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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
What would it take for you to change your views on God/religion ?? I don't mean the details of any particular denomination, but your basic belief or lack of belief in God(s).
For Non-believers:
1- Would it require a visit from God to make you believe ? ?
2 - What would convince you that someone claiming to be God is really God ??
3- Could anything other than a visit from God change your mind ??
4- Did you EVER believe ??
For Believers:
1- What might convince a believer to stop believing ??
2- Have your beliefs evolved significantly over time ??
3- Were you taught to believe what you currently believe or did you come about your beliefs over time and life experience ??
4- How much do your beliefs influence your life and your choices ??
For everyone:
1- Do you consider yourself a Strong Believer, a Casual Believer, an Atheist, or an Agnostic ??
2- How strong are your beliefs or non-belief ??
3- Does your belief or non-belief define you in any way ??
4- If you were to significantly change your beliefs (or lack of), would you be okay with that ??
There are NO right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers.
What? NO ONE is interested in this topic ??
A tangible, permanent, irrefutable epiphany that was not unique just to me.
If I was to measure strength of faith inspired by Xistians I know, I would not believe. Could not believe. I know a few Christians who cancel out the Xistian influence.
If I was to measure strength of faith inspired by atheists and agnostics I know, my inclination would be to believe. I know many and they're good people. Their works mean more and do more good than prayers of others who give and do next to nothing.
I am a driven and in many ways tormented individual. I pursue things with great tenacity that never quits. In search of faith and answers I learned Greek and Hebrew, to read scripture in original language. I still don't have answers I seek and want, but there is some understanding. I know where it came from, when and how. I consider it a work in progress.
For Believers:
1- What might convince a believer to stop believing ??
That's a very good question. I am not sure. There might be evidence that would sway me toward not believing, but I am not sure anything could close the door.
2- Have your beliefs evolved significantly over time ??
Yes. I used to belong to a fringe sect of 7th Day that many refer to as a cult. My beliefs have changed quite a bit over time.
3- Were you taught to believe what you currently believe or did you come about your beliefs over time and life experience ??
It was a combination of learning about other faiths and learning (through experience) the failings of the faith I had been raised in. Later, I extrapolated that to an understanding of the way that all organized faith ultimately must fail each individual believer.
4- How much do your beliefs influence your life and your choices ??
They have a great deal of influence, but in a general way, not a specific way. My previous faith had a great deal of influence in very specific ways (Sabbath restrictions, clean vs. unclean foods, etc.). Now, I am much more concerned with goodness as opposed to evil, and with understanding how my choices impact others.
For everyone:
1- Do you consider yourself a Strong Believer, a Casual Believer, an Atheist, or an Agnostic??
2- How strong are your beliefs or non-belief ??
Strong. Um... strong like lumberjack. LOL. I don't know what kind of scale you want to use here. Strength may not be the right word. They are inherent. They are intrinsic to who I am. Strength implies something that can be tested to breaking. My beliefs aren't like that. They do not serve that purpose. I try to live as an expression of them.
3- Does your belief or non-belief define you in any way ??
Well, see the answer to #2.
4- If you were to significantly change your beliefs (or lack of), would you be okay with that ??
I would have to be, since it would be me changing them (by definition, considering your question). I have done it before, and the experience was definitely mind expanding. And humbling. I recommend it.
There are NO right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers.
Wrong! My answers are the ONLY right answers! LOL, just kidding.
Thanks Amadeus.
What is 7th Day ?? I've never heard of it.
7th Day Adventist.
See here for what that is:
My specific sub-cult was called the Worldwide Church of God.
If you listen to NPR and have heard Snap Judgment, the host (Glynn Washington) and I went to the same WWCG congregation growing up. We remain good friends.
For Non-believers:
1- Would it require a visit from God to make you believe ? ? - Pretty much, although I have certain beliefs of my own which are polytheistic. I still see religion as something humans create for themselves, though.
2 - What would convince you that someone claiming to be God is really God ?? - a hell of a lot, believe me...
3- Could anything other than a visit from God change your mind ?? - Miraculous events clearly performed by a Deity who appears to everyone at once? That'd do it, I guess...and I've always wondered, if there was ONE God who wanted everyone to worship him, why he didn't do that.
4- Did you EVER believe ?? - Oh yeah, back in the late '60s - early '70s I went to Bible Study, saw Hal Lindsey speak, read 'Late, Great Planet Earth,' all that sh*t. Until I realized Evangelicals were complete phonies.
For everyone:
1- Do you consider yourself a Strong Believer, a Casual Believer, an Atheist, or an Agnostic ?? - Casual believer, I suppose. With Agnostic leanings.
2- How strong are your beliefs or non-belief ?? - Moderate
3- Does your belief or non-belief define you in any way ?? - I don't think so. I consider religion to be a private matter.
4- If you were to significantly change your beliefs (or lack of), would you be okay with that ?? - Hard to say, without knowing the circumstances.
There are NO right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers.