So, the Mueller Report just dropped.

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Posted by Siagiah
3/22/2019 6:26 pm

Hoping that Americans will get to see it.  So far, there's no indication of what it says.

Someone in the DOJ claimed there would be no further indictments BY Mueller. 

Did he conclude that the campaign was "duped", but they couldn't prove direct collusion ??

What about the state of NY's investigations into his business ?? 

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/28/2019 4:41 am

Until we see, and can read and study the unedited, uninterpreted, un-redacted, complete Mueller Report in his own words, we have no reason to trust anything anyone affiliated with the Trump Administration says about it. Not, Barr, Trump, not McConnell... and same for the Democrats. 

The Trump Administration is treating this like his tax returns. Hiding it, and the best we get is their interpretation. You trust that? From this den of liars? 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
3/28/2019 8:37 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Until we see, and can read and study the unedited, uninterpreted, un-redacted, complete Mueller Report in his own words, we have no reason to trust anything anyone affiliated with the Trump Administration says about it. Not, Barr, Trump, not McConnell... and same for the Democrats. 

The Trump Administration is treating this like his tax returns. Hiding it, and the best we get is their interpretation. You trust that? From this den of liars? 

Trust them?  Hell no !!

Posted by Siagiah
3/28/2019 11:14 pm


I certainly hope that more and more Republicans are seeing him for exactly what he is.

It's too bad that the Mueller report didn't show enough evidence to nail his butt to a tree.  That only helps him regain doubters.  Hopefully, the FULL report will show how much he & his group actually connected with Russians, even if there wasn't any solid evidence of INTENT to conspire, which is essential for criminal charges.

Plus, the investigations into his businesses is far more likely to see him indicted because INTENT is unnecessary to prove fraud, tax evasion, etc.

Forget not Trump is under at least 16 criminal investigations, many of which spun off from material Mueller found, but was outside his specific charge. SDNY has decades of Trump documents courtesy Cohen and Weisselberg. "Trump documents" are very hard to obtain as most often they are destroyed before courts can see them. Cohen and Weisselberg saved many documents destroyed on Trump's end. Its a thousand times worse than what he accused of Hillary Clinton. 

I believe that you are 100% correct.  I've read multiple books by people close to or who worked for tRUMP over the years.  The sheer audacity and lack of ethics in his business decisions, plus rampant racism in hiring choices is mind-boggling.  He got financing from ultra shady sources and cheated his way through decades of business deals.  There is significant rumors of tax evasion too.

We'll see what the Mueller report actually says as well as what charges come against him via the other investigations.  I suspect there will be MANY !!


Forget not Mueller was limited to criminal Russian collusion and election interference. That is a very narrow window. 
He handed off criminal suspicions where appropriate, and there are many. Whereas the Mueller Report according to Barr said no collusion, obstruction of justice remained open, but without evidence of supportive criminal misconduct. Trump already lied about that, claiming complete exoneration. 

The longer it takes Barr to release the full, unedited Mueller Report, the more suspicious his four page summary becomes. Nobody not affiliated with Trump saw the report. Something is rotten in Denmark. 

I believe that he said that Mueller couldn't recommend criminal charges on the question of conspiracy, which leaves it wide open to interpretation.  I see that as not having specific evidence on INTENT to be able to indict, NOT that there wasn't plenty of evidence of collusion, just no specific smoking gun proving INTENT to conspire, which is a necessary component.

BTW, we are discussing this under the wrong topic heading.  I started a new thread on the Mueller Report (its length) to continue so the topic head makes sense and closed the other topic.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/30/2019 11:33 am

For months, Trump said the Mueller Report should unconditionally be made public. 

His AG and DOJ have had it for a week, and Barr said a redacted version may be available as early as mid April. 

Barr and the Trump DOJ are the only people who saw the full Mueller Report, and they're editing it for public release. 

Given this administration's history of lying, nothing but the full, complete, unedited Mueller Report is acceptable. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/18/2019 2:25 pm

It's going to take some time to finish going through the whole report.

CNN just announced that Mueller said that tRUMP's public behavior showed obvious attempts to obstruct justice.  Is an attempt to obstruct justice legal?

Did Mueller decline to charge tRUMP because of the DOJ policy NOT to indict a sitting POTUS ??  Or because the proof of intent wasn't strong enough ??


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/18/2019 3:49 pm

It is believed the Mueller Investigation still has ten sealed Grand Jury indictments ready for delivery. While he said there would be no more indictments, that didn't include the sealed material. Likely Mueller passed that material off to other ongoing investigations. He wrote the president could be indicted. 

He said " I'm f****ed.” He is f***ed. He f****ed the GOP. He f****ed his base. He f****ed the presidency.
The Trump presidency is over. He may finish this term, and even be re elected for a second term. But the House will strengthen, Senate will flip, and he will be able to do nothing but makes tweets and hold rallies.

Too many Republicans protected Richard Nixon right to the bitter end. Even hearing his own voice prove himself guilty was sufficient to move them. Consequently the public cleaned house in 1974 and 1976. For many of us, this is our second such rodeo with the GOP. Say what you want about Democrats' being capable of doing the same. Fact is Republicans did the same.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/18/2019 5:11 pm

There's 10 more sealed indictments ??  I thought Mueller said there weren't ??

There may be STATE LEVEL sealed indictments though ??  Apparently, most of the provable law-breaking are state charges.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/18/2019 9:31 pm

I understood this to mean no new indictments. That excluded the sealed set, how ever many there are. That could be wrong. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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