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Posted by Siagiah
4/08/2023 4:15 pm

mongo really does abuse other posters with nasty, unnecessary insults all the time. 

He violates his DNRs whenever he pleases, especially mine against him. 

He posts politics hidden in his posts all the time.

But he's FIRST to whine if anyone else does the same.


Posted by greenman
4/09/2023 9:48 am

Have to offer some sympathy to KR.  Atheists get a lot of crap on R&E anytime they say anything, and often (especially from trolls like jb and Devo) when they don’t.  And yet said trolls rarely get much flak for it.

But let KR offer a sarcastic Easter ‘greeting,’ and somehow he’s this, he’s that, it’s all his fault.

Kind of disappointing.  Just ignore the sarcasm if it’s so upsetting..

Posted by Siagiah
4/09/2023 11:37 am

Exactly. KR certainly didn't need to be so insulting, but it was hardly hate speech as Shadow and GOG claim.

LYS, they should just ignore it and move on. It's really no different than their ultra Christian attacks on non-Christians.

It's all so unnecessary, but not worthy of trying to demonize anyone.

Everyone get over it already.

Posted by Poppet
4/09/2023 12:51 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Exactly. KR certainly didn't need to be so insulting, but it was hardly hate speech as Shadow and GOG claim.

Agreed. KR is basically just a troll, albeit a rather non-malicious one: he just posts to get a rise out of people for his own amusement, and not as a reflection of a genuinely nasty, psychopathic personality (need I name recently-banned names?). I did find that post to be in poor taste in that context, but that's nothing new in these parts, eh?  

Last edited by Poppet (4/09/2023 12:51 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/09/2023 2:30 pm

A swarm of biting gadflies visits R&E to pester one or two notorious posters for experiences they had on the receiving end of said posters' rapier wits. Presence of those posters and the virtual odor (opinions) of their rotting posts (largely disguised politics and frequent troll exchanges) attracts the flies.  

If left to their own devices, gadflies eventually drive away their smelly lures. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
4/10/2023 8:12 am

Why people reply to that idiot troll Devo is beyond me.  He was a silly nuisance on Woodbine’s board who seems to have found him a new berth.  What a dolt.  He makes jb look like Plato..

Last edited by greenman (4/10/2023 8:13 am)

Posted by Siagiah
4/10/2023 8:15 am

Agreed. He violates the rule up top regarding "posting the same thing over and over". His new posts are verbatim.

Posted by greenman
4/10/2023 8:34 am

And this one, who was hilariously offended that KR is ‘allowed’ to post on Blue..

Well, it surprises me to realize the “bot” is allowed to post there.

Posted by GOG on April 10, 2023, 3:38 am, in reply to "What would that POSSIBLY have to do with this discussion?"

He really has nothing of substance to post. Kick him off. I had a lot to say. I assumed he was a part of your clique.

GOG is almost as bad as his Master, hypocritically calling others ‘trolls’ and ‘demanding’ that other mods kick posters he doesn’t like off their boards.

1. When does GOG ever post anything ‘of substance?’

2. Having a ‘lot to say’ doesn’t mean it’s not all drivel.

3. Calling others ‘bots’ when you yourself reflexively insult any post you don’t like is comical.

4. GOG’s own spew of nonsense is the only reason KR takes well-deserved pokes at him (or even pays attention to him).

Last edited by greenman (4/10/2023 8:35 am)

Posted by Poppet
4/10/2023 11:12 am

Siagiah wrote:

Agreed. He violates the rule up top regarding "posting the same thing over and over". His new posts are verbatim.

 He was a "one-liner drive by" poster on woodbine's board, too. This is what he does. He seldom engages in any way, and when he does, it's just another one-liner, usually insulting. I've seen no more than a handful of posts from him ever that were anything beyond that. Those were, of course, hilarious parroting of the usual quasi-scientific attempts to refute Darwinian evolution (replete with the usual errors, misunderstandings, and strawmen).  Not worth anyone's time to respond, but like most trolls, he's successful at getting people to do so.

Posted by Siagiah
4/10/2023 11:35 am

It appears that either Ken or Trish deleted the whole thing.  I noticed that GOG's pestering of me on Pikes' post is gone now too.

Someone has been taking out the trash.


Posted by Trish
4/11/2023 8:24 am

Now I have to watch after JB nipping at Christopher's heels (the one person who has regularly tried to engage him courteously) ...  Grrff. And yes I took care of those. I am watching.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/11/2023 10:47 am

Siagiah wrote:

It appears that either Ken or Trish deleted the whole thing.  I noticed that GOG's pestering of me on Pikes' post is gone now too.

Someone has been taking out the trash.


Did the board vigilante have an issue? Soil his diaper? 
SES chose to engage me about woke. 
Can you imagine life with such a misogynistic anthrophobe? 
Who can forget the letter written by his former gf upon discovery
of his board activity? He never cleaned up his act. He found a new gf. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/11/2023 10:52 am

Trish wrote:

Now I have to watch after JB nipping at Christopher's heels (the one person who has regularly tried to engage him courteously) ...  Grrff. And yes I took care of those. I am watching.

Your supervision of the daycare regulars is much appreciated.  

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
4/12/2023 12:41 pm

What’s wrong with this comical whine?

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 12, 2023, 8:35 am

She comes to Nashville to commiserate with 2 ousted black legislators who violated house rules [sic]

She made no attempt to visit the families of the 3 children and 3 adults who were violently murdered by a mentally-ill trans female.

What's with that?


Her PURPOSE in being there was to express solidarity with illegally expelled legislators, and stand up for democracy.  It was NOT to intrude on the grief of the families of the dead, for which she would’ve been accused by your ilk of ‘playing politics’ anyway.

And isn’t that what you’re doing here?

You no doubt support Tennessee’s lax gun laws, which made the massacre possible, but now you want to whine out your alleged support for the families - as a way of exploiting them for a political attack on our VP?

Beyond shame, aren’t you?

Not a psychologist either, I bet, despite your ‘diagnosis’ of the killer.

Posted by greenman
4/12/2023 12:59 pm

And the equally idiotic follow-up (attacking Merlin, of course)..

Quit being a pest.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 12, 2023, 10:45 am, in reply to "Doubling down does not make what you said true. ;- ) OWN IT"

You know damn good and well what she was up to.

Any idiot can see that.

She's a BLM Junkie.

And she doesn't give a damn about the families of the dead.

She pursues her aimless political agenda by whatever means necessary.


It’s the Trump inflatable that’s going down,
idiot, but you’re still in denial of that truth, too.

You aren’t fit to talk about the ‘families of the dead,’ and if anyone, it’s YOU who don’t give a damn - unless it be for political reasons.

And as to ‘BLM junkies,’ those would be you and your little dog GOG.  The two of you constantly obsess over them because, well, you’re racists. 

Sad truth..

Last edited by greenman (4/12/2023 1:00 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
4/12/2023 4:28 pm

Obvious politics.  I reported that and multiple other violations by the two of them.  They are all GONE now. 

Posted by Siagiah
4/12/2023 7:51 pm

What a f***ing SNOTTY thing to say to Merlin's post on drug addiction!

Why do you put "I think" in the middle of a sentence?  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 12, 2023, 5:33 pm, in reply to "My Son Was Addicted and Refused Treatment. We Needed More Options."

  It's like a speed bump ... or an Armadillo in the road.

We get I think what you think without "I think".



Posted by greenman
4/12/2023 7:58 pm

He’s like a speed bump…made of dried manure.


Posted by Siagiah
4/12/2023 8:08 pm


Posted by greenman
4/15/2023 1:39 pm

Another masterpiece of trolling:

Haven’t you beat up on Fox News enough lately? What is your p-p-p-point.
[Try reading for meaning.  You obviously DIDN’T read the article.]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 15, 2023, 10:33 am, in reply to "What Protects Fox News Also Protects Our Democracy"

How can a judge rule something is false without proving it?
[Judges ‘prove’ things now?]

The fact is nobody at this point can “prove” anything about Dominion voting machines.
[Irrational comment, although with an implied admission that Fox is in the wrong.]

Dominion should be happy THEY won the election.
[Oops, I spoke too soon…
They didn’t.  America and Biden did.]

I still think there was election meddling in AZ, GA, MI, PA and WI.
[You’re not entitled to believe that without ‘proving’ it. ]

In red, out blue 

No one as dumb as Mongo is should even have a right to vote..

Posted by greenman
4/15/2023 6:25 pm

How about the new whine? 

This board has become so slanted ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 15, 2023, 4:10 pm

... the libs are going to slide off the face of the Earth.

The libs can post whatever sh*t they want, but everyone else's posts get deleted.

F***ing irritating.

Not as irritating as you, old man..

Maybe try making intelligent posts for a change?  Rebuttals?  Not calling our President a ‘senile idiot’ and the juvenile s—t you, SES and GOG do on your ‘Bipartisan’ Board?

Ps - Little Dog GOG has added his predictable agreement, and wants to change the board’s name..

Last edited by greenman (4/15/2023 7:04 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
4/15/2023 7:23 pm

After he whined about people complaining, look at HIS complaint...  Easy solution?  DON'T POST THERE.

This board has become so slanted ... 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 15, 2023, 4:10 pm

  ... the libs are going to slide off the face of the Earth.

The libs can post whatever sh*t they want, but everyone else's posts get deleted.

F***ing irritating.



Posted by greenman
4/15/2023 7:28 pm

Poppet posted a nice rejoinder to them both - just don’t post politics, and there’ll be no disagreements over such posts being taken down.

Logical enough..

Posted by Siagiah
4/15/2023 7:51 pm

greenman wrote:

How about the new whine?

This board has become so slanted ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 15, 2023, 4:10 pm

... the libs are going to slide off the face of the Earth.

The libs can post whatever sh*t they want, but everyone else's posts get deleted.

F***ing irritating.

Not as irritating as you, old man..

Maybe try making intelligent posts for a change? Rebuttals? Not calling our President a ‘senile idiot’ and the juvenile s—t you, SES and GOG do on your ‘Bipartisan’ Board?

Ps - Little Dog GOG has added his predictable agreement, and wants to change the board’s name..


Sorry, I didn't see your post for some reason.  Probably because I didn't refresh it?

Posted by greenman
4/15/2023 7:54 pm

Cool, no problem.  His comments were egregious.

Last edited by greenman (4/15/2023 7:54 pm)

Posted by greenman
4/15/2023 8:52 pm

The first two threads are nothing but Dr. Mongostein and iGOG smearing other posters.

This board has become so slanted ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 4:10 pm
Easy cure: everyone stop posting politics. - 7:77 April 15, 2023, 5:17 pm
Merlin would starve to death ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 5:54 pm
LOLS:-)). I like the “glug”. I meter the glugs rather than use a jigger. - GOG April 15, 2023, 6:13 pm
Very well put.  - GOG April 15, 2023, 5:47 pm
There are also plenty of other options for complainers - Sia April 15, 2023, 5:44 pm
Yeah, the Back Alley.  - GOG April 15, 2023, 5:48 pm
LOL - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 5:55 pm
There does seem to be a monopoly bias. - GOG April 15, 2023, 5:00 pm
I thought you were going to say ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 5:19 pm
Or. maybe jusr ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 5:30 pm

How is s NASA going to handle the obvious cement and rebar construction on Mars? - GOG April 15, 2023, 3:30 pm
Pure lunacy... - Sia April 15, 2023, 5:34 pm
Not at all. I’ve been on the fence. Those large flat slabs and clads had me puzzled. - GOG April 15, 2023, 5:59 pm
Still pure LUNACY. - Sia April 15, 2023, 6:17 pm
From a pure lunatic - Muqwump April 15, 2023, 5:37 pm
You enjoy calling people names, don'cha, big boy? - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 5:57 pm
You wanna see a tranny lizard? Look up a mugwump image.  - GOG April 15, 2023, 6:18 pm
But it wasn't exactly clear ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 15, 2023, 6:15 pm
LOLS:-)) - GOG April 15, 2023, 6:19 pm

A corrosive pair of losers.

Posted by Siagiah
4/15/2023 9:29 pm

They LOVE to pig-pile!


Posted by greenman
4/16/2023 3:48 pm

Another brainless attack on one of Merlin’s posts:

There's another Bill Buckley Jr "wanna-be", who throws "I think" in the middle of a sentence.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 16, 2023, 1:20 pm, in reply to "Promising Signs for Free Speech on Campus"


'Twas the libs I think who tried to kill free speech.

They thought I think that the purpose of college was to regiment everyone into a thoughtless cube.

‘Twas the twit named Mongo who tried to kill intelligent discourse on Boardhost,


Posted by Siagiah
4/16/2023 8:28 pm

He's just a nasty, full-of-himself cretin.  He never fails to attack Merlin as well as others whom he dislikes.  However, Merlin is his favorite target.  I don't know why.  Merlin never reacts to it so what's the fun in that?

I'll tell you this much, Merlin couldn't care less what he or other insulting jerks have to say. 

I've known and talked to Merlin long enough about such things to know that his attitude towards insults tossed at him is "meh, who cares?" because he refuses to "accept the insult".  He's told me many times that if you decline to accept the insult, then it still belongs to the one who tossed it, not to you.  So there's no reason to react or let it bother you. 

I've tried really hard to always remember that good advice he gave me. Most of the time I reject the insults lobbed, but occasionally I forget myself and catch one instead of letting it land on the ground unclaimed.

The only insults that should be entertained or hurt are those that are true and from someone whose opinion actually matters.

mongo is NOT in that category for most of us.


Posted by greenman
4/17/2023 1:19 pm

I see he’s falsely attacking me on R& E right now..apparently his response to criticism.  In reply to obvious attacks by Heavy Hemi, the Mongoloid posted this:

Maybe a perma-banee on proxy?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 17, 2023, 10:46 am, in reply to "I think you are probably a DNR jumper ..."

Name is a color?

An obvious  reference to me, though I’m not on the board (yet) and don’t have any DNRs (which he misuses to shield himself from criticism)..

I don’t use proxies, Mongo, unlike you, Hemi, and a few others.  And aren’t you forbidden from commenting on banned individuals?

Not much on following others’ rules, are ya?


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