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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
Siagiah wrote:
greenman wrote:
GREENMAN: At the risk of being called a "spy" by the world's biggest hypocrite (asshat, fool, liar, criminal stalker and slanderer, take your pick), his last post to the now-defunct White Whine Board. And the last one I ever intend to read, or post:
Mondo Fuego™
Last Post to the Blew Bode
Mon Oct 7, 2019 4:51pm
Live isolated in your hateful hell hole. Stay off our new board. Don't send your spies over here. None of you are welcome here. You have slandered me and my friends here hundreds of times. You are a cowardly, spineless, worthless, hateful lot.================================================================
Sia: Now THAT'S a riot. He thinks that, of all the posters who frequent these boards, that HE can tell ANYONE ELSE to "stay off of his board" and "don't send spies", blah blah blah after all the HE'S done to everyone else ???
No one has to DO anything to him. He'll do himself in. After all, he'll allow racist, sexist, misogynistic, and other TOS violating posts to proliferate on his board and put his board directly into the path of the Boardhost Police, who have NO sense of humor whatsoever. He's so accustomed to webapps "could care less" attitude that he's going to screw up many times over.
No doubt, there are ALREADY racist posts on his board, what with GOG, Ted, Texra and others who have NO problem with spouting off clearly racist remarks on a regular basis.
He's upset about being "slandered" when HE has libeled ALL OF US and smeared HH with despicable remarks for literally YEARS ?? He actually sounds HURT that all of us despise him... as if he hasn't EARNED it ??? He's so much LIKE tRUMP that they could be TWINS.
He already did it. He carried off too many pages of our conversations to count, in raids of our board with hostile intent. Every one he posted back there is the RAID his little feet carried back to the nest. The proof of who did what, when, where, and how, carried out by his great and unmatched wisdom. Other material he wrote from time to time is evidence of felony doxing and cyberstalking, as the posts contained information only obtainable that way, and he misrepresented it.
I directly know three people to whom he did this, and understand there are more. I am one in a line of victims of his criminal misconduct. Beyond this, I can't write or talk about it with anyone at this time.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
greenman wrote:
At the risk of being called a "spy" by the world's biggest hypocrite (asshat, fool, liar, criminal stalker and slanderer, take your pick), his last post to the now-defunct White Whine Board. And the last one I ever intend to read, or post:
"Mondo Fuego™
Last Post to the Blew Bode
Mon Oct 7, 2019 4:51pm
Live isolated in your hateful hell hole. Stay off our new board. Don't send your spies over here. None of you are welcome here. You have slandered me and my friends here hundreds of times. You are a cowardly, spineless, worthless, hateful lot."
Funny thing about people like Mondo is their ability to visit their own crimes and misconduct on somebody else, and in this case, the very people against whom their criminal misconduct was written. Pity the fool doesn't know the difference between libel and slander.
I have no interest in his new board. I will visit it as many times as I call him a genius. As for his libel, felony doxing and cyber stalking, pity at the conclusion he loses his right to vote as a convicted felon. I expect his raids to continue, only without access to his board, we won't see them. Matters not. Authorities see and have them. We have over a hundred pages of tangible evidence, and that's just our case.
If you ever want to see firsthand what sort of trash goes on there, the link is
However, like you, I have ZERO interest in seeing firsthand. What with our little "spy network", there's simply no need to muddy our feet there. Same as before with the old board. Does he REALLY think that no one can see the trash he writes ?? That said, we don't need to give him the satisfaction of actually GOING THERE, especially since it's unnecessary given that it's a public board and "spies" can share whatever they like without him being the wiser. LMAO
Poor "widdle billy goat", karma's gonna get him and there's NOTHING he can do about it. Lest he claim that I "just revealed his name", EVERYONE knows that his RL name is "billy d" since he's told everyone many times over.
Whenever his board breaks the TOS of Boardhost, everyone should report him to
I hear that he carried over ALL of his previous board's crap from up top, forcing folks to scroll endlessly past utter nonsense to finally get to the posts. Even the list of "members", most of whom are either dead, LONG gone, or fake sock puppets of his or someone else's who changes their names like most change their socks. WHY on earth would he drag his OLD board's once-upon-a-time membership rolls over to a board MOST have never set foot on ?? Must be a "wishes he was popular" thing... LOL
Two more trolling attempts against Pikes on R & E (reported to Ken) and demonstrative of his utter hypocrisy:
You must be an expert in cults ***
Posted by PAR on October 8, 2019, 10:24 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
your cult of producing racist YouTube videos.
You should stick to
Posted by It's A Fact on October 8, 2019, 10:19 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
producing racist videos.
Last edited by greenman (10/09/2019 8:28 am)
greenman wrote:
Two more trolling attempts against Pikes on R & E (reported to Ken) and demonstrative of his utter hypocrisy:
You must be an expert in cults ***
Posted by PAR on October 8, 2019, 10:24 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
your cult of producing racist YouTube videos.
You should stick to
Posted by It's A Fact on October 8, 2019, 10:19 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
producing racist videos.
THANKS... All saved to internet archive WAY BACK MACHINE...
Siagiah wrote:
greenman wrote:
Two more trolling attempts against Pikes on R & E (reported to Ken) and demonstrative of his utter hypocrisy:
You must be an expert in cults ***
Posted by PAR on October 8, 2019, 10:24 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
your cult of producing racist YouTube videos.
You should stick to
Posted by It's A Fact on October 8, 2019, 10:19 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
producing racist videos.
THANKS... All saved to internet archive WAY BACK MACHINE...
Mondo had quite the day digging into my personal life again. Pity the fool doesn't know the You Tube pieces are documentary of Republican generated material, largely about Obama, Clinton, and Trump. The Trump material is from supporters of other Republicans, like Ted Cruz. Racist? Of course they are. The racism is 100% their production. I simply set it to music, to document the deterioration of American politics and society to a point where this material became acceptable to and amused the Republican base.
So he posted that on R&E, and then complained to Ken? ROFLMFAO! He obviously wants me banned so bad he can't help himself, for it appears I am everything he is not, but perhaps wants to be. Obsessed with hatred. Small man complex on overdrive.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
greenman wrote:
Two more trolling attempts against Pikes on R & E (reported to Ken) and demonstrative of his utter hypocrisy:
You must be an expert in cults ***
Posted by PAR on October 8, 2019, 10:24 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
your cult of producing racist YouTube videos.
You should stick to
Posted by It's A Fact on October 8, 2019, 10:19 pm, in reply to "Make America Great Again"
producing racist videos.
THANKS... All saved to internet archive WAY BACK MACHINE...Mondo had quite the day digging into my personal life again. Pity the fool doesn't know the You Tube pieces are documentary of Republican generated material, largely about Obama, Clinton, and Trump. The Trump material is from supporters of other Republicans, like Ted Cruz. Racist? Of course they are. The racism is 100% their production. I simply set it to music, to document the deterioration of American politics and society to a point where this material became acceptable to and amused the Republican base.
So he posted that on R&E, and then complained to Ken? ROFLMFAO! He obviously wants me banned so bad he can't help himself, for it appears I am everything he is not, but perhaps wants to be. Obsessed with hatred. Small man complex on overdrive.
Not to mention the utter hypocrisy of this bozo referring to ANYONE else as a 'racist.' He's a textbook case himself - as well as a textbook liar, textbook extremist, and textbook hypocrite.
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
gone now (I think) but I am sure you saved it. Have you noticed how he keeps implying HE's got a legal thingy hangin in the wind. I can't tell you what's hangin and it's not that LOLOL
To file on me? ROFLMFAO!
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/09/2019 2:13 pm)
The @#$%ing POS is over on R & E this afternnoon stinking up the place, because he simply can't stop harassing and trolling other boards. Of course, maybe I'd do that too if all I had to do all day long was hang out with the likes of Ted, Deanna, TW, Tex, and the rest of his pathetic, hysterical losers.
But I've informed Ken anyway. And suggested that he take down the link to Mongo's new s--tboard. He did take down the earlier posts by the creep.
Hope whatever legal action's going on against this creep proceeds apace. He really needs to bite it, and HARD.
Interesting choice of words.
To impune isn't a crime or civil action.
Libel however, is both.
I never mentioned him in public by real name. He did with me, many times, and in several posts accused me of sexually assaulting or molesting children- students. That one will hang him out to dry.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/09/2019 6:39 pm)
greenman wrote:
The @#$%ing POS is over on R & E this afternnoon stinking up the place, because he simply can't stop harassing and trolling other boards. Of course, maybe I'd do that too if all I had to do all day long was hang out with the likes of Ted, Deanna, TW, Tex, and the rest of his pathetic, hysterical losers.
But I've informed Ken anyway. And suggested that he take down the link to Mongo's new s--tboard. He did take down the earlier posts by the creep.
Hope whatever legal action's going on against this creep proceeds apace. He really needs to bite it, and HARD.
Before any civil action occurs, the criminal investigation must be complete. I only know there are numerous complaints. So don't hold your breath. I'm just glad its happening.
We really should ignore the clown. His only entertainment appears to be trying to annoy us. He's become BEYOND boring. If necessary, let's only mention him on the private, members only part of the forum where he cannot read anything.
BTW, please ALWAYS save his violations to by taking it to the WAYBACK MACHINE, then choosing SAVE PAGE NOW on the right side of the page next to "tools" and "subscription service"
Then save the LINK on the wayback machine and feel free to post it here or send it to Pikes if you know his email address. That way, the evidence is preserved and CANNOT be erased.
Siagiah wrote:
We really should ignore the clown. His only entertainment appears to be trying to annoy us. He's become BEYOND boring. If necessary, let's only mention him on the private, members only part of the forum where he cannot read anything.
I suspect his board is dead or near death. Without anyone to interact with... we get him.
We don't have to accept or take him.
And yes, vent here.
This is what Ken said about the troll from yesterday:
"I don't see any proof that Mondo Fuego has posted here recently. The poster who greenman replied to was not Mondo Fuego. It was yome/nobody/billionaires. Posts by/to/about banned posters are not allowed. If I allowed posts criticizing posters who are banned, then I would have to allow the banned posters to reply to give their side of the story. It is better to not say anything about anyone who is banned. "
Couple problems with that. One, Yome is still posting. Why? Why wasn't HE banned? Second, Yome said only SOME of the posts were his. Who was the OTHER poster, then? Third, Ken continues to pretend he has to give 'equal time' to banned posters when he doesn't.
He's within his rights to ban me, and frankly that suits me fine. I'd already sent him a post telling him I was taking time off from his board, and I intend to continue doing so. Frankly, he doesn't do a good job running the board OR dealing with problem posters. He doesn't deal fairly with people, generally.
Just my two cents. I'm sure Mongo is delighted by this, but of course I don't read his new board so I don't know - or want to know. He's still human garbage.
Last edited by greenman (10/10/2019 8:25 am)
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
I appreciate a space where I can blow off the steam without disrupting a thread.
Amen, Trish. Me too!
greenman wrote:
This is what Ken said about the troll from yesterday:
"I don't see any proof that Mondo Fuego has posted here recently. The poster who greenman replied to was not Mondo Fuego. It was yome/nobody/billionaires. Posts by/to/about banned posters are not allowed. If I allowed posts criticizing posters who are banned, then I would have to allow the banned posters to reply to give their side of the story. It is better to not say anything about anyone who is banned. "
Couple problems with that. One, Yome is still posting. Why? Why wasn't HE banned? Second, Yome said only SOME of the posts were his. Who was the OTHER poster, then? Third, Ken continues to pretend he has to give 'equal time' to banned posters when he doesn't.
He's within his rights to ban me, and frankly that suits me fine. I'd already sent him a post telling him I was taking time off from his board, and I intend to continue doing so. Frankly, he doesn't do a good job running the board OR dealing with problem posters. He doesn't deal fairly with people, generally.
Just my two cents. I'm sure Mongo is delighted by this, but of course I don't read his new board so I don't know - or want to know. He's still human garbage.
Problem is on these boards anybody can be anybody. They can register so, and change their handle at will to anything they want. Mondo abuses that more than anyone. Yome discovered he can abuse it, and did. They all have the same intent when they do, targeting people they dislike.
The identity problem feeds ineffective management who consequently makes poor decisions based on it. Greenman's ban and Yome's retention are two immediate examples. Mondo has a certain, distinguishable language syntax anyone familiar with him sees, knows, and recognizes. Some of those posts were his. He has a long history of it.
Little doubt trolls at CPD are delighted with Ken today. I suspect a few will make efforts to get more of us banned, since their goal is demise of entirety of the "blew board."
Every time a handle changes, that is a lie, unless the poster identifies himself as the former _______. Those who do it most frequently lie the most. Ever see Merlin under a different handle? Sia? Me? Ken? Amadeus? Poppet? Owner of the most sock puppets is ________.
I broke practice, and cross referenced posts with originals on CPD, to see context. Discovered a Wondering there who copied a few of my posts word for word at CPD... according to a nutcase. I hope that isn't the Wondering I know and helped with piano. But see, that goes right back to the issue of these handles, where anybody can be anybody.
Greenman- Ken's mistake is his loss. Not yours. You and he, like all of us, are victims of this flawed system of identity.
FYI, it is NOT the "Wondering" whom you are helping who is over on mongo's board. It is another sock puppet.
I sent Ken the PROOF of who was posting as NOT MONGO because he gave me the IP address when I requested it for evidence for Pikes' case. It MATCHES several mongo posts in the abuse database.
Ken said he banned Greenman for the "kill yourself" remarks. G-man readily admitted that was OTT and accepted the "vacation". However, yome didn't get ANYTHING, not even a scolding. He DID offer an explanation that he was afraid of being dragged into a "rumored law suit", so I told him that using yome instead of a made up name would keep him OUT of the lawsuit more so than using a fake name, because fake names cause an uproar, whether it's HH, mongo, or GOG behind it.
Apparently, Ken again has a few personal issues going on right now that are troubling him and taking up his time. He doesn't want a bunch of emails right now because he admitted that he just doesn't have time for it all. I wish he'd ask someone like Trish to help him with his board. NO ONE can do it alone when they have an open posting board like his.
As for mongo, he ran off most of his posters, so if it's dead, it's his fault. Obviously, he doesn't find much to post about on his own board so he sets out to disrupt other people's boards. Same old same old. Piss on him. He's not worth the bother of getting upset. Just record it all for posterity so he'll have to answer for it when the sh*t hits the fan and he's served and arrested.
As for Mondo's threat to send a letter to the Gazette exposing me, let him.
First, the Gazette doesn't print libel.
Second it will blow lawsuit against him wide open, because once again he
used my real name in a public forum, and he made a threat based on his own libel.
It was a post from 2018 on old Blue that I'd removed almost instantly because of the revealing information... It wasn't a new one. I assumed that you already knew about it ?? or I'd have sent it to you last year.
Siagiah wrote:
It was a post from 2018 on old Blue that I'd removed almost instantly because of the revealing information... It wasn't a new one. I assumed that you already knew about it ?? or I'd have sent it to you last year.
Call it the smoking gun. I do not recall seeing that. But the threat could not be more clear, attached to my real name. That post that will hang him along with the ones of alleged sexual misconduct. Lawyer intends to find out if Gazette received a letter. We will sue for maximum damages.
Why does he keep the names of dead people in the list ?? Names of folks who visited ONCE ?? Multiple sock-puppets as if they were individual people ?? Multiple names who were the same people, but they'd changed them over the years (not sock puppets, just new names).
Hunter & Jeffersonne were both Dain Ironfoot's sock-puppets. He had a TON of them on the board we ran together years ago, no doubt he also had many that I didn't know were his. He favored sock-puppet names that had some significance in history or literature.
My first visit to his board, when Dain invited me to it, I posted ONE THING and didn't return for another 6 months. I was shocked as all get out when I did eventually return and saw my name in the list, when I'd posted ONCE.
There are folks in his list who haven't posted there in more than a DECADE too. It's nothing but a vanity thing and I'm sure that folks howl in laughter when they see it and realize that so few of the names listed EVER show up.
The sign of popularity isn't having a long list of names of folks who ever showed up, but posts by a variety of folks. His need to appear popular almost makes me feel sorry for him. THEN I remember all of the hateful, cruel things he's written about me and so many others and that feeling is gone.
Siagiah wrote:
Why does he keep the names of dead people in the list ?? Names of folks who visited ONCE ?? Multiple sock-puppets as if they were individual people ?? Multiple names who were the same people, but they'd changed them over the years (not sock puppets, just new names).
Hunter & Jeffersonne were both Dain Ironfoot's sock-puppets. He had a TON of them on the board we ran together years ago, no doubt he also had many that I didn't know were his. He favored sock-puppet names that had some significance in history or literature.
My first visit to his board, when Dain invited me to it, I posted ONE THING and didn't return for another 6 months. I was shocked as all get out when I did eventually return and saw my name in the list, when I'd posted ONCE.
There are folks in his list who haven't posted there in more than a DECADE too. It's nothing but a vanity thing and I'm sure that folks howl in laughter when they see it and realize that so few of the names listed EVER show up.
The sign of popularity isn't having a long list of names of folks who ever showed up, but posts by a variety of folks. His need to appear popular almost makes me feel sorry for him. THEN I remember all of the hateful, cruel things he's written about me and so many others and that feeling is gone.
Little men want to appear bigger than they are.
Interesting to know I am banned when I was never a member.
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
so i politely asked mondo to take my name off the "welcome" board since I am NOT welcome there. You can imagine that did not go well.
you know, there are some posters there that I like to read, scott in particular has good ones that are not R&E oriented so I respect that he keeps them elsewhere. but of course, I am a "spy" ....
I just don't get why you would keep a name on a welcome when that person is, indeed, NOT welcome. Unless of course you are trying to bolster your own ego.
Mine's been on and off the list a couple of times, I believe. Was on for a long time, then off; then he invited me back on and put it up again. Of course he couldn't take factual arguments or attacks on his sockpuppets and pet posters, so he banned me - in the most dishonest way possible - and took it down again.
Nice of him. Wouldn't want to be on his s--tboard.
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
Why does he keep the names of dead people in the list ?? Names of folks who visited ONCE ?? Multiple sock-puppets as if they were individual people ?? Multiple names who were the same people, but they'd changed them over the years (not sock puppets, just new names).
Hunter & Jeffersonne were both Dain Ironfoot's sock-puppets. He had a TON of them on the board we ran together years ago, no doubt he also had many that I didn't know were his. He favored sock-puppet names that had some significance in history or literature.
My first visit to his board, when Dain invited me to it, I posted ONE THING and didn't return for another 6 months. I was shocked as all get out when I did eventually return and saw my name in the list, when I'd posted ONCE.
There are folks in his list who haven't posted there in more than a DECADE too. It's nothing but a vanity thing and I'm sure that folks howl in laughter when they see it and realize that so few of the names listed EVER show up.
The sign of popularity isn't having a long list of names of folks who ever showed up, but posts by a variety of folks. His need to appear popular almost makes me feel sorry for him. THEN I remember all of the hateful, cruel things he's written about me and so many others and that feeling is gone.
Little men want to appear bigger than they are.
Interesting to know I am banned when I was never a member.
He bans people he's frightened of, the sign of the true coward. Like his Dear Leader in Washington...
You're banned too Pikes ?? ROFLMAO As if you give a rat's patootie ??
He likes to insist that he "kicked me out", but that's totally untrue. I left on my own before the 2008 election because I couldn't stand it there anymore. MONTHS later, he got so pissed off at me for perma-booting him off of Blue (again) and refusing to continue to be "friendly" anymore because of his horrendous behavior and sneak attacks using his sock puppets that he decided that I'd been kicked off of his board. I laugh every time I see him claim that. He knows damned well it isn't true.
Siagiah wrote:
You're banned too Pikes ?? ROFLMAO As if you give a rat's patootie ??
He likes to insist that he "kicked me out", but that's totally untrue. I left on my own before the 2008 election because I couldn't stand it there anymore. MONTHS later, he got so pissed off at me for perma-booting him off of Blue (again) and refusing to continue to be "friendly" anymore because of his horrendous behavior and sneak attacks using his sock puppets that he decided that I'd been kicked off of his board. I laugh every time I see him claim that. He knows damned well it isn't true.
Little men and their tails.
Hans Lick Beckmesser
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/19/2019 3:18 pm)
Sockpuppet Violators
In memory of the hordes of Internet Sockpuppets and their wonderful contribution to American elocution, and especially those who lurk
Sockpuppets are unwelcome in many online communities and forums.
I wrote the Sockpuppet tune, "A Simpleton's Fugue" and recorded the tracks in studio this evening. It needed to capture the wonderfully stupid essence of an unimaginative simpleton. It ends with the woodwind quintet chorus all singing the name of the most notorious sockpuppet of all, fff=large to ppp
A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an Internet community who spoke to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person.
The term now includes other misleading uses of online identities, such as those created to praise, defend or support a person or organization, to manipulate public opinion, or to circumvent a suspension or ban from a website. A significant difference between the use of a pseudonym and the creation of a sockpuppet is that the sockpuppet poses as an independent third-party unaffiliated with the main account operator. Sockpuppets are unwelcome in many online communities and forums.
In 2008, 49-year-old Missouri resident Lori Drew was prosecuted and found guilty by a Federal Court jury in connection with the creation of a MySpace account on which she claimed to be a 16-year-old boy named Josh Evans. Drew's goal had been to create a relationship with Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl who had been in conflict with Drew's daughter. After "Josh" ended the relationship with Megan, Megan committed suicide. Drew was found guilty in connection with misrepresenting her identity in violation of the MySpace terms of service.
Although the Los Angeles U.S. Attorney claimed that this conduct was covered by federal computer fraud legislation against "accessing a computer without authorization via interstate commerce", the trial court granted a motion by Drew to throw out the verdict. Drew successfully argued that her use of a false identity did not constitute unauthorized access to MySpace, citing a 1973 breach of contract dispute where a court of appeals ruled that "fraudulently induced consent is consent nonetheless." The prosecution appealed the trial court judge's decision to throw out the guilty verdict, but later dropped its appeal.
In 2010, in People v. Golb, 50-year-old lawyer Raphael Golb was convicted on 30 criminal charges, including identity theft, criminal impersonation, and aggravated harassment, for using multiple sockpuppet accounts to attack and impersonate historians he perceived as rivals of his father, Norman Golb. Golb defended his actions as "satirical hoaxes" protected by free-speech rights. He was disbarred and sentenced to six months in prison but remained free on appeal on $25,000 bail. (You reading this Mondo?)
In 2014 a Florida state circuit court held that sock puppetry is tortious interference with business relations, and awarded injunctive relief against it during the pendency of litigation. The court found that "the act of falsifying multiple identities" is conduct that should be enjoined. It explained that the conduct was wrongful "not because the statements are false or true, but because the conduct of making up names of persons who do not exist to post fake comments by fake people to support Defendants' position tortiously interferes with Plaintiffs' business" and such "conduct is inherently unfair." The court, therefore, ordered the defendants to "remove or cause to be removed all postings creating the false impression that more [than one] person are commenting on the program th[an] actually exist." The court also found, however, that the comments of the defendants "which do not create a false impression of fake patients or fake employees or fake persons connected to program (those posted under their respective names) are protected by The Constitution of the United State of America, First Amendment."
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/20/2019 3:34 pm)
Who's 'Asking' over on R & E - isn't that Mongo? Or at least one of his sockpuppets? Obviously right-wing, and I noted an earlier comment on his board about poor widdle SES being 'all alone' against the eeeebull liberals on Ken's board.
Just curious...
greenman wrote:
Who's 'Asking' over on R & E - isn't that Mongo? Or at least one of his sockpuppets? Obviously right-wing, and I noted an earlier comment on his board about poor widdle SES being 'all alone' against the eeeebull liberals on Ken's board.
Just curious...
Today, Asking used a phrase with me (boo boo) unique to Mondo Fuego. There was another, earlier give away, but not as solid.
You know, he almost got it right this time. Asking. Assking. Ass king. King of the asses.
I am sure he hates me now more than ever because I had him for lunch. He really is
a stupid SOB. But... it could be yome. A few clues in that direction exist too. Admission to being a devout Christian is one. Yome is a regular on Mondo's board, and picks up some mondoisms. I ate yome before too, when he spam proselytized on our board until we had no choice but to remove him. I mean he'd post 20 or more threads injust a few hours on it, completely disrupting every other thread and topic. As bad or worse than old Bauer.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/24/2019 11:44 pm)