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6/17/2019 12:50 am  #1

Benjamin Netanyahu's wife, Sara, admits to misusing state funds


Benjamin Netanyahu's wife, Sara, admits to misusing state funds

 June 16, 2019
 Amos Ben Gershom/GPO via Getty Images
 Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, admitted to misusing state funds, and on Sunday was ordered to pay a $15,000 fine.

 Netanyahu took a plea deal, with the charges reduced from fraud to intentionally exploiting another person's error. She will have a criminal record. Her lawyer, Yossi Cohen, claims that his client is innocent, and this was an attempt to bring down her husband.

 The case was in court for four years, with Netanyahu accused of spending $100,000 on catering between 2010 and 2013, despite having her own personal chef provided by the state, The Guardian reports. Benjamin Netanyahu is also the focus of several corruption investigations, and Israel's attorney general announced earlier this year that he plans on indicting him.

Catherine Garcia


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