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8/16/2024 5:21 pm  #301

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is the kind of odious, pro-Russian, pro-Putin stuff dispensed by the American Right. In this case, GOG..

The Russian People are honed. They have experienced invasions by iNapoleon and

Posted by GOG on August 16, 2024, 2:01 pm

Hitler. They are not flabby mentally nor physically like the Americans. They have the spirit and will power to resist yet another attempt to conquer their Mother Russia. They have a “dog” in this fight. The American People do not. And thus far less of the will to win. A crucial difference. One that bodes ill for the Western nations. The people of Europe do NOT want the war. Neither do the vast majority of Americans. So who the hell is directing this Waterloo?

Absolutely anti-American and anti-freedom. A disgrace.

Last edited by greenman (8/16/2024 5:21 pm)


8/18/2024 9:01 pm  #302

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Loony-tunes just says anything that comes into his pointy little head. No evidence, just hot takes on everything.

A real nut. With a forum.

Catholic Charities is the largest human trafficking organization on the planet.

Posted by GOG on August 18, 2024, 4:30 pm, in reply to "How a small group of nuns in rural Kansas vex big companies with their investment activism"

And making big bucks with a federal contract.

A contract with whom, the Deep State's chain of pizza parlors? lol

     Thread Starter

8/19/2024 8:01 am  #303

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

greenman wrote:

Loony-tunes just says anything that comes into his pointy little head. No evidence, just hot takes on everything.

A real nut. With a forum.

Catholic Charities is the largest human trafficking organization on the planet.

Posted by GOG on August 18, 2024, 4:30 pm, in reply to "How a small group of nuns in rural Kansas vex big companies with their investment activism"

And making big bucks with a federal contract.

A contract with whom, the Deep State's chain of pizza parlors? lol


That is HATE SPEECH besides.  Particularly coming from a Southern Baptist like GOG


8/19/2024 9:37 am  #304

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

More antivaxxer disinformation..

A smorgasbord of gain-of-function viruses waiting in the wings

Posted by GOG on August 19, 2024, 7:03 am

for the order to dump one or all onto humanity. Monkey pox and bird flu are the current top contenders with the greatest potential to create another trusting herd stampede to the vaccine injection public “health” outlets. One should know monkey pox is already being revealed in research papers as genetic tampering by the bio-warriors. Further complicating the already rampant confusion is monkey pox and shingles look alike. The shingles is another side effect of the covid vaccine injection. Here’s the meat of the matter: if one has a genetic propensity (inherent and innate) to a disease (whether young, and especially in the elderly), the mRNA gene damaging juice once injected weakens the body’s overall immune system. It also “searches out” that inherent or innate dormant disease. The cookie cutter one size fits all experiment is an unmitigated global disaster.

'Genetic tampering by the bio-warriors...' 'gene-damaging juice..' 'unmitigated global disaster..' 'shingles is another side-effect...'

All made up. He doesn't even bother quoting his usual wack-sources for this junk.

I spent ages criticizing this garbage to very little effect. That's why I gave up on that board.

Last edited by greenman (8/19/2024 9:39 am)

     Thread Starter

8/19/2024 10:00 am  #305

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

GOG's posts are typically bonkers so I typically don't even open them. So not worth the bother!


8/19/2024 10:16 am  #306

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

I don't read them. He responds to anything and everything because its one of very few forums that tolerates his hate speech and conspiracy theories, and he likely has nowhere else to go. He is repeatedly given chances that larger forums like Facebook would first temporarily, and then permanently ban him for. He prolly is permanently banned from FB under another name. He might be on Truth Social. Possibly X. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/19/2024 10:17 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

8/21/2024 11:57 am  #307

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Double political posts! Oh GOG, and yet you're the one always crying 'politics!' if they're liberal..

No surprise. But one takeaway from the two conventions is - GOG August 21, 2024, 9:54 am

US jobs revised down by 818,000 in election year shocker. - GOG August 21, 2024, 9:47 am

Another Trumpster who doesn't want
to be seen supporting him..lol

     Thread Starter

8/21/2024 1:57 pm  #308

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

greenman wrote:

Double political posts! Oh GOG, and yet you're the one always crying 'politics!' if they're liberal..

No surprise. But one takeaway from the two conventions is - GOG August 21, 2024, 9:54 am

US jobs revised down by 818,000 in election year shocker. - GOG August 21, 2024, 9:47 am

Another Trumpster who doesn't want
to be seen supporting him..lol


Best if you include the URLs.  I reported them both.


8/21/2024 2:12 pm  #309

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Yome chips in:

Re: No surprise. But one takeaway from the two conventions is

Posted by yome on August 21, 2024, 12:05 pm, in reply to "No surprise. But one takeaway from the two conventions is"

It surprises me that people that lived like kings and queens for the last 16 years play the race card. Also I didn't watch it all but I was surprised of the hate that was spewed last night which made me turn the channel.

They blame a certain person, but this has been happening for 30 years.

On 9-11 everyone said they will never forget, But many have.

A nation divided will surly[sic] fall.

Well, you have a 'surly' candidate! Maybe you need to swap him out, too! lol

     Thread Starter

8/21/2024 2:29 pm  #310

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Yome is a nice fella most of the time, but he's not smart enough to tie his own shoes alone, so I wouldn't put much faith into anything he might add.

(and yeah, that was kinda mean)



8/23/2024 8:55 am  #311

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

DFM and GOG doing dueling racist, reactionary posts.

Mainstream media is Americas enemy. And they practice free speech.

Posted by GOG on August 23, 2024, 6:29 am, in reply to "Black Student Learns The SHOCKING Statistics On Black Crime In Americ"

When will MSM be censored? The $1,000,000 talking heads lie and misinform as a regular feature of the scripts they read to the public. The mixed race student body was respectful of the professor. That was refreshing. No hysterics from BLM retards made uncomfortable by the presentation. That’s MLK’s vision,the races in harmony.
Opposed to free speech and journalism, obsessed with 'race,' attacks free-speech protests against police violence..and he has the nerve to cite Dr. King?

I also love how Mayer thinks black people need to be told about crime in black neighborhoods, and by a white guy, too.

Last edited by greenman (8/23/2024 8:56 am)

     Thread Starter

8/25/2024 5:09 pm  #312

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Religious bigotry at its finest:

there are none, only one GOD, no lesser gods to adore, sorry

Posted by jb on August 25, 2024, 2:53 pm



Bigoted hatred against another religion by a lunatic. This should be taken down! 

Otherwise Ken's tolerance means nothing!

     Thread Starter

8/26/2024 6:47 am  #313

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

GOG posting loony-tune nonsense about some Russian gazillionaire running a social site spewing disinformation, apparently:

Interesting. Telegram CEO arrested in France for for his free speech platform

Posted by GOG on August 25, 2024, 5:29 pm

is unmarried and has fathered over 100 children around the globe. Wow. He is highly intelligent. Hopefully no Covid vaccine. A preeminent human stud watering down the stupid in humanity. France could use some of his IQ enhancer.
Amazing junk. The sexual envy is palpable and smells of eugenics, but the initial comment is a lie. He was not "arrested for his free speech platform." 

First, according to Wikipedia, he's Russian (so it figures GOG is defending him):

'Pavel Valeryevich Durov (Russian: Павел Валерьевич Дуров; born 10 October 1984)[4] is a business executive who is a co-founder and the chief executive officer of Telegram Messenger Inc.[5] and a co-founder of social networking site VK (short for its original name VKontakte; Russian: ВКонтакте, meaning InContact). Since 2021, he has held citizenship in four countries (and European Union citizenship).'

Second, there are some serious charges in France:

'On 24 August 2024, Durov was arrested in France on criminal charges relating to an alleged lack of content moderation on Telegram, which allowed the spread of criminal activity.[10]'

That would be typical of a Russian in charge of an information platform, I'd say. But I'll assume he'll get a fair trial and have plenty of legal representation..

     Thread Starter

8/27/2024 10:27 am  #314

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Comical nonsense from the same source about 'free speech....'

You don’t understand how free speech works.

Posted by GOG on August 26, 2024, 5:40 pm, in reply to "I don't think you understand how the internet works."

It's you, GOG, not KR who doesn't understand.

You have literally ALWAYS thought that 'free speech' means 'I can say anything I want to and you can't stop me.'

That's not what it means.

This is free speech, which in America, comes from the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Also note:

'Although the First Amendment applies only to state actors, there is a common misconception that it prohibits anyone from limiting free speech, including private, non-governmental entities. Moreover, the Supreme Court has determined that protection of speech is not absolute.'
- Wikipedia

Disinformation, someone also needs to remind this buffoon, is NOT protected speech.

     Thread Starter

8/29/2024 9:47 am  #315

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Note further posts about Israeli 'conspiracies' against Durov, 'gain-of-function' lab viruses, and 'Ukranian aggression.'

Why give this lunatic a forum?

     Thread Starter

9/03/2024 11:46 am  #316

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

And abortion and 'religion,' of course..

Unmitigated murder., Our nation is in judgement. God’s instrument

Posted by GOG on September 3, 2024, 7:40 am, in reply to "Ex-Abortion Doctor Tells The SHOCKING Truth About Abortion"

to abort the US………..Russia.

Amazing how many Trumpnuts are biii-iiiiig fans of Mother Russia, huh?


Supports Russia against Ukraine

Supports Russia against USA

Thinks Russia has something to do with the Middle East (GOG v. MAGOG)

Fears any help to Ukraine brings on WWIII

thinks Bible is a magical book of prophecy!

Last edited by greenman (9/03/2024 11:48 am)

     Thread Starter

9/03/2024 10:16 pm  #317

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

I think that GOG was well educated and likely successful during his productive years. I suspect that he may come from a well off family. His vocabulary and fussing about manners and protocols suggest that as likely IMHO.  It goes beyond the expected from someone in his age range.  He has recently mentioned inheriting a large sum from an uncle.

He is an intelligent, well read person from many of his posts.  Apparently a voracious reader back in the day. (Now it's wasted on idiotic conspiracies and crazy outer space fantasies.)

However, that said, he is as screwy as they come. I'm not sure if he was always an easily mislead person, but he sure is now. He has fallen down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories that build on each other to where there's NO breaking through 'em because he dismisses anything that disputes his beliefs.

At the same time, his ability to connect so many disjointed things to make "sense" of them reveals that he HAS a brain capable of independent, critical thinking even though his conclusions are wicked wacky! They DO follow logical patterns even though his supposed facts are anything but facts.

He is a piece of work, that one. On the one hand he can be nice and empathetic.  I've talked to him off of the boards and he was quite pleasant and "chatty" in a good way.  

OTOH he can be an absolute SLIME in his cruel judgment and black'n'white convictions of other people without giving them the slightest benefit of the doubt.

It is sad because it is such a waste. The effort and attention he gives to his pet conspiracies, if applied to something real, like actual medical info could result in advances in medicine, or at least informational posts that could help other posters. Instead, he spreads pure B.S. "medical advice" that can kill people who buy into it.

I just have to ignore and avoid him because he enrages me with his cavalier attitudes about people's health and lives in addition to his insane beliefs about heroic Russia.  He is predictably cruel and always takes the opposite view of the majority.  If he finds that his views are in the majority, he changes them. He's NUTS


9/04/2024 12:06 am  #318

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

GOG is a crank. An internet crank.
He is joined by cranks of other walks. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/04/2024 10:51 am  #319

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Yes, i think there's an intelligent person there somewhere. I used to get along fine with him, even though Ken put an (unwanted) DNR on us.  The thing that finally ticked me off was his COVID conspiracies and anti-vaxxerism, which I've always regarded as disinformation. Ken didn't like it that I called him out on that.

He's not as strange as jb, to be sure..

Last edited by greenman (9/04/2024 10:52 am)

     Thread Starter

9/09/2024 1:40 pm  #320

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is what happens when Ken won't police his own board.

Another disinformation post is mocked hard by KR; in response, observer whines about KR and 'hate speech,' and gets Ken to caution KR!  Incredible..

20,000 Haitians invade and occupy Springfield, Ohio. Residents beg for help. - GOG September 8, 2024, 3:53 pm
Yes, here is another link: - Ken C September 8, 2024, 9:46 pm
A complex story. Here's more detail. If you're biased, don't bother reading. - Muqwump September 9, 2024, 9:54 am
Yeah, that's basically what I've been reading about this situation - Sia September 9, 2024, 10:16 am
School buses should have seatbelts. I've said that before in other posts. - Ken C September 9, 2024, 10:12 am
In my city we have a shortage of affordable housing. New homes are not being built fast enough. - Ken C September 9, 2024, 10:04 am
The story isn't about your city, though, is it? - Muqwump September 9, 2024, 10:26 am
You posted from a fake news site that is only visited by low intelligence simpleton idiots. - KR September 8, 2024, 5:14 pm
Surprised NPR reported this disaster.  - GOG September 9, 2024, 4:32 am
KR, please stop the hatred and name calling. - Ken (ADMIN) September 8, 2024, 9:50 pm
A little effort goes a long way. - Sprout September 8, 2024, 6:13 pm
KEN, ISN’T THIS HATE SPEECH? KR DOES IT MOST OF THE TIME. - observer September 8, 2024, 5:41 pm

First, this wasn't 'hate speech,' just an insult. Secondly, righties like observer normally dismiss 'hate speech' complaints as something lefties do.  Which is probably why she's mad, since rightie GOG posted an anti-immigrant post.

Which is a lot more like hate speech, it turns out...smh

     Thread Starter

9/09/2024 2:06 pm  #321

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is GOG's putrid, racist, political letter:

20,000 Haitians invade and occupy Springfield, Ohio. Residents beg for help.[lie]

Posted by GOG on September 8, 2024, 3:53 pm

Illegals are eating local wildlife and pets.[false according to police] Those who allowed the borders to be wide open [no one did], who encouraged the ongoing mass migrations into the US [no one has] have much for which to answer. Armed Venezuelan gangs have occupied whole buildings in NYC. [link to evidence?] Carry AR 15s. Babylons days are numbered.[loony 'Babylon' nonsense again!] The “Persians” walked through and [sic] open gate and put that great city to the torch [yada, yada]. I bet you MSM will not cover this.[they never cover your Zerohedge nonsense. Wonder why?]


'Hate speech?' It sure is!  Nutty as hell, too!

Last edited by greenman (9/09/2024 3:01 pm)

     Thread Starter

9/09/2024 6:48 pm  #322

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Yeah, quite a bit of misrepresentation in his post in spite of the basic premise that 20,000 Haitians have settled in Springfield, OH.  The rest is gobbledegook.

KR often takes the low road with his endless, usually unnecessary insults, but it's rarely, if ever, HATE speech.  T'would be better if he just popped balloons with facts rather than dishing up insults as if that is discussion.  But hey, that's who he is. Doubtful he'll ever change.



9/09/2024 7:31 pm  #323

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Agreed. KR is often too dismissive and abusive (and that's ME saying that). But he's right when he mocks GOG for spewing garbage from bad sources.

Observer is just being the class tattletale, her favorite function. Always a concealed motive; always disingenuous.

     Thread Starter

9/11/2024 8:24 am  #324

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is how dishonest and deluded Trumpsters are:

The Disney ShitShow was a joke. KamKam couldn't answer a straight question. [lies and insults]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 10, 2024, 10:42 pm

Right off the bat, she dodged the question "Do you think Americans are better off now than 4 years ago?"[how many did Trump dodge, including an abortion ban?]. Wimpy ABC mods didn't hold her feet to the fire [ most saw the mods as favorable to Trump]. That set the stage for what you could expect from KamKam and her Disneyesque proteges during the rest of the debacle.[childish gibberish]

Thereafter, she was an immature, grimacing clown, denying truth after truth spoken by Trump.[a lie on both counts. Also, Trump is incapable of truth]

Her plethora of lies were embarrassingly preposterous.[projection]

This was a complete waste of time for Trump. We already know his platform, and it has already been proven to work.[another lie]

How deluded, how brainwashed does someone have to be to believe and publicly post this swill?

Mongo must be getting as senile as Donny..

     Thread Starter

9/11/2024 9:17 am  #325

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Did that post come with head spinning, froth, and steam out the ears?


9/11/2024 9:38 am  #326

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

I believe so!  And a heaping helping of fake outrage and indignation!

     Thread Starter

9/11/2024 2:15 pm  #327

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

How do they deal with or address the many GOP defections, to include among the most conservative, the Cheney family? 

As Dick and Liz both said, this is about country over policy. Trump's only policy is Trump. 
I heard MAGA call the Cheneys RINO. Would they call Reagan that too? 

Trump said he hired the best. When they left, and warned Americans about Trump's instability, Trump said he fired them. He fired nobody. No more than he won the Harris debate.

I will not lie, steal, cheat, nor tolerate anyone who does."

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/11/2024 2:16 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/12/2024 5:24 pm  #328

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

More GOG abuse and insanity. This is currently the face of Kenniboi's board:

Do you have a link to her “common sense”?

Posted by GOG on September 12, 2024, 1:37 pm, in reply to "I love Taylor Swift she has good common sense "

She is just another trollop. Half naked and depraved. She and Kelce are out in public practically screwing. What’s with these cultural icons? Self esteem of the most sordid sort. Ishtar’s version of “freedom.”

Explains your ideology.

GOG's 'ideology' is a combination of Trumpian right-wing BS and conspiratorial insanity.  Oh, and a touch of the Old Confederacy, ball gowns and obsequious bowing and scraping Darkies.

What an unbelievable freak! Ken's true buddy.

     Thread Starter

9/13/2024 4:20 pm  #329

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Trumpublican Mongo's whining continues..'they STOLE my Donald's debate!' lolol

Scheming idiots [a CONSHPIRASHY!]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 13, 2024, 3:17 pm

I have no doubt that they gave KamKam [that's Vice-President KamKam to you, boy!] advance info on the one-sided, anti-Trump questions that would be asked, giving her time to rehearse. Kammy-Poo is just not that quick on her feed in a spontaneous situation. She tends to toss word salad about being a little middle-class girl who worked at McDonalds, and loves yellow school busses and Venn diagrams.[absolute opposite of the truth, idiot boy. It's the Donald who 'tosses the word salad' you pathetic, self-impotent old fart]

I have zero respect for these 3 birds. Kammy didn't answer their first question, and these unprofessional Disneyesque news-hacks didn't hold her feet to the fire. The rest was a total shitshow.[repeating this BS, alas, still doesn't make it true. Most thought the mods favored Trump, if anyone]

The only people better off now than 4 years ago are the illegal aliens.[that's a damned lie]

21+% inflation [hilarious!] is catastrophic administration failure. The "Border Czar" was clueless and inept in her only assignemnt as VP.[making up feeble lies is something your boy Trump does nonstop, Mongo]

If you can't trust journalists to demand answers from politicians for the benefit of the public, than you can't trust them at all. Most of the media serves as partisan cheerleaders for their favorite political demigods, all financed by constant, obnoxious ads from big pharma and insurance.[it's true, they didn't demand enough answers - from TRUMP.  He was repeatedly allowed to skate off into pointless, vague manure-spreading rather than answer]

Am I angry? You're damn right. I am now faced with charging my clients more, an extremely unpleasant task, just to keep things profitable. But, have no pity on me ... all business owners have the same problem. There is a difference, however, in the impact of raising prices on different businesses. Gas stations can raise prices, and it's a given that people will pay. Grocery stores can gradually raise prices in an insidious manner, and it takes a while for people to realize that they are being burned. But in a service-provider/client business situation, you are one-on-one, face-to-face with how to diplomatically approach the subject of a rate increase, how to justify an increase, and how to avoid possibly losing a client to a competitor.[Hilarious. Trump screwed the pooch, so Mongo has to 'charge his clients more.' Yeah, I'm sure it's not because you bought a new Beemer, new jewels for JuJu, or just decided to go to Europe, you scab!]

A client? Do you run a massage parlor? lol

This is the state of rage, impotence and uselessness Trumpsters live in.  Everything good is due to Trump, everything bad to Biden and Harris. And how dare that uppity colored woman think she can be President!

So stupid it's funny...

     Thread Starter

9/13/2024 5:14 pm  #330

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

If he's still working at his advanced age (80+) then he has a major financial problem.  He likes to pretend that he's far younger, but he is not!


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