tRUMP is mad he 'didn't get a thank you' for John McCain's funeral !!

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Posted by Siagiah
3/20/2019 11:23 pm

Sia: -- You've GOT to be kidding … tRUMP insists upon going lower -- Even when a guy is 6 feet under ground.

Trump is mad he 'didn't get a thank you' for giving John McCain the 'funeral he wanted'

Trump is mad that he "didn't get a thank you" for giving John McCain the "funeral he wanted"

President Trump's feud with the late Sen. John McCain has become a downright obsessive vendetta.

 Despite the fact that the former GOP senator died nearly six months ago, Trump has decided in the past few days to dig up his favorite McCain insults and seemingly launch them at random. He tied McCain to the Steele dossier in some tweets on Sunday, and then ranted about McCain's thumbs-down vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro again on Tuesday.

 But things got intensely personal on Wednesday, with Trump bragging about how he gave McCain "the kind of funeral that he wanted" in a speech at an Ohio army tank plant. Trump said that McCain's funeral was something he "had to approve," but added that "I don't care about this." Trump then showed he really did care by claiming he "didn't get a thank you."

ABC News  @ABC  
Pres. Trump on the late Sen. John McCain: "I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted—which as president I had to approve. I don't care about this. I didn't get a thank you. That's okay."   LINK TO THE VIDEO

Trump followed this new episode in his backlog of McCain rants with a repeat, describing how he "never liked" McCain much and "probably never will," and complaining about the Steele dossier and ACA vote again. He did not mention that the funeral McCain wanted was one without him in the audience.

Kathryn Krawczyk, The Week Magazine

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/21/2019 3:35 pm

Remember in America, when we were taught if we could not say something good about the dead, we should say nothing at all? 

If the McCains have any thanks due Trump, it should be "Thank you for staying away." 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
3/27/2019 12:17 pm

He's a genuinely creepy...individual (I won't call him a 'man,' since he can't act like one) and I'm glad the audience mostly stayed silent through his offensive comments about McCain.  I think that more and more Republicans have doubts about him.

Posted by Siagiah
3/27/2019 1:23 pm

I certainly hope that more and more Republicans are seeing him for exactly what he is.


Posted by Siagiah
3/28/2019 11:18 pm

ALL OF THE RESPONSES ABOUT THE MUELLER REPORT WERE COPIED and MOVED OVER TO THE THREAD "So the Mueller Report Dropped Today" because the topic head didn't match the discussion at all.  

I closed this topic while I was making the move.  I'm not sure now if I can reopen it ??  Learning curve and all.  UGH.

YES, WE CAN REOPEN CLOSED TOPICS.  It's found under "moderate forum" when the category (Politics etc.) is open without any particular topic open.  That's the place where we can open, close, and move topics to different forums if necessary.  Unfortunately, we can't move PART of a topic thread.  It's all or nothing.  That's why I copied them all over to the right topic thread. 

Last edited by Siagiah (3/28/2019 11:23 pm)


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