Is the Death Penalty effective in reducing crime or just a method for

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Posted by Siagiah
7/16/2019 8:03 pm

Is the Death Penalty effective in reducing crime or just a method for revenge ??

Please support whatever position you've taken.

Last edited by Siagiah (7/16/2019 8:04 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
7/17/2019 1:06 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

My feelings on this subject are a bit complex. With current methods of DNA testing we can be certain about the WHO, it's the whys that get things really messy. Mental illness must be one consideration (and proving that sometimes just means finding someone you can pay off). Single offenders for crimes of passion or where they were pushed to a limit and cracked may also be a gray area. But in general leaving them in prison for life is certainly punishment but it also punishes the tax payer - they get free room, board, etc. on our dime. The effectiveness would have to be tested on a state by state basis taking murder rates from before it became legal and tracing them for several years afterward.


Excellent points... !!  I hadn't thought about the cost to taxpayers.  However, isn't it more expensive to execute them ??

BTW, how come you don't also participate on the simple threaded board ??  Your credentials are in your INBOX.  It's not just politics, any topic is good.

Posted by Siagiah
7/17/2019 7:33 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

i have my login - I like this format better.

In many ways, so do I.  Unfortunately, most don't. 

I try to post major posts on both so that those who prefer to be here can still participate in discussions.  It would be awesome if we could find a forum that allowed both styles as a blend.  I just cannot find one anywhere.  


Posted by Poppet
7/18/2019 11:26 am

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

i have my login - I like this format better.

Likewise. I generally only go there because I'm a mod (to have a glance in case there's a problem). I don't post there. I much prefer this type of board

As for capital punishment, I don't think it's all that great a deterrent to others...most capital crimes don't strike me as the kind someone spends a lot of time rationally assessing the plusses and minuses before committing. Sure deters re-offenders, though...

I oppose capital punishment overall, though. Not because I don't think there are crimes that deserve it. But the lack of a "do over" option is a dealbreaker for me. There are still too many false convictions in the justice system.

Last edited by Poppet (7/18/2019 11:27 am)

Posted by Siagiah
7/18/2019 5:59 pm

There is a tried and true way to get the folks who prefer the threaded board to come back over here to post...

POST INTERESTING STUFF YOURSELF and they will read it and likely participate more over here.


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