Atoms in our bodies are older than the earth. Some may be older than the solar system and sun.
They were used elsewhere before they became part of us.
Some universities researched techniques of storing information in atoms, rendering them like a silicon chip in function. If an atom can store information, perhaps we can access that.
When I taught K-12 music, during music listening classes I asked students to draw something as they listened. Sometimes the art was directed. For the Shostakovich Symphony No. 5, I asked them to draw space, and a galaxy.
K kids who had no idea what a galaxy was, almost all drew elliptical whorls that resembled spiral galaxies.
What if that was information stored in atoms? Orbits of millions of stars around the black hole at the center, back then about which almost nobody ever suspected?
Susskind said information is never lost. If he is right, that is as good a scientific explanation for eternal life, or reincarnation as anything.