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8/10/2024 6:31 pm  #2551

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Ken C wrote:

Siagiah, I have been harassed and trashed on this forum for about 5 years.  My R&E forum has been trashed here for about 5 years.   Please  just LEAVE ME ALONE, please stop posting to/about me and my forum. 

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

Here are the two biggest problems, and they're questioning Trish's authority..

Jb watch your daily limit - TRISH August 8, 2024, 4:46 pm
trish asfar as i know you are not in charge of enforcing any rules applied to me - jb August 9, 2024, 6:47 am
Are you responsible for removing my posts? - GOG August 8, 2024, 10:50 pm

Absolute trash posters. Why keep them around?


Maybe for their occasional amusement factor?  Or maybe Ken actually likes them or thinks they bring something to the table?  IDK? 

But why worry about it ?  Ignore them, that's what I usually do. (but obviously, not ALWAYS)

Most of the time I don't even open their posts , simply scrolling by as if they aren't even there... because
1- they constantly post nonsense a/o b.s. that annoys me.
2- I couldn't care less what they think about anything under the sun, so why subject myself to their idiotic & annoying remarks that will likely annoy me?

I DNR'd GOG because he refused to stop bothering and attacking me every single time I posted about anything.

Ditto mongo & SES. Both them went out of their way to harass and hatefully attack me until I had no other option but to request DNRs that Ken/Trish enforce. Problems solved,  at least for me.

I deleted my DNR with jb after he agreed & promised to stop responding to me with his relentless proselytizing, an agreement that he mostly keeps nowadays. Since I occasionally give him grief about his excessive posting when I report him for it, I excuse his occasional memory lapses about not responding to me with his nonsense.

If the others would just LEAVE ME ALONE, then there would be no need for the DNR

Who the hell knows why Shadow/Observer asked for a DNR against me, but it's her loss, NOT mine.  Now I just ignore her too since it's clear that she doesn't actually want anyone to challenge or respond to her opinions if they aren't back petting. Truth is, if she had requested that I not respond to her, I wouldn't have.  But she didn't ask like I asked everyone that I DNR'd. She just asked for one against both you and I for apparently making her uncomfortable when she made absurd, blanket religious statements as FACTUAL and we contradicted her with actual facts and pointing out that she was mistaking opinions as facts.

Truth be told, if people would simply HONOR requests to leave others be, then we wouldn't NEED the DNR there.  But a select few of them won't. Harassing and trashing others is what they enjoy.

I'll give jb that much credit.  He mostly doesn't post to me anymore so I mostly ignore him.  Other than crediting him with that, he IS quite an annoyance to other posters when he goes crazy posting repetitive nonsense until others complain.  The he whines about being silenced. 

Oh well.  Life is too short.



FINE. Works for me.

You'll have to talk to everyone ELSE about what THEY have to say about you though.  Good luck with that.

If you're complaining about my response to your unsolicited questions a few posts ago, hey, you were CLEARLY criticizing me and this forum.  You got the response that you deserved.

Oh, and one last thing, you KNOW that you don't NEED to read over here, SO WHY DO YOU?  That's on YOU. NO ONE MAKES YOU CONSTANTLY LOOK IN.  So, WHY don't you just STOP?

Apparently, you don't remember the advice you gave me about mongo's board and the crap he posted there for years against both you and I?  You told me NOT TO GO THERE TO LOOK.  I stopped.  I no longer see, nor care what is posted there.



8/10/2024 6:56 pm  #2552

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Siagiah wrote:

Trish wrote:

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here

Hoping hip replacement went well with no complications?  Thinking of you...

They Said it did. Pain says otherwise lol


8/10/2024 7:21 pm  #2553

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Trish wrote:

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here

Hoping hip replacement went well with no complications?  Thinking of you...

They Said it did. Pain says otherwise lol


I'm so sorry you're in so much pain.  I can relate.  Thankfully, your pain should reduce some every day! Here's to having it go by faster!


     Thread Starter

8/11/2024 10:49 am  #2554

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Trish wrote:

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here

Hoping hip replacement went well with no complications?  Thinking of you...

They Said it did. Pain says otherwise lol

We have your back. Always did. You know the days ahead will each one be better than the one before. Pretty good definition of hope. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

8/12/2024 10:42 am  #2555

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Here are the two biggest problems, and they're questioning Trish's authority..

Jb watch your daily limit - TRISH August 8, 2024, 4:46 pm
trish asfar as i know you are not in charge of enforcing any rules applied to me - jb August 9, 2024, 6:47 am
Are you responsible for removing my posts? - GOG August 8, 2024, 10:50 pm
This bit of offensiveness continued. Where a normal person would have defended Trish, Ken followed JB's post with a gently-phrased iteration of the rules he'd set. Not a word to stress that Trish had any authority. Infuriating. Then, perhaps realizing how disgracefully he'd behaved, Ken erased the entire exchange.
As for considering himself "trashed" I find that amusing. I don't think I've seen anyone call him names. All that I've seen are discussions of the way he handles (or doesn't handle) issues that arise on his board.
I've kept my disagreements with him limited to e-mail. I try to be thorough in explaining my views on matters. Ken's responses are about as detailed as a typical post from Devo or JB. Reading his own posts on the board, considering the phrasing, etc., it occurs to me that he just may in over his head. He's not a thinker, that's certain.
One other thing, (Okay, this might be considered trashing though I consider it a poerfect description) I think he has the sense of humor of a fern.
Note to Trish: Keep your spirits up and get better with each day. You are appreciated.


8/14/2024 6:27 am  #2556

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I confess I deleted it. It served no purpose


8/14/2024 4:48 pm  #2557

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

I confess I deleted it. It served no purpose

LOL  It's true, it didn't.  Woulda been nice if you'd been "officially" backed up. At least Scotty did, such as it was.


     Thread Starter

8/16/2024 1:33 am  #2558

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

GOG, just unbelievable!

Women don’t belong in combat, period.

Posted by GOG on August 15, 2024, 5:35 pm, in reply to "Re: This is just completely unacceptable! They MUST find ways to fix this"

The entire gender confusion issue is due to penis envy. Yes, that is a psychological term. Where has it led? Well, the latest DEI degeneration has confused males and females where these testosterone soaked apes are literally scamming the virtue signalers into silence. You’ve been skunked. Backed into a well deserved dead end.

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8/16/2024 5:42 am  #2559

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

And he wonders why he's deleted


8/16/2024 6:18 am  #2560

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

And he wonders why he's deleted


Agreed. He was apparently deleted before he reposted that crap

     Thread Starter

8/16/2024 1:04 pm  #2561

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Nutty as a fruitcake. Of course as with jb's religious nuttery, it's all the fault of those who don't appreciate their brilliant insights...lol


8/20/2024 5:07 pm  #2562

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I think I've figured out the problem with Ken's semi-managment of his board. Reading through his comments, posts, etc. it has occurred to me that he is not by any stretch of the imagination the brightest bulb on the block. His ability to reason seems rather limited, as is his grasp on what is going on around him, hence he fails to respond appropriately to events on his board and often fails to understand what is posted. I'm trying to say this politely. He is incapable of dealing with the three basket cases who make the yellow board a problematic.I used to call it the hate board, but that was when another group dominated the scene. Now it's dominated by folks who may have to chew their way through the restraining straps in order to post each day. 
OK, I've let off steam. Carry on.


Last edited by SJW (8/20/2024 5:08 pm)


8/20/2024 5:56 pm  #2563

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

That was pretty mean. 

Hey, check your email please?

     Thread Starter

8/21/2024 8:17 am  #2564

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Mean? I don't think so. Just factual.
No e-mail shown from you.


8/21/2024 9:34 am  #2565

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

From my personal email, not the cpd.monitors one

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8/21/2024 11:00 am  #2566

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Siagiah wrote:

From my personal email, not the cpd.monitors one

Just checked. There is nothing in my inbox.. 
Is everything OK?


8/21/2024 11:13 am  #2567

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Siagiah wrote:

That was pretty mean. 

Hey, check your email please?

But not wrong, as we all know.

And whatever his problem is, it's gradually gotten worse.


8/21/2024 12:04 pm  #2568

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Now THIS is mean..but mean is Mongo's brand:

Waltzing Timmy-Poo is a "Joyful" Dancing Faerie Queen

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on August 21, 2024, 11:22 am

What's with all the giddy, sophomoronic jumping around wildly, waving the hands like an idiot, with a sh*t-eating grin on his clownish face?

Obscure valor-stealing [that's a goddam lie] minor-league assistant coach with virtually zero net worth, who is willing to play second fiddle to another "empty-pants-suited" loser.

PS, I am sick of her tasteless, lookalike all-pantssuit wardrobe.
'Sophomoric' would be a grade up for you, boy.

I'm sick of a pretentious, childish and whiny Nashville Confederate whining about 'Libs this, Libs that' because he sold what little 'soul' he had to Donnie Trump about 8 years ago.

But hey, Mongo...be best!  lolol


8/21/2024 12:54 pm  #2569

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

SJW wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

From my personal email, not the cpd.monitors one

Just checked. There is nothing in my inbox.. 
Is everything OK?

Yes, all is fine. No worries.

I sent it to your M---w---#### pro--email. Didnt get it back as undelivered?

Oh, and I responded to your private message within this system too

     Thread Starter

8/22/2024 1:53 pm  #2570

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Ken administers a place where a few miscreants who prolly are banned from every other social community platform, can rant. Jb, GOG and SES might not last a day on Facebook. 

Ken might provide a necessary social service, because without a place to rant, those people could become real life trouble for those near them. The distance from their insanity to dangerous psychopathy or sociopathy might be very short. I'd rather read their rants there, than read about their backlash on society on the news. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

8/22/2024 2:56 pm  #2571

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Ken treated this as politics, quite rightly.

Sophia is a nasty customer..


Posted by observer on August 22, 2024, 11:05 am

the adulation of joy in the nation’s muder [sic] capitol [sic]  - Chicago.
Unclear on the concept once again!u[not all you're unclear on]

You're not really unclear. You're a right-winger blaming Dems for murder rates in big (Blue) cities, when in fact your own party's addiction to guns (and racism) is far more to blame than anything Dems do.

Last edited by greenman (8/22/2024 2:57 pm)


8/23/2024 11:37 am  #2572

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Indeed, Sophia/Shadow/Observer is a real piece of nasty work.  For a so-called Christian, she is one of the most hateful ones I've ever encountered.

She's also incredibly FULL OF HERSELF and somehow thinks that she's special and is able to ignore rules with impunity. 

Go figure?


     Thread Starter

8/23/2024 11:54 am  #2573

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Observer's post is still there, intact... ???

     Thread Starter

8/24/2024 2:29 pm  #2574

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Siagiah wrote:

SJW wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

From my personal email, not the cpd.monitors one

Just checked. There is nothing in my inbox.. 
Is everything OK?

Yes, all is fine. No worries.

I sent it to your M---w---#### pro--email. Didnt get it back as undelivered?

Oh, and I responded to your private message within this system too

I don't know how to "get" a priovate message and still haven't seen anything in my regular e-mail. Am I missing something?



8/24/2024 5:21 pm  #2575

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

You sent me a private message through this forum. You just go back there.

Scroll up to the top of this page.  On the left line of options, you'll see INBOX 


     Thread Starter

8/25/2024 8:37 am  #2576

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Siagiah wrote:

Observer's post is still there, intact... ???

 Which one please?


8/25/2024 9:08 am  #2577

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Observer's post is still there, intact... ???

 Which one please?



That it is so obviously POLITICAL blows my mind


     Thread Starter

8/28/2024 7:44 pm  #2578

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Well, it appears that it's just fine even though she was CLEARLY referencing the DNC convention.

Oh well.


     Thread Starter

9/04/2024 7:20 am  #2579

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Some new poster on Mongo's board was greeted with this hilarious spew of nonsense from the host:

Red-Blooded, Die-Hard, Constitution-Respecting, Loyal Americans who ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 3, 2024, 9:09 am, in reply to "Hello everyone"

... make good choices based on critical thinking and thoroughly-analyzed exogenous phenomena.

We are far more than connoseurs partisan politics. We cover a wide range of interests.

However, when it comes to politics, we believe the best predictor of future performance is past performance.

And, what, may I ask, are your interests?

Never have I seen such a combination of pretentious bloviating and deliberate misrepresentation!  And Deanna added her two cents by calling the board members 'centrists!' lolol

Ah, I needed a good laugh..


9/04/2024 4:30 pm  #2580

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Most likely it is another of mongo's sock puppets.  He's probably bored and wanted to introduce another character to the mix.  One who ISN'T ultra MAGA so it can be the new punching bag.

He's pathetic like that.


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