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6/21/2024 7:05 am  #2461

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I don't doubt that he had medical issues and I hope he'll be okay with all of that.

However, his scorched earth, mental issues and ability to type long screeds kinda negates that he was really struggling with major stroke issues. I'd venture mini strokes and a loss of access to internet more than it being a medical absence.

Last night he called me a cruel, heartless soul for calling him on his nonsense.

He can shove off as far as i am concerned!


6/24/2024 10:24 am  #2462

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Speaking of JB, when you have JB along with GOG and  Devo, you start to wonder what circle of Hell you've found yourself in. Does Ken have a particular fondness for defectives?


6/24/2024 6:34 pm  #2463

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I ask myself that qiestion every time I go there. It didn't used to be this bad. 
JB, GOG, Devo, Sprout, Observer, Deanna, SES, Sprout, DFM are all disagreeable people. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

6/24/2024 8:48 pm  #2464

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

I think that Ken just believes in "free speech" to where he tolerates all kinds of posters and their craziness until they go so far out of line that he has to boot them for various amounts of time.


     Thread Starter

6/25/2024 8:47 am  #2465

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

He was cracking down on GOG's virus disinformation at one time, but I see with a new possible pandemic, THAT'S back again..

simple. Only the brain dead trust Public Health.

Posted by GOG on June 24, 2024, 6:57 pm, in reply to "Flying blind during Bird Flu out break"

And only the most unintelligent among us chickens would not suspect this latest fear porn extravaganza is lab created via gain-of-function. Prophecy…..plague in the end time. Man made.

Absolute baloney. I used to speak out against this crap and got suspended and then banned, but the foolishness continues.

So glad I left.

Last edited by greenman (6/25/2024 8:48 am)


7/05/2024 1:46 pm  #2466

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Testing... we seem to have lost some posts.


7/05/2024 2:34 pm  #2467

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

These are the latest on THIS thread. 

However, yesterday, you, G, and I were posting on ANOTHER thread in the Back Alley though.  Maybe that's where what you're looking for is?

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7/05/2024 3:04 pm  #2468

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam



7/06/2024 2:16 pm  #2469

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

JB knows the rules for DNR..


On the article about North Koreans in South Korea, - Christopher Blackwell July 5, 2024, 8:41 pm
Thankfully people carry some of - trish July 6, 2024, 7:46 am
i lived in S K \OTEA 2 YEARS i understand them even better than you, - jb July 6, 2024, 5:16 am
If your umderstanding of them is comparable to your understanding of people here - Muqwump July 6, 2024, 8:03 am
Re: If your understanding of them is comparable to your understanding of people here - Muqwump July 6, 2024, 8:04 am
it isn't - jb July 6, 2024, 8:08 am
i understand them even better than you, - Christopher Blackwell July 6, 2024, 6:08 am
You're forgetting that JB is a superior being of some sort. - Muqwump July 6, 2024, 8:51 am
The list is endless. - Dancing Digits July 6, 2024, 10:50 am
where did i quote to be expert on any thing???? - jb July 6, 2024, 11:58 am
CAN you copy? jb - jb July 6, 2024, 9:20 am
The regulars here, especially those who have been here a long time - Dancing Digits July 6, 2024, 10:55 am
He's really a one-trick pony, ultimately more repetitive than.. - Muqwump July 6, 2024, 11:38 am
DO YOU want a dnr? - jb July 6, 2024, 12:05 pm
how do i know? do you think they wear signs? i know koreans attitude toward n korea - jb July 6, 2024, 6:57 am

Obnoxiously troll and abuse others

Invite their scorn and returned outrage

Threaten them with a DNR for the fight YOU started

Rinse and repeat

Last edited by greenman (7/06/2024 2:17 pm)


7/06/2024 3:13 pm  #2470

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Whiny Boy followup:

KEN, i want a dnr with MUqwhatever, please all he does is attack  - jb July 6, 2024, 12:49 pm

This is how DNRs actually work. Whiny baby (who should be permanently banned) starts a fight, then demands protection from its consequences.

Mongo used to be the master of that technique..lol


7/06/2024 10:33 pm  #2471

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

If jb posted his request on the board instead of via email as required, it may go ignored.

     Thread Starter

7/07/2024 6:40 am  #2472

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

It did. Ken gave him the (well-known) procedure and erased his whine.

Next: the child whines that he's unable to use e-mail, or something else..


7/07/2024 8:06 am  #2473

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

And my 'prophecy' INSTANTLY comes true! lol


Ken, I DON'T HAVEyour addy. - jb July 7, 2024, 5:00 am


Sooooooo predictable...

Last edited by greenman (7/07/2024 8:07 am)


7/07/2024 8:31 am  #2474

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Like it is right up top! DOUBLE DOSE DUH jb

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7/07/2024 10:10 am  #2475

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

He just messes with all of you. Intentional or unintentional, I don't even know.

But he's messing with you. It must be a very important part of his life...lol


7/07/2024 3:13 pm  #2476

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

He just messes with all of you. Intentional or unintentional, I don't even know.

But he's messing with you. It must be a very important part of his life...lol

It IS his life.

I rarely respond to him, but now and again I just wanna SLAP his stupid face!

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7/08/2024 8:20 am  #2477

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Join the crowd! Many of us have wanted to do it for years. What hold he had over Ken I'll never know, but he's the bad penny that always turns up.

I used to get into long, pointless arguments with him - especially on Woodbines' board, which I kind of regret - and to call that fruitless and frustrating is putting it mildly.  He is the classic troll; he doesn't just dump something stupid like Devo and watch others chase it (again this morning, I see) but loves going back and forth with people, using verbal manipulations to annoy and frustrate them.

There's something really badly bent in someone who practices that kind of posting year after year after year.


7/12/2024 12:12 pm  #2478

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

JB managed to violation his own requested DNR twice on my first post after the DNR was issued. I wrote Ken immediately. He deleted the posts but added a comment that fell just a little short of suckling JB, wording it carefully so it would seem that JB just misunderstood was his DNR meant.


7/12/2024 2:38 pm  #2479

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Well, Ken's coddled him for years, no doubt whatsoever about that.

But it's typical of the poster to demand a DNR one moment and violate it the next. He's so obsessed with all things Baha'i that anyone challenging it as an ABSOLUTELY revealed faith from God simply offends him beyond belief.

I can see some sort of deep emotionally involvement there. Surely he's not making up that part.


7/14/2024 6:58 am  #2480

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

The kind of wacko rhetoric coming from GOG over the Trump shooting..

Millions of dollars pour into martyr account.

Posted by GOG on July 13, 2024, 8:15 pm, in reply to "Too bad he wasn’t a little closer."

Triumph and Trump are synonymous. Yep, the dumb dumb dead radical did his bit.

He had already lied and claimed the shooter was 'ANTIFA.' No evidence at all of that, of course.

And the Trump panegyric lets you know where he stands on that would-be tyrant, despite past denials..


7/14/2024 12:38 pm  #2481

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Further gibberish from worshipful Trump idiot SES:

greenman thinks it was probably a Trump staged assassination attempt.

Posted by CE0802 on July 14, 2024, 8:23 am, in reply to "pretty sure the media already knows who the 20 yo suspect is"

The stupidity is strong with that AH.

Biden, just a few days ago: "It's time to put Trump in a bullseye!"

And then greenman gets his panties in a bunch because Trump supporters are, in part, blaming Biden.

Biden used a common expression - much like Sarah Palin did some years back when Gabby Giffords was shot. Repugs pooh-pooled ANY connection at the time, of course.

Now they're in full rant, trying imbecilicly to blame the President. You know - the guy who is alternately a senile drooling fossil and an evil master-schemer.

Wanna see an 'AH,' clown? Look in the mirror. Trump's crowd would be perfectly capable of staging a fake assassination - though no, I don't seriously believe that happened this time.

Go play with your QAnon action figures, you fascist wackjob..

Last edited by greenman (7/14/2024 12:38 pm)


7/14/2024 2:31 pm  #2482

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

SES, jb, GOG, DFM and Observer are certifiable in slightly different, but equally dysfunctional ways. 

The shooter was a loner Republican kid, looking for his fifteen minutes of fame. Had nothing to do with Democrats, or Biden. But leave it down to one of those mentally ill fools to suggest it. The fact SES did it is about as shocking as goldfish swimming in water. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

7/18/2024 10:26 am  #2483

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Where'd my post go? I posted about a jb post here TODAY?!!


7/18/2024 11:35 am  #2484

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Anyway, it's all good. Just look at him trolling yellow; he still dominates that board.

So funny..


7/18/2024 5:16 pm  #2485

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

greenman wrote:

Where'd my post go? I posted about a jb post here TODAY?!!


No idea?

     Thread Starter

7/18/2024 6:52 pm  #2486

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Perhaps I didn't  post it right. No worries, Sia, probably my fault.


7/19/2024 9:39 am  #2487

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Do actual Baha'is actually believe this? Or is this merely more nuttiness?

that is a cliche and not true. every one has the duty to investigate

Posted by jb on July 19, 2024, 8:11 am, in reply to "OK, but do NOT expect everyone else to love YOUR religion."

the Faith. and the Writings indicate that everyone will be Baha'i some day so Baha'is speculate as to which country will be first all Baha'i. i vote Israel or Iran. Israelis love the Faith because of Mt, Carmel. Iran.is have over thousand prophecies on the Faith

I know he's said stuff like this in the past - that everyone has a 'duty' to investigate Baha'i and, by implication, accept it as the One-World Faith.

Do other Baha'i sound this intolerant and obsessed? I wonder.

Because this belief is NUTTY.  Iran and Israel would be two of the LEAST likely nations to go all-Baha'i! lol


7/19/2024 1:08 pm  #2488

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Three people who need deleting:


None of them have anything to say, are anything but trolls, or are even all there.  They drive other posters crazy, and they drive them away.

A word to the wise..


7/21/2024 7:03 am  #2489

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

Check out the obscene pairing of pics at the top of Mongo's board:

The top one is an apparent bronze sculpture of Trump's 'heroic' fist-pump post-assassination attempt. Below it is the famous 'Raising the Flag' pic from Iwo Jima.

I've seldom seen such grotesque idolatry of such an utterly worthless and criminal individual. Like much of the rest of his party, Mongo appears to be a full-fledged Trump cultist.  And the usual idiots of course salute this posting.

Utterly repulsive.  Traitors are now worshipped in this country!


7/21/2024 8:02 pm  #2490

Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

That is just sad.  I didn't bother to go look, I'll take your word for it.  I feel like I need a shower any time I look in on White Whine so avoid it like the plague

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