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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
greenman wrote:
I would actually take Ken's side on this one, and say that if your board is (half) about ethics, you HAVE to permit some political posting. Politics is one area where matters of ethics literally come up every day, as we're seeing right now in regard to Trump and the impeachment process. His actions in Ukraine were ALL about ethics (or lack of them).
The kind of posts which need to be taken down are ones like SES' idiotic, blurbling cries of joy over how Trump is now supposedly improving in the polls, and 'ain't it a-gonna be funny when he's re-elected, derp, derp!' And just slandering of the other side, insults directed at politicians, parties, and participants, that sort of garbage. I agree that holding people to a single political post (or two) per page is a good thing, but I'd further announce the rule I just cited. Political ETHICS only.
I agree, and should clarify my position a bit: posts about ethics with a political context are perfectly on-topic for that board and have just as much of a place there as any other post about ethics. It's the partisan political inanity, which invariably poisons the entire community, to which I've always objected.
Poppet wrote:
greenman wrote:
I would actually take Ken's side on this one, and say that if your board is (half) about ethics, you HAVE to permit some political posting. Politics is one area where matters of ethics literally come up every day, as we're seeing right now in regard to Trump and the impeachment process. His actions in Ukraine were ALL about ethics (or lack of them).
The kind of posts which need to be taken down are ones like SES' idiotic, blurbling cries of joy over how Trump is now supposedly improving in the polls, and 'ain't it a-gonna be funny when he's re-elected, derp, derp!' And just slandering of the other side, insults directed at politicians, parties, and participants, that sort of garbage. I agree that holding people to a single political post (or two) per page is a good thing, but I'd further announce the rule I just cited. Political ETHICS only.
FWIWI agree, and should clarify my position a bit: posts about ethics with a political context are perfectly on-topic for that board and have just as much of a place there as any other post about ethics. It's the partisan political inanity, which invariably poisons the entire community, to which I've always objected.
Thanks, Poppet. I think you and Sia and I are basically on the same page here. And it's very hard to have political discussions and still keep the partisanship and anger out of them. I know that all too well.
Speaking of 'partisanship,' I was chuckling at SES' latest on R & E. He demanded of Pikes that he 'either prove that there's been an investigation that has proven that Ukraine did NOT interfere in the election. Or just shut the f*ck up about it.'
This is his idea of civil, intelligent discussion. And the sad thing is, Ken lets him get away with it.
Last edited by greenman (11/25/2019 1:36 pm)
greenman wrote:
Speaking of 'partisanship,' I was chuckling at SES' latest on R & E. He demanded of Pikes that he 'either prove that there's been an investigation that has proven that Ukraine did NOT interfere in the election. Or just shut the f*ck up about it.'
This is his idea of civil, intelligent discussion. And the sad thing is, Ken lets him get away with it.
SES is so NOT worth the bother of even reading what he writes. He nitpicks and ridicules people. He super-focuses on the smallest mistakes and HOUNDS them endlessly until he finds something/someone else to go after.
Truth is, he's a WIMP IRL and goes online to let loose his pent up fury that he doesn't dare show IRL.
BTW, I sent you a PM with links to some boards you might like.
Apparently I'm still a subject of interest on the New White Whine:
That's the part I can't figure out... even Greenman... I marveled at his
Posted by Ted on November 26, 2019, 6:11 pm, in reply to "DumDum Democrats want to destroy America"
insanely enthusiastic support and applauding of wide open borders...
HE lives here too! HIS kids, grand kids, etc... will be directly affected by the crime, debt, lifestyles and misery these "immigrants" bring with them...
But it doesn't land. Won't register.
Orange Man Bad.
That's the pathetic extent of it.
Can't argue that the word 'pathetic' is descriptive, here. This is the radical, racist Right at its most typical - lying their a&&es off and, apparently believing their own lies. Never have I posted in support of ANY of those positions. And Ted has constantly denied that he himself is a racist using the old, bigoted tropes about 'invaders' from south of the border. Utterly despicable.
Last edited by greenman (11/27/2019 3:00 pm)
LOL They are crazy over there and think their imagined thoughts on what others think are factual. I don't know of ANYONE who embraces "open borders", LW or RW.
Siagiah wrote:
LOL They are crazy over there and think their imagined thoughts on what others think are factual. I don't know of ANYONE who embraces "open borders", LW or RW.
Nor do I...and the rather large majority of the people with whom I might discuss such things IRL are pretty far left.
I'm getting the impression that that board is becoming quite insular and that there aren't a great many regular users any more. I guess that's what happens when you elect to drive away opposing viewpoints and employ flagrant double standards (in terms of censuring bad behavior). With the possible exception of Democratic Underground, echo chambers seldom thrive for long.
Their presence isn't to argue facts. It is to argue for Fox..
It is their patriotic "fight for the country."
By defeating us, they're patriots.
Mayer is the big scientist frog in a small pond.
He would be laughed out of consideration in a conference of peers.
Maybe he had that experience.
In almost every argument he makes, he cites one extreme side as central consensus of dissent. He dismisses moderates as crackpot lunatics and fanatics because it suits him. Reinforces his role as big toad in the mud pit.
SES appears nastier than ever. Perhaps that is due to his county and state surroundings of all Democrats, with every Republican in his region sent packing for their tiresome diatribes. In words he can understand, he's even more p!ssed off than usual.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (11/28/2019 1:23 am)
Poppet wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
LOL They are crazy over there and think their imagined thoughts on what others think are factual. I don't know of ANYONE who embraces "open borders", LW or RW.
Nor do I...and the rather large majority of the people with whom I might discuss such things IRL are pretty far left.
I'm getting the impression that that board is becoming quite insular and that there aren't a great many regular users any more. I guess that's what happens when you elect to drive away opposing viewpoints and employ flagrant double standards (in terms of censuring bad behavior). With the possible exception of Democratic Underground, echo chambers seldom thrive for long.
I seldom peek in so am only guessing but it wouldn't surprise me at all if that board is reduced to an echo chamber. There was little more than hateful attacks on LWers and RWers back petting each other before he tossed out all of the LWers but for Clint, so what can possibly be left but back petters?
Democratic Underground is one weird place. I stopped in a few times and uncharacteristically felt too "conservative" to be there compared to the others. LOL.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Their presence isn't to argue facts. It is to argue Fox..
It is their patriotic "fight for the country."
By defeating us, they're patriots.
Mayer is the big scientist fish in a small pond.
He would be laughed out of consideration in a conference of peers.
Maybe he had that experience.
In almost every argument he makes, he cites one extreme side as central consensus of dissent. He dismisses moderates as crackpot lunatics and fanatics because it suits him. Reinforces his role as big toad in the mud pit.
SES appears nastier than ever. Perhaps that is due to his county and state surroundings of all Democrats, with every Republican in his region sent packing for their tiresome diatribes. In words he can understand, he's even more p!ssed off than usual.
I'm pretty sure they were talking about the White Whine board, but you're entirely correct about DFM & SES on R&E. I think that DFM posts on White Whine too, but SES does not.
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Their presence isn't to argue facts. It is to argue Fox..
It is their patriotic "fight for the country."
By defeating us, they're patriots.
Mayer is the big scientist fish in a small pond.
He would be laughed out of consideration in a conference of peers.
Maybe he had that experience.
In almost every argument he makes, he cites one extreme side as central consensus of dissent. He dismisses moderates as crackpot lunatics and fanatics because it suits him. Reinforces his role as big toad in the mud pit.
SES appears nastier than ever. Perhaps that is due to his county and state surroundings of all Democrats, with every Republican in his region sent packing for their tiresome diatribes. In words he can understand, he's even more p!ssed off than usual.========================================================================
I'm pretty sure they were talking about the White Whine board, but you're entirely correct about DFM & SES on R&E. I think that DFM posts on White Whine too, but SES does not.
SES may not post there, but it is defended there.
DFM is a crank.
Neither he nor TW can warsh off Mondo's scent.
It marked them as its territory, and they may have enjoyed it.
The New White Whine is winding down. Not many posters there. DFM does push his more radical posts on Israel and Warming there, while saving more 'moderate' (lol) ones for R & E. Deanna and GOG are two of the major poster's left on Mongo's board.
DFM's become a real nuisance on R & E, attacking enemies of Israel and supporters of action against climate change with equal frenzy. Ken should realize that most of his 'warming' posts are also POLITICAL posts, and restrict them. They come entirely out of his obsession with right-wing politics, and not much from science. He's what Merlin has called a 'slow-walker,' someone who affects support for climate science but talks and attacks others as if he was a Denier. He's almost hysterical on the issue at times.
Should be interesting to make a few, er, objections to his and SES' nonsense when I get back on there in January. They need someone to take them down a peg...
Yeah, but you need to keep your nose clean too. You'll get grief for going on the attack when you first return. That's how it works. But yeah, he could use some taking down because he's ridiculous.
That's just sad that G & D are the major posters there. It's also pretty funny given that the owner so gleefully and arrogantly demolished his own board, thinking that you'd all return after his nasty dressing down attacks.
greenman wrote:
DFM's become a real nuisance on R & E
At the moment, there's a nasty back-and-forth going on between him and Heavy Hemi (using a couple aliases, ignoring his ban like the unprincipled cur he is). I thought about clueing David in on the actual identity of his harasser, as he seems unaware...but I just can't overcome my reluctance to post there at all any more.
Ken has been on top of him for the most part to where his posts seldom stay for long.
It would surprise me if DFM didn't know exactly who it was. It's usually very obvious.
Poppet wrote:
greenman wrote:
DFM's become a real nuisance on R & E
At the moment, there's a nasty back-and-forth going on between him and Heavy Hemi (using a couple aliases, ignoring his ban like the unprincipled cur he is). I thought about clueing David in on the actual identity of his harasser, as he seems unaware...but I just can't overcome my reluctance to post there at all any more.
I noted that DFM called 'Sir Real' a Nazi after the latter posted a criticism of the Israel Lobby. And then linked the Palestinians to the Nazis. And yet Ken does nothing about it.
He needs to classify DFM's climate posts as political, too, and restrict them. But hey, not my problem.
DFM is a crank
Green- when you return to R&E, take the high road. Let SES have the other one.
Show Ken by action he made a mistake.
Gog and Deanna are matches made in heven for DFM and Mondo.
Don't nobody need to tell nobody nuthin.
The self destruct show is more than adequate entertainment just like it is.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/02/2019 10:48 pm)
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
DFM is a crank
Green- when you return to R&E, take the high road. Let SES have the other one.
Show Ken by action he made a mistake.
Gog and Deanna are matches made in heven for DFM and Mondo.
Don't nobody need to tell nobody nuthin.
The self destruct show is more than adequate entertainment just like it is.
When I suggested I'd go after them, I don't mean with profanity and angry diatribes. When I do, it'll be with solid argumentation and the occasional sneer of disdain.
I will also ask Ken why, when he keeps trying to restrict political posts, DFM is allowed six or more on a page, as he has over there right now. And that's NOT including the climate posts which, in his case, are largely political as well.
I'd as soon avoid the nasty (to use his President's favorite term) SES, who's only there to spit on the other posters. He's quite utterly worthless.
I doubt I'll jump right in when the ban's off, anyway. That board's a real mess...
Last edited by greenman (12/03/2019 2:13 pm)
greenman wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
DFM is a crank
Green- when you return to R&E, take the high road. Let SES have the other one.
Show Ken by action he made a mistake.
Gog and Deanna are matches made in heven for DFM and Mondo.
Don't nobody need to tell nobody nuthin.
The self destruct show is more than adequate entertainment just like it is.
When I suggested I'd go after them, I don't mean with profanity and angry diatribes. When I do, it'll be with solid argumentation and the occasional sneer of disdain.
I will also ask Ken why, when he keeps trying to restrict political posts, DFM is allowed six or more on a page, as he has over there right now. And that's NOT including the climate posts which, in his case, are largely political as well.
I'd as soon avoid the nasty (to use his President's favorite term) SES, who's only there to spit on the other posters. He's quite utterly worthless.
I doubt I'll jump right in when the ban's off, anyway. That board's a real mess...
Don't poke the alligator with a stick. Ask Ken nothing. Let SES and Mondo do that, and when they're rolled and eaten, enjoy it.
Another piece of evidence that Ken's board is going down the tubes...Ditzy Deanna from the White Whine Board has shown up and started posting. And been welcomed.
Wonder if she'll keep laughing foolishly at everyone and everything she disagrees with? That woman's as dumb as any human being I've ever met.
SES has of course taken to her, and her buddy Mongo is posting there as 'Asking' too. Who'll show up next, TEXRA? Will Ken let GOG back on? Hell, it'll BE the White Board pretty soon at this rate! smh
I noticed that.
Dumb Dee Dee's sudden presence just dumbed down the IQ there by 50+ points. SES, DFM, & Asking have quadrupled the nastiness quotient.
I'm SO tired of the never-ending climate change denials; excessive pro-Israel/anti Palestinian crap; and the made up situations SES constantly brings in... but now idiotic, inane tweets by a laughing hyena, and soon a gazillion conspiracies and neverending NDE etc. coming ??
It was already suffering, but it's become insufferable now. In a month it will be uninhabitable.
Siagiah wrote:
I noticed that.
Dumb Dee Dee's sudden presence just dumbed down the IQ there by 50+ points. SES, DFM, & Asking have quadrupled the nastiness quotient.
I'm SO tired of the never-ending climate change denials; excessive pro-Israel/anti Palestinian crap; and the made up situations SES constantly brings in... but now idiotic, inane tweets by a laughing hyena, and soon a gazillion conspiracies and neverending NDE etc. coming ??
It was already suffering, but it's become insufferable now. In a month it will be uninhabitable.
Deanna is too stupid to engage. FACT, LOLOLOL, and her immediate ridicule of anything Democrat, with complete and total exoneration of Trump... it's enough to cause some to pull out hair incredulously. Her tweet repeats are read by no one.
Asking is Mondo? He showed his colors with the Walmart story. Could not even let it alone. The sh!t he attempted to throw on it ended up on himself. I expect at some point Deanna will lick it off.
They have nobody on the white whine board to ridicule. So they invited themselves where they could, because that is what they want. No interest in discussion better things, even in cordial disagreement. It always has to be some personal, direct ridicule, which is why they post in the first place.
I thought same thing with Deanna's arrival. IQ suddenly fell in half. Whoosh! The air just left the room. The gas which replaced it carried in the stench of SES. He and Deanna go together like hydrogen sulfide and methane. The anus of emission is Mondo. Their purpose in life is to ridicule others. If they proliferate, Ken's board will follow in the footprints of Mondo's, where that is the only activity.
DFM and Quant's discussions on astrophysics are wonderful. But when DFM gets onto climate change or Israel, his otherwise significant science expertise leaves. You can't argue or even discuss anything with him. If he engages you, its as if you're some lower life form wholly incapable of any comprehension of his expertise. Humble he is not, and IME, humility is a hallmark of a great mind. The small minds who think they're great are habitually dismissive of everyone else.
The cancer in this is Mondo. Cancer with its AIDS.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/11/2019 1:10 pm)
"Asking" is Mondo.
He was here, copied and pasted from here onto Ken's board, and wrote exactly as did Mondo.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
"Asking" is Mondo.
He was here, copied and pasted from here onto Ken's board, and wrote exactly as did Mondo.
Agree 100% If I'd had any further doubts, this post would've convinced me:
Posted by Asking on December 11, 2019, 12:40 pm, in reply to "Ken knows who I am and that's all that matters!!" Anyone on this board should go to the Blue Forum link above for the proof. There are 8 pages there that I read under the Back Alley.
Your cult even bad mouths Ken when he won't do what you want him to do.
Last edited by greenman (12/11/2019 6:09 pm)
The board's about to become utterly unusable, anyway: GOG and jb will be back after the turn of the year. One glance at poor Woodbine's board reveals what's in store. Of course, that will likely drive away some of the current problem at least there's that.
I want to go against the trend here a bit, though: while I seldom agree with anything (political) that Deanna posts, I've never had anything but a cordial relationship with her. She's neither malicious nor in need of a psychiatrist.
That was a truly great forum once, and one I often tried to defend against bad actors, politics trolls, and other undesirables. All this makes me sad, frankly. But I can't see it being a viable place for rational, adult discourse any time soon.
I noticed that. Try to ignore them both. It's simply not worth the bother, seriously.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
"Asking" is Mondo.
He was here, copied and pasted from here onto Ken's board, and wrote exactly as did Mondo.
I have over 10 years experience reading and deleting posts by Mondo. I think I can recognize his posts by now. This post by "Asking" is obviously not Mondo:
I added something to the R&E prologue: "Please do not post about people who are banned. Posts by/to/about banned posters will be deleted."
There are 2 sides to every argument. If I allowed criticism of banned posters, then to be fair I would have to allow banned posters to reply to give their side of the story. I think it's best to not say anything about people who are banned.
We have a different kind of experience with him, one very much like what you're experiencing over there now. There are telltale signs that posters cannot escape that reveal who they are. People use certain phrases or words that reveal them. Sometimes it's who they attack or what they go crazy over. There have been MULTIPLE signs that point directly at mongo. If it's not mongo, then it's a close associate of his who's not been around much in the last several years, but who behaves in a very similar fashion.
You forget, we all have significant experience dealing with him too. MUCH experience with him pretending to be someone else, because he's perma-banned. Now he's long term banned from your board. So, he's pulling his crap on you that you aren't used to like we are, simply because he's never had over a year long ban from you before.
In any case, our quarrel is not with you. Our wish is that your board is healthy and vibrant and free of the crap no one wants on their board. It's very sad how many take advantage of being allowed to post one political post per page and just post as many as they like. Just like SES talked back at you and declared that politics are equal to ethics, as if you have NO SAY because HE declared that to be so.
Why on earth would you claim that the post you cited is "obviously not mondo" when it called Pelosi a "liar", as in the subject title "Remember in March the liar said"... That is PRECISELY what mongo would write. You've misread the post or didn't notice the SUBJECT. He was calling Pelosi "the liar" for not following what she'd said back in March, which he quoted inside the post. CLASSIC mongo. It was a SLAM on Pelosi, NOT praising her, as you seem to think.
Ken C wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
"Asking" is Mondo.
He was here, copied and pasted from here onto Ken's board, and wrote exactly as did Mondo.I have over 10 years experience reading and deleting posts by Mondo. I think I can recognize his posts by now. This post by "Asking" is obviously not Mondo:
I added something to the R&E prologue: "Please do not post about people who are banned. Posts by/to/about banned posters will be deleted."
There are 2 sides to every argument. If I allowed criticism of banned posters, then to be fair I would have to allow banned posters to reply to give their side of the story. I think it's best to not say anything about people who are banned.
I did not reach the opinion Asking is Mondo lightly. There is room for error and I may be mistaken. But this most recent "exchange" had reference to the first posts Mondo wrote to me, with the same language. It was enough to convince me more likely than not.
He took good pieces and trolled them. Made them about me, instead of the topic. He used a few "Mondo" words. Attacked me directly, without provocation, for no reason, which had nothing to do with the topic. He was supported and defended by his top fan.
Like Sia wrote above, we went many rounds with him, changing IP addresses, "identities," what have you. No matter what IP address we banned, he always found a way back in.
The trolling is bad. But the disclosure of real names, real life information, and attachment of libelous accusations crossed the line, and the board owners were both not interested, and incapable of stopping it. I sought counsel to get it stopped, learned a great deal, and that's where we are.
I am not the only one. I am one person in a line.
Henceforth I'll try not to respond to troll bait.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/12/2019 10:08 am)
Ken C wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
"Asking" is Mondo.
He was here, copied and pasted from here onto Ken's board, and wrote exactly as did Mondo.I have over 10 years experience reading and deleting posts by Mondo. I think I can recognize his posts by now. This post by "Asking" is obviously not Mondo:
I added something to the R&E prologue: "Please do not post about people who are banned. Posts by/to/about banned posters will be deleted."
There are 2 sides to every argument. If I allowed criticism of banned posters, then to be fair I would have to allow banned posters to reply to give their side of the story. I think it's best to not say anything about people who are banned.
Gonna go ahead and disagree with you there, Ken. Can't think of anyone but Mondo who would come over here and dig up posts on a public but still basically personal site - which he's known to hate and resent, and sneak around on - and then lug them back to your board to attack Pikes (whom he also hates) and Blue Board posters. His politics, his attitude, and his known trolling all point to this as Mondo.
Hey, it's your board. You could ask him back there yourself if you want to. But a lot of us, me included, despise the guy.
Still don't get your argument about 'having to allow banned posters to tell their side.' I'm not over there telling 'my side' of my banning, I just accepted it. Mondo NEVER will. Past behavior proves that.
Anyway, as I say, your board. Not sure if I'll be back or not, given the fact that DFM and SES, among others, are making such a mess of it. Way more than one political post a page, it seems to me, especially when you included DFM's climate posts, which are highly political.
Last edited by greenman (12/12/2019 10:14 am)