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3/07/2025 1:08 pm  #2881

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Since I know Mondo will be reading this, I'm not going to try to hide my scorn for the lies he told in this post. I hope he takes that vacation for several years. R&E is far better without him (always has been). Let's take a look shall we?
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 7, 2025, 11:53 amHammer/Uru "invented" the "DNR", "Do Not Respond/Reply". It was intended to keep posters from verbally abusing each other, not to stifle heated debated.

Hammer's board died a slow death due to a decreasing number of allowable conversation pairings. If you rule out everyone's ability to talk to each other, you no longer have a vibrant chat board. YET HE HAS NO ISSUES WITH TELLING PEOPLE TO SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP (IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER)

Ken naievely adopted the DNR on the Yellow board back when there were a significant number of posters The DNR worked for a while in keeping down food fights, but the onset was insidious. The DNR list steadily grew. The board steadily became extremely polarized. WAIT THIS IS THE GOOD PART HE THINKS SIA COULD BOSS PEOPLE AROUND AS IF THEY HAVE NO MIND OF THEIR OWN .....SchizoSia became the Dominatrix of the radical left and pretty much told her sycophants who they were allowed to converse with. As a result, my pleasant conversations with "Pikes" concerning our mutual interest in Classical music was interrupted when SchizoSia demanded that Pikes DNR me. I actually miss the Pikester.
We all know that is NOT why Pikes DNRd Mondo

Today, the Yellow board is down to a handfull, about 3 libs and 3 conservatives. Schizo and the majority of her sycophants have all retreated to the Blew board, where they hold a daily circle jerk discussing the witty ways they solved the low-brow guessing game "Wordle" on the NYT, SAYS THE GUY WHO BRAGS ABOUT HIS GAME and crawl under a wet rock to demonically gossip on their "Crack Alley" board, poking fun, ridicule and slander about each of us. BUT HE SAYS HE NEVER READS THIS BOARD. 

Ken finally realized that his ominous, lengthy DNR list no longer served any purpose, as most of the caustic activists and their victims had long gone. Today, the DNR list is down to a pathetic trifle, THIS IS HYSTERICAL CAN YOU IMAGINE MUGWUMP BEING COMMANDED BY ANYONEand I am DNRed by some arrogant ass who goes by "Mugwump" and who I don't really enen know ... he was just another sycophant commanded long ago by Schizo to shun me.  It is interesting to note that the vast majority of DNRs were requested by intolerant libs in diametric departure from their false mantra of tolerance and free speech. OF COURSE THEY  NEVER GOT NASTY, TOSSED PERSONAL INSULTS, AND LIED ABOUT POSTERS... NEVER (GACK)

The DNR is a monument to intolerance and dysfunction. AGAIN THE CLAIM OF DEMANDS
Due to repeated ostracization of me by Ken, demanded by Schizo, I left the Yellow board almost 2 years ago and have just recently returned only to find the conversations dominated by hate-Trump & Co speech LIKE THE HATE SPEECH TOWARD BIDEN? SHORT MEMORY by Muggles and our old abusive Missouri redneck farmer (name forgotten, used multiples) who was banished here long ago for abuse of female posters and who now goes by "Lucky".

PLEASE DO I am about ready to take another multi-year sabbatical from Yallow as I receive little gratification from posting with 3 libs, and I can converse with my other 2 conservative friends here at home.

I would be open to having responsible libs post here, but they are extremely few in number. Posters like KR are vulgar and abusive, and posters like greenman scream the usual "racist/bigot/xenophobe" labels the moment their views are confronted with common sense. Ken does post here occasionally, he is always polite, and he is welcome, but he is not the typical liberal ... he is more a pacifistic middle of the roader, identifying with issues on both sides, and he doesn't really like politics.

I am extremely happy with the way this board has developed. ONLY THE BEST PEOPLE (ROTFLOL) We have the best people, with a wide array of talents, interests and experiences, confidently laid-back, respectful, fun, and fiercely competitive when appropriate.

Long live this board and our mutual friendships.


Last edited by Trish (3/07/2025 1:13 pm)


3/07/2025 2:24 pm  #2882

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Just absurd nonsense and lies, like most of what that fool says.

He's never been anything but a board cancer.


3/07/2025 5:11 pm  #2883

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

MF is about as repulsive as they come. What I fail to understand is why Ken is so cowardly and allows him to get away with his offensive posts, merely deleting them instead of calling out the senile wannabe for his repeated violations of both rules and standards of civility. Seriously, Ken does nothing and refuses to explain why  he does nothing. As for being open, the MF is only open to those who believe his biographical meanderings (first he's this, then he's that).. Seems to me, his IQ probably reads on the Richter Scale at best. 


3/07/2025 5:38 pm  #2884

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Maybe just participation. He riles people up so there are active threads... not healthy threads but active ones. The problem is that he is one of the people who drove off a lot of good posters who I miss terribly.


3/07/2025 8:02 pm  #2885

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

That's very much the problem. I don't care if he re-admits me; but his inaction has allowed the elimination of many good posters, and the encouragement of many bad ones.

That's been going on for a couple or three years now..


3/07/2025 9:14 pm  #2886

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Just un-freakin-believable!  I did NONE of those things.  Pikes got tired of how badly mongo treated me and so many others that he just gave up trying to get along with him and DNR'd him again.  I NEVER asked Pikes OR Mugwump to DNR him.  In fact, even as I despise mongo, I applauded and supported Pikes' attempts to find common ground with him BECAUSE IT WAS IMPORTANT TO PIKES.

Many of us have been around these parts for pushing 25 years.  mongo once had 8 DNRs, 7 of which HE REQUESTED.  1 of which was mine against him.  He had the nerve to ask me to drop mine so he could DNR someone else who was arguing with him.  I refused and Ken wouldn't let him have more DNRs.  We used to call him the KING of DNRs. 

I'm quite tired of him CONSTANTLY LYING about me just because I refuse to be friends with him after the crap he dished out to me years ago.  Back then, he constantly attacked me while posing as a "random troll" on his board and the Blue board.  I caught him when his personal IP matched the troll IP and I realized that it was HIM all along.  He's done it to both me and Poppet. 

     Thread Starter

Yesterday 8:35 am  #2887

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

He attacked this board again on the Political Board (a violation of the rules, FWIW) and called it 'demonic.'

I laughed and said yes, and that he was the Demon were were trying to cast out..lol


Yesterday 8:59 am  #2888

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

He attacked this board again on the Political Board (a violation of the rules, FWIW) and called it 'demonic.'

I laughed and said yes, and that he was the Demon were were trying to cast out..lol



     Thread Starter

Today 10:35 am  #2889

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Apparently I upset him by suggesting he was a racist from Tennessee..lol
You are such a p****. [not censored originally] Obama is half black, half white.[obvious racist comment..lol]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 9, 2025, 7:42 am, in reply to "He is black. You are a racist from Tennessee. 1 + 1 =2 "

His origins were a major mystery for years, and still are. [a lie] Not a really outstanding President. Kind'a average, like "W". His presidential library is in shambles under his leadership. I look at his presidency as an experiment with no remarkable results or outcome.

Racist? I chose a black Bishop to marry us. Still have dinner with him and his wife.['some of my best friends..']

I am race-neutral.

I also deal in facts, not political correctness.[another lie. He repeats every Trump lie verbatim].

I don't give a sh*t what labels you associate with me. They are a reflection on your weak character, not mine.[first four words said it all]

I am not just a Tennessean. I am also an Ohioan. All of my kids were born in Cleveland. I have an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.[more braggadoccio]

Tennessee and Ohio are important states. Each had a lion's share of Presidents and notable leaders.

Like it or not, Cleveland had its share of racism. Extremely polarized racially. Riots. Arson. The whole 9 yards. Still a great city. Made progress. Carl Stokes was a great Mayor, far better than crazy Dennis-the-Menace. Kucinich.[not all Ohioans agree]

Just pipe down, pipsqueak.[tough talk from a pretentious clown]

Absolute hothead, moron and clown.

I reported it, FWIW.

Last edited by greenman (Today 10:40 am)


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