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9/05/2024 2:07 pm  #2581

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

You have to wonder about the kind of person who posts this:

i had a good friend who was raped and had a baby boy. good lad.

Posted by jb on September 5, 2024, 9:47 am

always was a good boy/man. she died of heart disease but he ts still around.
'Because it's VIRTUOUS to give birth to your rapist's child! It's God's will!

Sick, sick, sick.


9/09/2024 8:50 pm  #2582

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Yeah, that's sick. 

I have a niece who got pregnant via date rape at age 16.   She didn't believe in abortion so had the child, a boy. She decided to keep him after her Mom (my sister) told her she'd help support them both and care for him while she finished school and then went to college. 

When N was 4 1/2, Wendy met and later married a good man who adopted N. They had 2 more sons and are a very happy family.  No one talks much about how N came to be, but it's also not a secret.  It just is what it is and no one has a problem with it.

Other women in W's situation could not have done what she did.  I respect their choices too.  It is NOT easy to carry, birth, and care for a child of rape, especially when it completely changes your life.  Abortion and adoption SHOULD also be options available to them.


     Thread Starter

9/10/2024 11:23 am  #2583

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Bottom line is choice innit?
Each situation is like a fingerprint, so personal choice is the only policy. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/10/2024 11:56 am  #2584

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Bottom line is choice innit?
Each situation is like a fingerprint, so personal choice is the only policy. 


Absolutely! Choice is how things should be!

     Thread Starter

9/11/2024 9:31 am  #2585

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I should have mentioned that shortly after N's birth, he was rushed into emergency surgery for an intestinal defect that would have caused his death if untreated.  As Wendy signed the authorization papers, she realized that she cared very much that he lived and thrived.  His surgery also meant that he'd require specialized care for at least his first year, potentially meaning the likelihood of him being quickly adopted was reduced in spite of him being a "white infant" available to adopt. (He's fully recovered and has been since age 2)

Prior to that, her plan was to give him up for adoption. Seeing the concern for N, my sister & W's father offered to help Wendy manage keeping her baby. 

Today, N is a single father, raising his daughter, Ava, on his own after his wife walked out and left her with N.  Wendy left her job and stepped up to take care of Ava daily while N built a successful restaurant business.  They are doing quite well and Ava is now 11 and a lovely girl.


     Thread Starter

9/15/2024 2:00 pm  #2586

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

This is disgusting.  KR gets warned for calling idiots 'idiots,' but the idiots (DFM, jb, GOG) are allowed to spew disinformation constantly.

Blame deforestation, NOT mythical "Global Warming".

Posted by DFM on September 15, 2024, 10:47 am, in reply to "More than half of Brazil is racked by drought. Blame deforestation."

It is the tendency for idiots to blame all environmental problems on "Global Warming". This tend to distract people from REAL & SERIOUS problems such as deforestation; overfishing; water, air, and soil pollution, etc.

We need to deal with real problems and NOT get distracted by fashionable idiocy.

YOU are the idiot, Mayer, on this and SEVERAL other issues ('Hurray Israel!' or 'Russia is losing!' for example).

Fake scientist..


9/15/2024 2:33 pm  #2587

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I no longer deal with the fake science and accusatory, judgmental Christianity/religion there. The place is MAGA in every way except actual mention of the politics, which a few cross lines anyway. I tried to build on what we have in common, but they believe we have nothing in common, so there's no reason at all why I should go there. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/15/2024 3:41 pm  #2588

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Another political disinformation post from the guy who always whines first about

Haitian Springfield, Ohio story keeps on giving.

Posted by GOG on September 15, 2024, 12:57 pm

Debunkers” galore coming out of the wood work. “Facr” checkers lying through their teeth. Snopes etc working overtime. Haiti’s “national religion” is voodoo. Sticking pins in effigies, sacrificing animals, and eating all manner of domestic animals. There should be no surprise that human traffickers dumping 20,000 4th world invaders onto a small Ohio town would have issues with Haitians eating pets and park wildlife. The photos are real, police audio records, police reports, residents, and the Ohio Attorney General reveal the truth as originally reported by honest journalists. The latest intrigue is about bomb threats sent to several schools allegedly from an internet operative. Then there is resident who is too stupid to recognize state media manipulation. We can expect this story to morph into back alleys right up to November.

Clearly political. Will anything be done?


9/15/2024 9:26 pm  #2589

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

It's still there. 

However, it appears that Ken called him out on it.

     Thread Starter

9/16/2024 1:52 pm  #2590

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

As is a new post by scott (who seems to be trying to take over the board) which compares Kamala Harris with Ellen DeGeneres and blames them both for the alleged attempted assassinations of Trump.


Seriously.  Nutty stuff. This is what evangelical religion does to the mind.


9/16/2024 4:26 pm  #2591

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

As is a new post by scott (who seems to be trying to take over the board) which compares Kamala Harris with Ellen DeGeneres and blames them both for the alleged attempted assassinations of Trump.


Seriously. Nutty stuff. This is what evangelical religion does to the mind.

I'll have to take your word for it. 
I won't be back there for at least the remainder of this year, not even to read. 
It is one thing to read trump right politics. It is another to read his religion. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/16/2024 5:19 pm  #2592

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

You're smart to stay away.  I don't know why I care - nostalgia, perhaps.

Plus, I hate phonies and liars..


9/16/2024 6:34 pm  #2593

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

As is a new post by scott (who seems to be trying to take over the board) which compares Kamala Harris with Ellen DeGeneres and blames them both for the alleged attempted assassinations of Trump.


Seriously. Nutty stuff. This is what evangelical religion does to the mind.


Yeah, that deserved reporting.  So did a Lucky post talking about tRUMP.


     Thread Starter

9/16/2024 6:49 pm  #2594

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

greenman wrote:

As is a new post by scott (who seems to be trying to take over the board) which compares Kamala Harris with Ellen DeGeneres and blames them both for the alleged attempted assassinations of Trump.


Seriously. Nutty stuff. This is what evangelical religion does to the mind.

I'll have to take your word for it. 
I won't be back there for at least the remainder of this year, not even to read. 
It is one thing to read trump right politics. It is another to read his religion. 



I've been posting and reading there far less given the prominence of a certain segment that just spoil the whole experience for me because they are too prolific to just ignore. 

The sheer arrogance of some disgusts me in how they seem to believe their views are of primary importance and all others are just... wrong.  They seem to feel justified in labeling and attacking anyone who disagrees with them to where I find it upsetting at how much harm they cause and the degree of insults they dish out to good people, without justification or even a decent reason to do so.  It is seriously UGLY and I'll not be party to it. 

In one case, I can't even take a stand against it because of her unjustified DNR, so screw it. I'll avoid all but her clearly rule violations so I'm not pissed off that I can't respond if I want to.

I have my own spaces where I don't have to tolerate their crap or allow it to annoy me. I'll try to reserve my expressed annoyance to here rather than answer them there and potentially exacerbate problems there, better ignored.

So, I'll post there when I feel like it and avoid engaging them as much as possible until such time as annoyande builds up and there's no ignoring it anymore.

It can be difficult to ignore since I also "help out" in identifying and reporting rule violations in an "unofficial" but appreciated and counted on capacity. So I essentially have to open and skim posts I really want to ignore if they look like they will probably contain delivered but hidden violations. However, 2 1/2 decades of moderating and posting at the same time have helped me be "disengaged" from the posting process when skimming for rule violations so I don't get triggered by the majority of them.

Those same individuals mentioned above, plus a few others, constantly sneak politics into their posts and claim anyone pointing it out is somehow harassing them whether directly or with snide remarks about "snitches"!

That and another segment have run off posters I enjoyed reading, most recently Sir Real, while others I enjoy participating with have lowered their presence there too. So why bother?

It's too bad, but it just is like that right now.  Nothing I can do or will even try to do anything about it.  It's not just one or two I can totally ignore anymore.  It's the entire atmosphere and the majority there now and that is upsetting to me, plus I'm annoyed at how blatantly disrespectful it is to Ken & Trish.


     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 8:49 am  #2595

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

As is a new post by scott (who seems to be trying to take over the board) which compares Kamala Harris with Ellen DeGeneres and blames them both for the alleged attempted assassinations of Trump.


Seriously. Nutty stuff. This is what evangelical religion does to the mind.


Apparently, it is NOW okay to deliberately associate Kamala Harris with political violence in a BLATANTLY POLITICAL post on R&E where he found an obscure, totally out of context, joking quote and hunted down some way to associate it with today's political violence as if there is ANY correlation.  Talk about stretching to blame his favorite targets.

Go figure.

He suggested that it was "my political views" that caused me to point it out.  I call B.S. given that I ALSO reported Lucky's post trashing tRUMP, a post I actually agreed with but was political and DIDN'T belong there.

I don't care WHO it is who breaks the rules, I always report them if I see them.  As I said earlier, I do not read nor post there as often as I used to so it is very likely that I don't notice lots of violations there.  Posters constantly hide politics in their posts so it's very easy to miss if you're not actively reading, which I no longer am for my previously stated reasons.

I'm so done with that sh*t.

***** EDIT*****

I take it back, the entire thread is NOW GONE because Scott inserted "sneaky politics" into the middle of his post as 3 of us (you, me, & Skye) rightfully pointed out. 

Sadly, Scott seems to NEVER learn.  He is required to follow rules TOO.  NONE of us are immune from following them.  His claims that I was just "harassing him" when I pointed it out and that somehow Skye is "defective in her reading comprehension" are pure B.S.

He even suggested that I get a warning for pointing it out!  How flipping arrogant!


Last edited by Siagiah (9/17/2024 9:07 am)

     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 9:45 am  #2596

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

Another political disinformation post from the guy who always whines first about

Haitian Springfield, Ohio story keeps on giving.

Posted by GOG on September 15, 2024, 12:57 pm

Debunkers” galore coming out of the wood work. “Facr” checkers lying through their teeth. Snopes etc working overtime. Haiti’s “national religion” is voodoo. Sticking pins in effigies, sacrificing animals, and eating all manner of domestic animals. There should be no surprise that human traffickers dumping 20,000 4th world invaders onto a small Ohio town would have issues with Haitians eating pets and park wildlife. The photos are real, police audio records, police reports, residents, and the Ohio Attorney General reveal the truth as originally reported by honest journalists. The latest intrigue is about bomb threats sent to several schools allegedly from an internet operative. Then there is resident who is too stupid to recognize state media manipulation. We can expect this story to morph into back alleys right up to November.

Clearly political. Will anything be done?


To his credit, Ken not only called GOG out for his ridiculous conspiracies, but he ultimately locked the thread after GOG "talked back" to him as if Ken's original warning to him was "negotiable". 

So much crap gets missed because mods are too busy and some of us who try to help out are "less available" so posters have apparently gotten cocky thinking that their rule breaking is somehow okay.


     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 11:27 am  #2597

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

BTW, and FWIW, kudos to Ken for locking that thread which GOG had stunk up with conspiracies. Credit where credit is due.



9/17/2024 2:20 pm  #2598

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Mongo hating on anyone who won't kneel before Trump..

This guy is a supreme AH

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 17, 2024, 1:13 pm
Lt Col Eugene Vindman


He falsely testified against Trump in the fake impeachment trial. Now, he is running for Congress in Virginia. I hope he is soundly defeated.

Of course this senile idiot can't provide a shred of evidence of 'false testimony.'  Just
makes him 'feel bad...'

Mongo is, of course, not a military veteran.


9/17/2024 2:45 pm  #2599

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

His first name is actually Yevgeny, not Eugene.  People around him often call him Eugene as an anglicized version of Yevgeny, but Yevgeny is his actual name.

It was his twin brother, Alexander who testified against him and who'd reported tRUMP's behavior to "Eugene", who blew the whistle, causing the hearing where Alexander testified.

tRUMP fired them both.  Disgusting.


     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 2:52 pm  #2600

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Expect MORE NOISE soon. 

Alexander Vindman's wife, Rachel posted something about tRUMP's second assassination attempt:

Rachel Vindman, sister-in-law of 7th Congressional District Democratic candidate Eugene Vindman, took to social media Sunday afternoon mocking the incident.
“No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” [Rachel] Vindman posted on X.

 Rachel is Alexander Vindman's wife.

     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 6:05 pm  #2601

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Sadly, Scott seems to NEVER learn.  He is required to follow rules TOO.  NONE of us are immune from following them.  His claims that I was just "harassing him" when I pointed it out and that somehow Skye is "defective in her reading comprehension" are pure B.S.

He even suggested that I get a warning for pointing it out!  How flipping arrogant!


Scott, Observer and Mark ganged up on me as something less than a Christian, and discussed my defective critical thinking in a vicious, unhealthy discussion. That was the last time I will post or read on R&E for the foreseeable future. I will not respond to him on CGD either as it was he who suggested no further discussion on R&E. 

MAGA Christianity is a cult, and they're saturated with it. They can quote the book, and use verses as weapons against people they dislike, which seems to include all Liberals and Democrats without exception and scarcely a mention. But just as they don't have authority over women they don't know regarding abortion and their self appointed so-called holy intervention to "speak for the unborn child," they don't have authority to tell me what I am and am not. That is my decision, not theirs. Abortion is the woman's decision, not theirs. The fact they can confuse and meld these two issues is projection of defective critical thinking.


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/17/2024 7:39 pm  #2602

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

How dishonest is Mongo?  This dishonest..

Yes, deadly ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 17, 2024, 6:41 pm, in reply to "January 6th The Most Deadliest Day"
... a stupid Capitol Cop shot an unarmed veteran.

The whole thing was Pelosi's fault for not accepting Trump's offer for National Guard protection of The Capitol. She later admitted fault.
Absolute dishonesty in every count.  Like most Trumpers, and fake Christians, he's willing to lie - just like Sophia/Observer - to support their Dark Lord Trump.

How I wish all of the Capitol invaders had been shot dead that traitorous day.

How sickening that TURDS like
these continue to stink up America.


9/17/2024 9:39 pm  #2603

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Sadly, Scott seems to NEVER learn.  He is required to follow rules TOO.  NONE of us are immune from following them.  His claims that I was just "harassing him" when I pointed it out and that somehow Skye is "defective in her reading comprehension" are pure B.S.

He even suggested that I get a warning for pointing it out!  How flipping arrogant!


Scott, Observer and Mark ganged up on me as something less than a Christian, and discussed my defective critical thinking in a vicious, unhealthy discussion. That was the last time I will post or read on R&E for the foreseeable future. I will not respond to him on CGD either as it was he who suggested no further discussion on R&E. 

MAGA Christianity is a cult, and they're saturated with it. They can quote the book, and use verses as weapons against people they dislike, which seems to include all Liberals and Democrats without exception and scarcely a mention. But just as they don't have authority over women they don't know regarding abortion and their self appointed so-called holy intervention to "speak for the unborn child," they don't have authority to tell me what I am and am not. That is my decision, not theirs. Abortion is the woman's decision, not theirs. The fact they can confuse and meld these two issues is projection of defective critical thinking.



OMG, I didn't know that they all ganged up on you! Screw them and the horses they rode in on!


     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 11:17 pm  #2604

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I'm SO DONE with both Shadow/Observer and Scott.  Talk about unbelievable B.S. and deliberate DNR violations?


so my post was deleted because?  

Posted by scott on September 17, 2024, 1:59 pm, in reply to "This topic is about abortion. Abortion is a welcome topic here.

Using an example, just as you did, merits on who, to decide that?

I never mentioned a party either.

I'm not completely convinced you're the one who deleted it. Usually there's some communication and identification from you with it. And I'll always fathom a manipulation purposed the action, no matter who did it. Malcontents are always lurking.

Doesn't seem" ethical, does it? Questioning who's in charge is real.

I believe

Posted by observer on September 17, 2024, 4:03 pm, in reply to "and there it is...confirmed."

  Trish is the helper, Sia is the snitch.  


I requested a DNR against Scott on R&E and had already removed his membership on Blue so you'll no longer have to work around him here and since you won't be on R&E anymore, you will not see him at all anymore. 

He is everything that SJW said about him today.

quote SJW: But I consider your posting manner more than a bit too condescending and self-congratulatory for my taste.

I've never seen someone SO full of himself. 

After the comments made above, he got really personal and did his usual pseudo-psychology nonsense attacks. 

I mistakenly thot..  

Posted by scott on September 17, 2024, 8:31 pm, in reply to "You don't have to mention a party when you NAME specific politicians running for POTUS"

 trish actually had more integrity than to follow your dictates from another board. You're obvlously only here to cause problems, not converse.

You're the antithesis of quality board etiquette.

You act all insecure: using insults as a way to deflect attention from perhaps your own perceived shortcomings.

You display regularly a lack of empathy towards others’ feelings and mostly try to dominate the conversations to assert control over others.

You show poor communication skills and resort often to insults as a way to participate.

Mostly I think just seeking attention. Any kind, even if it's negative.

In other words, I don't have to answer to the likes of you here or anywhere.

My beliefs are my own. The question you have to ask is, who owns your?

And I'm quite okay if you don't like or agree with any of this post.


Good riddance. 


     Thread Starter

9/18/2024 6:35 am  #2605

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

He really is the passive-aggressive type. He comes on as pleasant initially, but gets quite upset if you challenge anything he says or believes in.  And he's fond of humble-bragging - loves to pose as someone with oodles of Christian humility.

I noticed when he last posted on blue he prefaced it with:

"And do try to comment on the article, it's bad form to attack the poster. He may not come back."

I ignored that, but it seemed quite insecure and defensive.

Too bad, as he seems intelligent.

Last edited by greenman (9/18/2024 6:36 am)


9/18/2024 12:50 pm  #2606

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Now I see he's trying to post that pile of manure from the white whine board - a pompous lecture on how to deal with bad posters, except it's clearly an attack directed at Sia - on yellow.


Like Sophia he is deceptive, disingenuous and secretive in his personal attacks. He pretends to be trying to 'help' even as he's hating and smearing.

A real fake Christian, just like 'observer...'

Last edited by greenman (9/18/2024 12:52 pm)


9/18/2024 1:33 pm  #2607

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

An Air Force composer and arranger knocked on Tedesco's door one Saturday morning during our study, and wouldn't go away like the note on the storm door suggested. (Bill! Wait here! Be right back!")
Composers frequently visited with intent to get his critique. He hated that. But he let the AF composer in. Opened the score, pointed to a note, and asked, "Why did you write this note?" The AF guy said, "Because I liked it." Tedesco closed the score, handed it back to the guy, and shoved him out the door without a word. I asked why he did that. Seemed mean to me. Tedesco could be really, really mean at times. 
Tedesco said, "You must have a REASON for every note you write. 'I liked it' is an opinion."

We recently experienced a board hopper. That is a person who can't express certain elements of knowledge or character on one board, and then moves to another to fulfill that character. For what purpose? What reason?

It didn't take long for that to become clear. Intent was malevolent and intentional. It was not edifying, uplifting, and did not add good feelings with different views. It became permeated with condemnation of other people's views, unexpressable elsewhere apparently to hide face and possibly protect status. Rather than adding value, it subtracted humanity. It followed a leadership example to bring out the worst in humanity.

I won't be surprised by report of some upturn flurry of activity elsewhere that targets the "unfair" leadership and expectation of deportment on Blue, though I won't directly read it. An expectation is simple. Do not imitate eviil. Imitate that which is good. It isn't that we desire to be better. No, we just want to be human.  


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/19/2024 1:51 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/18/2024 2:50 pm  #2608

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

'Imitate that which is good' is good advice.

..or as Arlen and Mercer wrote:

'You've got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive
E-lim-i-nate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mr. In-Between'


Last edited by greenman (9/18/2024 2:54 pm)


9/18/2024 7:17 pm  #2609

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

Now I see he's trying to post that pile of manure from the white whine board - a pompous lecture on how to deal with bad posters, except it's clearly an attack directed at Sia - on yellow.


Like Sophia he is deceptive, disingenuous and secretive in his personal attacks. He pretends to be trying to 'help' even as he's hating and smearing.

A real fake Christian, just like 'observer...'


I saw it a few minutes ago. What a loser.  Notice NO ONE responded to it?  I'm not going to either.  Ken will put the DNR into place when he gets a minute and I believe that he's removing the one Observer took against me for her repeated violations of her own DNR.  Ridiculous behavior on her part and arrogant to the extreme to think that the rules just don't apply to her either.

Scott is as phony as they come.  Too bad he doesn't realize that most everyone SEES it, except for him. 

It is too bad because it looked like some good discussions were going on, in spite of his nonsense remarks accompanying them. 

But there's NO WAY he was going to remain on Blue after what he did to Pikes. I didn't know about that until last night.  Pikes left R&E to get away from him, Observer, and Mark. NO WAY was Scott going to annoy him further by being over here.

Not liking someone is not a good enough reason to boot someone.  However, deliberate cruelty to one of us absolutely IS.


     Thread Starter

9/18/2024 7:32 pm  #2610

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

We recently experienced a board hopper. That is a person who can't express certain elements of knowledge or character on one board, and then moves to another to fulfill that character. For what purpose? What reason?

It didn't take long for that to become clear. Intent was malevolent and intentional. It was not edifying, uplifting, and did not add good feelings with different views. It became permeated with condemnation of other people's views, unexpressable elsewhere apparently to hide face and possibly protect status. Rather than adding value, it subtracted humanity. It followed a leadership example to bring out the worst in humanity.

I won't be surprised by report of some upturn flurry of activity elsewhere that targets the "unfair" leadership and expectation of deportment on Blue, though I won't directly read it. An expectation is simple. Do not imitate eviil. Imitate that which is good. It isn't that we desire to be better. No, we just want to be human.  



J, if I'd known what he'd done to you along with Observer and Mark, he woulda been gone long before he coulda posted ANY of his posts yesterday morning.  It's one thing the crap he dishes out to me, quite another that he did something so cruel to you and harmed you the way that the 3 of them did. That's not just disagreement or being disagreeable.  It's downright evil to harm someone that way.  So screw them all. They don't deserve the time of day ever again.

I knew that he'd come over in an attempt to annoy me.  I didn't care either way so his plan failed on that mark.

Of COURSE he'll criticize that he got booted from here. But seriously, he only joined to try to sell his book.  I did buy a copy for my kindle.  I haven't read it yet and now definitely don't intend to.  I'm sure it's full of praise heaped upon himself and a ton of lectures on what it means to be a good Christian and little else... BLAH.  Whatever it is about, I no longer give a rat's patootie.

I only bought it to help him sell more of his books since it meant so much to him. When some are sold, others are more willing to buy them, so I thought it would be helpful.  I shouldn't have bothered.

I've known Scott for a couple of decades and have tangled with him in the past.  I'd hoped that maybe he'd changed and mellowed some so wasn't as judgmental and rigid as he'd always been.  Wrong.  He's WORSE.


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