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9/19/2024 10:47 am  #2611

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

It's funny how, the more Christian they tout themselves as being, the worse their character AND their politics are.

Probably why they resent the more 'liberal' Christian, Pikes.  He's a likeable person, they are hateful.

Doesn't speak well for a religion when their best are seemingly exceptions to the rule.


9/19/2024 2:15 pm  #2612

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

In fairness, I wasn't going to respond to him. My intent was to carry out his
intent expressed on R&E. In all this time, the fact he chose this particular time
to appear on Blue indicates a likely associated reason. Not necessarily with me,
or around me, but topically and politically, which in the world of  American
Christian Nationalists is inseparable from religion. It is why in RL, religion and
politics are volatile topics generally avoided. People are hurt,
and nerves exposed raw. It begins the moment someone tells somebody else
his beliefs are wrong, or his critical thinking flawed, or ability to comprehend
compromised.. Politically, or religiously. 

Differences can be discussed cordially and respectfully, or not. The first builds and
adds to, the second subtracts and dehumanizes. It makes hypocrisy of religious 
beliefs. Doesn't take long for intent to appear, especially if there is a prior history
and especially if there's a recent history. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/19/2024 11:00 pm  #2613

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

It was because of arguments he and I had on R&E and my reporting his political post to K&T that was removed. In that thread, he also insulted and attacked Skye, suggesting she was stupid or illiterate, in so many words.

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9/20/2024 10:07 am  #2614

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I am kinda disappointed. At first he seemed to carry on good conversations. Something changed recently, and it has been profound. Maybe he needs to be born again "again"


9/20/2024 7:01 pm  #2615

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Do you know when Ken is going to put the DNR with Scott in place and remove the one with Shadow as we'd discussed and he approved?  It's been a few days...
As for Scott, nothing really changed, what you're seeing is who he is under the covers.  He just got "comfortable", figured out the social dynamics, and took over the living room, telling guests they are jerks and unwelcome if he doesn't like their opinions and suddenly directing activities as if he's in charge.  When he pulls out his pseudo-psychology, you know he's fully himself again and no longer trying to "make friends and influence people."

Take notice who his "friends" are (who apparently are just fine despise their cruel, nasty ways)  vs who he demonizes.  It's so very telling.


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9/21/2024 12:10 pm  #2616

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

=19.5pxSadly I do not have the admin control to post DNRs.


9/21/2024 12:37 pm  #2617

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

=19.5pxSadly I do not have the admin control to post DNRs.


This morning, he put the one with Scott and I in and removed the one with Shadow since she violated it at least 10 times that I saw for myself.

He was just very busy and hadn't had the time. It takes a chunk of time to both notify posters and change the data in the board set up. That's why I waited a couple of days to ask.

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9/21/2024 2:16 pm  #2618

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

BTW, and FWIW, kudos to Ken for locking that thread which GOG had stunk up with conspiracies. Credit where credit is due.



I totally appreciate you being fair to Ken by applauding him when you see him doing something you see as fair, rather than only dissing him when you feel he did something wrong.

He really tries to be fair and reasonable. I think he ALWAYS believes he is being fair and never disregards fairness in favor of anyone. I think that it comes down to differences of opinion on whether something is right or wrong the times you, me, or others might disagree with a "ruling" and NOT that he isn't doing his best to be fair and reasonable.

It is always difficult to see the other side when personally invested in it or we feel something is wrongly handled from our own POV. Sometimes I disagree vehemently, but I am always sure that in his POV, he is doing the right thing. He is a good person so I trust that he honestly believes he is doing the right thing.

Plus, it is an unpaid, unappreciated job to run or moderate any board. Time constraints make it that much harder in even seeing violations when members CONSTANTLY hide them in posts and the mods are always playing catch-up and being criticized throughout! Sometimes things are just missed and if no one emails him a/o Trish, it just gets left as is.

So, I'm just saying that I'm happy to see that you see it and say so when you recognize that Ken has been fair, even if you don't always think so.

I like him and am very uncomfortable when people diss him personally, as if he is a bad person if we disagree with something, rather than just fussing about that something we might think should have gone another way. I've noticed that you do a lot less attacking and trashing him, which I'm glad about.

     Thread Starter

9/21/2024 5:39 pm  #2619

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

This is why we went to registration. 

It is all too easy for trolls to misbehave and cause all manner of touble writing in their protected home silence, things they would never have the chutzpah or courage to say aloud in public, lest somebody actually hear them, and call them on it. 

Imagine them telling a fellow churchgoer the things they say to us, with others present.
Do you think others would rush to their aid and pile on, or would they speak up in defense
of what is clearly right? What would Jesus do? 

Well, we're not Jesus, and when they come into our community to do what they do on R&E, they're told to stop. If they don't, they're shown the door out. We have the right to refuse service to troublemakers. 

Before we went to registration, most of our unpaid, volunteer time was spent cleaning up
their messes. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/21/2024 5:41 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/21/2024 10:18 pm  #2620

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

That is so true Pikes!  I remember the informal "shifts"  based on time zones and availability.  It was crazy.

One ruthless, relentless troll, who shall go unnamed, routinely hit the board in the middle of the night.  He'd trash the board, breaking glass everywhere, and then dragging up ancient posts to pile up on top of the new posts (because he could and because he objected to our sort by activity mode rather than sort by date). 

Sometimes it took hours to clean up the joint.  It is definitely a thankless task and few actually appreciate what a chore it CAN be when ANYONE can show up any old time, using a proxy or being bold enough to use their usual handle, to stir up trouble and create flame wars for the "funovit".

It's wonderful not having to do that!

We can get rid of a pest permanently just by shutting them out of registration so they can only read, perhaps fume, but cause us NO PROBLEMS.  Because it's based on membership log ins, eliminating problems is a click of a mouse and they CANNOT sneak back in when everyone is busy or sleeping.

IMHO, registration IS the way to go. 

Either that or having a whole bunch of moderators who can take the time to watch the store and clean up things as soon as they happen.  Otherwise, there's complaints galore due to untimeliness in cleanup.  When a troll or a troublemaker gets an entire day to cause trouble and their posts remain for hours to be read by everyone, it's basically POINTLESS to later remove them since the "damage" is long done and the "victim" is now quite angry that there's no quick "justice".


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9/22/2024 9:15 pm  #2621

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Oh goody!  A little bird just told me that Scott reads HERE.  ROFL.  Of course, we always knew that he does, all the time. 

What's weird is that he somehow considers THIS place and all of us to be "talking about him behind his back".  As if... LOL...  This place gets more foot traffic than all of the sister boards combined!

A public board that everyone knows about is NOT talking about anyone behind their back.  It is simply keeping it off the main boards where it doesn't belong.

ESAP Scott. You are the PHONIEST "Christian" imaginable. 


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9/23/2024 12:15 am  #2622

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

If you don't want to appear as a subject in Back Alley, don't act like an ass and abuse people in your community of choice. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/23/2024 8:14 am  #2623

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

It's a Rogue's Gallery, always has been.

BTW, his whole 'is Kamala Harris a drunk or on drugs?' nonsense from White Whine appears as a 'question' at the top of a long thread on Yellow. There he can't be explicitly political, but it's clear whom he's talking about.

Amused to see that Sprout is giving him a hard time over it...lol


9/23/2024 10:35 am  #2624

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I prefer Back Alley didn't exist. Didn't need to exist. 
It is a sounding board to relieve the necessary tension from promulgation of the senseless
conspiracy theories and rightwing talking points that devolve into personal attack..
There is no better example than the nonsense of Donald Trump. It isn't a case of both parties do it lies.
Nobody lies like trump, and those who believe and follow him are so ridiculous, they can't be taken seriously. 
He attacks and name calls people, and because he does it, they do it. They're all trolls. 
The base latched onto him like stink on a turd. The worst he brings out in people, so do they.
The DNR list grows longer because these people force it.  Imagine the board without it!

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/24/2024 2:57 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/23/2024 12:13 pm  #2625

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

And there are other agendas there.  More than a third of the posts on the front page are DFM's (12/30) and most of those are cheerleading for Israel's assaults on the Middle East.

If they're not political, what is?

It's disgusting to see a series of war crimes dignified as 'Religion and Ethics.'

Israel has no ethics and bases their existence in ancient religious superstition.

Last edited by greenman (9/23/2024 12:14 pm)


9/23/2024 12:32 pm  #2626

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Best Guess here is that Ken leaned into American Politics since that was the keynote (at that time) causing mass bro-ha-has. I will ask if his position has changed to include external politics.

UPDATE: Email sent

Last edited by Trish (9/24/2024 8:36 am)


9/23/2024 1:05 pm  #2627

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Followup: cite right-wing Jewish political
extremist Ben Shapiro!

Ben Shapiro: The INSANE Reaction To Israel's Genius Hezbollah Operation

Posted by DFM on September 23, 2024, 10:08 am
[typical YouTube post]
What's insane is DFM's Zionist propaganda.


9/24/2024 9:28 am  #2628

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

It's a Rogue's Gallery, always has been.

BTW, his whole 'is Kamala Harris a drunk or on drugs?' nonsense from White Whine appears as a 'question' at the top of a long thread on Yellow. There he can't be explicitly political, but it's clear whom he's talking about.

Amused to see that Sprout is giving him a hard time over it...lol


That whole idiocy came from Laura Loomer, tRUMP's "new squeeze".  SHE started that nonsense by calling her a drunken prostitute. That's also where the "she slept her way up the ladder" came from.


     Thread Starter

9/24/2024 9:34 am  #2629

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Kinda ironic for Loomer, isn't it? heh

Nasty when a woman stabs another woman in the back that way.  But the Repubs have some nasty women in the Party.


9/24/2024 3:03 pm  #2630

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Laura Loomer and Alina Habba are trump skanks. He smells like armpit and butt according to
those who've been near him. so he's skunk with skanks. Skinks are respectable lizards, so can't use them. Trump with tramps. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/26/2024 9:00 am  #2631

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Mayer is allowed to make political posts on Yellow, now? This is disgraceful. KR is abused by Ken and other posters while the Zionists and right-wingers post whatever lunacy they want.

New Trump Assassination Report SCREAMS INSIDE JOB, Secret Service KNEW

Posted by DFM on September 25, 2024, 2:33 pm

[the usual YouTube conspiracy crap]

[thread that follows]
Message Thread

New Trump Assassination Report SCREAMS INSIDE JOB, Secret Service KNEW  - DFM September 25, 2024, 2:33 pm

Yes. They missed. And will continue until January 2029. - GOG September 25, 2024, 5:01 pm

Seriously do you NEVER check the trustworthiness of your source - Trish September 25, 2024, 4:49 pm

He speaks the truth.  - GOG September 25, 2024, 5:02 pm

(Name calling removed by admin) - KR September 25, 2024, 2:34 pm

Are you unable to avoid name calling? Ken told you to. - observer September 25, 2024, 3:46 pm [She only targets KR, of course]

« Back to index

The Mutants over there have ruined the board.

Last edited by greenman (9/26/2024 9:02 am)


9/29/2024 3:13 pm  #2632

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Here’s one, the whiner about ‘political posts’ making a political post. Smelly hypocrite!

Globalist/WEF zombie John Kerry says the quiet part out loud.

Posted by GOG on September 29, 2024, 12:27 pm

“First Amendment stands as a major block to “govern”. [link, twinkie?] This guy threatens our Constitution. He uttered his disloyalty at last weeks WEF conferences in NYC. Prince Harry was there as well, another privileged bully upon free speech.[We know you worship the Royals. Just move to Britain] Hey Johnny, if you want to change our Constitution you’ll have to gain ratification of the various states. [tell Fonnie, not Johnny] What these globalists really want is to govern without populous opposition. Example, the pushback regarding forced vaccines. Etc. This IS Agenda 2030.[an imaginary thing, but a Trump rederence] The US must fall to achieve the globalist wet dream. [the U.S. is the wealthiest nation, wouldn’t they be at the center of globalism?] Now you know why the nation is being undermined from so many directions.[Trump annd Russia?] Only six more years left. Europe is practically a police state thanks to these arses.[Well, Hungary is]

Trump is the only major threat to this nation, you MORON.  He tried to cast the Constitution aside to steal the 2020 election!

Of course you support the real threat while ignoring the facts, loony boy.

You’d know that if you weren’t a psycho!


9/30/2024 12:34 am  #2633

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Yeah, I reported that several hours ago. Last I looked, it was quite the popular political post.

     Thread Starter

9/30/2024 6:46 am  #2634

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

GOG endlessly whining ‘free speech’ which he thinks means ‘I get to say anything I want to, rules violation or not.’

When you let trash stink up your board, that’s what you get.

Mayer, jb, GOG and DFM need about 6 months of vacation each.

But Ken has his favorites..


9/30/2024 8:28 am  #2635

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

It is now gone.

     Thread Starter

9/30/2024 10:26 am  #2636

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

To be replaced by this:

Lebowitz calls for dissolution of Supreme Court.

Posted by GOG on September 30, 2024, 6:49 am

Believes the Executive Branch can do it. Says the SCOTUS is a disgrace. Weird. They hate the US Constitution and the Court. These far-gone twits want it all. Kerry being one of them. Agenda 2030 only six years away. It’s doubtful I’ll be around to witness. Maybe It (she) won’t
He’s such a hypocrite..Always whining about ‘politics’ while always posting it.

‘Agenda 2030’ is made-up nonsense. What does ‘Maybe it (she) won’t’ mean? A threat to the VP? This guy is NUTZ.

Last edited by greenman (9/30/2024 10:28 am)


9/30/2024 6:18 pm  #2637

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Yeah, I saw that and reported that one too.  Haven't looked in since so no clue if it is gone or still there.

     Thread Starter

9/30/2024 8:37 pm  #2638

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

and the whiner is whining again... Wah Wah Wah...

     Thread Starter

10/03/2024 7:13 am  #2639

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Sounds like he’s violating DNRs again.

He’s remarkably hypocritical about that, too. And like jb his excuses are soooo lame!

‘It might’ve been Hemi’

‘The cursor jumped’

‘I might’ve hit a wrong letter’

‘Moon aliens hacked my TRS-80’

OK, I made up that last one, but…


10/03/2024 8:57 am  #2640

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

Sounds like he’s violating DNRs again.

He’s remarkably hypocritical about that, too. And like jb his excuses are soooo lame!

‘It might’ve been Hemi’

‘The cursor jumped’

‘I might’ve hit a wrong letter’

‘Moon aliens hacked my TRS-80’

OK, I made up that last one, but…


Actually, MY cursor DID jump.  It happens on my laptop all too often.

I was posting something and it jumped into the NAME slot, grabbing the word I'd typed (you).  I didn't notice it.  Since I use the 'save my name for next time I post', it stuck and posted 3 times before I caught on to what had happened! 

I always switch off from laptop, iPad, and my phone, so when I noticed it had happened, I was on a different toy.  So, it happened over 2 days before I found and fixed it.

The rest of the excuses WERE GOG's or GOG-like though.


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