Tips, Tricks, and BBcode (like html) for posting on this forum

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Posted by Siagiah
3/14/2019 9:55 pm

This thread is going to be about the things discovered by me and others as we navigate the forum. 

 1-  I've discovered that we should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS preview posts to make sure they are posting as desired.  Sometimes it doesn't recognize spacing, especially when c&p from other places.  You can edit your posts, but it's just easier to preview it first to see if it looks right.

2- There is a HELP link on the top, right side of the space whenever you're composing a post.  There you can find all kinds of help in making your posts look the way you want them to.  These forums use BBcode more than regular html.  The most common codes are available at the HELP link
For more BBcode, check this out

3- For quick navigation of the multiple forums, look up at the top of the forum when it's on the HOME PAGE (INDEX).  (pictured below for your convenience)  On the right, directly beneath the dark blue separator, you'll find:

         Show new: posts, active topics
                           mark all threads as read 


If you click on "posts", all of the newest posts on EVERY forum will show up in a list.  If you click on "active topics", all threads with recent activity will show up in a list.  This makes it easier to navigate. 

        3b- Also,  you can find new posts by opening up the INDEX PAGE with all of the forums listed.  Look for the "dialogue box" in front of all of the individual board names for a "yellow star".  That means there are new posts in the last 24 hours in that forum.

4-  The forum automatically puts a BLUE DOT in front of topics you have participated in and a yellow star in front of topics with new responses in the previous 24 hours that you haven't already seen.


Posted by Siagiah
3/19/2019 12:51 pm

So, I've just discovered that if you use the QUICK POST**** box at the bottom, left of a thread, you aren't offered an opportunity to PREVIEW.  

However, if you use the POST REPLY feature WITHIN the post you want to reply to, then it DOES offer a PREVIEW..

If you fail to use the PREVIEW option, you CAN always edit your posts.  When you do, be SURE to use the preview option then so that you don't have to edit repeatedly.


Posted by Siagiah
3/19/2019 6:33 pm

When editing your own posts, you may immediately edit the body of your posts, but to edit subject lines, the forum has a  5 minute window that must pass before it allows subject line edits.

Avoid having to edit by always using PREVIEW to make sure that it is going to look the way you wanted it to.

If you need a THREAD to be completely removed, simply contact any moderator/admin and ask them to remove it for you or you can simply delete the contents and change the subject line to REQUEST DELETION and a mod will remove it when we notice it.

Members MAY remove their own posts within a thread, but DO NOT REMOVE A TOP POST in an entire thread, even if you created it, because it will take down the ENTIRE THREAD, with everyone else's post along with it.  DO... NOT... DO...THAT...

If you want to remove your own TOP post, just edit it all out and leave it there so as not to demolish the entire thread.


Posted by Siagiah
3/19/2019 7:25 pm

If you want to QUOTE another poster's words, just click on the QUOTE option within the post that you want to quote. 

It will automatically select the entire post, but you can edit it to include only what you want to quote. 

You may want to add a line, such as ================ or ------------------------ beneath the quote to clearly distinguish it from your text or you can use the ITALICS option. 

If a thread is fairly long OR has several responses after the one you want to respond to, it's best to use the QUOTE option so that readers know WHO & WHAT you are responding to, so as to avoid confusion.


Posted by Siagiah
3/19/2019 7:36 pm


Siagiah wrote:

If you want to QUOTE another poster's words, just click on the QUOTE option within the post that you want to quote. 

It will automatically select the entire post, but you can edit it to include only what you want to quote. 

You may want to add a line, such as ================ or ------------------------ beneath the quote to clearly distinguish it from your text or you can use the ITALICS option." 


============================================== (I added this line)
So, it appears that anything quoted is indented and within a "box".  It's easy to miss the end of the quote
so you may want to add " at the end as it is only automatically inserted at the start of the quote.  I also changed the quote to use ITALICS


Posted by Siagiah
3/28/2019 11:33 pm

This is a very cool link to check out.  It's found under the HELP option to the far right when posting.  Or you can click here if you are simply reading and want to check it out.

There's SO MUCH stuff there, including how to use a SPOILER box so that you can keep something "hidden" until someone is ready to read the spoiler or EXAMPLE: you want to discuss a movie that just came out without spoiling the end for those who haven't seen it, but want to discuss it with those who have.  So, create a SPOILER BOX and that way, others won't have the movie ruined for them accidentally.  Plus, so much more stuff you can do.  You can also use the shortcuts up top of this post composition box directly under the bolded blue word MESSAGE. 

This is what a SPOILER BOX looks like.  It's useful in acting questions for people to guess at or the punchline of a joke.

Ha Ha, made ya look


Posted by Siagiah
4/04/2019 9:26 pm

When posting, if you want to, you can choose to check  "Notify me when someone replies to this topic" so that you'll get an email notification if anyone responds to you.  I believe that you can UNCHECK it later on. 

That is especially useful if you don't want to pop in to check on activity, but just be notified if there IS any on anything you are interested in.

Posted by Siagiah
4/12/2019 10:48 pm

If you want to post a "spoiler", such as the answer to a question or a joke, but not have it seen until posters have a chance to figure it out for themselves, you can use something called a SPOILER button. 

You do it by posting the word "spoiler" surrounded by [ and ] -- then the answer -- then end it with the word "/spoiler" (with the / first) surrounded by [ and ].   DON'T use the " though

What results is something like this

Isn't this cool?


Posted by Siagiah
4/13/2019 5:08 pm

1- Posts must have something entered in the message section. If you have no message content to follow a subject line, you may enter a blank space so the forum will let it post. If you do, please add n/m after the subject title so others know there is no content. 

2- Always preview your posts to make sure that spacing and html codes are recognized.  You may EDIT posts later, but easier if done the way you want it the first time.  (I can't repeat that you should preview your posts often enough.  There are so many reasons why you should, especially as we all learn how to navigate this new forum style)

3- When clicking on links, they'll take you out of the forum, unless you use a "right click mouse" and choose "open in a new tab".  We're working on figuring out a work-around in posting links that will help with that.  Until then, just keep it in mind.

4- Administrators & Moderators can move entire threads from Forum to Forum if accidentally posted in the wrong category or by poster request.  We cannot move individual posts from a thread.  We can only delete them. 

5- Only the original post in any thread has a subject title.   It's a good idea to copy & paste that title into the lead post so that those who are reading the thread can readily see it as they read the body of your post.

6- Because only the original post has a subject title, if you plan to introduce multiple topics in a thread, include them all in the subject line. There will be NO INDICATION that the thread is about something other than the subject title, potentially limiting its audience.  That also makes it more important not to "hijack" a thread into a topic NOT in the original subject line.  Just start a new thread, they are free.  :-)

7- Since posts in a thread will all be subsequent to the one before it instead of forking off into separate roads, QUOTE anyone you are responding to if you are posting a response to an earlier post well below where you've found it in the thread.  Otherwise, posters may not know what or who you are responding to.  By quoting the relevant post, there will be no confusion about what you are reacting to.

8- It will take some time to get used to how threads flow in this new format.  Sometimes it might be better to start a NEW thread to respond to something early on in a large thread.  That is perfectly fine and actually a very good idea.  Use the subject line to describe the topic being responding to if you do that and feel free to cut/paste anything relevant so that respondents will know what has already been said.


Posted by Siagiah
4/20/2019 8:27 pm

When posting an article from on the web, always add at least one line (preferably TWO) between each paragraph because many articles' spacing will be ignored by Boardhost software and it will wind up being a giant jumble with no paragraph separations.  If you preview BEFORE adding a line space between them, then you'll have to spend considerable time figuring out where the paragraphs are supposed to break. 

First example is not adding the line (but I did add *to show where it should have been)
Mueller documented a ‘pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call’
Laurie L. Levenson is professor of law and David W. Burcham chair of ethical advocacy at Loyola Law School. She was formerly an assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles.*It is actually surprising how much Barr tried to spin this report in favor of the president. Given his prior public service, I had hoped Barr to rise to the occasion and be more forthright with the American public. But, he wasn’t. At minimum, the report details how the Trump campaign took advantage of Russian election interference, and the president himself made many efforts to stymie the investigation into what exactly happened. The report may not make a finding of criminal wrongdoing, but it certainly presents troubling behavior by a person who should be trying to protect our democracy.*After this report, I think that the Trump presidency will be forever under a cloud. The details of the report portray a president who is obsessed with his own political power and who was, in the report’s words, willing to engage in “multiple acts … that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations.” What is troubling here is that these were not simply individual acts by the president; it is a pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call in not authorizing the obstruction charges.*


Second example, I added two lines of separation to the piece prior to previewing.

Mueller documented a ‘pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call’

Laurie L. Levenson is professor of law and David W. Burcham chair of ethical advocacy at Loyola Law School. She was formerly an assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles.

 It is actually surprising how much Barr tried to spin this report in favor of the president. Given his prior public service, I had hoped Barr to rise to the occasion and be more forthright with the American public. But, he wasn’t. At minimum, the report details how the Trump campaign took advantage of Russian election interference, and the president himself made many efforts to stymie the investigation into what exactly happened. The report may not make a finding of criminal wrongdoing, but it certainly presents troubling behavior by a person who should be trying to protect our democracy.

 After this report, I think that the Trump presidency will be forever under a cloud. The details of the report portray a president who is obsessed with his own political power and who was, in the report’s words, willing to engage in “multiple acts … that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations.” What is troubling here is that these were not simply individual acts by the president; it is a pattern of conduct that leaves us wondering whether Barr made the right call in not authorizing the obstruction charges.


Posted by Siagiah
4/30/2019 6:12 pm

When posting a NEW TOPIC,  choose your subject line carefully, remembering that it will be the ONLY subject line for the entire thread.  Choose a subject title that will invite others to open the thread and that describes the thread well. 

It is also a good idea to cut and paste the subject line at the top of your first post so that it's included when others read your post.  The way this software works, it's not as easily seen as the old web apps forums. 


Posted by Siagiah
5/02/2019 11:21 pm

I've discovered that it is easiest and better results when you use the ATTACH IMAGE and ATTACH LINK functions to add pictures or links.  The automatic functions use the correct BBC instead of having to use trial and error.  Remember, this forum uses BBC more so than HTML.

Posted by Siagiah
5/02/2019 11:28 pm

Using the size function:

This is the default size (100%).

This is 125%

This is 150%

This is 200%

You can change the color of the letters using the function.  This is RED

I'm presuming that everyone who posts here knows what to do with the B  I  U  ?

The 4 arrows is MAXIMIZE which makes this little box into the full page option so you can see more of what you are posting.

The SOURCE button shows you the background BBC used by the forum to get the desired appearance.


Posted by Siagiah
5/02/2019 11:42 pm

This is where you can find the POST REPLY FUNCTION WITH PREVIEW.  (SEE PIX).    Otherwise, if you choose "quick reply", there is NO preview function.

Posted by Siagiah
5/09/2019 9:19 pm

Apparently, we can post any youtube video we like, but the video option doesn't seem to work for NON-youtube videos.



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