A decade ago, I received a bogus traffic ticket I refused to pay, and demanded a hearing. Entering the court on that date, a climbing tool called a cracknup I keep on my key ring was removed, examined, and confiscated. The examining officer had no idea what it was. I use it for all kinds of thing- a digging tool, to hang my keys out of the way when I have no pocket, for ripping open packages, as a bottle and can opener, screw driver... I've even eaten out of a can with it. It's a fob that also saved my life, stopping a zipper fall on Half Dome. The traffic case was thrown out, as I knew it would be. But when I asked for my tool back, I was told no.
At home I found a picture of one in a California climbing museum, and discovered it is considered a valuable antique. So I contacted the DA and wrote what happened. I said if my property was not returned to me, because of its antique status and value, I would file a theft charge against the sheriff, deputy, and court. I was told to come retrieve my property next day at 10AM.
At the courthouse I went to a room with a single desk and a man seated behind it. He pulled open a drawer, took out my cracknup and slid it across the desk. Not one word was spoken by anyone. I said "thanks," took it and left. http://commonshopping.com/vintage-rock-climbing-chouinard-5-crack-n-up-aid-climbing-gear-piton/
That sheriff was removed from office due to several avenues of corruption, from embezzlement to sexual misconduct, wrongful termination and threats. He and some of his subordinates are in a world of trouble. Due to this and other things they did, they lost my trust forever.