Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

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Posted by Siagiah
12/26/2024 3:00 pm

Yup.  He is soulless. 

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/26/2024 3:53 pm

greenman wrote:

Another example of this Zionist pig's insanity:

Israel War LIVE | Israel strikes Yemen’s Sanaa airport, Hodeidah power plant | Israel News LIVE

Posted by DFM on December 26, 2024, 9:05 am

Here is hoping that Israel will continue destroying its enemies until they are all DEAD.

He really has no soul. Just pure evil.

When it comes to religion, there is no reasoning with some people. 
The more rigid they are, the more ignorant, and intolerant. 
DFM = Observer = Mark = Scott = GOG


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/28/2024 1:04 am

Yep, fake Xtian scooter said some ugly comments about you today.

Posted by Trish
12/28/2024 9:38 am

and then these two tried to imply Mugwump was lying about her experiences. 

Posted by Siagiah
12/28/2024 10:03 am

Mugwump is a he, but yes, exactly!

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/28/2024 2:30 pm

Imagine attending a church with a sanctuary full of Scotts, Marks, and Observers. 
Worse would be to pastor it. They made R&E exactly what they want, and Ken let them. 
The loss of membership at R&E is the same as loss of membership in churches across
America. The attrition is flight from conflicted, intolerant people certain they're right
and everybody else is wrong. You can't have a pleasant conversation with them.

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/28/2024 2:31 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/28/2024 7:17 pm

Nope. So DONE with that!

Posted by greenman
2/14/2025 4:20 pm

Here's your classic Rightie with her 'Some of my best friends are Negroes!' story..

It’s so bizarre hearing

Posted by observer on February 14, 2025, 11:58 am

screaming meme’s [sic] yelling at us that (because they can’t have their way with us) they are going to fight, fight, fight - in the streets in the courts, in the media! Question: what do they have for weapons?

Ignorance? Hatred? Numbers? Magic?

Shivering in my boots! Reminds me of the time, unprovoked by anything I said or did but by my skin color, a black woman said to me, “if you knew what we say about you in back rooms, you’d be terrified.”. Without giving it a thought, my big mouth replied, “ that’ll be the day when threats like that worry me.” We never spoke again. She was new to the group and I was giving her a ride to a social get together. Our two kids, mine pale as a ghost, hers as black as coal had often played together as good friends.

I have a lot of black friends, women I trust and admire as much as any white friends. In my experience, my threatener was an anomaly - JUST LIKE THE CONGRESSIONAL HOLLERERS who would like us to care about what they think.

First, what does Sophia think is important?

That's right, not the arguments against Trump (including his criminality and treason) but 'What're they going to do about it!?' Morality doesn't even enter the question.  How could it? Their Dear Leader is the most immoral in American history! And they must protect him!

Her hatred towards a woman she once gave a ride to - note the strange, race-based descriptions of their kids - who told her a truth about blacks and whites in America is revealing indeed.  Why take the comments as a 'threat' unless they applied to her?

One assumes that the black women she 'trusts and admires' these days are all much more subservient to Whitey, or at least more close-mouthed about black-white reality. 'Don't talk race to her, she voted for Trump.'

She doesn't seem to have any idea how odious herself or her ideas about 'race' are..

Posted by Siagiah
2/14/2025 5:25 pm

Susan is nothing but an arrogant loser so full of herself that she cannot see her gross STINK!

Posted by greenman
2/14/2025 5:44 pm

It's sad that she was once a worthwhile poster, and her religion didn't bother me. She seemed serious, and I took her seriously.

But like Mongo and others, the lure of Trumpist fascism bent her mind, and political extrmism became her real religion.

Sad. This is why I consider Trump to be akin to the Antichrist.

Posted by Trish
2/14/2025 5:54 pm

well still a gap between 12/28 and february...what happened

Posted by Siagiah
2/15/2025 1:12 am

Trish wrote:

well still a gap between 12/28 and february...what happened

NOTHING is missing from THIS thread. You want the "grousing about" thread

Posted by Trish
2/15/2025 7:51 am


Posted by Siagiah
2/15/2025 10:44 am

Trish wrote:



Awww Trish, it gets crazy over here.

Posted by greenman
2/15/2025 6:57 pm

And Sia's the main reason..[snicker]

Posted by Siagiah
2/15/2025 7:41 pm

greenman wrote:

And Sia's the main reason..[snicker]


I confess, it's me.  LOL

Posted by greenman
2/21/2025 4:55 pm

Mongo F---wit posted this on White Whine (and correspondingly on Yellow):

Just for fun and spite ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 21, 2025, 11:49 am

... I posted the following on the Yellow board to rile up the gun-hating libs;


Put Saturday, February 22, 2025 on your Calendar

It's Second Amendment Day.

Go to Bass Pro Shops, Cabella's, Academy Sports or your local FFL dealer and buy yourself a S&W 686 or 629 or a Colt Python or an Anaconda or a Sig P365. FYI, they all do background checks (the criminal failure of which, father, after lying, pardoned offending son).

Celebrate your full freedom to the max. 1A's continued existence is dependent on 2A, and the anti-2A zealo-nuts are also working on reducing and eliminating 1A, to wit, "hate speech" laws, etc.

Oddly enough, it's the gun-hating dems who are advocating violence in the streets and calling for and/or cheering on assassinations, or attempts thereof.



I'm glad he at least admits how spiteful he is.

He and OU812 (SES) are the worst kind of MAGA moron. Reasons why fascism has gained so much support in America.  It's no wonder they worship guns, not that this aging, whiny little twerp would have the guts to shoot anyone..

Posted by Siagiah
2/21/2025 5:42 pm

He is a waste of skin.  Not worth the bother of even opening his stupid posts.

Posted by greenman
3/09/2025 11:18 am

Mongo posted
this Trump lie on Yellow:

Ukraine started the war.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 9, 2025, 6:46 am
Short version:

Ukraine's eastern Donbas region wanted autonomy and neutrality because a large percentage of the population was Russian, spoke Russian and identified with Russia. Zelenskyy started shelling Donbas. Russia said "Wait a minute, you are attacking Russian people" and came to their defense. Zelenskyy walked away from a peace deal, and the war ensued.

What happened would be like California wanting independence from the US and the US military attacking California, well, except nobody would be coming to California's defense.

I think we should have stayed out of it and tried to settle the issues via diplomacy. But no, crooked JB was busy enriching his family, and was totally inept at diplomacy.

Sick liar and partisan hater.

Posted by Siagiah
3/09/2025 8:14 pm

Where the hell did he get THAT crap?  How flipping STUPID!

Posted by greenman
Yesterday 9:40 am

I think you explained it right there.

SES may be nasty, but makes some attempt to use facts in his arguments, at least.

Mongo just runs his mouth. Other than conspiracy theories, he might as well be GOG. In fact, the latter often expresses himself better...

ps - although he's obsequious to Mongo. I've taken to calling GOG 'Igor' on Ken's Political

Posted by greenman
Today 2:30 pm

This is what Kenniboi lets his political board be:

It's your hallucinations. Quit smoking pot and doing LSD and crack..

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 13, 2025, 12:22 pm, in reply to "Are you entering early-stage dementia?!"

Get back to your Canadian whiskey while European alcohol is now at a 200% premium.

I guess a fifth of Old Crow a day wasn't enough.

What a f----g POS. Most of his posts are like that - not just to me, but ANYONE who disputes his 'godly' wisdom.

Ken doesn't care. He just drives his little
car around and posts the occasional inanity.

A REAL political discussion board must have membership, or at least moderation.

Posted by greenman
Today 3:11 pm

I'm walking. I don't need the BS. Let the losers take over.  It's not like I get much support, anyway (although kudos to KR, RJ Smith, and Lucky - and Poppet for chipping in with a couple of thoughtful posts).

Ken sickens me. He needs to retire permanently from Boardhost. He's incapable of moderating ANY board.  No reason to EVER go back onto one of his boards.



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