New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by dancing digits
3/28/2023 3:32 pm

First to the most important issue - I am very happy to see that Sia's recovery is heading in the right direction.  She has had many, many difficult challenges thrown her way and I hope she is through the worst of it.   

Second, I see Ken's R & E is locked.  Mysteries of the Universe is not locked.  I suspect that may offer up a clue as to why Yellow is locked.  

I suspect that there is a tremendous amount of history between and among the regular posters here (and other places) that has built to this crescendo (Woodbine's going bye-bye and now everyone on Ken's board in timeout) to which I am not privy, being a comparative late comer. I assume that a good deal of that history is what is driving current events, if not I would venture to say that this history at least influences current events.  Unfortunate for me I was considering posting again - I do have the worst timing, always. Go figure.

I refrain from offering my voice to the mix - due to something like everyone has an opinion (like everyone has a particular anatomical part), and no one asked anyway (which is most naturally fine).  

Anyrate, just wanted to send my well wishes to Sia and say hi to everyone.

Carry on.  


Posted by Siagiah
3/28/2023 3:52 pm

I want to thank Ken for his post on mongo's board. Of course, mongo responded with vicious LIES and then deleted it all so no one sees it.
There isn't an OUNCE of humanity in him.



Civilized Personal Discussion
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Mondo Fuego™, Sia is recovering from major surgery, it's very inconsiderate for you to attack her.

Posted by Ken C on March 28, 2023, 12:59 pm

It has always been inconsiderate for you to attack Sia. Most of the things you said about her are untrue. It is an especially bad time now because she is in the hospital recovering from major surgery.

I should have condemned you sooner, but I usually try to stay out of arguments and conflicts.

A lot of people do a lot of things wrong on these forums. I don't have time to condemn all the bad stuff.

I'd rather try to enjoy life instead wasting time condemning and complaining about all the bad stuff on these forum.



"BS! Ken, do you read the nasty, vitriolic things that she and greenman say about me, you and ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 28, 2023, 1:48 pm, in reply to "Mondo Fuego™, Sia is recovering from major surgery, it's very inconsiderate for you to attack her."

... other people on this board and on your board?

Even you complained over there on their Crack Alley about how nasty they have been treating you.

You must be blind.

She is a vicious psychopath who spends her day and night trolling this board and your board, copying what posters say, and pasting it on her Crack Alley for greenworm to go banannas with his vulgar mouth. She has even been more active recently while she is suffering from medical problems. What's with that?

Greenworm is likewise a psychopath who cannot control his temper or his mouth. Even you banned him permanently from your board.

For years, they have posted 40 pages full of thousands of filthy posts about you, me and others on my and your board. That is criminal insanity.

Don't come over here with your one-sided hypocritical sanctimony.

If you want to be a helpful, reprimand her for her chronic nastiness towards me and others and tell her to delete her Crack Alley.

Message Thread

Mondo Fuego™, Sia is recovering from major surgery, it's very inconsiderate for you to attack her. - Ken C March 28, 2023, 12:59 pm

    BS! Ken, do you read the nasty, vitriolic things that she and greenman say about me, you and ... - Mondo Fuego™ March 28, 2023, 1:48 pm"



Ken sent me a copy of his post via email as we are in discussions right now about some personal stuff.. So mongo cannot make it all disappear or pretend it didn't happen.   

Anyone with a brain had to have noticed that I didn't post anywhere on the boards yesterday until evening and my participation has been quite random. I didn't post AT ALL when I was in a coma. DUH. I've barely posted at all. Of course, when I see something crappy, I will respond. Mongo can stuff his lies where the sun doesn't shine.

Posted by Siagiah
3/28/2023 4:59 pm

dancing digits wrote:

First to the most important issue - I am very happy to see that Sia's recovery is heading in the right direction.  She has had many, many difficult challenges thrown her way and I hope she is through the worst of it.   

Second, I see Ken's R & E is locked.  Mysteries of the Universe is not locked.  I suspect that may offer up a clue as to why Yellow is locked.  

I suspect that there is a tremendous amount of history between and among the regular posters here (and other places) that has built to this crescendo (Woodbine's going bye-bye and now everyone on Ken's board in timeout) to which I am not privy, being a comparative late comer. I assume that a good deal of that history is what is driving current events, if not I would venture to say that this history at least influences current events.  Unfortunate for me I was considering posting again - I do have the worst timing, always. Go figure.

I refrain from offering my voice to the mix - due to something like everyone has an opinion (like everyone has a particular anatomical part), and no one asked anyway (which is most naturally fine).  

Anyrate, just wanted to send my well wishes to Sia and say hi to everyone.

Carry on.  



SIA: OMG, delighted to see you Dancing Digits!! Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes!!

Yes, there is considerable history here. It will resolve. Dont worry.  Ken is overwhelmed and needs this break. Lots of stuff swirling.

We'll all be fine when it's said and done.

So glad to see you!

If you wanna chat about stuff, feel free here or on the message board. I know yiu abhor pokitics, just just igbore them.

Please forgive typos. My meds are causing dyskinesia and I can't make my fingers behave all the time.

Posted by dancing digits
3/29/2023 12:12 am

Thank you Sia! Good to see the old gang and you too. 

I lurk from time to time, but didn't have much time to invest in the boards.  I do so hate to be a 'hit and run' poster, abandoning threads or failing to respond to someone who took the time to talk to me.  Thus, I withdraw from the boards when I can't give them the attention I wish. It's probably more my hang up than a problem for everyone else.

Moderating is a big and often thankless job.  Can't please everyone, so best to do what one believes is right.  

I don't think my login ID/password works on the other blue board.


Posted by Siagiah
3/29/2023 12:32 am

I thought we'd fixed uour log in on the message board? If not, it can easily be fixed.

Posted by dancing digits
3/29/2023 12:39 am

Oh!  I thought my login info for this board would not work over there.  I'll have to check it out tomorrow.  It's late here (or early, depending on how you look at it).


Posted by Siagiah
3/29/2023 2:45 am

I am delighted to see that R&E will reopen soon.

Boards can be overwhelming sometimes and you just need a break.

Posted by Siagiah
3/29/2023 2:48 am

dancing digits wrote:

Oh!  I thought my login info for this board would not work over there.  I'll have to check it out tomorrow.  It's late here (or early, depending on how you look at it).


The login here does not necessarily work there because they are separate and cannot be connected. However, most have reset theirs to match for ease in remembering or i did it for them.

Posted by greenman
4/03/2023 11:32 am

Mongo’s latest idiocy:


‘A very sad story, and it's happening all over America.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 3, 2023, 8:21 am

Bruce Davis lives in California. He was sick of the world, of Covid-19, Trump, Russian belligerence, China, global warming, racial tensions, and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines.

Bruce drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.

Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Bruce from the car.

The ending is very sad. You may not want to read further, but here it is:

A little sip of water and, surprisingly, he was in perfect condition, but his Tesla had a dead battery.

Bruce is a registered California Democrat.’

And Mongo is a simple-minded, Trump-loving Nashville hillbilly. 

But them ‘lectric cars is EEEBUL!  And, an, an, only STOOPID DUMOCRAPS drive ‘em!  And, an, an he HATES UM!  Internal Combustion is GOD’S WILL!


Last edited by greenman (4/03/2023 11:33 am)

Posted by Siagiah
4/03/2023 4:00 pm

He thinks that he's clever, but he's just lame and totally ridiculous.

Posted by greenman
4/03/2023 6:59 pm

It stinks being on a board like that, where the Mod has the power to remove posts they simply disagree with or can’t make rational arguments against.

Not good moderation.

Posted by Poppet
4/03/2023 7:23 pm

greenman wrote:

It stinks being on a board like that, where the Mod has the power to remove posts they simply disagree with or can’t make rational arguments against.

Not good moderation.

Nice try. You clearly have no concept of irony, since my reply over which you flew off the handle (again...) and accused me of dishonesty over contained a rational argument against one of your claims...something conspicuously absent in your subsequent posts. The fact is, I deleted all but your OP, including my polite reply that contained - oh the horror! - someone failing to agree with one of its assertions, not because of disagreement but because the thread had degenerated into personal insult, something permitted only here in the Back Alley. That's a moderator's job. Chronic problem children like you are why people grow weary of moderating discussion forums...

Posted by greenman
4/03/2023 7:30 pm

Poppet wrote:

greenman wrote:

It stinks being on a board like that, where the Mod has the power to remove posts they simply disagree with or can’t make rational arguments against.

Not good moderation.

Nice try. You clearly have no concept of irony, since my reply over which you flew off the handle (again...) and accused me of dishonesty over contained a rational argument against one of your claims...something conspicuously absent in your subsequent posts. The fact is, I deleted all but your OP, including my polite reply that contained - oh the horror! - someone failing to agree with one of its assertions, not because of disagreement but because the thread had degenerated into personal insult, something permitted only here in the Back Alley. That's a moderator's job. Chronic problem children like you are why people grow weary of moderating discussion forums...

Not even going to bother at this point.  You’re just a nasty, arrogant, entitled person.  You’re right - you really are a sociopath.


Posted by Poppet
4/03/2023 7:53 pm

greenman wrote:

Poppet wrote:

greenman wrote:

It stinks being on a board like that, where the Mod has the power to remove posts they simply disagree with or can’t make rational arguments against.

Not good moderation.

Nice try. You clearly have no concept of irony, since my reply over which you flew off the handle (again...) and accused me of dishonesty over contained a rational argument against one of your claims...something conspicuously absent in your subsequent posts. The fact is, I deleted all but your OP, including my polite reply that contained - oh the horror! - someone failing to agree with one of its assertions, not because of disagreement but because the thread had degenerated into personal insult, something permitted only here in the Back Alley. That's a moderator's job. Chronic problem children like you are why people grow weary of moderating discussion forums...

Not even going to bother at this point. You’re just a nasty, arrogant, entitled person. You’re right - you really are a sociopath.


No...instead you bring it over to the main board where you know perfectly well it doesn't belong. You're not fooling anyone. Stop trying to pretend this is anyone's fault but your own, you absolute infant. You know damn well you flipped your sh*t and started slinging insults instead of responding like an adult with a reasoned counterargument to my assertion about language. Bad enough that you did that in the first place, but instead of acknowledging your cock-up you just double down, over and over. 

No more. You're beneath my notice.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/03/2023 9:25 pm

Fuses no longer than 1mm attached to M-80 firecrackers don't work so well. 
Neither does petting a cat backward... especially when it's a 125 pound mountain lion. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (4/03/2023 9:26 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/03/2023 10:36 pm

Without being able to actually see what transpired between the two of you, I have to basically guess what happened based on both of your email complaints and years of knowing both of you.

It APPEARS that you knocked heads on whether citizens should be able to own firearms for anything other than being part of a militia and both of you hold very strong positions on it.  Strong enough to literally fight over it.

Obviously, at some point, the discussion turned into a nasty food fight with tempers flaring and ugly remarks thrown around. 

I'm not at all interested in who started it or who said what mean things to the other during the food fight, I can only imagine that it was QUITE unpleasant given each of your emailed descriptions and your continued reactions here.

I think that we can all agree that THAT sort of thing (hateful, angry spouting off with nasty personal attacks) doesn't belong on the main board. The food fight posts definitely should have been deleted as breaking the rules of civility.  Actual discussion should have been left standing, assuming there was any?

Since I didn't see it and there are no copies of it, it's impossible to know if actual discussion went out the door with the junk.  Hopefully, it didn't.  From Poppet's email, I've gathered that she deleted her initial considered response to greenman's post simply because something in it had triggered the angry exchanges that followed and she didn't want to leave it hanging there with greenman's dispute of it removed or for it to potentially trigger more.

As you both know, the Back Alley is where angry, personal attacks belong once any discussions escalate beyond mere disagreement. You can have your say here without the threat of deletion so it's really the best place for that kind of anger once triggered.

Since it's all gone and no one can see first hand what transpired, it seems that the best path forward is for the two of you to have your final say here, get it all off of your chests, and then take some time to breathe --- away from the argument and each other.

You are both good people. I hate to see such disharmony between you and hope that you can eventually find your way to forgive each other.

Get some sleep.  Call a friend.  Beat up your pillow (j/k). Do something, anything that helps you simmer down because getting THIS angry isn't healthy for anyone and it is only allowed HERE.


Posted by Poppet
4/04/2023 12:13 am

Siagiah wrote:

It APPEARS that you knocked heads on whether citizens should be able to own firearms for anything other than being part of a militia and both of you hold very strong positions on it.  Strong enough to literally fight over it.

Kinda. The dispute was over whether or not the actual language of the amendment dictates that militia membership is a requirement for possessing that right, and my actual position wasn't a part of the discussion. And I reiterate in the strongest terms: my response was in no way whatsoever a personal attack. It contained no insults of any kind

Obviously, at some point, the discussion turned into a nasty food fight with tempers flaring and ugly remarks thrown around. 

I'm not at all interested in who started it or who said what mean things to the other during the food fight, I can only imagine that it was QUITE unpleasant given each of your emailed descriptions and your continued reactions here.

It didn't actually involve that many posts. two on my part, two on his...then I made the deletions, as the "conversation" was clearly against board protocols (and was in every other way useless as well).

I think that we can all agree that THAT sort of thing (hateful, angry spouting off with nasty personal attacks) doesn't belong on the main board. The food fight posts definitely should have been deleted as breaking the rules of civility.  Actual discussion should have been left standing, assuming there was any?

There wasn't. Beyond greenman's OP and my initial response, no further actual discussion occurred. I'd have left it if that had been the case (obviously).

Since it's all gone and no one can see first hand what transpired, it seems that the best path forward is for the two of you to have your final say here, get it all off of your chests, and then take some time to breathe --- away from the argument and each other.

You are both good people. I hate to see such disharmony between you and hope that you can eventually find your way to forgive each other.

Nope...not this time. I'm sick of walking on eggshells around that touchy AH, nor am I willing to forgive him lying about what transpired, slanderously accusing me of deleting the conversation to avoid disagreement/debate (as if...), or having my honesty questioned in insulting terms. Some lines, once crossed, cannot be un-crossed. I will simply have no further discourse with him whatsoever, and will not respond to any of his posts on the threaded board (and probably not here, although no promises). To forestall further outbursts, I'll even avoid deletions of any rule-breaking on his part, and simply refer any such to the rest of the mod team via the usual channel.

Posted by Trish
4/04/2023 9:34 am

Ok my mind works in odd ways. Sia when I read "Get some sleep.  Call a friend.  Beat up your pillow"

I could not resist adding "no pillows were harmed in the writing of this post"

I hoped a little laugh might lighten things up. I now return you to semi-normal programming.

Last edited by Trish (4/04/2023 9:35 am)

Posted by Siagiah
4/04/2023 10:02 am

Trish wrote:

Ok my mind works in odd ways. Sia when I read "Get some sleep.  Call a friend.  Beat up your pillow"

I could not resist adding "no pillows were harmed in the writing of this post"

I hoped a little laugh might lighten things up. I now return you to semi-normal programming.


Thanks for the chuckle.  Lawd knows we can all use a light-hearted laugh nowadays.

Posted by Poppet
4/04/2023 10:09 am

Trish wrote:

Ok my mind works in odd ways. Sia when I read "Get some sleep.  Call a friend.  Beat up your pillow"

I could not resist adding "no pillows were harmed in the writing of this post"

I hoped a little laugh might lighten things up. I now return you to semi-normal programming.

I wonder how many of us left-leaning folk had their mind drift into "punch the My Pillow Guy" territory...? ;)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/04/2023 10:41 am

Poppet wrote:

Trish wrote:

Ok my mind works in odd ways. Sia when I read "Get some sleep.  Call a friend.  Beat up your pillow"

I could not resist adding "no pillows were harmed in the writing of this post"

I hoped a little laugh might lighten things up. I now return you to semi-normal programming.

I wonder how many of us left-leaning folk had their mind drift into "punch the My Pillow Guy" territory...? ;)

Now THERE'S a thought!

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
4/04/2023 3:17 pm

The Wordle obsession continues…lol


Wordle is too easy. Sometimes, it is possible to guess correctly on the 2nd row.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 4/4/2023, 12:38 pm

‘Rare to go beyond 4th row for smart people here.

There are some cases where you can waste a row on words that have a similar structure, like:


Depends on which letters are lit up in the 2 different colors at the time, actually forcing you to make a pure guess.

If you start with 2 words that contain all the vowels, you are off to an easy start, like:

piano or ratio

There are lots of other 5-letter words that fit the profile.

I think the 6-letter version is even easier. I could be wrong, but I have experienced in WordScapes that the more letters involved, the fewer the possibilities using all the letters.

But, all in all, Wordle it is not much of a brain teaser.

Sudoku is fun. It just requires a lot of patience, which basically ends up being a time-waster. The apps which allow temporary guesses make it a lot easier to solve. You could probably start with 1 single digit and spend a month solving it. But, why?

I love the Microsoft MineSweeper game. A max array can be nerve-wracking. One false move, and BOOM!

There is another online Apple/Android/Win7/10/11 app called WordScapes by PeopleFun that ends up being extremely challenging after you play a couple of hundred iterations.

During the Covid lockdown, I entered the weekly competitions starting on Friday afternoons thru Sunday noon, and built up to almost 1,000 sessions. Now, there are some real challenges. You don't have to guess just 1 word. You may have to come up with a dozen or more variations of words formed from 5 to 8 different letters.

A lot of people cheat on games like Wordle and WordScapes. All you have to do is Google for possibilities. Also, the games allow earned hints and downright revelations. A true hard-ass player never uses those crutches ... it's just dishonesty with one's self while nobody is looking.

Some may not have the patience to build up to expert level in WordScapes, but if you are willing to make the investment, it is worth the reward.

Find it and more at:

One caveat: If you play the game on several different platforms (e.g., Apple iPad and Android smartphone), your status is kept separate on each device, so when you play a session on one device, it does not start up from there on the second device. As far as I know, this is true with Wordle unless there is an app that allows you to create an account/password that can be accessed across multiple platforms, which there well may be. I just haven't taken the time or had the interest to explore.‘

Two more (lengthy!) posts about a game he doesn’t play, and is not played on his boards.  Just too comical.

He can’t resist the urge to stir the s—t, which is the only reason he’s made fun of - which in turn only infuriates him further.


Last edited by greenman (4/04/2023 3:17 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
4/04/2023 4:17 pm

He is talking out of his butt since the NYT Wordle uses and PUSHES NYT passwords to keep your game stats.  You can use that password on multiple devices and they will all pick up where you left off.  Wordle is NOT an "app" and doesn't have one.  It's a NYT game strictly run by the NYT.

He OBVIOUSLY has rarely played if he believes that it's "so easy".  It's not.

Wordle ALSO doesn't allow for "earned hints" or "downright revelations".  LOL.  He's talking out of his arse... again.  He obviously thinks that Wordlebot helps you play.  It DOESN'T.  It judges your finished game and THAT'S IT. 


Last edited by Siagiah (4/04/2023 4:54 pm)

Posted by greenman
4/05/2023 10:31 am

I know, you have to consider the source. 

Look at how he, GOG, KDM and TEXRA are attacking Alvin Bragg, the NYC prosecutor.  Childish, petty name-calling without a single bit of actual evidence against him, or favoring Trump - whom they all obviously still adore.

‘Brainwashed’ is the only sensible description of the Trumpist Right.  They simply cannot stand for anyone to shout out the fact of their Emperor’s nakedness.

‘Huh, huh, he’s fat’ is the intellectual level this crew operates at.  But wouldn’t you rather support a fat man who’s in the right than a traitorous criminal?  I would..

Last edited by greenman (4/05/2023 10:31 am)

Posted by Siagiah
4/05/2023 10:52 am

Honestly, I can't focus on the idiotic stuff they do.   I have so much on my plate right now that I don't even bother to look.  If you didn't bring it here and I didn't get emails that you posted here, I'd never even notice.  That's how little I give a rat's patootie about the whole lot of them. 

That childish name calling is totally expected.  If they actually HAD an argument against why tRUMP ha been indicted for all of those felonies, then they'd make it. Instead, they act like little children on a demented playground.


Posted by greenman
4/05/2023 11:04 am

I’ll move such political comments over to the ‘other boards’ area, then, no need to annoy others with them.  He does get too much mention here.

Not good for his ego…

Posted by Siagiah
4/05/2023 11:26 am

greenman wrote:

I’ll move such political comments over to the ‘other boards’ area, then, no need to annoy others with them. He does get too much mention here.

Not good for his ego…


NO PROBLEM.  Put them wherever you like.  I assumed this board was for slamming something while the other was for civil discussion about something you see and want to address.

Posted by Siagiah
4/05/2023 11:34 am

I couldn't help but notice the IDIOT mongo trying to claim that WORDLE is available places other than the NYT.  NO, IT'S NOT.  Those are all half-breed mimics.  The NYT owns WORDLE and that's the only game legally allowed to call it WORDLE. You cannot play old games nor games of more than 5 letters on the REAL WORDLE.  mongo's link is to FAKE WORDLE.  I played the game there and the answer is NOT the answer of the NYT WORDLE.  The REAL WORDLE is only 5 letters.  FAKE WORDLEs like on Facebook and other sites have 6, 7, 8+ letters and do all kinds of things that REAL WORDLE doesn't.

He also over-played his hand this time as you'll see with the second post.  It's a BLATANT DNR violation.


Wordle is available from several sources, not just the NYT.

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 4, 2023, 7:09 pm, in reply to "Wordle is too easy. Sometimes, it is possible to guess correctly on the 2nd row." It can be accessed at the following link:

It is also available as an installable app from Apple App Store for Apple devices and from Google Play Store for Android Smartphones and Tablets.
I have it on my Android Smartphone and Apple iPad.
The Android version is owned by Lion Studios Plus.

Not sure who owns the Apple App.

It seems to be more of a cult thing than an intellectual exercise. People play it, then say, "Look, Look at my results, I did it in 3 rows."

I generally don't use the NYT version because I am not a big fan of NYT, plus they try to force me to pay for their online news. There are thousands of free news sources. I don't really need NYT.

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  Oh, look, everyone, I did it in 3 rows! Anyone want to see my “process”? 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 4, 2023, 8:39 pm, in reply to "Wordle is available from several sources, not just the NYT.

WORDLE 654 3/6

Done on Apple iPad App, not Noo Swawk web site. It lets me play 5 and 6 word versions. If I miss a day or two, I can go back and catch up. Actually, I can go back to before when I started this game.

Posted by greenman
4/05/2023 1:02 pm

So pathetic, and obviously targeted at these boards, which he hates because he can’t control them.  Just SOOO transparent.

How pathetic do you have to be to attack a game because certain other people play it?

I don’t know about Wordle’s availability elsewhere, but you certainly don’t have to have a membership or subscription to the Times (which he also hates, because President Donny TOLD him to) to play it.  I don’t have one.

What a creepy little jerk.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/05/2023 2:10 pm

Wordle isn't my cup of tea because I really don't have time or interest to add another thing to my day. Full enough as it is, and I have so many creative demands, taking a break from them is a much needed change of pace. But if you enjoy it, and clearly you do, great. I don't need to feel better or superior and put it down. I just don't understand the need for that. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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