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Posted by greenman
11/01/2024 11:26 am

Kinda funny in a way:

Bruce Swartz of bruceseesall passed away at age 49.

Posted by GOG on November 1, 2024, 6:20 am

He proved the earth’s moon is occupied [No, he didn’t]. He had failed to contact his family, as he was wont to do daily. Cause of death unknown. RIP.

Didn’t see THAT one coming, didja, Brucie?

(nonetheless R.I.P., condolences to family, friends and fellow crackpots)

Posted by Siagiah
11/01/2024 2:00 pm

That's sad. At the same time he'll stop posting ludicrous nonsense for gullible idjits to buy into.

Posted by greenman
11/02/2024 8:06 am

Postscript: Bruce the victim of a CONSPIRACY!  Betcha didn’t expect that..

He was a good and decent guy. Unlike you.

Posted by GOG on November 1, 2024, 4:25 pm, in reply to "He was a LOOOOOOONY!"

An amateur astronomer not an immature adult. He was either murdered or took the jab. Which for many is a form of murder. Died suddenly.
Murder or the vast Vax conspiracy, had to be one! He couldn’t have had, say, a heart attack…smh

Last edited by greenman (11/02/2024 8:18 am)

Posted by Siagiah
11/02/2024 9:41 am

He actually died on September 4th of this year at his mother's house in Toronto, Canada.  He certainly was NOT murdered.  He may have killed himself.  The cause of death is listed as "undisclosed" which is typically suicide, but not necessarily.  That no one is talking about it lends credence to that idea though.

His brother, Jason-John Swartz is also part of the crazy.  He's into UFOs and other conspiracies.  Also seriously religious. 

Posted by greenman
11/02/2024 4:05 pm

Very interesting! And not to be acknowledged anytime soon by GOG, one assumes..

Posted by greenman
11/05/2024 7:54 am

Mayer gets loonier all the time, I swear. Becoming a Trumpster appears to have sent his brain careening off-course.  From White Whine..

Gutfeld! 11/4/24 FULL HD END SHOW | BREAKING FOX NEWS TRUMP TODAY November 4, 2024 - DFM November 5, 2024, 4:30 am

Re: Gutfeld! 11/4/24 FULL HD END SHOW | BREAKING FOX NEWS TRUMP TODAY November 4, 2024 - Balony Pony November 5, 2024, 6:02 am

[Gutfeld is a moron, one of the worst people on Fox. Is David waiting for instructions if there’s a ‘steal’ tonight?]

Pro-Israel Iranian EXPOSES Hamas Sympathizers dark intentions… - DFM November 5, 2024, 4:05 am

[Because anyone who doesn’t support Zionist genocide is a ‘Hamas sympathizer,’ right, crazy boy?]

PALESTINIANS stole JEWISH land. - DFM November 4, 2024, 8:01 pm

[Such an absurd lie you hardly know what to say.]

easy to use youtube video downloade. Don't let your favorites be deleted. - DFM November 4, 2024, 3:46 pm

[Save your favorite loony videos!]

Most shockingly, he’s just like GOG in his abuse of extremist or nonsensical YouTube videos.  No wonder he’s worried about ‘saving’ deleted ones!

Last edited by greenman (11/05/2024 7:55 am)

Posted by greenman
11/07/2024 3:21 pm

How much of a Nazi is GOG?

There is zero freedom of press, worship, travel, free speech in Ukraine.

Posted by GOG on November 7, 2024, 11:58 am, in reply to "We should take freedom seriously. We should fight tyranny."

Russia is far freeer.

Once again GOG makes his Russian allegiance clearer…

Do you think they actually pay him!?

Last edited by greenman (11/07/2024 3:21 pm)

Posted by greenman
11/09/2024 9:20 am

The noise and hate level on White Whine has yet to abate, I see..

Voters soundly rejected the Orwellian dystopia promoted by progressives.

Posted by Arwen on November 8, 2024, 11:46 am

They told us the border was secure. [wrong]

They suppressed free speech on social media. [a lie]

They tried to forgive student loans, shifting the repayment burden to plumbers, waitresses, firemen and those who repaid their loans responsibly.[loan forgiveness, what a tragedy!]

They cried “my body, my choice” and then fired you for making the “wrong” choice about vaccines.[two COMPLETELY different issues. Your side suppressed abortion and necessary vaccines, both!]

They said inflation was transitory.[You said the President caused it!]

They wanted us to believe the state propaganda and government doublethink and embrace the surveillance necessary to enforce it.[gibberish]

They even briefly promoted an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.[a lie, as you put it]

Well done, voters. Well done.[So now FIX IT. No more talk. FIX IT.]
Well-projected, my dear, but entirely false.

If there’s anything I hate, it’s a sore winner. Of course they only echo the blab of their hate-filled Fuehrer…

Posted by Siagiah
11/10/2024 8:46 am

White Whine is the last place I would wander over to read, especially now. Almost without exception, their regulars are @$$holes.

Now, I have no doubt that they are ripping all of us to shreds, according to their imaginary views of us all.

Posted by greenman
11/10/2024 3:21 pm

They continue to be as clueless, dishonest, and mentally deficient as they were before.

But they’re excited! Because they think they won something!

A real Idiot’s Delight!

Posted by Trish
11/14/2024 5:56 am

sanctimonious twits

Posted by greenman
11/20/2024 10:42 am

How dumb and nasty is a Texas right-winger like TEXRA?

This nasty and dumb..

How many planes and buses will it take to send all the criminal illegals to LA?

Posted by TEXRA on November 20, 2024, 9:04 am

...I am willing to donate to that cause.

What the HELL is wrong with people like this? Why is this a 'solution' to border problems? How is this ILLEGAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING (which it actually is) going to fix anything, or do ANYTHING but increase America's problems and divides?

Sure, sanctuary cities is a stupid idea. LA is dumb to pass something like this.  If it's even real, of course, considering the source.

Don't EVER talk to us again about 'division,' you jackass. YOU are the ones dividing America and causing trouble.  YOU.

And BTW, this is contrary even to what Trump is saying he will do..smh

Posted by greenman
11/27/2024 7:13 am

Want to know what I hate about Christians, and why I left that cult long ago?

This sort of attitude.  And to be fair, I believe yome to be a pretty sincere believer and a decent person in many ways..


Posted by yome on November 26, 2024, 3:04 pm

We need to realize this religion and ethics board is more about the religion of humanism [sic] dashed with a bit of Agnosticism, because of that Most here will reject the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, And they will never be enlightened by the glorious hope spoken of in the book of Ephesians starting with chapter 1.

So don't take it to heart when members from other boards come for a fight and or try to provoke.[who does that? Mostly self-styles Christians]

Please try to remember that its the sin that dwells in them that causes their disputing and sometime hatred. , We have that same sin in us and must remember to be kind. Sadly most here will reject Christ and never have the Pleasure the peace the love and joy of knowing Christ.

Don't take it to heart.
Remember Matthew 7:6 , John 15:16-26 .

And remember the same sin and ignorance that dwells in their heart once ruled our hearts and life .

Acts chapter 3
It's the assumption that they're right and you're wrong, that everyone is a 'sinner' and only they have 'salvation' for you, and that failure to take advantage of this WONDERFUL free offer is entirely your fault - and that they'll be SOOOOoo sorry when you go to Hell and are damned eternally.

It's the smug self-righteousness and the tut-tutting and shaking of the head.

And it's the acknowledgement that they're sinners ('we're not perfect, just Forgiven') and willing to sin (anger, pride, and envy being among their favorites) that keeps them from emulating their Christ figure and really turning into good people.

For every one person whom Christianity really benefits, it seems like there are ten who are worse, or no better.

My lecture for the day..smh

Posted by Siagiah
11/27/2024 12:15 pm

Yeah, I saw that and was tempted to respond to let him know how disgusting it sounded as far as him=good and non-Christians=bad

At least he expresses pain at the idea of anyone going to hell and desperately tries to save them, unlike the annoyingly smug attitude of most of the others.

Posted by greenman
12/10/2024 12:03 pm

White board HYSTERIA!  So SAAAAD!

New York Times IS So Left Wing...It IS Truly Trash!! SAD!!

Posted by Deanna on December 10, 2024, 9:52 am

John Podhoritz on X posted a picture of the headlines on front page of NYT this morning....

The headline reads....

Jury Acquits Man Who Was Choking Rider On Subway

Incredible! A story with a perfectly accurate Headline! How could they publish it!!!??  SOOOo left wing!!

Posted by Siagiah
12/10/2024 12:17 pm

Well, we can expect nothing else from the dimwit DeeDee. 

Posted by greenman
12/14/2024 7:54 pm

Sophia (Observer) following the political trend on Yellow:

Lies and Liars

Posted by observer on December 14, 2024, 3:45 pm

being sued successfully in the courts for lying about our next President. George Stephanopoulus and ABC charged millions of dollars in their defamation suit. Truth matters.

It’s important to know that the term “convicted felon” is also a lie referring to the next President. One is not convicted until one is sentenced. That hasn’t happened.

Liars, pay attention. Sooner or later, the truth outs.
Rules are for other people, when you're a Trumpster.

And Trump is indeed a 'convicted felon,' you lying hag!

Ken's board is now merely White Whine II..

Posted by greenman
12/15/2024 5:47 pm

This is what religion does to the brains of the simple-minded..

People from the Blue Board have been bidenized AND

Posted by yome on December 15, 2024, 3:41 pm, in reply to "Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person? I posted a request for a peace agreeme"

only people that have been Obamaized and Hillaryized can be bidenized.


Hold off on that 'thank-you' until next year, moron. Until Trump tanks the economy, starts the mass deportations, and begins to ruin the country.

Of course you're so dumb, you'll likely call it 'God's will....'

Posted by Siagiah
12/15/2024 10:56 pm

My gawd, they are WORSE than I'd thought!

I have avoided WW for years, rarely ever looking to see what the idjits are saying.  It's always RW claptrap or cruel commentary.  Screw that.  I left there in 2008 for that crap along with other reasons.

Shadow, DFM, GOG, and scott constantly break Ken's rules, but diversity, ya know.

I heard that jb is back?

Yet ANOTHER reason to avoid R&E

Posted by greenman
12/16/2024 9:17 am

Siagiah wrote:

My gawd, they are WORSE than I'd thought!

I have avoided WW for years, rarely ever looking to see what the idjits are saying.  It's always RW claptrap or cruel commentary.  Screw that.  I left there in 2008 for that crap along with other reasons.

Shadow, DFM, GOG, and scott constantly break Ken's rules, but diversity, ya know.

I heard that jb is back?

Yet ANOTHER reason to avoid R&E

Yes, I saw some garbled post on Yellow which he said was because he 'could only use one hand.'  No idea whether that's true or another plea for sympathy.

Political posts everywhere, especially Mayers' rants pro-Israel and pro-Trump and right-wing politics.  Of course his arrogance is worse than ever.

Posted by greenman
12/17/2024 3:17 pm

The White Whine's frenzied partisan hatred of the Biden Administration is peaking, as they anticipate the reign of their Orange Overlord:

Crooked spiteful hateful Biden is selling off - yome December 16, 2024, 10:24 pm
[fake 'Christian' shows his 'love']

The man and those who are his puppet masters are pure evil. - GOG December 17, 2024, 8:30 am

The man is a career crook. - Mondo Fuego™ December 17, 2024, 10:12 am
[says the idiot who voted Trump]

Biden is too far gone to understand any of this. His woke mob is making the decisions... - TEXRA December 17, 2024, 10:20 am
[Texas crazy boy]

Odd at this time the “drone” flap occurs.   - GOG December 17, 2024, 10:48 am
[more paranoia!]

Perhaps we too often single out GOG as the loony there; they're really ALL loonies..

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/18/2024 2:39 am

Ken wanted a balance. He wanted respectful discussion of political and religious differences between the left and right.
That expectation with this particular cast of people , while hopeful, was impossible. 
These people argued and engaged this fight for years. At least a decade, and possibly two.
It existed on boards before these, all the way back to MSN days. I was not here then.
I came on board later, and learned the history.
I became one and all it required of me, was to be here. Once I was branded a liberal, that was it.
It didn't matter what I said I was. 
On R&E, the conservative right drove out the liberal left, as well as any moderates with stakes and feet on both sides of discussion.
Some expressed that intent directly on their home boards. Their intent was not just to be represented on R&E, but to take it over and drive out opposition.
If you don't think like them, like or not, you became a target. They don't have a Back Alley because they do it on what ever board they gather on. 
Some of the brightest people fled early. What is left behind is cause of the flight.
In all this time, the most valuable and important lesson was probably learned in the first year, if not on the first day. Walk away. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/19/2024 2:48 pm

Well I have walked away. So have you, Trish, Dancing Digits, Sir Real, SJW, plus Skye and Christopher for the most part. That's just this year!

Someone should ask himself WHY?

Perhaps listening to phony Christians who conveniently sympathize with him to get his trust and to push him to do what they think is smart was a very bad idea?

Posted by greenman
12/22/2024 8:43 am

Speaking of phony Christians:

The Interim Report on the Jan. 6 Committee is available on line

Posted by observer on December 21, 2024, 7:50 pm

thanks to Congressman (R) Loudermilk of Georgia. It looks like Liz Cheney is going to jail. Her lies, destruction of valuable evidence, interference with witness, et al is really unbelievable.

The Congressman said the media is totally ignoring it because they can’t spin it. It’s just the facts, ma’am.

Decide for yourself.

Oh I have, honey.  I've decided that people like you and yome ('I don't think people know how close we came to losing our country!') are completely insane, brainwashed by a guy you should probably see as the Antichrist if you were real believers.

I'm sure the Trump Regime will try to punish Liz Cheney, but her only failure was in persuading the DoJ to try Trump for insurrection and imprison him.

Absolutely NUTS!

Last edited by greenman (12/22/2024 8:45 am)

Posted by Siagiah
12/22/2024 10:58 am

What is truly frightening is that SHE VOTES.  She is ignorant beyond reason.  For the same reasons that she believes every single word of her bible as interpreted by OTHERS.  It's a flippin' JOKE!

She believes that she KNOWS things that she is grossly ignorant about. 

But hey, she's SHADOW, SOPHIA, and now OBSERVER.  SHE is a dangerously ignorant cow!


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/22/2024 11:54 am

Liz Cheney puts truth first,
Observer does not. 

Why are politrics being discussed? I thought it was not allowed. 
Did somebody lose control? 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
12/22/2024 7:43 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Liz Cheney puts truth first,
Observer does not. 

Why are politrics being discussed? I thought it was not allowed. 
Did somebody lose control? 


This was on White Whine.  But yes, Mongo lost control years ago..

Posted by Siagiah
12/22/2024 9:59 pm

mongo never WANTED to control his board.  It was always about chaos and people doing whatever they pleased. Well, as long as it didn't affect him negatively or hurt his little feelings. THEN and only THEN did he ever delete something or someone.

If someone complained about behavior there, his attitude was "handle it yourself".  He would never do ANYTHING to help anyone on his board. He still doesn't.


Posted by greenman
12/23/2024 5:39 pm

Why is this dirty Zionist scumbag allowed to post this nonsense over and over again?

Unbelievable: Jewish host axed from radio station for REFUSING to endorse anti-Semitic terrorism.

Posted by DFM on December 23, 2024, 2:35 pm

It is difficult to make this stuff up.

So you let some other extremist
do it for you. Got it!

Posted by greenman
12/26/2024 1:07 pm

Another example of this Zionist pig's insanity:

Israel War LIVE | Israel strikes Yemen’s Sanaa airport, Hodeidah power plant | Israel News LIVE

Posted by DFM on December 26, 2024, 9:05 am

Here is hoping that Israel will continue destroying its enemies until they are all DEAD.

He really has no soul.  Just pure evil.

Last edited by greenman (12/26/2024 1:08 pm)


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