New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/24/2021 10:20 pm

All I see is a broken icon link. No picture of any kind. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/24/2021 10:23 pm

This was copied from the site. Doesn't matter if I go there or use the tool with the upload. 
Result is the same. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/24/2021 10:26 pm

Another try using the full linked BB Code

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/24/2021 11:03 pm

Well, I'm seeing your pix.  Have you tried another browser?  Can you see my pix?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/25/2021 10:22 am

I can now. Problem was in my system, so I did a system restore to a date before this went south, and so far it's working. Had to temporarily disable adblock, but will restore that if this fix appears "permanent." 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/25/2021 11:31 am

That's wonderful!

Posted by greenman
9/26/2021 3:40 pm

How does Mongo get away with right-wing political crapola like this?

‘The biggest, costliest, most sinister and deceptive lie ever told to the American Public.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 26, 2021, 1:23 pm
Read for yourself:


The article’s headline?

‘Biden defends his social agenda bill, saying the cost will be zero‘

OK, Mongo, you’re a Trumptard, we get it.  That doesn’t justify you posting politics - constantly - on a board where it’s prohibited.


Posted by Siagiah
9/26/2021 10:33 pm

It appears that it got BOUNCED.  He's incorrigible and couldn't care LESS about anybody's rules. He feels that he is entitled to do anything he wants to do.

Posted by greenman
9/27/2021 12:13 pm

What’s hilarious is that he then attacked Merlin for a political post - and his little buddy, GOG, does the same thing despite his constant attacks in the government regarding COVID and vaccines.

I assumed he’d return to posting that crap when Kenny Boy let him back on.  He seemingly has a soft spot for GOG, always has…

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/27/2021 9:06 pm

One in two republicans endorses Trump and embraces the big lie. They spare nothing. They're anti vax, anti mask, and while perfectly fine with government legislation over a woman's pregancy, absolutely object to government mandate of a vaccine into their bodies. Hath greater hypocrisy anyone else? 

Had readers of Merlin's post read beyond the first two lines, they'd know the post was about rude conversation practice, and nothing what so ever was politickal. 

share online upload


Saturday, I spoke with an older fellow, Vietnam vet, who informed me he would no longer be attending church. I asked why.

At an event in a park, a family event, the older fellow left to use the restroom. Pastor asked where he thought he was going, because he, pastor, wasn't finished. Older fellow said, "I have to use the restroom." P said, "You want me to go with you and hold it for you?" Man in the photo above piped up and said, "Maybe he's embarrassed. His isn't big like mine."

Two people absolutely in need of removal from the positions of trust they hold. They're die hard Trumpeons. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/27/2021 9:16 pm

What a TURD!  WHO says things like that in public ?  In a church outing ?

Oh wait... Didn't tRUMP go off on a rant about his hands not being small nor corresponding body parts in public on national TV? and he STILL got votes.


Posted by greenman
9/28/2021 12:48 pm

GOG’s latest utterance (from his preferred perch on the White Whine Board):

‘The Amish don’t contract “Covid” because they don’t have TVs.

Posted by GOG on September 27, 2021, 7:36 am, in reply to "Why "

Hopefully they eschew cell phones, too.’

LOL!  Fake News…REAL insanity.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/28/2021 4:07 pm

Siagiah wrote:

What a TURD!  WHO says things like that in public ?  In a church outing ?

Oh wait... Didn't tRUMP go off on a rant about his hands not being small nor corresponding body parts in public on national TV? and he STILL got votes.


Yes he did. I suspect men who need to brag about that are lacking and have an inferiority complex. The little man at church loves Trump and said so several times during services. The church doesn't grow. The main organization should close it, because this is a money suck they don't need. They would have a fit over what happened there. That doesn't belong in conversation, even between good friends. But in public, at a public event intended to recruit new people to try the church? I bet some got an earful there, where the decision never to attend that church was a no brainer. 

Is this an anomaly? Given that almost one in two republicans is a Trumpster loyalist, I suspect its more common than we'd think. If it happened here, it likely happened in 5000 other places across America in one way or another. Same topic of conversation, inspired by the man with little hands who used God to get his base. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/28/2021 4:13 pm

greenman wrote:

GOG’s latest utterance (from his preferred perch on the White Whine Board):

‘The Amish don’t contract “Covid” because they don’t have TVs.

Posted by GOG on September 27, 2021, 7:36 am, in reply to "Why "

Hopefully they eschew cell phones, too.’

LOL! Fake News…REAL insanity.

Because he learned nothing and picked up almost right where he left off when vacationed,
his spread of information intended to move people away from the vaccines and safe social practices due to covid19 should be either banned, asterisked with a warning of untruth, or he involuntarily vacationed until he gets it and stops. The only saving factor is these boards are so obscure, virtually nobody reads them. Everyone at R&E is either one kind, or the other. Its participation, like my x church, can be counted on the fingers and toes, with digits left over. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
9/29/2021 12:46 pm

Exactly.  He’s being encouraged by Ken’s inability or unwillingness to do ANYTHING about the disinformation he constantly posts there. 

And now he’s added his two cents to comments about Merlin’s Robt. E. Lee post, naturally in support of Lee - let’s not forget he’s a racist and Southern sympathizer, too.

Should be banned from Boardhost, PERMANENTLY.

Posted by Siagiah
9/29/2021 3:44 pm

Last I heard about GOG from Ken, his position was that everyone pretty much knows that GOG is F.O.S. (or should) so no need for him to pay any mind to him.  He isn't recognizing what an "annoying itch" he is in other ways though, in constantly adding his mostly unwelcome 2 cents worth to everything anyone posts.  Usually something F.O.S. and contradictory to well known facts.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/29/2021 3:58 pm

Every day there is less reason to read at R&E, let alone post. The board is dominated by a few who opine on everything. Misinformation, conspiracy theories, news magazine lies, and ridicule to non response proliferated like plague. It is painfully clear virtually few learned from mistakes. What went on goes on. Very disappointing. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/29/2021 8:19 pm

I know what you mean. I not only post far less there, but I skip even opening it most of the time. When I do open it, I find myself tripping over multiple rule violations and nastiness that I send to K & T's attention instead of participating. It gets tiring and I tend to just move on, annoyed by the never-ending and totally unnecessary, snarky attacks by mongo, SES, and various trolls & sock puppets on particular posters they don't like, but very much enjoy targeting for ridicule and insulting their intelligence.  I'm SO SICK of their hatefulness and constant ego stroking by belittling others.

It's a shame that Ken and Trish are SO BUSY that they really can't be as involved as they need to be. Ken is LETTING mongo, GOG, and SES destroy his board, driving away posters.


Posted by Trish
9/30/2021 8:26 am

Perhaps it is an idea that's run its course. Who knows? I will continue to help Ken because I committed to it. I would like to do more, but quite honestly a BBs is not real life, nor a job, nor my family. Those things come first before a "hobby." If I were retired, didn't have a sick husband, didn't have three clients, and didn't care about sleep... well, you get the idea. 

Posted by greenman
9/30/2021 8:55 am

Sia, who was that one religious poster who was mostly on R& E until fairly recently?  Kind of ignorant, often poor grammar and spelling, often posted Christian messages top of page, alternated between being friendly and ‘full of love’ with shouting stuff in all caps?

I can’t remember, but I think that’s Public Enemy…

Last edited by greenman (9/30/2021 10:28 am)

Posted by Trish
9/30/2021 9:52 am

I believe it might be Mike

Posted by greenman
9/30/2021 10:29 am

Trish wrote:

I believe it might be Mike

Yeah, that’s the name he’s used more recently. Good enough.  A troll whatever board he’s on…

Posted by Siagiah
9/30/2021 10:45 am

greenman wrote:

Sia, who was that one religious poster who was mostly on R& E until fairly recently? Kind of ignorant, often poor grammar and spelling, often posted Christian messages top of page, alternated between being friendly and ‘full of love’ with shouting stuff in all caps?

I can’t remember, but I think that’s Public Enemy…

Mike Scalise?

Posted by Siagiah
9/30/2021 10:57 am

Trish wrote:

Perhaps it is an idea that's run its course. Who knows? I will continue to help Ken because I committed to it. I would like to do more, but quite honestly a BBs is not real life, nor a job, nor my family. Those things come first before a "hobby." If I were retired, didn't have a sick husband, didn't have three clients, and didn't care about sleep... well, you get the idea. 


Oh yes, I get the concept completely.  I have considerably less time to just waste on stuff I don't want to do, read, or be bothered with.  I take care of two very young children from Wednesday through Saturday morning so I choose THEM over nonsense on the boards that annoys me.  I fit in posting and reading when they are otherwise occupied or napping.  So, wandering over on to a board that is filling up like a cesspool and ending up pseudo monitoring by sending violations to you guy's attention is wasting my time when that's all I find there.

I'm sure there's no joy in that crap for either of you either. It would be a shame for R&E to end though.  There must be a solution that is effective enough to turn it around. It has before.


Posted by greenman
9/30/2021 1:00 pm

The problem isn’t time, I’m sorry.  A half-hour in the morning and a half-hour in the evening would do it.  The board (lately, at least) has been putting about five days on a page.  That’s not hard to keep up with.

Ken and his rules are the problem.  Just do it this way:

First, look at e-mails people have sent you.  Fix those first. 
Second, look for any outbreaks of flaming.  Deal with that next.
Finally, look for the four biggest problems: Mongo, SES, GOG, and jb.  Look at all of their NEW posts.  Find problems, remove what’s necessary, and issue warnings or suspensions as needed.
Make a couple of your own posts, and you’re done.

But Kenny Boy has to have some real rules, and enforce them.  NO climate BS.  NO personal attacks (looking at YOU, Mongo and SES!). NO politics FOR REAL.

This could be done if the operator wanted to do it.  Clearly he doesn’t much care unless he’s personally offended.


Posted by Trish
9/30/2021 1:14 pm

Ok, GM... I get it. 
My efforts are crap.
I should have stuck to quitting 

Posted by Siagiah
9/30/2021 1:37 pm

Trish wrote:

Ok, GM... I get it. 
My efforts are crap.
I should have stuck to quitting 


Don't quit.  Your efforts are very valuable and appreciated.   Having never moderated a board, GM doesn't have first hand knowledge of how MUCH time it actually takes to do those things he suggested. Just deleting posts takes reading them, plus the content and context around them as to whether to delete or edit, how much to delete, then logging in to software to get into co-admin area to do the work.  Editing and removing involve different processes that take time that you might not have. Reading it all takes the MOST time, but if you don't, you run the risk of being unfair a/o perceived as unfair if you miss something else that is related.

I happen to know that Ken's job keeps him so busy that he literally sacrifices his sleep to moderate, on weekends especially. Having lost nearly a YEAR of work, he's got plenty of bills and an uncertain income so has to take whatever work he can.  Hopefully, that will change, but for now, it is what it is.

I know that you, Trish, have a BOATLOAD of work and other obligations that make it miserable for you to get a ton of emails about bad players who simply WON'T play by the rules and cause both of you to have to waste WAY TOO MUCH TIME taking care of THEIR B.S.

That's basically why I put the effort in to help you by reading stuff and sending it with the relevant text so you don't have to spend a lot of time figuring out if you want to remove, edit, or leave it as is.  You can read the whole thing in the email and decide without having to also go to the board to read what's at the links sent.

A half hour morning and night is NOT nearly enough time, even when the board is slow, especially if you're using phones to do it like Ken usually is.  The software being used on a phone is CLUNKY.  No doubt, you're spending much more time than just that as it is.


Posted by greenman
9/30/2021 4:51 pm

Trish wrote:

Ok, GM... I get it. 
My efforts are crap.
I should have stuck to quitting 

Not a criticism of you, Trish.  Just a criticism of Ken for needing ‘help,’ and some suggestions about how to systematically deal with it.

Not an attack on you, my apologies if I gave that impression.  Most sincerely.

Posted by greenman
9/30/2021 4:54 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Trish wrote:

Ok, GM... I get it. 
My efforts are crap.
I should have stuck to quitting 


Don't quit.  Your efforts are very valuable and appreciated.   Having never moderated a board, GM doesn't have first hand knowledge of how MUCH time it actually takes to do those things he suggested. Just deleting posts takes reading them, plus the content and context around them as to whether to delete or edit, how much to delete, then logging in to software to get into co-admin area to do the work.  Editing and removing involve different processes that take time that you might not have. Reading it all takes the MOST time, but if you don't, you run the risk of being unfair a/o perceived as unfair if you miss something else that is related.

I happen to know that Ken's job keeps him so busy that he literally sacrifices his sleep to moderate, on weekends especially. Having lost nearly a YEAR of work, he's got plenty of bills and an uncertain income so has to take whatever work he can.  Hopefully, that will change, but for now, it is what it is.

I know that you, Trish, have a BOATLOAD of work and other obligations that make it miserable for you to get a ton of emails about bad players who simply WON'T play by the rules and cause both of you to have to waste WAY TOO MUCH TIME taking care of THEIR B.S.

That's basically why I put the effort in to help you by reading stuff and sending it with the relevant text so you don't have to spend a lot of time figuring out if you want to remove, edit, or leave it as is.  You can read the whole thing in the email and decide without having to also go to the board to read what's at the links sent.

A half hour morning and night is NOT nearly enough time, even when the board is slow, especially if you're using phones to do it like Ken usually is.  The software being used on a phone is CLUNKY.  No doubt, you're spending much more time than just that as it is.


What takes more time, Sia?  Do you have to read and comment on every post?  NO.  Is every thread a problem?  NO.  Do you have to mess with people’s petty DNR problems?  NO.

So tell me what takes so long?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/30/2021 8:00 pm

Sometimes being an elementary hall monitor in a low performing school is frustrating, time consuming, non rewarding, unappreciated, and when small children don't learn, unending. Trish and Ken both deal with many "small children." Give 'em a break, cut 'em slack, and ignore the small children and their tantrums. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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