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12/12/2024 2:35 pm  #31

Re: Gog

greenman wrote:

Agreed. DFM's pro-Zionist posts attacking anyone who questions Israel's 'right' to control the Middle East, combined with GOG's paranoid religious and political posts, make for an almost unusable board.

What a shame Ken let it come to that..


Hey, he got what he wanted... diversity so extreme that the board is now upside down with unruly dingbats.

Ho hum.


12/12/2024 9:37 pm  #32

Re: Gog

Did a post of mine drop off (or maybe I never posted lol)⁹


12/12/2024 10:30 pm  #33

Re: Gog

Trish wrote:

Did a post of mine drop off (or maybe I never posted lol)⁹


There are multiple open threads in the Back Alley. It is probably on a different one


12/12/2024 10:32 pm  #34

Re: Gog

Trish, Is this what you were looking for? The long thread where you posted earlier today?



2/13/2025 9:43 am  #35

Re: Gog

Some drivel from GOG (note, Sia):

Sad that Ken did what Sia wanted him to do. Thanks Sia.

Posted by GOG on February 12, 2025, 7:56 pm

The Yellow Board has been ruined, imho. The moving of old threads back to the top of that board has created some monster threads..

The board has two major threads, each damn near a page long. It’s unfair to posters who have submitted more quaint abbreviated topics. I don’t like to whine but why not. I’ve taken on leftist characteristics after four years of their shite show.

If it was 'ruined,' GOG, you had a big hand in it. Of course when things don't go the way you want, it's the 'leftists' ' fault, or Sia's.  How the order of posting on a board is 'leftist' only you can imagine..

'Quaint' is, I suppose, what you call your absurdities and paranoid ravings..


2/13/2025 9:48 am  #36

Re: Gog

ps: the first 8 threads are less than 6 posts long. Many others on page one are also short.

Yes, there are two long ones. You poor thing!


2/13/2025 1:59 pm  #37

Re: Gog

Are posts between december 12 and today missing


2/14/2025 5:14 am  #38

Re: Gog

Trish wrote:

Are posts between december 12 and today missing


No. You are in a different thread than the one you are looking for.

Just go to the INDEX. Choose the board you want Back Alley) and THEN choose the topic thread you are looking for. Grousing, GOG, Answering comments, etc.

Nothing has been removed


2/15/2025 4:06 am  #39

Re: Gog

greenman wrote:

Some drivel from GOG (note, Sia):

Sad that Ken did what Sia wanted him to do. Thanks Sia.

Posted by GOG on February 12, 2025, 7:56 pm

The Yellow Board has been ruined, imho. The moving of old threads back to the top of that board has created some monster threads..

The board has two major threads, each damn near a page long. It’s unfair to posters who have submitted more quaint abbreviated topics. I don’t like to whine but why not. I’ve taken on leftist characteristics after four years of their shite show.

If it was 'ruined,' GOG, you had a big hand in it. Of course when things don't go the way you want, it's the 'leftists' ' fault, or Sia's. How the order of posting on a board is 'leftist' only you can imagine..

'Quaint' is, I suppose, what you call your absurdities and paranoid ravings..


GOG is a raving complainer! He is not supposed to be referencing me nor posting complaints there to begin with.


2/15/2025 9:27 am  #40

Re: Gog

There don't seem to be many rules anymore.

I guess Ken's happy now that he's driven off nearly all the good posters..


2/16/2025 1:02 pm  #41

Re: Gog

greenman wrote:

There don't seem to be many rules anymore.

I guess Ken's happy now that he's driven off nearly all the good posters..


IDK if he is happy now, but he certainly got what he asked for... a board full of politics and troublemakers.  I'm talking about REGULAR R&E.  The politics are SO ubiquitous there that it may as well BE his political board.  That he doesn't seem to notice does NOT surprise me.  He typically failed to notice most violations before and counted on Trish and I to clue him and Trish to delete them when appropriate. 



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