Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
If I base my reply on Christian 101 and intent, it is said that God knows our hearts. So, if that person was truly repentive, then they would go to heaven. False advertising doesn't work with spirituality LOL. My biggest problem is how some Christians hide behind God/Jesus for very evil or harmful ends that make them feel important
It is the Xistians who hide behind God and use Him as their weapon to do and justify their evil, with which and whom I have trouble.
For example we have such an Xistian embrace of Trump, legislatures across America are flexing with Roe v Wade challenges to outlaw abortion, testing a Trump packed Supreme Court, when their Trump icon bragged to Howard Stern and others, he paid for 21 abortions of pregnancies for which he was responsible.
Hypocrisy much?
What if a woman stepped forward to say she had 21 abortions? Where would be understanding of the Xistian community then and there? They would be outraged, with all manner of choice things said in condemnation of the irresponsibility.
Then there is Trump as God's tool to usher in adverse affect of earth's climate by capital human business, justified by the Xistian mind that fulfillment of God's word is destruction of this earth, with God creating a new heaven and earth for the righteous. Them? Those whose poor stewardship not only contributed to destruction of earth climate and environment, but whose love of policy enabled it on a wide scale for monetary enrichment of a few at the expense of a multitude, harmed by starvation as the climate change food supply is impacted, or loss of homes due to extremes in weather swings?
The more I see of human nature, the more I am convinced that a basic instinct of all terrestrial life is to pick on and eventually destroy, or consume weaker life, and that includes the hypocrisy of religion and morality. We are not separated from our nature by an ideal of God or anything else.
A kinder, gentler answer is nice. But it isn't real, except by choice and need of the moment.