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Posted by Siagiah
10/04/2021 7:05 pm

Because your way is like NoKo and mine is like USA.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 4, 2021, 7:53 am, in reply to "You have your way

Your latest post there sounded like a tyrannical dictator.

You are letting merlin and sia run all over everyone else with their non-stop Covid-o-Mania. We have heard everything they have to say a hundred times. But you muffle jb and his NDE-ism.

Ken says he believes in maximum freedom, yet the board has become extremely restrictive, and the DNR weapon has virtually killed its spirit. It took a dramatic turn for the worse when Biden came into office. I agree that bashing politicians is a negative, but when you have a policy of deleting posts about national policy and its effect on quality of life, you destroy the ability to carry on intelligent conversation.

Sia has so many DNRs that makes one wonder why she bothers to post there. It is obvious that she trolls for conflict and dive-bombs my posts. And, she continues to post nasty lies about me on her filthy "Back Alley" and tries to turn Pikes against me. Why? That is the sign of a mentally imbalanced person. I thought the "war" was over back when the back alley was deleted 6 months ago. I have not said anything about or to her since. I don't want anything to do with her or greenman.

I made a pact with Pikes 6 months ago that he and I would drop all hostilities between us and become friends, and I have honored that pact 100%. I like and respect him immensely, and I deeply resent sia's and greenman's perverse and sinister efforts to turn him against me.

I honestly don't understand why you waste your valuable time dealing with an unruly bunch of habitual offenders who obviously are grossly mismatched in philosophy and outlook on life. You are way too smart for that.

Oh, well, that's my $0.02 for the day. YMMV. Have a good one.


ROFLMAO...  He is such a LIAR. Pikes knows that I have always supported his hopes for a healthy reset and WANTED him to be right that mongo could change.  I simply doubted that he could and mongo has proven me right. That's a shame and I feel bad for Pikes because he'd so hoped for it. Pikes has more patience and tolerance for backsliding than I do, but he's also not a fool. Besides, it's insulting to Pikes to suggest that he's so weak that he can't make his own decisions based on what he sees for himself.

Also, as for DNRs, HE is the KING of DNRs. There was a time that he had SO MANY that KEN refused to give him another one, so he begged me to cancel mine so he could DNR someone else. Of course, I refused.  I DNRd jb, SES, and Mongo for GOOD CAUSE. The DNR with Sir Real was intended as temporary but Ken now won't lift it unless Sir Real emails him to request it too. IDK why though since I asked for it when there was a HUGE BLOW UP going on just to forcibly end it rather than let it keep going because there was no sign that he was going to put down his fists as he was so angry.  It's not like I actually WANTED it aside of stopping the crap happening in the moment.  It was all a huge misunderstanding that I'd hoped could be stopped before it went TOO FAR.


Posted by Siagiah
10/04/2021 7:18 pm

I think that most ignore mongo's "music posts" because he's a pretentious AH.  He thinks that he knows better than everyone else about everything and gets snarky and hateful about it. 

I have DNRs because of hateful attacks that annoy me. WHY should I have to constantly ignore AHs trying to make me miserable?  Better that they can't respond to me IMHO. I got SO TIRED of the constant attacks every single time I posted.


Posted by greenman
10/04/2021 7:47 pm

Bad board management…and no, I’m not
referring to Trish.

Kenny Boy could END this if he laid down the rules and banned the first poster to violate them the same way he banned me for ‘offending’ him.

But he won’t.  Because he’s a s——-y board manager.

Posted by greenman
10/04/2021 7:55 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Because your way is like NoKo and mine is like USA.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 4, 2021, 7:53 am, in reply to "You have your way

Your latest post there sounded like a tyrannical dictator.

You are letting merlin and sia run all over everyone else with their non-stop Covid-o-Mania. We have heard everything they have to say a hundred times. But you muffle jb and his NDE-ism.

Ken says he believes in maximum freedom, yet the board has become extremely restrictive, and the DNR weapon has virtually killed its spirit. It took a dramatic turn for the worse when Biden came into office. I agree that bashing politicians is a negative, but when you have a policy of deleting posts about national policy and its effect on quality of life, you destroy the ability to carry on intelligent…[blah, blah, blah]….and I deeply resent sia's and greenman's perverse and sinister efforts [lol!!] to turn him against me.

I honestly don't understand why you waste your valuable time dealing with an unruly bunch of habitual offenders [like you, GOG, & SES?] who obviously are grossly mismatched in philosophy and outlook on life. You are way too smart for that.

Oh, well, that's my $0.02 for the day. YMMV. Have a good one.


ROFLMAO...  He is such a LIAR. Pikes knows that I have always supported his hopes for a……It was all a huge misunderstanding that I'd hoped could be stopped before it went TOO FAR.

His 2 cents for the day?  He WILDLY overvalues his contributions…

Last edited by greenman (10/05/2021 10:05 am)

Posted by Siagiah
10/04/2021 11:10 pm

Yep... WILDLY overrates his "contributions".  He's a cancer on R&E, always has been.

Posted by Trish
10/05/2021 6:48 am

Sia: Regarding the DNR with SIr Real - perhaps the next time you see him on R&E broach the topic with the subject line of something like: I want to resend my DNR with you... see what happens. Just because it's typed at the bottom of the board doesn't mean two people can't decide their done. 

Posted by Siagiah
10/05/2021 12:32 pm

Trish wrote:

Sia: Regarding the DNR with SIr Real - perhaps the next time you see him on R&E broach the topic with the subject line of something like: I want to resend my DNR with you... see what happens. Just because it's typed at the bottom of the board doesn't mean two people can't decide their done. 

But that would be violating our DNR??

Posted by Trish
10/05/2021 1:22 pm

I don't have his email but I could ask him to contact me .... 

Posted by greenman
10/05/2021 3:49 pm

How and why would anyone post to this festering pile of manure?

Stolen (D) explaining how abandoned wells will be worked on to eliminate - Deplorable Terrorist Otis October 5, 2021, 3:40 pm

This Month's Mondoism is CORRECT. - DFM October 5, 2021, 3:40 pm

Josef Stolen (D) is in Howell, Michigan explaining how far below the - Deplorable Terrorist Otis October 5, 2021, 3:09 pm

This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint and it goes like this: What Makes 100% ? - KDM on the left coast October 5, 2021, 2:29 pm
Hahahah...Good One!!! - Deanna October 5, 2021, 3:00 pm
Hahahahaha!!! - GOG October 5, 2021, 2:55 pm

MANIACS IN POWER - Rebel October 5, 2021, 11:49 am
FAKE NEWS SITE - KR October 5, 2021, 1:25 pm
Cheap bull crap from you. Wipe yo feet. You stink. - GOG October 5, 2021, 3:02 pm
Hey, GOG. - KR October 5, 2021, 3:04 pm
Re: Hey, GOG. - yo mama October 5, 2021, 3:18 pm

TUESDAY TWEETS..... - Deanna October 5, 2021, 10:04 am
Exactly - laughing lady October 5, 2021, 10:42 am

IF............... - Deanna October 5, 2021, 10:01 am

Hello 911 dispatcher, we have illegal aliens down here harassing a US Senator... - TEXRA-NOT MY AMERICA ANYMORE! October 5, 2021, 8:25 am

Hey Otis, we are watching. Don't try to sneak any depletion allowances by us... - TEXRA the Tax Collector October 5, 2021, 8:22 am
I am going - Deplorable Terrorist Otis October 5, 2021, 12:24 pm


I mean, the IQ level on Mongo’s White Whine Board must be around 50…

Posted by Siagiah
10/05/2021 11:11 pm

Trish wrote:

I don't have his email but I could ask him to contact me .... 

Okay, I would appreciate that.  I've always liked Sir Real. I don't know how we wound up at such odds aside of a total misunderstanding that was quite unintentional. 

Posted by Siagiah
10/05/2021 11:15 pm

greenman wrote:

How and why would anyone post to this festering pile of manure?

Stolen (D) explaining how abandoned wells will be worked on to eliminate - Deplorable Terrorist Otis October 5, 2021, 3:40 pm

This Month's Mondoism is CORRECT. - DFM October 5, 2021, 3:40 pm

Josef Stolen (D) is in Howell, Michigan explaining how far below the - Deplorable Terrorist Otis October 5, 2021, 3:09 pm

This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint and it goes like this: What Makes 100% ? - KDM on the left coast October 5, 2021, 2:29 pm
Hahahah...Good One!!! - Deanna October 5, 2021, 3:00 pm
Hahahahaha!!! - GOG October 5, 2021, 2:55 pm

MANIACS IN POWER - Rebel October 5, 2021, 11:49 am
FAKE NEWS SITE - KR October 5, 2021, 1:25 pm
Cheap bull crap from you. Wipe yo feet. You stink. - GOG October 5, 2021, 3:02 pm
Hey, GOG. - KR October 5, 2021, 3:04 pm
Re: Hey, GOG. - yo mama October 5, 2021, 3:18 pm

TUESDAY TWEETS..... - Deanna October 5, 2021, 10:04 am
Exactly - laughing lady October 5, 2021, 10:42 am

IF............... - Deanna October 5, 2021, 10:01 am

Hello 911 dispatcher, we have illegal aliens down here harassing a US Senator... - TEXRA-NOT MY AMERICA ANYMORE! October 5, 2021, 8:25 am

Hey Otis, we are watching. Don't try to sneak any depletion allowances by us... - TEXRA the Tax Collector October 5, 2021, 8:22 am
I am going - Deplorable Terrorist Otis October 5, 2021, 12:24 pm


I mean, the IQ level on Mongo’s White Whine Board must be around 50…

Yeah, there's something quite wrong over there.

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 10:13 am

Well, he finally went off on KR, it appears.  Between being pissed at Ken and upset with KR’s threat to take antivaxxer posts by GOG to Boardhost, it was too much, apparently.

‘Hey, KR, take a break for the rest of October.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 6, 2021, 9:59 am
I warned you about reporting people to boardhost.

Your insults, foul language and nasty remarks to others have earned you a 3 week vacation without pay. Go harass people elsewhere.’

You mean, like YOU do when you trash Kenny Boy’s board, Mongo?  lol…what a hypocrite!

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 10:23 am

Aaand, the follow up on the Yellow board: an out-and-out threat against this board.  Please take note, Sia.  And Trish…if Mongo bans KR for doing it on his board, should he not be banned for it on Ken’s board?

‘Did I touch a nerve?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 6, 2021, 8:10 am, in reply to "A private request is not a violation"
Why is everyone here so up-tight?

Take a vacation and get over yourselves.

I suppose you think it's OK for a bunch of psychotic nuts to post several pages of defamatory remarks on a back alley about people on this board.

That sh*t is going to be reported to Boardhost.’

His schizophrenia is on display; first the whiny complaint about ‘mistreatment,’ then the Joker-like ‘You mad, bro?’ comments, and finally the ugly threat of retaliation.

This POS should be removed permanently from Boardhost.  He’s become the resident terrorist in his own tiny, pathetic way.

Stick THAT where the sun don’t shine, M-F!

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 12:36 pm

Latest chapter from Mongo F—kwit and the Whineboard:

I am in the process of reporting this vile slander to Boardhost. - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:23 am
I'm sorry that they are doing you wrong bro - slick October 6, 2021, 11:48 am
Chapter Two - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:26 am
Chapter Three - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:28 am
Chapter Four - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:30 am
Chapter Five - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:31 am
Chapter Six - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:33 am
Chapter Seven - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:34 am

Maybe this board should retain legal advice against this mongrel’s outrageous attacks..?

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 12:51 pm

And then there’s Pheoma, who has evidently mistaken Mongo for Jesus Christ and begun to worship him:

‘You own him, don't let him own you

Posted by BornToFarm aka Pheoma on October 6, 2021, 12:36 pm, in reply to "I am in the process of reporting this vile slander to Boardhost."

Most of the problem over there is that perennial stinkbug greenman. You totally own the guy. You live in his head all day long. I'm not sure, but isn't he banned on R&E for a while? In any case, it just eats him alive that you are allowed to post over there and he can't. So, he posts what goes on there and here and tries to stir up trouble in that forum, because it's the only place he is welcome. The rest over there are decent folks; they just have different political views than we do. (I love them pictures of the mountains PP posts and enjoy talking music theory with him. Never knew was such a difference in keys of music.) But, in a way they are like yellow jackets (aren't we all). One of them gets stepped on and the whole hive comes after you with a vengeance. He really knows how to stir up the natives. But, that's life.

I doubt whether what he is doing is illegal or forbidden on boardhost. Everything here is public. I don't spend a bunch of time over there, but I've not seen anything that approaches slander. He just C&Ps and makes snide remarks about what people say here. But, who respects a fool?

My advice would be to just let it go. Don't let him drag you down to his level in the sewer Let him live his own miserable life in his own misery. Live your life. Don't let him steal your joy.

Wooo Hooo!! I can just imagine what he will say about this’

Wayall, now y’know, don’t’cha?  Get back t’feedin’ them pigs now!  lol

Posted by BornToFarm
10/06/2021 1:25 pm

Wow, that was quick,  I see you swallowed the bait , hook ,line, and sinker.   He sure owns you.

Been so long, I had to get a new password.


BornToFarm   (AKA Pheoma,  Deplorable Pheoma)
Why be normal?
Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 1:35 pm

Just a little joshing back and forth there, no idea what you mean about ‘bait.’  It’s obvious Mongo likes to communicate via personal attacks and threats from his own board, but I wasn’t sure why you were helping, sinceI hadn’t done anything to attack you. 

It seemed out of character, that’s all. No offense (to you).

Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 2:31 pm

I just saw this on mongo's board...
"Say what you will. My relatively healthy 50 year old nephew died from COVID yesterday...  
Posted by TEXRA-NOT MY AMERICA ANYMORE! on October 6, 2021, 1:27 pm ...
He was a passionate anti-vaccine guy. His step-brother spent 5 days in the hospital and survived just about a month ago. He too, was an anti-vaccine guy. Their grandmother, my mom, late 80's with severe COPD, survived with only an initial treatment at an ER.

I believe that the vaxx increases your odds of surviving this disease.

Statistically, and these are rough numbers, you are 31 times more likely to die of COVID if you catch it without the vaccination than you are to die of complications from the shot. This is based on 700K deaths over 70MM cases of COVID versus 48K deaths from complications of 150MM vaccinations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My sincere condolences to Texra.
MY GAWD, I don't know nor like Texra based on his posts, but I am WICKED SORRY and very sympathetic to hear that his nephew died of Covid yesterday.  That's so horrible and I'd wish it on NO ONE.  I hope the anti-vaxxers are kind to him, especially GOG who will, no doubt, say something completely thoughtless and cruel.

I have no idea where he got that statistic for Vaccine deaths though. That is VERY WRONG.  Very few people have any serious side effects from the vaccine. Most who do have them are an allergic reaction that requires prednisone and adrenaline shot to stop it. THEY should never take that vaccine again because they are clearly allergic to a component (like any environmental or medicine allergy). But there's not even a ton of that reaction. 


Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 2:47 pm

greenman wrote:

Well, he finally went off on KR, it appears. Between being pissed at Ken and upset with KR’s threat to take antivaxxer posts by GOG to Boardhost, it was too much, apparently.

‘Hey, KR, take a break for the rest of October.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 6, 2021, 9:59 am
I warned you about reporting people to boardhost.

Your insults, foul language and nasty remarks to others have earned you a 3 week vacation without pay. Go harass people elsewhere.’

You mean, like YOU do when you trash Kenny Boy’s board, Mongo? lol…what a hypocrite!

Sia: You mean he banned KR for reporting conspiracy B.S. to Boardhost but then decided that HE would report us for hurting his feelings? 

HOLY HYPOCRITE.  Now that's just too funny for words.  We have broken NO RULES WHATSOEVER.  In fact, we seldom mention him unless he's done something hateful.  Otherwise, what is there to say? 

He's a bad joke.  One of these days, all of his hatefulness WILL catch up to him and he'll be quite sorry for how horrible he's been to people who won't be forgiving. 

But that's HIS problem.


Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 2:48 pm

greenman wrote:

Aaand, the follow up on the Yellow board: an out-and-out threat against this board. Please take note, Sia. And Trish…if Mongo bans KR for doing it on his board, should he not be banned for it on Ken’s board?

‘Did I touch a nerve?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 6, 2021, 8:10 am, in reply to "A private request is not a violation"
Why is everyone here so up-tight?

Take a vacation and get over yourselves.

I suppose you think it's OK for a bunch of psychotic nuts to post several pages of defamatory remarks on a back alley about people on this board.

That sh*t is going to be reported to Boardhost.’

His schizophrenia is on display; first the whiny complaint about ‘mistreatment,’ then the Joker-like ‘You mad, bro?’ comments, and finally the ugly threat of retaliation.

This POS should be removed permanently from Boardhost. He’s become the resident terrorist in his own tiny, pathetic way.

Stick THAT where the sun don’t shine, M-F!

Sia: Sheesh, he might be suffering from dementia.  Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with him.

Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 2:51 pm

greenman wrote:

Latest chapter from Mongo F—kwit and the Whineboard:

I am in the process of reporting this vile slander to Boardhost. - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:23 am
I'm sorry that they are doing you wrong bro - slick October 6, 2021, 11:48 am
Chapter Two - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:26 am
Chapter Three - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:28 am
Chapter Four - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:30 am
Chapter Five - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:31 am
Chapter Six - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:33 am
Chapter Seven - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 11:34 am

Maybe this board should retain legal advice against this mongrel’s outrageous attacks..?

ROFLMAO... How ridiculous is THAT?  If anyone else cared, no doubt they could just wander on over here to see for themselves by just providing a link.  What a WASTE of time. 

He can report us all that he wants to. We haven't broken a SINGLE T.O.S. , unlike him.


Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 3:17 pm

My only regret here is that I may have taken this trolling a—hat’s posts too seriously. 

Of course he has no ‘case,’ we can think - and state freely - whatever we think about him.

I didn’t mean to heap up that smelly molehill into a mountain.  That’s giving him MUCH more credit than he deserves.


Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 3:26 pm

Absolutely NO problem

Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 5:39 pm



I am …  

Posted by Mondo Fuego* on October 6, 2021, 12:18 pm, in reply to "Let's try something novel" …

working my way up the ladder one rung at a time.

There are a couple of defective rungs that I have to work around so as to not fall and break a leg. Fortunately, one rung is permanently banned on white and yellow, so there is no chance of direct interchange. The other is permanently banned on white, has permanently banned me over “there”, and has a DNR on me, but violates the spirit of the DNR by dive-bombing my posts in hopes of stirring up trouble. I don’t see any window of opportunity to repair the damage done over the years. Best to let bygones be bygones and not look back.

I am pretty much at peace with everyone here except Merlin. Ken and Trish are good people. Both post on my board. Ken helped me start my board almost 2 decades ago. I have known Trish since she was a moderator on MS/NBC.

Now, back to Merlin. I don’t dislike him as a person. I just think we are two alpha mountain goats butting heads for no real good reason. In fact, I would meet him IRL at the Bull & Bear Tavern at the Waldorf and buy him dinner. It’s his repetitious posting of the same things months on end that bugs me. My presentation of facts contrary to his beliefs bugs him. We irritate the crap out of each other. Years ago, it was a dozen posts a day defaming DJT. Of late, it has been woke from hell followed by dozens of posts about COVID. We all know the seriousness and dangers of the pandemic, and they are not to be taken lightly, but to post dozens of times about the same issue with no increase in real content is like Chinese drip torture.

I like your idea of cooling our jets, so I will make every effort to advance to the next rung.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/06/2021 5:49 pm

I made effort to repair the ladder. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 5:56 pm

Yes, you did. 

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 6:01 pm

Siagiah wrote:



I am …  

Posted by Mondo Fuego* on October 6, 2021, 12:18 pm, in reply to "Let's try something novel" …

working my way up the ladder one rung at a time.

There are a couple of defective rungs that I have to work around so as to not fall and break a leg. Fortunately, one rung is permanently banned on white and yellow, so there is no chance of direct interchange. The other is permanently banned on white, has permanently banned me over “there”, and has a DNR on me, but violates the spirit of the DNR by dive-bombing my posts in hopes of stirring up trouble. I don’t see any window of opportunity to repair the damage done over the years. Best to let bygones be bygones and not look back.

I am pretty much at peace with everyone here except Merlin. Ken and Trish are good people. Both post on my board. Ken helped me start my board almost 2 decades ago. I have known Trish since she was a moderator on MS/NBC.

Now, back to Merlin. I don’t dislike him as a person. I just think we are two alpha mountain goats butting heads for no real good reason. In fact, I would meet him IRL at the Bull & Bear Tavern at the Waldorf and buy him dinner. It’s his repetitious posting of the same things months on end that bugs me. My presentation of facts contrary to his beliefs bugs him. We irritate the crap out of each other. Years ago, it was a dozen posts a day defaming DJT. Of late, it has been woke from hell followed by dozens of posts about COVID. We all know the seriousness and dangers of the pandemic, and they are not to be taken lightly, but to post dozens of times about the same issue with no increase in real content is like Chinese drip torture.

I like your idea of cooling our jets, so I will make every effort to advance to the next rung.

The arrogant, disingenuous, and pretentious dishonesty of that post is remarkable, even for a POS like Mongo.

I hope I will ALWAYS be the rung you trip on,  fall down the ladder, and smash your face into the ground over, Mongo.  I will NEVER trust you, believe you, or make nice with you.


Because I know you for what you are, you utterly MASSIVE phony.  You can fool others…make nice with others…suck up to others.  That’s fine.

But I will NEVER believe you or be your buddy.

Sit and spin!

Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 6:31 pm

I have NEVER dive-bombed his posts.  I usually don't even open them.

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 7:34 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I have NEVER dive-bombed his posts.  I usually don't even open them.

He’s a compulsive liar.  Being attacked by him is almost an endorsement, a badge of honor if you like…

Posted by greenman
10/06/2021 8:12 pm

Mongo accusing me of making a silly, mocking post to him?  What else would ‘it’s not easy being green’ mean?

Me Mongo. Me have tiny schlongo. - Mongo October 6, 2021, 4:31 pm

It's not easy being green. - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 5:10 pm

Not my address, anyway. And I don’t use proxies, unlike him.  Also, if he’s targeting me, he’s breaking the rule against posting about banned posters…


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