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Posted by greenman
8/16/2023 4:02 pm

Is ‘Rebel’ like ‘Arwen,’ the other crazy neo-Nazi on that and Mongo’s ‘Bi-partisan Board?’  Because she…is nuts. And I hate her using that name.

It looks like the walls are closing in on the Biden influence peddling syndicate [sic]

Posted by Arwen on 8/12/2023, 11:31 am
Of course, the Biden DOJ insisted on appointing a special counsel who approved one of the most politically corrupt plea deals in history, but now that the bias has been exposed, perhaps he won’t be so quick to attempt to cover up the Biden family crimes. [none of which have actually proven to exist]

I have my doubts, but we’ll see.

I have my doubts whether people like you have all, or ANY of your freakin’ marbles intact. 

Literally nutty.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/16/2023 4:42 pm

Nobody knows who's who except us about us. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
8/24/2023 12:45 pm

And speaking for myself, even I’m not totally sure…

Posted by greenman
8/28/2023 8:51 am

Extremist attack on President Biden from White Whine (Mayer showing his true colors):

A House impeachment inquiry of President Biden is a 'natural step forward,' Speaker McCarthy says

Posted by DFM on August 27, 2023, 6:59 pm


As usual this Trumpist buffoon can’t explain his thoughts, but simply posts a naked link to either an article or video. That alone is suggestive of his lack of clarity of thought.

But the article DOES suggest that this so-called ‘impeachment inquiry’ is exactly what it is - a tit-for-tat bit of petty revenge from the Radical Right For Trump’s dual impeachments.  It also has the effect of being a smear campaign and distraction heading into Election Year.

Really embarrassing..but I’m sure welcome in that particular space..

Posted by greenman
8/29/2023 8:35 am

An exception to the usual rule here in a truly sick pro-gun post from Trump-loving DFM:

Guns ARE God’s blessing on America, and you and your ilk are the CURSE.

Posted by DFM on August 29, 2023, 5:24 am, in reply to "S. Carolina student killed for trying to enter wrong home."

You want to disarm us so that we will be helpless against crime and oppression.
I had made only a sarcastic comment about guns as a ‘blessing on ‘Murrica,’ I hadn’t even made any actual suggestions about gun control. 

This guy is a NUT.  Possibly a dangerous one.

Posted by greenman
9/04/2023 9:56 am

Fake Trumpist post on White Whine by one of their conspiracy nuts..

Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise

Posted by Rebel on September 4, 2023, 7:28 am


Baffling to me how people like Rebel or Mongo still support the traitor, Trump, and willingly lie for him - in this case by attacking the Georgia prosecutor handling his election crimes case.

Of course allowing yourself to be brainwashed by fake ‘news’ sites like ‘The Gateway Pundit’ makes it easier, I guess..

Posted by greenman
9/12/2023 2:20 pm

Sorry I failed to post more recent comments to this board. I had no intention of going away from it.

Posted by Siagiah
9/12/2023 5:49 pm

Not a problem.  You can post 'em wherever you like at this point.  No one is using the forum for anything else, unfortunately, so it is what it is.  No worries.

Posted by Siagiah
9/12/2023 6:26 pm

What kind of MONSTER says something like this? Thousands of innocent men, women, and children in those numbers.

Why does this not bother me in the least? 10,000 Libyans dead in floods...
  Posted by TEXRA on September 12, 2023, 9:31 am
 ...Meh. Maybe a less crazy country would matter. 16

Posted by Siagiah
9/12/2023 6:38 pm

Well, this is interesting!

Please be advised 

 Posted by Mike Scalese on 9/11/2023, 3:45 pm 

I am in no way, shape or form trying to convince anyone from voting for their choice. I don't care who anyone votes for because I have no horse in the race. I haven't voted for 30 years. I got wise a long time ago.

"Bipartisan Political Debate" is not happening on this board. This is a Republican board with at least one Libertarian who hates Democrats.

I am posting as an independent outsider. I am the only one who tells the truth and it is not accepted kindly.

If the RNC nominates Trump or DeSantis you will just be wasting your vote in 2024. I wish the Republicans and Libertarians on this board the best of luck because they are going to need it.

Peace and out.



Posted by greenman
9/12/2023 6:56 pm

Siagiah wrote:

What kind of MONSTER says something like this? Thousands of innocent men, women, and children in those numbers.

Why does this not bother me in the least? 10,000 Libyans dead in floods...
  Posted by TEXRA on September 12, 2023, 9:31 am
 ...Meh. Maybe a less crazy country would matter. 16

I found that appalling, even by TEXRA’s hateful standards.

Posted by greenman
9/12/2023 6:57 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Well, this is interesting!

Please be advised 

 Posted by Mike Scalese on 9/11/2023, 3:45 pm 

I am in no way, shape or form trying to convince anyone from voting for their choice. I don't care who anyone votes for because I have no horse in the race. I haven't voted for 30 years. I got wise a long time ago.

"Bipartisan Political Debate" is not happening on this board. This is a Republican board with at least one Libertarian who hates Democrats.

I am posting as an independent outsider. I am the only one who tells the truth and it is not accepted kindly.

If the RNC nominates Trump or DeSantis you will just be wasting your vote in 2024. I wish the Republicans and Libertarians on this board the best of luck because they are going to need it.

Peace and out.



Scalese called that one!  Not that he got
any thanks for it..

Posted by greenman
9/20/2023 12:34 pm

More ludicrous, unsupported nonsense from the Chief Clown at White:

Garland is lying his butt off to Congress. Totally ludicrous.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 20, 2023, 9:30 am

No, NOT really. As you can tell from the TOTAL LACK OF FACTS PROVIDED.

Actual news story:

WASHINGTON ― ‘The nation’s top law enforcement officer said Wednesday that Republican allegations of a two-tiered justice system favoring the president’s son are a fantasy.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing with U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Republicans said Garland’s Department of Justice has gone easy on Hunter Biden while throwing the book at former President Donald Trump.’

Like Mongo, you see Republicans lying by telling the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth.

In fact, Trump has been REPEATEDLY let off - mostly by themselves - while Hunter Biden has been persecuted for relatively minor crimes, solely due to his father’s position.

Mongo lies like most Republicans, and believes their lies, too.

Posted by greenman
9/21/2023 11:11 am

As if Mongo’s mental decline weren’t obvious enough:

I have the the ticket! DONALD TRUMP / TIM SCOTT ... unbeatable!

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 21, 2023, 9:07 am

Put some of the rest of the contenders and others in Cabinet positions.

Help fill in the blanks and offer alternatives.

SOS - Nikki Haley
DOJ - Chris Christie
DOD - Mike Pompeo
DOI - Doug Burgum
DOC - Vivek Ramaswamy
DOE - Otis 
DHS - Ron Desantis
DOT - Elon Musk 
HUD - Larry Elder
AGR - Me 
Anybody tell you your Candidate tried to overturn an American election via an insurrection, or that he might go to prison soon?

And as if any prospective Trump Second Administration wouldn’t be a disaster, a ticket to civil war and one-party rule, Mongo wants to fill some offices with HIMSELF and his idiot sidekicks!  Hey, Deanna wants to know if she can be Sec’y of Inane Giggles? lol

Posted by greenman
9/22/2023 12:27 pm

Not to be outdone, TEXRA belches out a racist attack on illegal immigrants (Faux Nooze says it’s OK!):

Texas declares an Emergency. Tens of thousands of barbarians

Posted by GOG on September 22, 2023, 11:22 am

are at the gates. Texas burns along with the rest of the US while senile moron globalist puppet Biden fiddles. Hire more buses. Send them straight to NYC and Washington DC.

Note: ZERO evidence that a word he says is true.  No links to this alleged ‘declared emergency.’ Just loud, emotional blather based on what the Rightedia tell him to think. Texas is ‘burning’ according to his hysterical language (better revise your opinion of that there ‘global warming,’ boy!).  So’s the whole durn country. Furriners!  Illegal immigration!  And it’s all Joe’s fault because, by gawrsh, Fox TOLD him so!  He opened the borders!

TEX’ solution?  Close the borders, maybe?  No! Human trafficking!  Cause more problems for those northern cities full of smart-ass liberals and negroes! Cause them problems so’s we kin laff at ‘em for bein’ libs!

The moron’s-eye view of the world…

Last edited by greenman (9/22/2023 12:30 pm)

Posted by greenman
9/22/2023 2:17 pm

Unsurprisingly he follows it up with a post defending apartheid South Africa:

If he emigrated, the IQ of Texas would rise perceptably..

Posted by Siagiah
9/22/2023 2:52 pm

greenman wrote:

As if Mongo’s mental decline weren’t obvious enough:

I have the the ticket! DONALD TRUMP / TIM SCOTT ... unbeatable!

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 21, 2023, 9:07 am

Put some of the rest of the contenders and others in Cabinet positions.

Help fill in the blanks and offer alternatives.

SOS - Nikki Haley
DOJ - Chris Christie
DOD - Mike Pompeo
DOI - Doug Burgum
DOC - Vivek Ramaswamy
DOE - Otis
DHS - Ron Desantis
DOT - Elon Musk
HUD - Larry Elder
AGR - Me
Anybody tell you your Candidate tried to overturn an American election via an insurrection, or that he might go to prison soon?

And as if any prospective Trump Second Administration wouldn’t be a disaster, a ticket to civil war and one-party rule, Mongo wants to fill some offices with HIMSELF and his idiot sidekicks! Hey, Deanna wants to know if she can be Sec’y of Inane Giggles? lol


AGR?  That's Active Guard Reserve... What does he think it is?  Agriculture?  That is DOA  (department of agriculture)  But if he really wants to be DOA, well, go for it Whipley!

Posted by Siagiah
9/22/2023 3:02 pm

Whipley Triplets

Posted by Siagiah
9/22/2023 3:05 pm

greenman wrote:

Not to be outdone, TEXRA belches out a racist attack on illegal immigrants (Faux Nooze says it’s OK!):

Texas declares an Emergency. Tens of thousands of barbarians

Posted by GOG on September 22, 2023, 11:22 am

are at the gates. Texas burns along with the rest of the US while senile moron globalist puppet Biden fiddles. Hire more buses. Send them straight to NYC and Washington DC.

Note: ZERO evidence that a word he says is true. No links to this alleged ‘declared emergency.’ Just loud, emotional blather based on what the Rightedia tell him to think. Texas is ‘burning’ according to his hysterical language (better revise your opinion of that there ‘global warming,’ boy!). So’s the whole durn country. Furriners! Illegal immigration! And it’s all Joe’s fault because, by gawrsh, Fox TOLD him so! He opened the borders!

TEX’ solution? Close the borders, maybe? No! Human trafficking! Cause more problems for those northern cities full of smart-ass liberals and negroes! Cause them problems so’s we kin laff at ‘em for bein’ libs!

The moron’s-eye view of the world…


I think that this is a GOG thing... Not that Texra is above it.  He's definitely NOT.

Posted by greenman
9/23/2023 8:38 am

Wow, thanks.  My mistake.  I suppose I should’ve seen the racism as typical of the GOGster.  Good catch.

Posted by greenman
9/27/2023 11:26 am

TEX goes nutso on White Whine (again)..

While Biden marches with union slugs America's cities descend into lawlessness...

Posted by TEXRA on September 27, 2023, 8:09 am

...Teen mobs loot Apple Store, Lululemon, Footlocker and more in coordinated attack.

If you shoot half of them the rest will stop looting. If shooting half fails for any reason, shoot the rest.

Note the fake link of Union working people and our President with mobs of criminals (not the 1/6/21 insurrectionists, obviously!)

Violence, bigotry and stupidity in one awesome package. Texas’ finest. Another Hater for Trump!

Posted by greenman
10/05/2023 12:34 pm

The REAL SES, and why you don’t
want him on your board (unless an extremist like Mongo):

We were right. Again. This is the last straw. [If you were ‘right,’ it would be the first time]

Posted by CE0802 on 10/5/2023, 7:33 am

Us, then: "We need to build a border wall." [‘And make Mexico pay for it!’ Dis that happen, Skippy?]

Them, then: "That's racist! Walls don't work! You're a MAGA neo-Nazis! [sic] AAAHHH!!!"  [The usual strawman]

Them, now: "We see a desperate need for a physical barrier on the southern border, and will start wall construction soon." [Correct. One area with heavy numbers of crossings]

So, the liberal neo-racists were wrong. Again. For the umpteenth time. [Abusive, and does not follow in ANY way whatsoever..smh]

There will be no discussion of this on the Wordle Board or on R&E. They've successfully censored rational intelligent common sense debate. [Wrong again, Skippy!]

They'll never learn. They'll continue swallowing this Administration's spew, and accepting their subservience with dopey smiles on their fat fascist neo-racist faces. [Typically frenzied neo-Fascist hatred of alien ideas - and boards who gave them the boot]

Disgusting traitors. [But NOT the fat Orange idiot who tried to overthrow an election!]


Last edited by greenman (10/05/2023 12:36 pm)

Posted by greenman
10/16/2023 11:53 am

Evil dreck from Sophia (observer):

Even NBC is showing film of Hamas targeting civilians,

Posted by observer on October 16, 2023, 9:45 am

one such film showing Hamas with their guns shooting up close into civilian residence. Bodies that were burnt alive are found, some hugging each other. I’m thinking about German children who grew up and found out that their parents supported the holocaust, or even refused to acknowledge that it happened. Holocaust deniers are still among us. Their children,too, will be repulsed by the inhumane positions their parents CHOSE in spite of the overwhelming truth that Hamas intended and pursued the death of all Jews. That Israel should not defend itself and attempt to eradicate Hamas is beyond ridicule. It is evil.

Of course to Israel-loving Evangelicals, the ‘other side’ is totally evil and Satanic. And anyone who doesn’t take Israel’s side is a ‘Holocaust denier.’

More posters need to challenge her right-wing crapola.  This woman is nuts.

Posted by Siagiah
10/16/2023 12:55 pm

She is a clueless bimbo

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/16/2023 4:46 pm

"They," as in the religious right magachristians, have NO sense of humor. They're about as funny as a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward after hot, spicy Mexican food night. Poking fun at religion and the especially pious seems to draw their condemnation. I was told if I am a Christian, I barely am. That helped stimulate The End Times satire

Trump is the gloat. Greatest loser of all time. Those who still follow him are losers too. They pass around condemnation of Biden for age and feeblemindedness. Thing is, every time I listen to him speak, he is precise, straight to the point and articulate. He never bloviates like P01135809. The base should be concerned about his mental age. 4. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
10/17/2023 11:22 am

The mental illness of the ‘Bipartisan Board’ (aka Green Slime):

The Wordle Board and the R&E Board should consider changing their names. - CE0802 10/17/2023, 8:29 am

A bunch of antisemites. Far left extremism. Hateful. - GOG 10/17/2023, 10:38 am

"The Anti-Semite Board I" and "The Anti-Semite Board II" were too obvious. - CE0802 10/17/2023, 12:01 pm

None of this would have happened under Trump - HOWIE 10/17/2023, 9:59 am

The animated wax museum Biden caricature is going to Israel on Wednesday. - GOG 10/17/2023, 11:08 am

Remember when the Libturds were irate, claiming that Trump was going to start WW III? - CE0802 10/17/2023, 12:12 pm

Remember when SES posted like a human being? 

Me neither..

Ditto the severely mentally ill GOG.

ps - Hey Mongo Asshat, that was me posting as ‘chimes…’ lol (dipstick)

Posted by greenman
10/22/2023 7:14 am

More of the same from the usual slime:

Blue and yellow religion boards hate jewish people - Laven 10/21/2023, 2:51 pm

"Palestinian" = Hamas - CE0802 10/21/2023, 4:26 pm

Hear, Hear !!! - Gustavo 10/21/2023, 7:57 pm

What’s you point, Gus? - GOG 10/21/2023, 10:35 pm

Hear hear!! - GOG 10/21/2023, 7:07 pm
Yes - GOG 10/21/2023, 3:09 pm
I’m sure those on R & E can look forward to this nonsense in the all-too-near future..smh

Posted by greenman
10/25/2023 8:03 am

Proof that to Trumpists, up is down and down is sideways:

As some of us already knew, and as the Liberals and Democrats have now proven...

Posted by CE0802 on 10/25/2023, 8:41 am

...all of the anti-Semites are actually on the Left.

They are everything they claimed that Trump and Republicans were:

- Anti-Semites
- Traitors to their country
- Racist
- Anti-Science
- Corrupt

Unfortunately, he left the ACTUAL proof out of his rant. Perhaps Faux Nooze is supposed to fill in the blanks, or you have to get the latest from QAnon, I don’t know…

But obviously every word is PURE projection.

Posted by greenman
10/26/2023 6:48 pm

Multiple more abusive posts on Green Slime by their list of predators, directed against this and other boards.

‘Bipartisan,’ LOL!!

Posted by Siagiah
10/26/2023 7:20 pm

mongo is INCAPABLE of being fair or reasonable.  It was a GIVEN from day one that his newest board would be nothing but TRASH TALK against "leftists". 

Now all it does is take traffic from his original trash heap.  Too funny!



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