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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
My gawd, this old pervert is calling others "Rude and hostile" ??? SERIOUSLY ???
From your "smart" article, which went right over your head in your haste:
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 25, 2025, 11:51 am, in reply to "From a REAL news source. You know, for smart people. Read and learn."
Mr. Biden was able to deport more people in part because there were more new arrivals to deport. The number of people trying to cross the border skyrocketed after he took office.
Biden deported fewer convicted criminals than Trump or Obama.
Biden ended up with millions of illegal immigrants still in our country, vastly more than any other president in history. His presidency was a total failure.
NYT wanted me to pay $1/week to read the whole misleading article. Not a chance when I get news for free from dozens of crackpots daily, mostly half truths.
I use my innate "AI" to assemble what has a 75% chance of being reliable. Bottom line, all media are dishonest to a certain degree. The result is We the People don't have a single reliable news source. It's like "Phantom of the Opera": "Close your eyes for your eyes can only tell the truth, and the truth isn't what you want to see. In the dark it is easy to pretend that the truth is what it ought to be."
I see a lot of your friends have been canned, including Whiney Joy Reid, Caustic Jim Acosta, Sexy Norah O'Donnell, Cheating Lester Holt, Chucky Todd, & others. That's a good start. Maybe shut down PMS/BS/MS/NBC as the next step and get rid of fraudsters Morning Joe and the Tranny MadCow. Revamp CNN onto what it used to be as a world-class world news agency. Whittle ABC, CBS and NBC down to believable levels, and get rid of FOX cheerleader uniforms.
Back to you:
This still does not explain why you are so damn rude and hostile. I think you could benefit from professional anger management therapy. Your chronic antagonistic pattern is very unhealthy.
I notice that Idiot Boy has 6 of the top 8 posts. Gotta be heard, though he has nothing to say..
Yeah, no sockpuppets allowed... UNLESS you're mongo, that is. It's obvious who it is given the knowledge of how to spell out vulgarities is limited to a handful of posters. Easy to rule out all but mongo there given the context.
You know good and well that
Posted by Darth Vader on February 27, 2025, 10:45 pm, in reply to "Yes, let's mock former candidates"
Kamala Harris is a f*cking brainless idiot.
We disallow it fully here on this board, so it defaults to blanking it out even with the codes that allow it to show it all
Funny that it's a Trump fan saying
Okay this is rich .. Disappeared at the whim of the old moderator? Admitted? You gotta love the lack of subtlty in their lies I am so friggin glad I said "no more" - tired of babies who misbehave then cry when they're corrected
And there's Mongo Multinickname..
In my view ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 28, 2025, 6:38 am, in reply to "the deletion stick swings like at a pinata' party..."
... it is impossible to run a meaningful political discussion board when you have posters like KR, greenie, Gustavo, Lucky and occasional troll-perv HH.
KR is an absolute disaster on any board. Rude, insulting, vulgar, angry beyond control, sociopathic, full of delusions of adequacy.
Mongo, of course, like his idol and Master
Trump, cannot stand to be contradicted or 'insulted' (usually in return for his own arrogant, insulting abuse) by others. The entire above post is abuse, of
He gets bored with the insipid,
vacuous drivel on White Whine (who wouldn't?) but doesn't want tough debate and argumentation, what's he to do?
Now he's sort of sucking up to Ken and complaining about myself and KR while demanding an end to 'rudeness.' Not his OWN, of course.
Funny how the 'bad posters' are all posters who stand up to him, eh? lolol
And don't get me started about sockpuppets..:
you would thiink if he's so disgruntled he'd stop posting
and here is fake Christian scooter at it again, breaking the rules on Yellow... Does he care? NOPE. BTW, I don't send violations to Ken anymore. It's his problem if his posters continue to have ZERO RESPECT for him, such as fake Christian scooter shows regularly... in writing, no less. scooter is a pathetic JOKE. Always was, always will be. Regardless of the hateful lies he likes to say about me, I NEVER deliberately violated Ken's rules on his board. scooter does it all the time. So do most of the posters there.
sorry but
Posted by scott on February 28, 2025, 11:26 am, in reply to "the deletion stick swings like at a pinata' party..."
we're not allowed to post back alley stuff... but are you sure, because I could post it... just trying to be kind... like you've been to GOG, jb, myself..etc...
And even while your friends there, still scan and send emails of posts that were "against the rules".. what business is deleting a post from a self-banned person complaining about? And you yourself said you were done here? uh huh.
Do you seriously want names, posts, evidence?
I'm glad you're no longer a moderator here.. objectivity left when you aligned with liars and offensive posters.
And no, I'm not "he's an ass trying to kick up dirt".. your words. And "What amuses me is the more people like him try to "prove" their point, the less respectable they appear."
So, you go ahead keep denying... not an ethical position, but evidently it's yours.
LOL. scooter sure spends a lot of time here... and WHO is "sneaking in to dial things for their friends? Whatever the hell THAT means??
Re: I am glad too
Posted by scott on February 28, 2025, 2:27 pm, in reply to "I am glad too"
you said you'd left and not coming back..
you did it for yourself...
But password anymore so no real way to sneak in and dial things for your friends...
I'm happy about that too...the trust level just wasn't there.
Trish wrote:
Okay this is rich .. Disappeared at the whim of the old moderator? Admitted? You gotta love the lack of subtlty in their lies I am so friggin glad I said "no more" - tired of babies who misbehave then cry when they're corrected
Sia: Yeah, the whole post was bizarre from git to go... "All passworded previous moderators" ?? Were there more than just Trish & Ken? Don't think so. He's just trying to make it look like there was, implying that I was too. Whatta dishonest PUTZ
The deletion stick swings like at a pinata' party...
Posted by scott on February 27, 2025, 6:38 pm, in reply to "Looks like my post got deleted."
you might hit and get lucky, (not the poster Lucky).
I'd had one here where the response was very inflammatory and libelous. I'd copied and saved it because I know things here tended to be removed suspiciously. But they also disappeared at the whim of the old moderator, admitted elsewhere, also saved.
The mechanism was an email complaint to Ken upon which he scrutinized the post complained about, then deleted, because the complainer was somehow offended.
Ken has since told me he has removed all passworded previous moderators and the only one here who now deletes things, is him. He also reopened another board where politics are more likely to be accepted (you've been there) but also frequented by some persons either already banned here or who supposedly left for other places stating they'll never return, good riddance (but they've lied about that too.)
I think there is a settling down period perhaps, but should any posts get ghosted now, He's your guy.
Now ethically, this reply should remain as supportive information, but who knows what "ethics" really are involved? Myself, I hate being lied to, but that doesn't mean it will stop.
Meh, no longer my monkies. I can't believe he thinks I sat around for 20 years helping out selfishly. Gotta love that mindset. Of course you can't do something because it helps someone else, or because it's the right thing
You'd expect a Christian to default to selfless motives, but not a FAKE ONE like scooter.
You are now corrupted because we are friends. BUT, he fails to consider the fact that we've been friends for DECADES. So, what supposedly changed? That you deleted his sh*t when he broke the rules? Hell, if I had ever broken Ken's rules, I would have EXPECTED to be deleted. The only times I saw my posts deleted were when they were caught up in a tangled mess he simply deleted the whole lot of so there was continuity. I didn't like that, but it wasn't HIS fault, it was the fault of those who constantly broke his rules.
I'm sad that Ken and I are no longer friends, but he chose for it to happen with his behavior.
Another bit of genius from Scottie, based on 'something he heard...'
I did not know some of this...Ukraine was selling weapons to terrorists?
Posted by scott on March 1, 2025, 2:12 pm
1. The sold weapons we supplied for them, to others
2. Have pathogens which are not accounted for
3. Murdered or assassination attempts on leaders in in other countries?
And they want our help still?
Facebook - an incontrovertible source! lol
=19.5pxyes, side with the rump tyrant and his lapdog. So much "truth" and "Christian" love...
Fake Christian scooter is an ugly, lying IDIOT. He believes all kinds of NONSENSE and spouts it off as the truth. No wonder so few like or respect him.
WTF is going on over on R&E? Since mongo returned, the entire board is nothing but hate being spewed in every direction as it rapidly turns into a POLITICAL BOARD.
mongo is amongst those deliberately posting politics there in spite of Ken specifically stating NOT TO and reopening his own political board for them to spew on. Perhaps mongo can't handle greenman over on the political board, so chooses to squat on R&E knowing that greenman doesn't post there? One must wonder ??
In any case, I haven't see so much ugliness on one board since choosing to QUIT mongo's board way back in 2008 when it was still frequented by left-wingers, prior to him driving everyone away with his grossly biased treatment of LW vs RW. It was SO UGLY then that ya needed a shower after leaving. Now, you need one after leaving R&E.
Never did I ever think that Ken would LET his board turn into that. It makes it all the easier to just stay away. I HATE that crap. There's NO EFFORT by posters to even TRY to find common ground.
He's complained and I think intends to start policing it more; he's keeping the political board going for that reason, I guess.
Although with people like Mongo and GTG (Deanna?) and OU812 there, there's too much personal abuse and not enough serious discussion.
KR and I get the blame from those people, of course..
Mongo's reply for everything is "you lost, move along, hush up" He thinks he can bully people into silence. I now plan on replying to him all the time just to piss him off more. I don't conscion bullies
There are some I suspect of being GTG, but dee dee is absolutely NOT one of them.
I watch for writing style; spelling, grammar, and terminology errors; posting tics; what they overreact/flip out over; whether serious, sarcastic, or trollish; clever, sly, or bombastic; and more to narrow it down. So far, no one truly jumps out.
deedee cannot resist the LOLOLOLOL and "you poor thing" nonsense. She is never succinct nor clever. She is not well educated and tends to go off on random rumors without bothering to check her sources. Admittedly, I haven't spent a whole lotta time on who it might be, but I haven't seen that wherever I did read.
If not for the higher grammar, writing skills, I'd guess yome, but unless he's running everything through grammar/spell checks, it can't be him. yome does love his !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though.
I briefly considered Sprout, but there's no self-aggrandizement.
I suspect it is either someone less familiar to me from white whine or one of the better hit & run trolls from Boardhost who's found a "home".
Ken scolded GTG for using multiple handles, so the poster is typically using the same IP rather than a series of VPN or proxies.
The name GTG (go trump go) tells us that it is definitely someone who loves to troll but also has a strong POV, not just wanting to hit and run.
The poster refrains from vulgarity and is decently educated.
My top of the head guess is Gandalf (for many reasons, but especially the attempt at common ground outside of politics) or possibly Texra (because of the few triggers I've noticed & the blind support of dt). I considered Otis, but there's not enough sarcasm or blunt force injuries.
That's only a GUESS though. I haven't spent all that much time examining their posts there and really don't know that much about Texra. I've just noticed those things with a casual reading of various threads when I've looked in.
Trump-level egotism on display:
I am far more enlightened than you. I see and understand both sides.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 2, 2025, 12:47 pm, in reply to "Unlike you, I do not."
It's just that your side doesn't make sense.
Unlimited influx of illegal criminal aliens.
Wasting money and resources on bizarre projects like Sesame Street for Iraq and sex changes in animals.
Doing absolutely nothing to stop U/R war.
Talking about yellow school busses and Venn diagrams instead of serious issues affecting America.
What's with your ilk, greenie? Seriously.
The dumbest SOB I ever saw post on Boardhost. Seriously. There are many brighter Collies out there...;)
Now the R&E Political board is once again in deep, deep MUCK. I read a little of it after seeing your post here and just shut it down. A bunch of ugly B.S. made all the worse by mongo wandering back over. Probably because he read where I said he can't handle you (greenman). LOL He's SO EASY to trigger.
The irony is palpable. LOL
But, neither you nor Christoper can claim my credentials.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 2, 2025, 7:37 pm, in reply to "not to mention anyone can claim any"
I don't rely on your slurs for self-esteem. I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else here.
You tried to insinuate that I don't know anything about COBOL.
I don't question your credentials. What's with you questioning mine? It's one thing to dislike me. I get it. But you do yourself an injustice by trying to tear me down.
Seriously mongo? Hypocrite much?
He IS Trump. Why do you think he's such a fan?
1. Sees himself as magnificently wealthy.
2. Measures worth by wealth.
3. Very thin-skinned.
4. Friendly only to those loyal to him.
5. Desires, but looks down on, women.
6. Greatly overvalues his own intellect.
7. Must abuse anyone challenging him.
8. Must know what others think of him.
Others may occur to you..
Last edited by greenman (3/03/2025 9:22 am)
ROFLMAO... mongo thinks he's skunking us. He's desperate to join Blue to get to play with us. LOL NEVER gonna happen. No doubt, he cheats by looking at our posts to get info for his own game. LOL There is no other way to read his desperate pleas for attention than to recognize that he's trying to get us to play with him. NO ONE ELSE bothers with his silly posts trying to claim that he's "so smart".
NeeNar NeeNar NeeNar
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 3, 2025, 4:28 am
Wordle 1,353 3/6
🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜ PIANO
⬜⬜⬜🟨🟩 BUYER
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 SPEAR
30 seconds.
More idiocy by his flatulence in responding to Trish
I do find your naiveite rather amusing.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 2, 2025, 9:56 pm, in reply to "well aren't you all that and a bag of chips"
Deep down, I know you are a good person, just misguided. You run with the wrong crowd. I am glad you have joined us on the "White Whine" Board, as your Gossiping Gertie calls it. Maybe you will begin to see the error of your ways and become reformed.
Condescending as always.
Egotists usually are - when they've built up an inflated image of themselves, they MUST believe in their superiority to everyone else.
Like Trump, he's a pathological case..
Oh I expect him to always try to laud something over on people. Every time he's seriously questioned I swear he pulls out a new "degree" or proponderance of money (as if that equates to intelligence, which it doesn't). The feeding frenzy over there is crazy. Gog, Scott, Gustavo (or whoever it is), are all on this ego trip. I don't mind poking the balloon (LOL) and sure, they'll poke back but it's all meaningless drivvel.
Be sure to poke the balloon with something sharp. Is anything sharper than truth?
How old is this antagonism? Two decades? Three? What a legacy! What an achievement!
Most every small American town has a breakfast diner where the old men gather in the
morning for a few hours of hostile gossip. Almost to a fault they're Republican, but in no
sense of the word, conservative. Cheap? Absolutely!
In Trump they compromised every American value they ever claimed. Trump is the kind
of man they aspire to be like. Beautiful women arm candy, a wealthy playboy lifestyle,
not nearly as wealthy as the image they develop and nurture, petty, vindictive and mean
toward inferiors, which is almost everybody else. They claim religion and embrace
select religious values IF they can be used as weapons against people they dislike.
Their gathering on a board about religion and ethics is cheap, petty hypocrisy 101.
Their world consists of a few electrons of cyberspace.
LOLOLOLOL!!!! Poor things!
Trish wrote:
Oh I expect him to always try to laud something over on people. Every time he's seriously questioned I swear he pulls out a new "degree" or proponderance of money (as if that equates to intelligence, which it doesn't). The feeding frenzy over there is crazy. Gog, Scott, Gustavo (or whoever it is), are all on this ego trip. I don't mind poking the balloon (LOL) and sure, they'll poke back but it's all meaningless drivvel.
Gustavo is Mike S. and other names he's used over his time hanging around. As for mongo, I don't believe ANYTHING that he claims that can't be verified. He's claimed to have graduated from Vanderbilt University and to have gone to college in Cleveland, OH too. Is any of it true? WHO KNOWS? I'm inclined to think that he at least got an Associates Degree in computer science given his knowledge of COBOL. But anything else he claims? BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
I promised Mongo that I'd post this here, and you know I try to keep my promises!
You aren’t bright at all.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 6, 2025, 11:31 am, in reply to "You're probably about that bright."
You are an unquestioning, compliant party pawn.