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Posted by greenman Online!
5/30/2023 5:46 pm

Merlin threw his own ‘typical moronic stupidity’ phrase back at him, and CEOU812’s only response was this bit of hypocrisy:

"Posts containing...personal attacks...may be removed."


What a loser and a whimp.

Posted by greenman Online!
5/30/2023 5:56 pm

And how stupid does an (allegedly) educated human being have to be to post this dreck?

Climate change is NOT PROVEN. It is still speculation.

Posted by DFM on May 30, 2023, 2:55 pm, in reply to "Climate change. Effect on agriculture. Also the artificiality of inflation"

Like gravity and evolutionary theory, you IT simpleton?  When you have some credentials, maybe - but only maybe - I’ll listen to you.  Until then, you’re simply an ignoramus behind the current wisdom and the times.

Posted by Siagiah
5/30/2023 6:22 pm

Idjits, the both of them....

Posted by greenman Online!
5/31/2023 7:31 am

Was happy to see some pushback there on some of his absurd nonsense…

Posted by greenman Online!
5/31/2023 12:45 pm

This was an hysterical GOG reply to a poke at his conspiracy-mongering by KR..

You are a part of a herd mentally [sic] i that believes anything.

Posted by GOG on May 31, 2023, 9:58 am, in reply to "Yawn. More junk science and YouTube videos."

Dumb enough to take the jab and ignorant enough to trust voodoo science. You are fake junk.

Literally this (other than ’the jab,’ which I’m sure he hasn’t taken) ONLY MAKES SENSE if you apply it to GOG himself.  Applied to KR, it makes ZERO sense.

Should we just say to GOG that he’s ‘real’ junk?  lol

ps -  personal attack there, too

Posted by Siagiah
5/31/2023 8:44 pm

Yes, we should say that to him!

Posted by greenman Online!
6/02/2023 10:37 am

More GOG comedy:

Pride goeth before a fall. Especially a fall God-predicated upon - GOG June 1, 2023, 11:22 pm

Protesters flock to North Hollywood elementary school ahead of Pride event - Ken C June 2, 2023, 7:55 am

So does Summer. - 7:77 June 2, 2023, 6:19 am

Let’s be serious.   - GOG June 2, 2023, 6:59 am
Quite apart from Poppet’s very amusing quip there, two things are funny:  GOG’s insistence that ‘the end is nigh!’ based on alleged ‘Biblical predictions,’ which he doesn’t understand and don’t really exist, combined with the closing ‘Let’s be serious,’ his funniest crack of all.

Yes, let’s be serious, Mr Conspiracy.  Like you are about cities on the Moon, rebar on Mars, ‘fake’ pandemics, anti-vaxxerism, and so, so many other things..

Posted by Siagiah
6/02/2023 3:28 pm

Yeah, I saw that and laughed.  Too funny.

GOG is a nutcase, for sure.


Posted by greenman Online!
6/05/2023 9:31 am

Bauer insisting DFM is ‘wrong’ about NDE (etc) again…

David, i read all your disproofs of NDE/FDE/SDE/DBV/ADC/TL and your claims that

Posted by jb on June 5, 2023, 4:12 am

there is no evidence to support them but there are tons of evidence which have been found in many ways and places like brains, memories, life changes, written memories of Life Reviews, knowledge of relatives that were dead when the events occurred and so many more.
[Yes, those ‘tons of evidence’ we always hear about but never see; and here we never see them yet again]
For examples these are not actual [except where you claim they ARE ‘actual!’]
but are similarities to events that actually occurred in peoples lives:

1. Joe knew who his father was he met his real father in Heaven when he had an NDE.

[Mistyped?  No idea what you mean here but entirely subjective]

2. ACTUAL, A LITTLE BOY announced that he met his brother in Heaven during his NDE.

[Entirely fanciful and subjective, though understandable]

3. ACTUAL, man had been paying for abortions for his employees and met their children during his NDE.

[Bizarre and makes no sense]

4. ACTUAL, Chinese study of memories after earthquake.

[No actual claim]

5. Many reports of dramatic life style changes after NDEs. often accompanied by divorces. These were like material to spiritual life styles.

[Actually true, people have changed their lives and lost their fear of death after NDEs, although your claim of ‘spirituality’ is a little fanciful]

6. Long reports of NDE lIFE REVIEWS featuring mentions of many unknown people. That is people were talking to them from hidden locations.

[Sounds like mental illness]

7. ACTUAL, POLICE went to report deaths in the family and were told we know he came and told us he had died.

[Fanciful and unsupported by facts]

8. ACTUAL, a very little girl reprimanded her father for cursing her mother while the baby was born.

[Makes no sense, no real claim]

9. ACTUAL, a a little girl reported remembering when her tongue was first suckable.


There are thousands of such repoerts. [None of them ‘evidence’ of anything]

Yes, there always are, to hear you tell it.  And yet you still simply assume that NDE, etc. are a) ‘spiritual,’ b) supernatural, c) proof of an afterlife, d) proof of religion (specifically, yours) and e) proof of God.  Because you wish them to be.

Between jb and GOG, these boards are never short of baloney..

Last edited by greenman (6/05/2023 9:34 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
6/05/2023 10:01 am

Someone suggested jb and GOG get a room. They did. 
Jb cannot refrain from replying to, or mentioning me. 
R&E admin cleaned up one, and another replaced it.
Anyone who challenges him is "lying."
Anyone who agrees with him is "wrong."
Anyone who knows more about NDE and Bahai than he, doesn't. 
To time him out may just pass on his insanity elsewhere,
possibly onto somebody in RL. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
6/05/2023 12:36 pm

NOT to "time him out" for his repeated DNR violations is to destroy Ken's credibility as far as giving warnings.  He told him that if he did it again, he'd get a time out.  That was only 10 days ago.  So far, he's gotten away with it for 2 full days now, in spite of it being recognized.  Trish CAN'T give time outs.  Who knows where Ken has been?  I hope he's okay.  It's odd for him not to show up for days.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
6/05/2023 9:14 pm

Then Ken needs to follow through. Maybe not a long time out, but enough
to get jb's attention, not that that's possible. Jb is either deliberate, or incapable
of learning. Clearly he becomes angry, and a bottled up crazyman may be a public

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
6/07/2023 8:01 am

More evidence that Righties and Trumpers are Putinists:

Do you believe everything bad said about Russia and Putin?

Posted by BornToFarm on June 7, 2023, 6:52 am, in reply to "Russia Destroys Huge Dam In Ukrainian Territory Under Russian Control."

The first casualty in war is the truth

I don't believe a who lot about what I hear from either side. There is a war going on over there. Propaganda is high up on the list of priorities.

While technically this is true, which ‘side’ he’s defending is clear in his subject line. 

Like most Righties (GOG is another example), he’s a knee-jerk supporter of Lord Donald’s best friend.

Last edited by greenman (6/07/2023 8:01 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
6/07/2023 9:23 am

The Troll back hard at work..wonder how long THIS thread will be?

There are more than 20 Commonalities in the Major Religions which prove God is the Foundation of tho..

Posted by jb on June 7, 2023, 7:12 am Religions. I have proven there is Life after death and there is Heaven. No one has questioned those proofs. Thus God is FACT.

Same ol’, same ol’.  Sorry, but it doesn’t mean much to be ‘on topic’ when you’re a trolling mental case who lies and harasses people with unsupportable claims 24/7/365.

Posted by Siagiah
6/07/2023 10:00 am

Boy, you aren't kidding!  Not about jb or about B.t.F.  It isn't at all surprising that jb is at it again, but B.t.F.?  Yeah, I'm surprised.  I've misjudged him, same as Scott.  Both have changed and are not at all who I thought they were once upon a time.  Disappointed, to say the least.

jb can take himself back to hell where he belongs (not that I believe in hell, but you know what I mean).

jb got away with it AGAIN.  It is quickly becoming the jb and GOG board.  That's sad, to say the least.

When is your "release date" to rejoin R&E?  Are you going to be able to handle it there?  Please use THESE SPACES to unload so you don't blow it over there?  The trolls are NOT worth it.

I still can't understand why jb hasn't gotten his well deserved time out?


Posted by greenman Online!
6/07/2023 11:19 am

“When is your "release date" to rejoin R&E?  Are you going to be able to handle it there?  Please use THESE SPACES to unload so you don't blow it over there?  The trolls are NOT worth it.”

Agreed.  He cited Sept. 1 as a date, so sometime after that.  I don’t plan to rush over there, nor to get in fights with anyone.  I can see that posting to jb has ZERO point (I’ve know that for some time, really) and while I always cracked wise with GOG, he’s pointless for discussions, too.

I can post to people without losing my temper, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.   I won’t be posting as much on here ABOUT R & E, I’m sure, because that wouldn’t be fair to Ken and other participants.  His rule against posting (there) about other boards is a good one.

Last edited by greenman (6/07/2023 11:20 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
6/08/2023 11:25 am

The paranoid pro-Putin nuttiness continues:

Blinken , Nuland, Stoltenberg, Kolomoisky, Zelensky and the Zio-instigators

Posted by GOG on June 8, 2023, 7:55 am

get their orders from Tel Aviv. Russia prevents Ersatz Israel. [sic] Russia is in the way. Israel wants to destroy Iran. Maybe justifiably. None the less Russia is a major Iranian ally. That and Syria . The US is a Zio-capture. The unipolar global
Concept [sic] run by the US is in peril. Asia is on the rise. The Silk Road is a massive competitive threat to US. Just like one expects from a mafia turf, stay out. But the inevitable is occurring. Western corruption……we are weak.

YOU are weak.  And lame. And anti-Semitic.  And political.  And more than a little crazy.
And what happens when you get your ‘truths’ from paranoid nutjobs on YouTube and Bitchute.

Posted by Trish
6/09/2023 1:02 pm

=16.25pxGog is so afraid of everything it's no wonder he lives in the middle of nowhere. There's no need to come out into the light of day. I almost envision him with an aluminum hat.

Posted by greenman Online!
6/09/2023 1:17 pm

Trish wrote:

=16.25pxGog is so afraid of everything it's no wonder he lives in the middle of nowhere. There's no need to come out into the light of day. I almost envision him with an aluminum hat.

So true.  I always got along well enough to jibe back-and-forth with him (at least until his pandemic misinformation campaign p!ssed me off), but there’s a very old-fashioned, defensive, attention-seeking and yet reclusive vibe there.  Not only his Virginia Confederate thing, but making a big deal out of a trip into the outside world, as he did recently.  It would no doubt have rattled his cage quite a bit.

‘San Francisco, so dirty and drug-ridden!  Not like back in the post-war days!’  lol

Posted by Trish
6/09/2023 2:48 pm

I really detest politics. The only reason I get involved is when it starts impinging on the very things the US is supposed to stand for, and in the process hurting people

Posted by greenman Online!
6/10/2023 8:11 am

I’ll admit I find them interesting and challenging, but I certainly agree with you.  It’s all just hot air until it involves our everyday lives.

They’re an endless source of friction, to be sure.

Posted by Poppet
6/10/2023 10:23 am

greenman wrote:

‘San Francisco, so dirty and drug-ridden!  Not like back in the post-war days!’  lol

Heh...I wonder how long it's been since he was actually in SF, if ever? I was interested to note on my recent trip there (to the heart of the Tenderloin, no less) that the lurid stories of open drug use, feces on the sidewalk, etc., while obviously based in fact, were greatly exaggerated. Definitely not as bad in terms of massive concentration of homeless folk as Portland has become .

Okay, that's setting the bar low. Still, my point is that massively exaggerated and/or slanted reporting causes some to take it and run with it, generally to somewhere not well connected to reality.

Last edited by Poppet (6/10/2023 10:24 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
6/10/2023 1:13 pm

I’ve wondered if that was true.  You can find some dirt, filth and crime in every major city (Columbus has a lot of violence for its size) but is it really that bad? 

I had a friend who visited in the ‘80s-‘90s and loved it, but haven’t asked him if he’d been there lately or what he thought.  Sounds like it’s not all that bad.

Posted by greenman Online!
6/13/2023 7:02 am

David Mayer the LIAR once again repeating this slanderous and anti-Semitic attack on George Soros.  Of course David thinks he gets to decide who is and isn’t a ‘proper Jew’ based on his own neo-fascistic politics.

SS would be appropriate, since Soros was such a help to the Nazi SS in rounding up the Jews.

Posted by DFM on June 12, 2023, 12:12 pm, in reply to "WOW! Should The Democrat Party"

You’re lying again, Mayer, and I’m telling you so to your ugly face.  And if that scumbag Mongo had any morals, he’d take that post down and suspend you from posting.

I suppose it’s not surprising that modern-day Nazis and those who support them (like DFM) continue to spread this deliberate libel, but they deserve to be held accountable for it.

Apologize, Mayer, or there may be further complaints made about you.

Posted by greenman Online!
6/13/2023 11:04 am

And incidentally, he’s over there right now citing some video crackpot’s claim of incipient ‘global cooling.’

Absolute disinformation and buffoonery. It’s increasingly hard to tell the difference between him and GOG.

Posted by greenman Online!
6/30/2023 4:30 pm

Speaking of the latter, how about some outright racism?

Arab invaders live ng [racist misprint?] in France are rioting and threatening the real French citizenry.

Posted by GOG on June 30, 2023, 1:54 pm

The military has been called out to suppress the insurrection. Isn’t diversity wonderful?

Open up home and hearth to these treacherous sons of Essau and this is the result. Wild ass genetic [racist] madness. Yet the US continues to import mostly males into our nation [sic].  On the verge of a depression there will be no jobs. In France the insurrectionists have automatic weapons. The real French citizens were deballed some time ago. Blame the wokes and their touchy feely stupidity.

Ignoring the Biblical BS, this is both a wild-eyed mischaracterization of the situation, and completely racist.

The riots, as in America with BLM protests (which GOG has also attacked racially) had to do with the shooting of a youth by the police.  And while rioting is not a solution, it is understandable in certain situations (which GOG has never faced).

Typical of a poster who is political, racist, paranoid and crazy.

Posted by greenman Online!
7/03/2023 9:11 am

As Ken’s board is no longer one I’m banned from (thanks, Ken!), I probably won’t be posting about it here.  I hope everyone can engage in free discussion with no DNRs, and natch I don’t intend to DNR anyone (not even GOG!).

There are a couple of other boards, though, so I won’t close this thread just yet..

Posted by Siagiah
7/03/2023 1:39 pm

Nothing says you can't spout off about those there who vex you so you don't spout off there in inappropriate ways. Just saying. 

Posted by greenman Online!
7/03/2023 2:12 pm

Here’s a good one from White (and yes,
that was sarcasm):

Why would anyone watch the WNBA and why are the networks forcing WNBA on us?

Posted by TEXRA on July 3, 2023, 12:44 pm

Every time I turned on the TV this weekend there were America-hating black WNBA players and games goind on. Given all the trash talk about the US coming from WNBA players I would not watch it even if it were actually entertaining.

WNBA deserves no audience among REAL Americans.

First, how does a traitor-loving American fascist like Tex get to tell ANYONE who is and isn’t a ‘real American?’

Second, could this BE more racist, sexist, and above all, whiny? Since when did anyone have to watch a TV network, you yokel?


Posted by greenman Online!
7/08/2023 7:22 am

Love Mongo’s little ‘pronunciamentos’ on the Whineboard..

A monkey with a typewriter could write all the Shakespeare plays, given an infinite amount of time.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on July 7, 2023, 8:17 pm

An incompetent ape in the White House can destroy the Constitution and much of America, given 2 years.

Yes, how well I remember 2019 and 2020, in fact (although 2017 and 2018 were no party, either!)…;)

ps - Did you come to that conclusion after years of reading the posts on White Whine? lol


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