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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
It's one or the other. I'm inclined towards mongo, but I suppose it could be yome. It's just that yome isn't usually quite as NASTY as mongo often is. Then again, who knows? yome found out that you banned him and that really PO'd him.
Siagiah wrote:
It's one or the other. I'm inclined towards mongo, but I suppose it could be yome. It's just that yome isn't usually quite as NASTY as mongo often is. Then again, who knows? yome found out that you banned him and that really PO'd him.
I wondered about Yome too, especially after they described themselves as a 'Christian.'
Saw that SES was being his usual insufferable self over there, and you and he got into it...glad Ken can see that I'm not the only one who goes 'round and 'round with him. He can't get along with ANYONE and continually uses abusive language, but of course HE doesn't get banned.
And yes, I thought his post about the funeral was insufferably smug and self-congratulatory. The follow-up was even worse.
Siagiah wrote:
It's one or the other. I'm inclined towards mongo, but I suppose it could be yome. It's just that yome isn't usually quite as NASTY as mongo often is. Then again, who knows? yome found out that you banned him and that really PO'd him.
All he (yome) had to do was what we asked. We asked in kindness not to proselytize. Once in a while is fine. He did it constantly, and contibuted nothing else to the board. The more we asked him to stop proselytizing, the more he did it. It was "in your face." So he was told and warned. That didn't stop it. It escalated it. His proselytizing pushed other topics clear off the page, and because nobody responded or wanted to, it was his own one man show. And he calls himself a devout Christian! He and Mondo are devout Xtians alright. There may be an end to the trouble they cause, but from my perspective it stretches from one horizon to the other.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/25/2019 3:46 pm)
I actually wasn't as put off by SES's post as you seem to be, greenman, and I gave Sia a bit of a hard time about her aggressive response. Of course, that drew in Heavy Hemi (posting as "Just Asking" or somesuch...but clearly HH), with his usual barely-sane outpouring of personal attacks, vitriol, and inanity.What a mess...
I agree with very little in SES's political posts, but we rather unexpectedly get along as posters. In my view, he's not remotely in the same league (as destructive elements) as Mondo or HH. But then again, I usually only skim political threads, only occasionally actually reading them in any depth.
Poppet wrote:
I actually wasn't as put off by SES's post as you seem to be, greenman, and I gave Sia a bit of a hard time about her aggressive response. Of course, that drew in Heavy Hemi (posting as "Just Asking" or somesuch...but clearly HH), with his usual barely-sane outpouring of personal attacks, vitriol, and inanity.What a mess...
I agree with very little in SES's political posts, but we rather unexpectedly get along as posters. In my view, he's not remotely in the same league (as destructive elements) as Mondo or HH. But then again, I usually only skim political threads, only occasionally actually reading them in any depth.
SES is on a track. When he uses the word Libtards, he is inextricably rolling on those rails, not thinking for himself but for those to whom he listens too much; Limbaugh, Hannity et al who broadbrush liberalism as a mental disease.
I left his funeral post alone with respect to the deceased, and SES's right to describe and perhaps release grief. It was unfortunate he posted that following several days worth of vitriolic and venomous anti-liberal writing. There was bound to be carry over. Something like earned or learned bias. SES doesn't rise to the level of visceral tension and discomfort as Mondo, but he is just as predictable.
Again a problem with these boards is ability of a troll to change names and harass under a new name. I am not sure Asking is Mondo or yome. It's one of them. If Yome, I recall Ken not long ago asked him not to use multiple names, and stick to one. He apologized and here he goes again. He apologized for =16.25pxproselytizing on our old board, and the proceeded to post twice as much or more. These people all have one thing in common.
Any visit to the White Board answers that common question in spades. I am delighted they are delighted with Trump. They deserve each other. Supports the observation mean people are stupid.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/25/2019 7:10 pm)
"Just Asking" is absolutely NOT HH. However, "Just saying" very likely is. "Asking" might be the same sock puppet posting as "Just Asking", IDK. However, you can narrow down the possibilities by who they attack and who they defend as well as what they say. It's pretty ridiculous that Ken allows so many sock puppets to post there and calls them "new posters" when they so obviously aren't. Why he can't figure that out boggles my mind. However, he's not even remotely interested in hearing about it and doesn't have time to bother checking on what's going down on his own board, so...….whatever.
FTR, "Skye" is Wondering's new handle to differentiate herself from the nasty version of "Wondering" on mongo's board. Wondering is a nice person. I was a bit taken aback by the disagreeable exchanges with her and asking her not to respond again ?? I'm presuming Poppet didn't know who it was since it's a relatively new handle ??
FWIW, I gave SES a hard time because his post was CLEARLY puffing himself up by making such a big deal about his friend being the son of a billionaire family, commenting on how the dead man had donated $MILLION$ to worthy causes, and how many showed up to pay their respects, then he spouted off about believing that, were he to die as suddenly, he would reflect on his life as a life where he did everything he could with what he had, somehow equating HIMSELF with the dead man.
To me, it was OBVIOUSLY a "look at me, I am good friends with ultra rich folks whom so many admire and like. Plus, I've done great things with my life and possessions, so feel free to compare me to this man who's donated millions to others. All the while, it's pretty damned clear that he's never done much of anything for anyone else but wants us all to be impressed by his connection to him. It was "eye roll" worthy.
THEN, he responds with a list of things he's done during his life, none of the slightest comparison to someone so generous and well respected.
If all he meant to say was about how "we could die in a split second and making sure that our lives mattered", then there would have been NO NEED to go into details about his friend's wealth, large donations to society, or how many showed up to pay respects.
I agree, Trish, that a loss is a loss, but it wasn't a personal loss for him. It was the older brother of someone he went to college with who is a billionaire heir, (implying he went to a prestigious college since most billionaire's kids would naturally go to Ivy League schools - except that he didn't). Nowhere in his post did he express any feeling of personal loss and he did a piss poor job of expressing his discomfort with the sudden, randomness of accidental death, so what the hell was he looking for ?? It wasn't sympathy for how bad he felt, it was looking for admiration by connecting himself to the billionaire heir so randomly & unexpectedly killed. I read it MULTIPLE times, looking for what was NOT there, just in case I missed it, before making my less than nice comment. If he wasn't SUCH an AH, attacking folks constantly, most particularly all of us, then I probably would have let it pass without comment, as I do when others try to impress us with such things.
SES is every bit as poisonous as mongo and HH. He is nasty beyond belief and isn't content to simply disagree, he must reduce others significantly by denigrating them BIG TIME. He delights in trashing liberals and almost anyone who doesn't agree with him. It's ridiculous.
Plus, he won't let ANYTHING go. Make any kind of error and he'll remind you of it with endless put downs for months until someone else messes up and it's now their turn. Poppet, don't you remember what he did to you years ago when he made you SO ANGRY with his relentless insults and attacks over something you'd posted that you threatened to destroy his life ?? You and I got into an ugly argument over it, so I remember it well. Plus, he contacted me offline to apologize for his attacks on me because his then girlfriend made him after I stuck up for him. He may respect you, IDK, but I DO know that he's AFRAID of you because you were ready to demolish him and he knew it. That's part of why he's nice to you.
He doesn't fight with HH now either because he KNOWS that HH has his personal information from when he bought his house and HH taunts him and threatens to destroy his life/job all the time. SES doesn't respond because he's afraid of that.
Pikes, I recall vividly what yome did on our board and why you blew your top. If you hadn't banned him, I would have, but you beat me to it. So there's no need to defend yourself. He MORE than deserved it.
Yes, I know that "Just Asking" and "Just Sayin'" are different people; it's obvious from their very different writing styles (most people are pretty bad at hiding their habitual usages, rhythms, etc., for more than a few sentences). The latter is almost certainly Heavy Hemi: the style matches, and the rage, the vituperative bile bubbling beneath the surface is obvious. That guy needs professional help.
I'm perfectly aware of who Skye is. I was annoyed at that insipid implied tu quoque response to my post to you, and decided that since I never have any actual conversation with that poster, I'd just as soon not read another such. Looks like they feel the same way, so that's the end of that.
Obviously everyone here has a lot more of a problem than I do with SES these days, and apparently that makes it okay to attack him in what began as a polite (if indeed somewhat self-aggrandizing) post. I was trying to stem yet another avalanche of interpersonal bickering on R&E, a foolish endeavor if ever there was one. But for the record, I find him nowhere near comparable to Mondo or HH, at least not these days.
I suspect R&E simply needs to be avoided right now. We're heading into full "presidential election flamefest" mode, with the majority of posters in political us-vs-them mode. Such conversations don't interest me, and I'll surely end up with claws out, my bitch knob turned up to 11. I just don't care enough about US politics any more to make that worthwhile.
Regardless, I certainly won't be trying to reduce incivility over there again. "No good deed goes unpunished."
It seemed from your post that you might have been unsure about "just asking" vs "just saying". That's why I clarified it, in case there was confusion because you'd used the wrong name when accusing HH. No biggie. I agree with you that it's obvious when it's HH, mongo, etc. because of the things they say and how.
Ooops, on Skye. I didn't know that you'd seen her name change since you hadn't been visibly over there. I thought that maybe you thought it was someone else, maybe even HH in disguise. No biggie. It's none of my concern, I just thought that maybe you didn't know who it was.
One of the problems there is that SES has been a raging AH to all of us on that board. I'd just finished reading yet another one of his slams directed at me, deleted my annoyed response, read more of them towards others, and THEN came upon his funeral post. I hastily wrote my response out and posted it without much thought once I'd made sure that I hadn't misread him. I was in a hurry because I was still at my daughter's house and Evelyn was melting down as she awoke from her nap just as I was writing it, so I had to go upstairs to get her out of her crib because she's sick and just had 2 shots that were making her more miserable than her cold already was.
So, admittedly, I gave little thought to whether I should hit post or not. Probably I should've just erased or left it since it wasn't very nice, but I didn't. I was pretty damned pissed off at him. SES makes up SO MUCH crap that I only half believe he even went to a funeral today. So, that didn't help either.
Nothing wrong with you trying to stem bickering. That's a positive thing and I'd never criticize you for it. I WAS surprised to see your post when I wandered back there, but I still just didn't care about the appropriateness of my response in that moment.
As for R&E, truth be told, when GOG and jb are let loose there again in January, I won't be there very often. SES and the sock puppets are bad enough... NO WAY am I going to be content seeing GOG and jb's crap. It's been a relief since they left. Ken isn't paying much attention there nowadays and it shows.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I offended you. That was never my intent.
Poppet wrote:
I actually wasn't as put off by SES's post as you seem to be, greenman, and I gave Sia a bit of a hard time about her aggressive response. Of course, that drew in Heavy Hemi (posting as "Just Asking" or somesuch...but clearly HH), with his usual barely-sane outpouring of personal attacks, vitriol, and inanity.What a mess...
I agree with very little in SES's political posts, but we rather unexpectedly get along as posters. In my view, he's not remotely in the same league (as destructive elements) as Mondo or HH. But then again, I usually only skim political threads, only occasionally actually reading them in any depth.
Your response to SES is your business, of course. I personally wouldn't have gone after him on the funeral post either, but that's just me. I have had more than enough to do with him on political posts, on which I consider him to be insufferable, a Trump loyalist in the most ignorant, dishonest, and bigoted sense of the phrase. I really don't have any respect for him at all. But I'd limit that to political comments; I've tried to get along with him on other subjects and not to hold TOO much of a grudge against him.
Last edited by greenman (10/26/2019 1:04 pm)
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Poppet wrote:
I actually wasn't as put off by SES's post as you seem to be, greenman, and I gave Sia a bit of a hard time about her aggressive response. Of course, that drew in Heavy Hemi (posting as "Just Asking" or somesuch...but clearly HH), with his usual barely-sane outpouring of personal attacks, vitriol, and inanity.What a mess...
I agree with very little in SES's political posts, but we rather unexpectedly get along as posters. In my view, he's not remotely in the same league (as destructive elements) as Mondo or HH. But then again, I usually only skim political threads, only occasionally actually reading them in any depth.SES is on a track. When he uses the word Libtards, he is inextricably rolling on those rails, not thinking for himself but for those to whom he listens too much; Limbaugh, Hannity et al who broadbrush liberalism as a mental disease.
I left his funeral post alone with respect to the deceased, and SES's right to describe and perhaps release grief. It was unfortunate he posted that following several days worth of vitriolic and venomous anti-liberal writing. There was bound to be carry over. Something like earned or learned bias. SES doesn't rise to the level of visceral tension and discomfort as Mondo, but he is just as predictable.
Again a problem with these boards is ability of a troll to change names and harass under a new name. I am not sure Asking is Mondo or yome. It's one of them. If Yome, I recall Ken not long ago asked him not to use multiple names, and stick to one. He apologized and here he goes again. He apologized for =16.25pxproselytizing on our old board, and the proceeded to post twice as much or more. These people all have one thing in common.
Any visit to the White Board answers that common question in spades. I am delighted they are delighted with Trump. They deserve each other. Supports the observation mean people are stupid.
My feeling is that when he's posting stuff like liberal, just ignore him or NTR. him. That's simpleminded stuff that doesn't even belong on that board. Of course since Kenny Boy decided I didn't "belong on the board" for awhile, take it for what it's worth.
I don't think it's that bad of a board, but as the impeachment/election approaches, it's GOING to be political. It just is. Either Ken's going to have to delete a LOT of posts. or it'll just be political for the next year or so.
Last edited by greenman (10/26/2019 12:58 pm)
Don't know why, but the damn software keeps changing "L-I-B-T-A-R-D" to 'liberal.' Sia?
Last edited by greenman (10/26/2019 12:59 pm)
Siagiah wrote:
"Just Asking" is absolutely NOT HH. However, "Just saying" very likely is. "Asking" might be the same sock puppet posting as "Just Asking", IDK. However, you can narrow down the possibilities by who they attack and who they defend as well as what they say. It's pretty ridiculous that Ken allows so many sock puppets to post there and calls them "new posters" when they so obviously aren't. Why he can't figure that out boggles my mind. However, he's not even remotely interested in hearing about it and doesn't have time to bother checking on what's going down on his own board, so...….whatever.
FTR, "Skye" is Wondering's new handle to differentiate herself from the nasty version of "Wondering" on mongo's board. Wondering is a nice person. I was a bit taken aback by the disagreeable exchanges with her and asking her not to respond again ?? I'm presuming Poppet didn't know who it was since it's a relatively new handle ??
FWIW, I gave SES a hard time because his post was CLEARLY puffing himself up by making such a big deal about his friend being the son of a billionaire family, commenting on how the dead man had donated $MILLION$ to worthy causes, and how many showed up to pay their respects, then he spouted off about believing that, were he to die as suddenly, he would reflect on his life as a life where he did everything he could with what he had, somehow equating HIMSELF with the dead man.
To me, it was OBVIOUSLY a "look at me, I am good friends with ultra rich folks whom so many admire and like. Plus, I've done great things with my life and possessions, so feel free to compare me to this man who's donated millions to others. All the while, it's pretty damned clear that he's never done much of anything for anyone else but wants us all to be impressed by his connection to him. It was "eye roll" worthy.
THEN, he responds with a list of things he's done during his life, none of the slightest comparison to someone so generous and well respected.
If all he meant to say was about how "we could die in a split second and making sure that our lives mattered", then there would have been NO NEED to go into details about his friend's wealth, large donations to society, or how many showed up to pay respects.
I agree, Trish, that a loss is a loss, but it wasn't a personal loss for him. It was the older brother of someone he went to college with who is a billionaire heir, (implying he went to a prestigious college since most billionaire's kids would naturally go to Ivy League schools - except that he didn't). Nowhere in his post did he express any feeling of personal loss and he did a piss poor job of expressing his discomfort with the sudden, randomness of accidental death, so what the hell was he looking for ?? It wasn't sympathy for how bad he felt, it was looking for admiration by connecting himself to the billionaire heir so randomly & unexpectedly killed. I read it MULTIPLE times, looking for what was NOT there, just in case I missed it, before making my less than nice comment. If he wasn't SUCH an AH, attacking folks constantly, most particularly all of us, then I probably would have let it pass without comment, as I do when others try to impress us with such things.
SES is every bit as poisonous as mongo and HH. He is nasty beyond belief and isn't content to simply disagree, he must reduce others significantly by denigrating them BIG TIME. He delights in trashing liberals and almost anyone who doesn't agree with him. It's ridiculous.
Plus, he won't let ANYTHING go. Make any kind of error and he'll remind you of it with endless put downs for months until someone else messes up and it's now their turn. Poppet, don't you remember what he did to you years ago when he made you SO ANGRY with his relentless insults and attacks over something you'd posted that you threatened to destroy his life ?? You and I got into an ugly argument over it, so I remember it well. Plus, he contacted me offline to apologize for his attacks on me because his then girlfriend made him after I stuck up for him. He may respect you, IDK, but I DO know that he's AFRAID of you because you were ready to demolish him and he knew it. That's part of why he's nice to you.
He doesn't fight with HH now either because he KNOWS that HH has his personal information from when he bought his house and HH taunts him and threatens to destroy his life/job all the time. SES doesn't respond because he's afraid of that.
Pikes, I recall vividly what yome did on our board and why you blew your top. If you hadn't banned him, I would have, but you beat me to it. So there's no need to defend yourself. He MORE than deserved it.
I see your point, Sia, especially after some of SES' nasty comments in a previous thread, but I personally thought that attacking him over a funeral was a bit over-the-top. Yes, his post and (especially) the follow-up were a bit pompous and smug-sounding, but it WAS a funeral. Just sayin'....
greenman wrote:
Don't know why, but the damn software keeps changing "L-I-B-T-A-R-D" to 'liberal.' Sia?
OOOPS... Yes, I put that in the software, same as most curse words. I put it in there because SES was then a member of the forum and I had no intentions of tolerating it.
greenman wrote:
I see your point, Sia, especially after some of SES' nasty comments in a previous thread, but I personally thought that attacking him over a funeral was a bit over-the-top. Yes, his post and (especially) the follow-up were a bit pompous and smug-sounding, but it WAS a funeral. Just sayin'....
I realize that it wasn't the best place to diss him and explained that I was rushing at the point of "hitting send or deleting", because Evvy had suddenly began crying and needed me to come get her, so didn't give ANY thought to whether or not I *should* hit post, I quickly hit post and went up to get her.
At the same time, I'm not sorry for it, even as I realize it wasn't the best timing and I'll probably get plenty of grief or silent condemnation over it.
That said, I'm NOT saying I think it was appropriate, considering it was to a post about a funeral, but only that considering whether or not it was appropriate "didn't happen" in the moment when I posted it and that, frankly, I still feel NO NEED to apologize to SES for it. He's an @$$ and I don't believe for a SINGLE SECOND that he was grieving for the dead man, but only thinking about HIMSELF in that moment -- How to aggrandize & flatter himself AND his disturbed, internal recognition that it could happen to anyone at any time, including to him. That it would take until age 58 to notice that boggles my mind, but whatever.
Anyway, I'm not defending myself, as there's no real defense for choosing to be unpleasant to someone else, regardless of provocation. I'm simply explaining my thoughts in the moment so no one feels the need to "clue me" as to what was wrong with it. I already KNOW what was wrong with it, but, inexplicably and out of character for me, I simply don't care and feel zero need to apologize for it.
Siagiah wrote:
greenman wrote:
I see your point, Sia, especially after some of SES' nasty comments in a previous thread, but I personally thought that attacking him over a funeral was a bit over-the-top. Yes, his post and (especially) the follow-up were a bit pompous and smug-sounding, but it WAS a funeral. Just sayin'....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I realize that it wasn't the best place to diss him and explained that I was rushing at the point of "hitting send or deleting", because Evvy had suddenly began crying and needed me to come get her, so didn't give ANY thought to whether or not I *should* hit post, I quickly hit post and went up to get her.
At the same time, I'm not sorry for it, even as I realize it wasn't the best timing and I'll probably get plenty of grief or silent condemnation over it.
That said, I'm NOT saying I think it was appropriate, considering it was to a post about a funeral, but only that considering whether or not it was appropriate "didn't happen" in the moment when I posted it and that, frankly, I still feel NO NEED to apologize to SES for it. He's an @$$ and I don't believe for a SINGLE SECOND that he was grieving for the dead man, but only thinking about HIMSELF in that moment -- How to aggrandize & flatter himself AND his disturbed, internal recognition that it could happen to anyone at any time, including to him. That it would take until age 58 to notice that boggles my mind, but whatever.
Anyway, I'm not defending myself, as there's no real defense for choosing to be unpleasant to someone else, regardless of provocation. I'm simply explaining my thoughts in the moment so no one feels the need to "clue me" as to what was wrong with it. I already KNOW what was wrong with it, but, inexplicably and out of character for me, I simply don't care and feel zero need to apologize for it.
I'll remind you of that, though, the next time I get into a brouhaha with him or Bauer or whoever, and you criticize me for it, won't I?
Of course since Kenny Boy decided I didn't "belong on the board" for awhile, take it for what it's worth.
I don't think it's that bad of a board, but as the impeachment/election approaches, it's GOING to be political. It just is. Either Ken's going to have to delete a LOT of posts. or it'll just be political for the next year or so.
Ken erred here. He may learn, and may not. I won't even attempt to school him. This is a lesson HE must learn. Mondo, Asking-yome, and HH are insufferable with false names, new IP addresses, multiple ISP. Until he figures it out, he will have messes to clean. HH at least targets the other trolls dishing out generous helpings of their own stew. His positive contribution away from harassment of the trolls is lacking.
greenman wrote:
I'll remind you of that, though, the next time I get into a brouhaha with him or Bauer or whoever, and you criticize me for it, won't I? lol
Sia: Well, of course you will. I'd expect nothing less. LOL... However, you won't be any more right than I am right now.
I do hope that you recognize that I have NOT claimed that I'm right or justified for being a jerk in that post? I absolutely recognize that it wasn't appropriate, but uncharacteristically, I simply don't care and feel no need to apologize to him for it. That's because I'm not buying, for a single second, that he was grieving for the man or that his purpose was anything but self aggrandizing. It was all about HIM. So, I don't feel bad about it, even though I know I shouldn't have posted it.
FWIW, I've always understood that you (and everyone else) have every right to get annoyed with someone and even to behave badly (or less than ideally) towards someone if you choose to do so and that you do NOT have to listen to me or anyone else who criticizes you. I don't expect an apology from you when you post something I might criticize. My only expectation is that you'll stop for a sec and think about it, recognize a friend trying to calm you down, and hopefully decide that you don't want to let it devolve into something worse than ugly. It's more of an attempt to help you re-focus on something better and sometimes to help you NOT get yourself banned when I can readily see where it's headed.
IOW, when I speak up, I'm usually trying to be your friend and not let you get into a brawl that I'm pretty sure that you're going to regret later on. IRL, don't you try to simmer down a friend who's going off the rails in the moment so they don't wind up arrested or worse ?? Even if you've previously gotten into the same sort of brawl yourself ??
Let's face it. We are ALL "hypocrites" sometimes when we speak up about something we witness that we, ourselves, might have done a time or more. That's because we are all fallible human beings with various backgrounds & histories. We all have feelings that can get hurt and tempers that sometimes fly out of control into rages. Because of that, we all occasionally need a friend to put a friendly hand on our shoulder, while trying to talk us down when we aren't spending any time thinking about the ramifications of our actions. If we all had to be perfect to be able to do that for each other, then no one would ever be able to speak up about anything.
That's why I didn't get pissy with Poppet or you or anyone else who commented on my post. What purpose would it serve for me to point out everyone else's past "bad choices" ?? It wouldn't change a THING about my own and would alienate folks who's only hoped to tone the ugliness down.
So, yeah, "next time I comment about something you post, feel free to remind me of when I was a jerk in an SES thread about a funeral. I'll own it and it won't change anything about whatever you're doing at the time. LOL.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Of course since Kenny Boy decided I didn't "belong on the board" for awhile, take it for what it's worth.
I don't think it's that bad of a board, but as the impeachment/election approaches, it's GOING to be political. It just is. Either Ken's going to have to delete a LOT of posts. or it'll just be political for the next year or so.
Ken erred here. He may learn, and may not. I won't even attempt to school him. This is a lesson HE must learn. Mondo, Asking-yome, and HH are insufferable with false names, new IP addresses, multiple ISP. Until he figures it out, he will have messes to clean. HH at least targets the other trolls dishing out generous helpings of their own stew. His positive contribution away from harassment of the trolls is lacking.
I just wish Kenny Boy would follow his own rules. 'One political post per page' he prescribes, and yet SES has FOUR extremist political posts up on the current page. FOUR. Stupid, misspelled, and nothing but Trumpaganda. The SOB better be glad I'm not there and won't be for a couple months. I'd be raking him over the coals for this garbage. And DFM and his constant (political) climate posting is almost as bad. A joke.
DFM has gone off the deep end. There is something incredibly screwed up about him. Plus, his endless "climate change" posts are repetitive, rude as hell, and downright STUPID. LYS, they are ALSO quite political. So they are both political AND repetitive, against the rules that are constantly ignored.
Does he REALLY expect reasonable responses to his insulting remarks ?? He posts ad hominem insults constantly and then whines, riding his high horse, when he gets ad hominem reactions in return.
SES is so damned nasty that I have zero desire to interact with him. He flaunts the rules CONSTANTLY. Not only posting 4 political posts on page 1 (which I did send to Ken so he could AGAIN post his warning) but also repeatedly using way more than 2 all caps in subject lines. Just like yome, who posts all caps subject lines quite often. Both pretend they don't know it's a rule. Both are lying when they claim that because I, personally, have clued them in dozens of times over the years.
Ken is apparently too damned busy to moderate his own board and it SHOWS. When he lets GOG and jb back on, it'll be a trash heap there again. It'll NOT be worth reading then, IMHO.
Looks like you know who is once again c&p what we write here. Apparently his board is DEADER THAN A DOORKNOB.
Re: I bet ya that there is someone out there Posted by EXACTLY on November 8, 2019, 7:20 pm, in reply to "I bet ya that there is someone out there" that is a loser.
I just wish Kenny Boy would follow his own rules. 'One political post per page' he prescribes, and yet SES has FOUR extremist political posts up on the current page. FOUR. Stupid, misspelled, and nothing but Trumpaganda. The SOB better be glad I'm not there and won't be for a couple months. I'd be raking him over the coals for this garbage. And DFM and his constant (political) climate posting is almost as bad. A joke.
Good on Ken. He removed it.
Siagiah wrote:
Good on Ken. He removed it.
Posted by 'Exactly,' that had to have been Mongo. As you say, his own board's going down the tubes, Deanna and GOG are keeping it alive, and he's begging Amadeus to come and post again. So naturally he's going to come after the Blue Boards and troll R & E. Sad that Ken can't/won't do anything about it.
I AM glad to see people challenging SES and DFM, and giving them a hard way to go. Keep up the good work!
He promised that everything was so "different" on his board and he wanted everything to be civil.
Yeah right. Rumor has it, his sock puppets were trashing Amadeus in the same thread that he invited him back in. What kind of STUPID thinks that anyone would buy his lies about burying the hatchet ?? He may not attack directly, but I guarantee that his sock puppets will do it for him and he thinks folks don't know that it's really him.
Siagiah wrote:
He promised that everything was so "different" on his board and he wanted everything to be civil.
Yeah right. Rumor has it, his sock puppets were trashing Amadeus in the same thread that he invited him back in. What kind of STUPID thinks that anyone would buy his lies about burying the hatchet ?? He may not attack directly, but I guarantee that his sock puppets will do it for him and he thinks folks don't know that it's really him.
He's a congenital liar, like his boss, Trump. He invited ME back, too, and I went back - and was constantly under attack, particularly from his sockpuppets, notably 'ROTFLMAO' and 'LOL.' There were others, natch. After I started swinging with both fists, he 'gives me a time-out for a week'....but never lets me post again. I wouldn't post on the little thug's board now if he came out and BEGGED me. He's absolute human garbage. It's all just a game to him, a sick game he gets off on .
He's ruined his own board by letting nasty folks infest it, allowing them to run off so many posters, including longtime posters such as shadow & princess chris and nearly every left-leaning poster. There's a distinct double standard there. RWers can do anything they want. LWers were constantly mistreated. Then he tossed out multiple "regular LWers" during his childish tantrums, most for no good reason whatsoever.
NOW he thinks posters will come back ?? FOR WHAT EXACTLY ?? To save his board ??
ROFLMAO... Absolutely NOT.
They project rightwing Trumpism to perfection.
Mondo invites people back because in his house he can trash them in the old way not tolerated in better people's homes. Nobody else got him banned from R&E. Nobody but himself got him banned from CGD. Underneath the new leaf he promised to turn over are centipedes.
I handed SES and DFM their hats a few times. SES lives in Virginia? Which was swept by the Democrats! That oughtta make him almost intolerable. Trump is played out. His base can't save him.
I've avoided even reading most of what they post most of the time. One is downright nasty and the other is, well, working hard on being downright nasty.
It's shocking sometimes how some peeps change.
Siagiah wrote:
He's ruined his own board by letting nasty folks infest it, allowing them to run off so many posters, including longtime posters such as shadow & princess chris and nearly every left-leaning poster. There's a distinct double standard there. RWers can do anything they want. LWers were constantly mistreated. Then he tossed out multiple "regular LWers" during his childish tantrums, most for no good reason whatsoever.
NOW he thinks posters will come back ?? FOR WHAT EXACTLY ?? To save his board ??
ROFLMAO... Absolutely NOT.
Even posters like KDM and TW have drifted away. He's left with TEXRA (who's practically Mongo's alter ego, though not a sockpuppet), Deanna, GOG, and occasional posts by sockpuppets and Ted and such. But he's getting like, 6 posts a day, and two of them are Deanna's absurd 'Daily Tweets.'
Ending up with nothing but cackling morons, paranoids, and angry trolls is what he deserves. He's not getting anybody else back, now that we've all been burned.
Siagiah wrote:
I've avoided even reading most of what they post most of the time. One is downright nasty and the other is, well, working hard on being downright nasty.
It's shocking sometimes how some peeps change.
SES has always been a right-winger, and always been pretty sarcastic and unpleasant. Becoming a Trumper has only exacerbated those tendencies.
David USED to be better, but his drift to the far Right has made him more unpleasant than ever. Angry, arrogant, condescending, and intolerant...this from a guy who used to at least have pretensions toward intellectualism and some knowledge of science. Now he spends his time trying to reconcile science with his new, Right-wing religion, and of course that's impossible. And on the subject of Israel, he's even more intolerant than before, if that's possible.
That plus Ken's inability to moderate his own board is making it kind of unpleasant. Imagine it with Bauer back online after Jan. 1....smh
greenman wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
I've avoided even reading most of what they post most of the time. One is downright nasty and the other is, well, working hard on being downright nasty.
It's shocking sometimes how some peeps change.
SES has always been a right-winger, and always been pretty sarcastic and unpleasant. Becoming a Trumper has only exacerbated those tendencies.
David USED to be better, but his drift to the far Right has made him more unpleasant than ever. Angry, arrogant, condescending, and intolerant...this from a guy who used to at least have pretensions toward intellectualism and some knowledge of science. Now he spends his time trying to reconcile science with his new, Right-wing religion, and of course that's impossible. And on the subject of Israel, he's even more intolerant than before, if that's possible.
That plus Ken's inability to moderate his own board is making it kind of unpleasant. Imagine it with Bauer back online after Jan. 1....smh
SES lives in Virginia, which went entirely Democrat in response to Trump.
He should be reminded of that AOAP.
Mayer is a crank.