New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Siagiah
4/05/2023 2:13 pm

Well, thankfully, Ken deleted the whole damned thread.  It was abundantly obvious that the Blue Board was his original target and I was his ultimate target as he kept going.  Plus, how MANY times does he need to post the SAME DAMNED THING? 


Posted by greenman
4/05/2023 3:09 pm

Exactly.   It’s harassment, nothing more.

Glad to see Ken deleted it.

Posted by Siagiah
4/05/2023 3:15 pm

Me too.  I sent him an email about it.  I'm glad that he took care of it. 

The others were obvious, but didn't go further than generic ridicule.  This time, he showed his ugly arse.


Posted by Trish
4/05/2023 3:48 pm

Tee hee... that was me!

Posted by Siagiah
4/05/2023 4:03 pm

Trish wrote:

Tee hee... that was me!


Thank you.  Gee, I thought Ken had done it?

Posted by Trish
4/06/2023 7:57 am

I got your email. I check for those daily

Posted by Siagiah
4/06/2023 10:49 am

Well, I very much appreciate that. Thanks again!

I hope you're doing better today?  It's rough what you're going through.


Posted by Trish
4/06/2023 12:19 pm

Thanks.. I've been rather blue. I keep telling myself that other people are worse off (your attitude is amazing BTW) but it doesn't help when you hurt... I know you get this.

Posted by greenman
4/06/2023 12:51 pm

Trish wrote:

Thanks.. I've been rather blue. I keep telling myself that other people are worse off (your attitude is amazing BTW) but it doesn't help when you hurt... I know you get this.

I would just say that telling yourself that only makes you feel (unjustifiably) worse.  Everyone has a right to consider their own suffering important.  It may be sad that others suffer,  but there’s not a lot most of us can do about that in most circumstances.

Best wishes, in any case.

Posted by Siagiah
4/06/2023 1:39 pm

Trish wrote:

Thanks.. I've been rather blue. I keep telling myself that other people are worse off (your attitude is amazing BTW) but it doesn't help when you hurt... I know you get this.


Oh yeah, I DO get it, so, so well.  I get "blue" too.  After waking up from the coma,  I had one breakdown episode while in the hospital when the pain was so overwhelming (even with combo cocktails of 2 Percocets, infusions of Dilaudid & Morphine, and 2 Gabapentin) together with the loneliness of being so far from home and knowing it was going to continue for weeks became so profound that I melted into a puddle of whimpering sobs feeling very sorry for myself and making it all so much worse.  I was largely inconsolable until I finally fell asleep of sheer exhaustion. 

From their reaction, it's not an uncommon thing after that type of spine surgery because the pain is so intense and there's no escaping it.  I could (and still can) feel every rod and screw in there holding my lumbar spine together and the 10" incision.  There's no option but laying on your back in bed afterwards, IOW, lying directly on the incision with no relief at all.

My nurses and aides were very gentle and tried very hard to comfort me, but I was just too upset and overwhelmed with pain to respond to their efforts.  My family had gone home that morning after I was finally out of the coma for a day+ and I knew I'd not see them again for awhile because it was so far to travel.

Thankfully, that only happened once but I know what it's like to be so far down the rabbit hole that it seems like there's no escape.

I was so happy when they told me that I could finally sit up and get out of bed briefly.  Little did I know that when doing anything but laying flat in your bed, there's a bulky brace that must be worn that is tightly pressing on the incision with every breath you take to keep the hardware from shifting and prevent bending or twisting.

Thankfully, as the incision heals and hardware settles, the pain is lessened daily, but only incrementally.  I measure it by how many pain meds I need to be reasonably comfortable.  After 3 1/2 weeks, I'm down to just the Percocet and Gabapentin.  So, that's a HUGE win!  To keep a good attitude, I grab on to the wins and that helps me stay feeling okay.  It's a long haul, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that any future surgeries won't be as bad the the two I've already been through. 

Knowing that others have it harder is of no comfort when you're suffering.  All it does is make you angry (because you are entitled to experience hurt too, even if others have it worse) or it makes you feel guilty for complaining when others have it worse, neither of which helps you one bit.

Attitude is often as simple as choosing to focus on the positives and hanging on for dear life.  I'm grateful that I can count the days to when my family can visit and when I can finally go home.  Each day in rehab, I make progress walking with a walker, climbing stairs with a cane, log-rolling to get myself out of bed, using the bathroom without help, and all of the things I must be able to do to be released to go home.  I can see the light there.  It looks like next week!!

All I can suggest is that you LOOK for the little things that make you smile, and for every single progression that you make, no matter how small.  If you can see out the window, you can see spring coming and know that the sunny, wonderful days are coming with it.  You are cooking again, I noticed on Facebook. Maybe start thinking about publishing another cook book?

Those little things are what will get you through this and help your attitude be more positive.  On the days that you feel blue, give in for an amount of time, and then shake it off.  Remind yourself of what is good.  You can do that if you allow the blues to have their say, briefly.  If you try to fight them all the time, they will overwhelm you.  Just like grief, you let bits of it out to relieve the pressure building and then you shut it down and refocus.


Posted by Siagiah
4/06/2023 1:41 pm

greenman wrote:

Trish wrote:

Thanks.. I've been rather blue. I keep telling myself that other people are worse off (your attitude is amazing BTW) but it doesn't help when you hurt... I know you get this.

I would just say that telling yourself that only makes you feel (unjustifiably) worse. Everyone has a right to consider their own suffering important. It may be sad that others suffer, but there’s not a lot most of us can do about that in most circumstances.

Best wishes, in any case.


Yes, we do all have the right to recognize our own pain even though others may have it worse.  Others having it worse only gives us perspective, NOT relief.

Posted by Siagiah
4/06/2023 3:05 pm

You wanna laugh, both of you check your email

Posted by greenman
4/06/2023 3:58 pm

This thread is a hoot.  What happens when GOG and Mongo dominate a series of posts (10 of 17 posts are by them):

24/7 “news” ought to be banned. Two hours in the morning - GOG April 5, 2023, 8:43 pm

Is that why you get all your news from YouTube? - Merlin April 6, 2023, 5:24 am

No. YouTube is great if one wants your ideology. I’m surprised - GOG April 6, 2023, 7:24 am

You get your "news" from a lop-sided tabloid rag called the New York Times. - Mondo Fuego™ April 6, 2023, 5:51 am

Cut and paste. Not an original thought.  - GOG April 6, 2023, 7:25 am

Too many polysyllabic words for you? - Muqwump April 6, 2023, 6:36 am

No, too many insults from you. One more, and I will DNR your butt. - Mondo Fuego™ April 6, 2023, 8:18 am

Frankly I nominate the National Inquirer.  - GOG April 6, 2023, 7:26 am

I don't mind some editorializing and analyzing. But I - Dancing Digits April 5, 2023, 8:52 pm

The national babysitter molesting the minds of lazy infantile brains. - GOG April 6, 2023, 7:32 am

Bread and circuses. - Dancing Digits April 6, 2023, 8:50 am

TV news is a sandbox-mentality, comical reality show. All that's missing is the canned laughter. - Mondo Fuego™ April 6, 2023, 6:02 am

Can't disagree with you. - Dancing Digits April 6, 2023, 8:44 am

My sources are mostly from zerohedge, Jeff Rense, TruNews, - GOG April 6, 2023, 9:25 am

TV news is worthless. - 7:77 April 5, 2023, 8:52 pm

Local news is ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 6, 2023, 6:19 am
Yeah: hot or cold, doom or fluff. And depth measured in microns. - 7:77 April 6, 2023, 8:28 am

Note how Mongo insults both Merlin and the NYTImes (the paper which Trump told him to hate), but when Mugwump takes a clever poke at him, he IMMEDIATELY loses his mind and threatens Mugwump with a DNR.

Thanks for proving my point, halfwit - that you cannot stand any criticism or mockery, and that you use DNRs tactically.


Posted by Siagiah
4/06/2023 5:25 pm

They've basically ruined R&E.  It's become tiresome.

Posted by greenman
4/06/2023 5:27 pm

They’re like a tag team of imbeciles.  They make the WWE  look like a MENSA convention.

Posted by Siagiah
4/06/2023 6:40 pm

greenman wrote:

They’re like a tag team of imbeciles. They make the WWE look like a MENSA convention.

ha ha ha ha

Posted by Siagiah
4/07/2023 3:43 am

Did a post go missing from 3am by greenman?

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 6:41 am

Siagiah wrote:

Did a post go missing from 3am by greenman?

I certainly didn’t make a post at 3am…?

Posted by Siagiah
4/07/2023 6:59 am

Strange, I gotvan email saying yiu had, delivered at 2:52am. It was so odd because, to my knowledge, you've never posted after like 10pm on any boards.

Maybe it was just slow delivery of the email notification we all get for th forum?

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 7:20 am

Siagiah wrote:

Strange, I gotvan email saying yiu had, delivered at 2:52am. It was so odd because, to my knowledge, you've never posted after like 10pm on any boards.

Maybe it was just slow delivery of the email notification we all get for th forum?

Must’ve been.  That would’ve been a very unusual night for me…

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 1:20 pm


Does Mongo EVER say ANYTHING intelligent in response to ANYONE’S post?

I was doing research, but coming up blank…

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 3:30 pm

Answer:  No, he doesn’t.   As evidenced by this idiot thread.


I know y'all are dyin' to talk Polly Ticks, so c'mon, man ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 7, 2023, 10:47 am
I can't take anyone with a fake yokel accent seriously. - Party pooper April 7, 2023, 11:28 am
What a nice, thoughtful greeting for Easter Weekend. - Mondo Fuego™ April 7, 2023, 12:42 pm  [Jesus would disapprove your criticism of my trashboard…lol
No-one wants to post there. - Merlin April 7, 2023, 11:27 am
But Merlin likes to post there ... 7 posts in just 2 threads. - Mondo Fuego™ April 7, 2023, 12:27 pm
Gave it a try and found it not very serious or open to serious debate but mostly the usual trolling. - Merlin April 7, 2023, 12:42 pm
What do you expect for a new board? It takes time. - Mondo Fuego™ April 7, 2023, 12:49 pm
How many times did we warn him about smoking in bed? - Party pooper April 7, 2023, 11:30 am
its not like there are any new posters here for him to harvest - Trish April 7, 2023, 11:51 am
Looks like you were "harvested" 10 times on the current page. - Mondo Fuego™ April 7, 2023, 12:41 pm

Shilling for his DOA ‘Serious (lol) Bipartisan (lol) Political Board.’

Never mind the right-wing attitude brought over from White Whine.  Never mind the abusive lies about politicians Mongo doesn’t like, and facts.  Never mind the hostile attitude toward anyone who disagrees with ‘us.’

Just join in the fun!  Until he decides to delete yo’ ass.

Posted by Siagiah
4/07/2023 4:06 pm

As expected. Boards run by skunks can't help but stink.  Most knew that from day one, even those who gave it a shot.

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 4:22 pm

Note the latest nonsense:


Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 7, 2023, 2:04 pm
Please DNR "Party Pooper".

‘All he does is chase me around like a lost puppy, with one insult after another.

I have no reason or desire to converse with him.’

Again: wrong approach (e-mail Ken privately, don’t announce it); hypocrisy (no one pushes more insults than Mongo); hiding behind DNRs and banning (again, and as always); whiny, needy Mongo Superiola crapola (as always).

Why would anyone let this POS onto their board?

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 4:25 pm

And his little dog GOG:

Good. He, she, it or they is/are stalkers and predator..

Posted by GOG on April 7, 2023, 2:11 pm, in reply to "Ken"


Says the board’s biggest stalker and spammer.  Yayyy!

Posted by Siagiah
4/07/2023 5:39 pm

Truly pathetic.  He's running out of DNRs.  LOL.  Ken has a limit.

Posted by greenman
4/07/2023 8:10 pm

Racist greeting for our VP..

There goes the neighborhood

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 7, 2023, 5:25 pm

WGHP-TV Greensboro
WGHP-TV Greensboro
Harris to meet with Tennessee lawmakers expelled over gun protests
Story by Brett Samuels • 2h ago

Vice President Harris is making a previously unscheduled stop in Nashville, Tenn., on Friday to meet with two state lawmakers who were expelled from the Tennessee House for leading gun violence protests in the wake of a local school shooting, a spokesperson confirmed.

Harris will meet with state Reps. Justin Jones (D) and Justin Pearson (D), who on Thursday were expelled from the legislature for their participation in the recent demonstrations on the House floor. Rep. Gloria Johnson (D), who also participated in the protests and is white, narrowly survived her expulsion vote.

The vice president will use the meeting to elevate the White House’s broader push for tougher gun laws, including a ban on assault weapons. She is expected to meet with other Tennessee state lawmakers while in Nashville, as well as demonstrators who have in recent days continued to call for action on gun violence.

President Biden has renewed his calls for such a ban in the aftermath of a shooting at a Nashville grade school that left three 9-year-olds and three teachers dead.

Jones, Johnson and Pearson led chants on the House floor last week in the aftermath of the shooting, chanting “No action, no peace.” Resolutions to expel them state that they engaged in “disorderly behavior” and “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives.”

The expulsion of Jones and Pearson, both of whom are Black, has fueled a nationwide debate in recent days over gun violence, race and the freedom to protest. The White House called the expulsion votes “undemocratic.”

“Six people, including three children, were killed last week in a school shooting in Nashville,” Harris tweeted Thursday night. “How did Republican lawmakers in Tennessee respond? By expelling their colleagues who stood with Tennesseans and said enough is enough. This is undemocratic and dangerous.”

Harris’s visit to Nashville was first reported by USA Today.

I doubt anyone would visit Nashville except on official business.  No word from the poster about the racist, anti-democratic actions of his own state legislature, of course.  Or about the lax gun laws which helped bring about the mass slaughter.

Nice followup from his little dog GOG about our VP being a ‘troublemaker’ and ‘BLM protestor,’ of course.  Speaking of racists..

Last edited by greenman (4/07/2023 8:10 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
4/08/2023 7:15 am

They don't even try to hide their racist attitudes.

Posted by greenman
4/08/2023 9:32 am

Or the political posting..

Message Thread

why would Justice Thomas need impeachment when the favor did not influence his opinion? - jb April 8, 2023, 5:01 am

Indeed. The contrived issue is a fraud. The billionaire referred to - GOG April 8, 2023, 6:02 am

It is systemic racial bigotry cloaked behind sanctimonious hypocrisy. - Mondo Fuego™ April 8, 2023, 7:10 am

Look at two bigots calling investigation of a corrupt ‘Justice’ ‘systemic racial bigotry.’  Something which the same two right-wing morons DENY THE EXISTENCE OF.

Hypocrisy doesn’t get much better than that - or political posting by the two biggest complainers about political posting..smh

Posted by greenman
4/08/2023 1:45 pm

More whining drivel:

You don't decide what I support. I support me, my beloved wife and family, and two Himalayan cats. [lol]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 8, 2023, 11:31 am, in reply to "I said you SUPPORT what happened Jan 6th!! You can't deny it so live with it"

Quit being a sanctimonious moral busybody.

You are futilely calling the stainless steel pot black.

You support BLM/LGBTQXYZMNOP+ and their looting, arson, beating women swimmers, and other crimes because your mantra is "by any and all means necessary". [insane]

I am not dependent on who wins elections. Makes no difference to me who is in the WH or Govnr Ofc. I am not dependent on any political stance.

I live in a whole different world than you. I get to see the world for what it is while you hide under the Bayonne bridge reading the NYT in candlelight. [Elitist, much?]

Now trot along with your false accusations.

How do you justify banning HH/Party Pooper when Mongo Flatulentio is allowed to abuse other posters ROUTINELY  in this vulgar manner?

Comical post, and comical moderation.  Mongo’s cats could do a better job.

Last edited by greenman (4/08/2023 2:29 pm)


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