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7/26/2024 12:52 pm  #2521

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

The present Blue Board IS the threaded board. This forum is NOT threaded.  It is sequential posts.

When I was building this board, I contacted Boardhost to find out why I wasn't able to make individual boards into threaded boards instead of sequential.  They promised to update their software to allow threads on forums... eventually... but, so far, they haven't.  So, I just gave up on using this forum for much more than the Back Alley. 



7/26/2024 3:08 pm  #2522

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Ken wrote: SJW, you seemed kind of angry and hostile.  

Of course I'm angry. You sit on your hands and do nothing. Today he violated the DNR HE WANTED for the
5th time, burying it a little lower on the page (the ICJ thread) and hoping no one would notice. Seems to me yu should do something openly (not in a priavate note) or tell him that he no longer has that DNR because he himself did not honor it.

Last edited by SJW (7/26/2024 3:10 pm)


7/26/2024 4:25 pm  #2523

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

SJW wrote:

Ken wrote: SJW, you seemed kind of angry and hostile.  

Of course I'm angry. You sit on your hands and do nothing. Today he violated the DNR HE WANTED for the
5th time, burying it a little lower on the page (the ICJ thread) and hoping no one would notice. Seems to me yu should do something openly (not in a priavate note) or tell him that he no longer has that DNR because he himself did not honor it.


I have to admit that I totally agree with you that the DNR should be rescinded so that you can respond to him as desired since he posts to you whenever he pleases while preventing YOU from doing the same to him.  His first violation of his requested DNR was shortly after he asked for it!  Now he is just disregarding it as if it's okay since he's gotten away with it so many times already... violating yours AND every other one he has and ever had.

He also deserves at least a 5 day TIME OUT IMHO so he won't "forget" next time he wants to violate one of his DNRs


     Thread Starter

7/26/2024 6:07 pm  #2524

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

'Five days,' lol!

He deserves a permanent timeout. I got one but jb never has!

Shows you what kind of board operator Ken is.


7/27/2024 11:26 am  #2525

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Does he know what 'woke' means? Constant attacks now by GOG and scott on 'wokeness' at the Olympic Ceremonies, which evidently offended the far Right.



7/27/2024 12:30 pm  #2526

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Crazy Boy apparently saw my post above..lol

KEN runs a board that offers leeway for varying opinions.

Posted by GOG on July 27, 2024, 10:10 am

While it’s not a democracy, this board is not a walled off country club for snobs and thought-clones as with another board. I think too many intellectual poseurs with unwarranted high self-esteem should practice being more liberal and charitable towards those of us who weren’t born with a foot in our mouths.
I dispute the claim that you weren't born with a foot in your mouth! lol

No, the board's a haven for weirdos, Righties, paranoids, religious crazies and abusive mental patients.

Like you, GOGster! lol

ps - the Olympics are an internationalist Marxist plot!!  lololol

Last edited by greenman (7/27/2024 12:31 pm)


7/27/2024 2:37 pm  #2527

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Also, he broke the rule covering talking about OTHER BOARDS. It is abundantly obvious that he is talking about BLUE, run by both Pikes and I*** who BOTH have DNRs against GOG. So it is a TRIPLE VIOLATION which I intend to report to Ken.

The democracy comment is from my response to SJW on the previous page.

*** (as well as Poppet & Amadeus)

     Thread Starter

7/30/2024 1:08 pm  #2528

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Why is this disgusting LIAR allowed to post insults and defamation on the Yellow Board?

Barbara Butch, a rotund Jewish lesbian, scrubbed her instagram account.

Posted by GOG on July 30, 2024, 10:09 am

Originally she had posted that the parody was to mock Christianity. She then reposted “it’s the feast of the gods”. Schmuck! Excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano,[basically a 'fake Cardinal'] who refers to Francis as a fake pope, [a falsehood] was outraged at the wanton mockery. His scathing rebuke of the Olympics lays bare the latest in a series of vile attacks upon God.[name one - hint, this wasn't one] Vigano says it’s no coincidence that the ceremonies were presided over by French president Macron who passes off a transvestite as his wife [crazy lie #1] with impunity just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig. [crazy lie #2] Vigano pointed out the disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth games. No doubt he is disgusted at the US opening football ceremonies [WTF are you talking about?] as it's more of the sick behavior.

Actual paranoia and mental illness, politics, insults directed at a former first Lady of this country..

Have you no shame, Ken? HAVE YOU NO SHAME?


7/30/2024 2:03 pm  #2529

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

THAT is pretty damned disgraceful!!

He's complaining about supposed disrespect and mockery of God?

What a flipping JOKE he is!

     Thread Starter

7/31/2024 6:00 pm  #2531

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

No worries, Trish, hope things start looking up.

Been there..😞


8/01/2024 12:55 am  #2532

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

Why is this disgusting LIAR allowed to post insults and defamation on the Yellow Board?

Barbara Butch, a rotund Jewish lesbian, scrubbed her instagram account.

Posted by GOG on July 30, 2024, 10:09 am

Originally she had posted that the parody was to mock Christianity. She then reposted “it’s the feast of the gods”. Schmuck! Excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano,[basically a 'fake Cardinal'] who refers to Francis as a fake pope, [a falsehood] was outraged at the wanton mockery. His scathing rebuke of the Olympics lays bare the latest in a series of vile attacks upon God.[name one - hint, this wasn't one] Vigano says it’s no coincidence that the ceremonies were presided over by French president Macron who passes off a transvestite as his wife [crazy lie #1] with impunity just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig. [crazy lie #2] Vigano pointed out the disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth games. No doubt he is disgusted at the US opening football ceremonies [WTF are you talking about?] as it's more of the sick behavior.

Actual paranoia and mental illness, politics, insults directed at a former first Lady of this country..

Have you no shame, Ken? HAVE YOU NO SHAME?

greenman, was that a post on the R&E forum?  Do you have a link?

I don't see it there now.  We probably deleted it.



8/01/2024 1:00 am  #2533

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish, I understand the feeling.  For a long time I have been just barely earning more than I'm spending. 


8/01/2024 8:32 am  #2534

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Probably Trish deleted it. She takes care of most of that stuff, I've noticed.


8/05/2024 10:13 am  #2535

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Ken's board just gets smarter and smarter!

Vaxxcine [sic] holocaust. Dying like flies. Funeral home investments highly recommended.

Posted by GOG on August 5, 2024, 7:47 am

Anecdotal evidence [non-evidence] continues to mount. The People know.[loony people]  But the fear porn [GOG cliche] media pushers will never fess up. Indeed, big pharma is coming for us again. Read. Weep. Get angry. Link:

https://rense.com/general97/olooney.php [rense, rense, makes no sense]
Any board that doesn't ban this loony cannot be taken seriously.

Last edited by greenman (8/05/2024 10:16 am)


8/05/2024 12:04 pm  #2536

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

His retort (after Trish took down the previous post):

Free speech is essential to dialogue. Erasing what REAL PEOPLE share

Posted by GOG on August 5, 2024, 9:44 am
about their vaccine injury and death experiences is very unAmerican. Discourse becomes one sided with a distorted image of reality. What are you afraid of? Facts. Pattern recognition, correlation to cause, opinions and facts from unfunded medical experts? Sad. Probably had a complaint from the peanut gallery.
'Free speech' does not give you the right to post nonsense, lies, and disinformation. We cannot have 'free speech' when a significant portion of that speech is intended to deceive, When it is non-factual.



8/05/2024 8:14 pm  #2537

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Why is Mayer allowed to cheer for war and assassination constantly?

He is utterly morally reprehensible, bad even by Zionist Jewish standards.

Israel announces assassination of Gaza’s deputy Minister for Economy

Posted by DFM on August 5, 2024, 5:32 pm

Israel does it AGAIN. Let's hope that Israel continues to remove terrorists from the Earth to the benefit of all Humanity.


Israeli forces have claimed responsibility for the assassination of Gaza’s deputy Minister for Economy, amid a flurry of assassinations of Palestinians officials in recent months.

According to a statement by Israel’s military over the weekend, an airstrike “eliminated Abdul Fattah Al-Zeriei” who reportedly “served as Hamas’ Minister for Economy in the Gaza Strip”.

Claiming that he was an “operative in the Manufacturing Department of Hamas’ Military Wing”, Occupation forces also claimed that he “was responsible for the distribution of fuel, gas and funds for hostile purposes”.

Hey, MAYER: here's hoping for Bibi Netanyahu's imminent assassination! Can't wait to congratulate you on the death of that murderous monster! L'chaim!


8/06/2024 9:10 am  #2538

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I have to ask Ken about this. Part of me prefers he post about that than other things which have become very nasty.


8/07/2024 11:46 am  #2539

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Think jb over daily limit ck w Ken pls


8/07/2024 3:45 pm  #2540

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

Think jb over daily limit ck w Ken pls


jb went well OVER 5 posts yesterday!  He used 4 of them in just one thread where he was talking to HIMSELF.  He posted at least 9 posts on Aug. 6th

TUESDAY: 9 THAT I've found


all the Manifestation suffer, especially the Blessed Beauty - jb August 7,
2024, 6:48 am

God sent all the Manifstation to save as many as possible but Christians - jb August 7, 2024, 6:58 am

what i am trying to show is the golden rule is universal, in fact - jb August 7, 2024, 5:55 am



     Thread Starter

8/08/2024 6:15 am  #2541

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Let's do a calculus of least harm:

How many people are enjoying this forum?

How many people have been attacked, insulted, or mocked on this forum?

How many people have made new friends here?

How many friendships have been destroyed by this forum?


8/08/2024 9:30 am  #2542

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Ken C wrote:

Let's do a calculus of least harm:

How many people are enjoying this forum?

How many people have been attacked, insulted, or mocked on this forum?

How many people have made new friends here?

How many friendships have been destroyed by this forum?


How are any of those questions relevant to the usage or purpose of this board within the forum?

Everybody SHOULD understand that NO ONE has to read or post here, particularly if they are offended by it on a regular basis. 

BTW, have you asked those same questions about R&E?  Perhaps you should?  I suspect that you wouldn't especially like the answers. The DNR list makes it pretty obvious what some of those answers would be.

Not criticizing you, I'm jus' sayin'.  Glass houses and all, ya know?


     Thread Starter

8/08/2024 12:16 pm  #2543

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

LOL..I thought he WAS talking about R&E.

It's got far more problems with:


Insults and personal abuse

Spam and proselytization

Problem posters

DNRs and departing posters


8/09/2024 10:15 am  #2544

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Here are the two biggest problems, and they're questioning Trish's authority..

Jb watch your daily limit  - TRISH August 8, 2024, 4:46 pm
trish asfar as i know you are not in charge of enforcing any rules applied to me - jb August 9, 2024, 6:47 am
Are you responsible for removing my posts? - GOG August 8, 2024, 10:50 pm

Absolute trash posters. Why keep them around?


8/09/2024 1:52 pm  #2545

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

Here are the two biggest problems, and they're questioning Trish's authority..

Jb watch your daily limit - TRISH August 8, 2024, 4:46 pm
trish asfar as i know you are not in charge of enforcing any rules applied to me - jb August 9, 2024, 6:47 am
Are you responsible for removing my posts? - GOG August 8, 2024, 10:50 pm

Absolute trash posters. Why keep them around?


Maybe for their occasional amusement factor?  Or maybe Ken actually likes them or thinks they bring something to the table?  IDK? 

But why worry about it ?  Ignore them, that's what I usually do. (but obviously, not ALWAYS)

Most of the time I don't even open their posts , simply scrolling by as if they aren't even there... because
1- they constantly post nonsense a/o b.s. that annoys me.
2- I couldn't care less what they think about anything under the sun, so why subject myself to their idiotic & annoying remarks that will likely annoy me?

I DNR'd GOG because he refused to stop bothering and attacking me every single time I posted about anything.

Ditto mongo & SES. Both them went out of their way to harass and hatefully attack me until I had no other option but to request DNRs that Ken/Trish enforce. Problems solved,  at least for me.

I deleted my DNR with jb after he agreed & promised to stop responding to me with his relentless proselytizing, an agreement that he mostly keeps nowadays. Since I occasionally give him grief about his excessive posting when I report him for it, I excuse his occasional memory lapses about not responding to me with his nonsense.

If the others would just LEAVE ME ALONE, then there would be no need for the DNR

Who the hell knows why Shadow/Observer asked for a DNR against me, but it's her loss, NOT mine.  Now I just ignore her too since it's clear that she doesn't actually want anyone to challenge or respond to her opinions if they aren't back petting. Truth is, if she had requested that I not respond to her, I wouldn't have.  But she didn't ask like I asked everyone that I DNR'd. She just asked for one against both you and I for apparently making her uncomfortable when she made absurd, blanket religious statements as FACTUAL and we contradicted her with actual facts and pointing out that she was mistaking opinions as facts.

Truth be told, if people would simply HONOR requests to leave others be, then we wouldn't NEED the DNR there.  But a select few of them won't. Harassing and trashing others is what they enjoy.

I'll give jb that much credit.  He mostly doesn't post to me anymore so I mostly ignore him.  Other than crediting him with that, he IS quite an annoyance to other posters when he goes crazy posting repetitive nonsense until others complain.  The he whines about being silenced. 

Oh well.  Life is too short.


     Thread Starter

8/10/2024 10:44 am  #2546

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here


8/10/2024 11:02 am  #2547

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here

Hoping hip replacement went well with no complications?  Thinking of you...

     Thread Starter

8/10/2024 1:00 pm  #2548

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Siagiah, I have been harassed and trashed on this forum for about 5 years.  My R&E forum has been trashed here for about 5 years.   Please  just LEAVE ME ALONE, please stop posting to/about me and my forum. 

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

Here are the two biggest problems, and they're questioning Trish's authority..

Jb watch your daily limit - TRISH August 8, 2024, 4:46 pm
trish asfar as i know you are not in charge of enforcing any rules applied to me - jb August 9, 2024, 6:47 am
Are you responsible for removing my posts? - GOG August 8, 2024, 10:50 pm

Absolute trash posters. Why keep them around?


Maybe for their occasional amusement factor?  Or maybe Ken actually likes them or thinks they bring something to the table?  IDK? 

But why worry about it ?  Ignore them, that's what I usually do. (but obviously, not ALWAYS)

Most of the time I don't even open their posts , simply scrolling by as if they aren't even there... because
1- they constantly post nonsense a/o b.s. that annoys me.
2- I couldn't care less what they think about anything under the sun, so why subject myself to their idiotic & annoying remarks that will likely annoy me?

I DNR'd GOG because he refused to stop bothering and attacking me every single time I posted about anything.

Ditto mongo & SES. Both them went out of their way to harass and hatefully attack me until I had no other option but to request DNRs that Ken/Trish enforce. Problems solved,  at least for me.

I deleted my DNR with jb after he agreed & promised to stop responding to me with his relentless proselytizing, an agreement that he mostly keeps nowadays. Since I occasionally give him grief about his excessive posting when I report him for it, I excuse his occasional memory lapses about not responding to me with his nonsense.

If the others would just LEAVE ME ALONE, then there would be no need for the DNR

Who the hell knows why Shadow/Observer asked for a DNR against me, but it's her loss, NOT mine.  Now I just ignore her too since it's clear that she doesn't actually want anyone to challenge or respond to her opinions if they aren't back petting. Truth is, if she had requested that I not respond to her, I wouldn't have.  But she didn't ask like I asked everyone that I DNR'd. She just asked for one against both you and I for apparently making her uncomfortable when she made absurd, blanket religious statements as FACTUAL and we contradicted her with actual facts and pointing out that she was mistaking opinions as facts.

Truth be told, if people would simply HONOR requests to leave others be, then we wouldn't NEED the DNR there.  But a select few of them won't. Harassing and trashing others is what they enjoy.

I'll give jb that much credit.  He mostly doesn't post to me anymore so I mostly ignore him.  Other than crediting him with that, he IS quite an annoyance to other posters when he goes crazy posting repetitive nonsense until others complain.  The he whines about being silenced. 

Oh well.  Life is too short.




8/10/2024 2:13 pm  #2549

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here

Heal fast and completely. You're in my thoughts and prayers. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

8/10/2024 5:45 pm  #2550

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Trish wrote:

FYI in hospital will do what I can from here

Worry about getting well, Trish! Your health is what's important here. Ignore my bitching.


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