who knows?  Maybe Ken will finally recognize that it IS you-know-who.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/10/2020 1:02 am

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Consider yourself BLESSED.  Being banned will help you resist temptation.
Still, I'm sure that you know how you can get around it ??  Find an anonymous proxy website.  I've never used one so can't recommend one, but I'm sure there are plenty out there since he and HH use them all the time.   He'll spend his time playing "whack-a-mole", just what he does on Ken's board and used to do on ours. 

Still, I'm not recommending it because it will make you as guilty as he is and unable to criticize him for it, but it's an option if you REALLY want to annoy him and don't care.


I've never tried using proxies, and probably wouldn't ever do that.  I check in on Mongo's board once in awhile, but I doubt I'd ever go after it with a proxy.  Still, 'never say never,' right?

I sent an e-mail to Ken about a couple of Assking's posts on R & E, mostly attacking Pikes.  It's so obvious who he is, and I told Ken so.  We'll see what he thinks.


Mondo alone does that, like that.
Unique to him.
Thanks for your supprt. 

I used to pay no attention to what he/they do. 
Lately I do as a keep friends close and enemies
closer understanding. 
In his case, that's a good and necessary practice. 
He is capable of anything. 

Did I miss something on R&E again?
I had a gig. 
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee have issues.
Dum, as Apricot Brandy, went after Poppet for 
sounding like Mondo. 
Such an angry drunk!

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/10/2020 1:18 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/10/2020 1:36 am

Apricot Brandy is absolutely HH.  Saying that Sara is mongo's main enabler is CLASSIC HH. 


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