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Posted by Siagiah
1/12/2023 11:59 pm

He's already trashed R&E.  The antagonism is rampant and he's the leader... again

Posted by greenman Online!
1/13/2023 12:40 pm

Siagiah wrote:

He's already trashed R&E.  The antagonism is rampant and he's the leader... again

He’s apparently DNRing someone now in celebration of his return.  So predictable - bullies simply cannot accept criticism.

Posted by Siagiah
1/13/2023 11:41 pm

No surprise there.  I'm surprised that it's not multiple DNRs by now.  He's pathetic.

Posted by greenman Online!
1/15/2023 4:33 pm

His xenophobia and bigotry are on display, too in attacks on supposed ‘immigrant behavior’ in hotels.  Clearly a white America is what HE wants…he and that nasty Faux Nooz floozy Ingraham..

Posted by Siagiah
1/19/2023 7:52 am

Well, it will be interesting to see how long it will be before Ken's new "bipartisan politics" board goes straight to hell. Probably once he shares it publicly so everyone can go there. 

Also, I really have to wonder WHY it was even necessary? Because mongo misses Woodbine's free for all?  But aren't there 2 political boards already in our regular orbit PLUS dozens of them all over the web?

The REAL PURPOSE is for mongo to be able to trash another board just like he trashed Woodbine's while attacking those who've dumped his board as pure rubbish. That's EXACTLY what the new board will be in no time flat.

Ken created it because he wants to discuss politics but feels like he can't discuss them on Blue anymore because, well, you know.  Everything he posts gets attacked on Blue.

But I really have to wonder why he'd think that the SAME thing won't happen on his new bipartisan board?  In fact, probably much worse. 

We already HAVE a political discussion board so, to me, it's POINTLESS aside of fulfilling mongo's dreams of having Woodbine's board back.  Anyone who believes that mongo will behave himself is not operating on all 8.


Posted by greenman Online!
1/19/2023 9:44 am

I doubt I’d even be permitted on it if it were a Mongo/Kenny production, and if I were I wouldn’t be there long (as on Woodbine’s board after it was apparently given into Mongo’s hands).

Without DNRs, he’d simply delete anyone who disagreed with him.  I suspect he just wants to lure new posters to a new Right-wing board laden with people like himself, Tex, Deanna, DFM and SES.

A pipe dream..

Last edited by greenman (1/19/2023 9:45 am)

Posted by Siagiah
1/19/2023 10:02 am

Well, Ken created it.  I think that he's the sole admin.  Still, it will go to hell just like Woody's did because that's what happens when certain peeps get together.  I thought that everyone had ALREADY learned that lesson, but I guess not.

mongo regrets booting and losing posters who tired of his B.S. because he can't abuse them anymore.  THIS is because he got another taste of it when Woodbine abandoned his board and he's hooked.  I don't plan to play along. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/19/2023 11:04 am

Establishment of another politics board solely for politics might lure some of the abuse the topic caused and causes on R&E. Animosities festered for years and a new board is just another opportunity. But it may also be like solving a headache by moving the pain to another part of the head, or another part of the anatomy. If Ken wants to try it, has time, and doesn't mind the pain in the *, I wish him well. I suspect it will go the way Woodbine's board went. I doubt I'll even look at it. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/19/2023 11:25 am

Well, Woodbine's board didn't reduce the politics on R&E at all, so why would this new one? 

Posted by greenman Online!
1/19/2023 1:17 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Well, Woodbine's board didn't reduce the politics on R&E at all, so why would this new one? 

The only way that could happen would be through strict regulation and definition of what constitutes ‘politics.’  At present there is no real, solid definition.  Are foreign politics OK?  What about ethics in politics?  But if you allow that, you have to allow mention of parties.  Otherwise, only by eliminating ALL remotely political posts could you knock down the political posting.

Hint: DNRs won’t do it..

Last edited by greenman (1/19/2023 1:20 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/19/2023 4:00 pm

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Well, Woodbine's board didn't reduce the politics on R&E at all, so why would this new one? 

The only way that could happen would be through strict regulation and definition of what constitutes ‘politics.’ At present there is no real, solid definition. Are foreign politics OK? What about ethics in politics? But if you allow that, you have to allow mention of parties. Otherwise, only by eliminating ALL remotely political posts could you knock down the political posting.

Hint: DNRs won’t do it..

Key word: might
Establishment of another politics board solely for politics might lure some of the abuse

More and more frequently, especially since the New Year, I question if I am being used and played. Why is someone cordial with me, and so nasty with so many others? 

I attempted many times to establish a dialogue and camaraderie with DFM, which he largely ignores. Today he submitted a post after which he's dead to me. No more effort on my part. I remember somebody named DFM who posted wonderful material at Mysteries of the Universe. He and the person under that title on R&E can't be the same person can they? They're like Jekyll and Hyde. 

It is so easy for anyone to be anybody. I waste too much time in thought about this. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/19/2023 6:16 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
1/19/2023 6:13 pm

I suppose.  I don’t really care as I have no involvement with that board.  Why would I, when it’s CEOU812 spewing about abortion, jb tossing out fake religious blather (and plagiarized Willie Nelson lyrics addressed to a young girl), Mongo rattling off his material possessions, DFM obsessing about Israel and lying about global warming, and GOG worrying about the latest Royal Family gossip.

Absolute garbage.

Posted by Siagiah
1/19/2023 7:14 pm

Pikes, of course you're being played by mongo.

DFM simply has ZERO respect for most "normal mortals".  Who knows why?  He hasn't lost all of his humanity, I did see him post something kind towards me when Ken posted about me being in the hospital.

Greenman... Yeah, sadly, that's the gist of discussions now. 

Of course DNRs won't do a thing about all of the political posts.  Everyone KNOWS the rules, but several break them all the time and are never even scolded as their posts disappear, so why do they even care?

There is absolutely NO REASON to expect anything to be different on a new board, politics allowed or not.  The ugliness between several people is what they seek out!  It will be Woodbine's redoux and Ken will be yanking his hair out trying to keep it civil... FOR WHAT?  Because mongo wants it?  and because Ken wants to post some politics?  There are two political boards he's a member of, so, why bother?

In any case,  I hope it works out for him.  No doubt, if it doesn't, he'll simply shut it down.  Either way, it's really not my concern.  I'm NOT interested in discussing anything with the likes of those who are likely to flock there when I already have a perfectly good board where the riffraff aren't welcome.  Lessons learned.  No need for me to repeat them.


Posted by greenman Online!
1/19/2023 7:42 pm

Now he’s DNRing Mugwump.  ‘Too many personal attacks,’ whines the Queen of Personal Attacks.

A couple posts earlier he told Mugwump to “F—- off.”

What a gigantic weenie…lol

Last edited by greenman (1/19/2023 8:15 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/19/2023 11:46 pm

I tried. 
I don't believe I will post much on R&E for a while. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/20/2023 4:33 pm

Well, it appears that Ken C is closing the experimental board as of this morning.


Posted by Poppet Online!
1/20/2023 7:30 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Well, it appears that Ken C is closing the experimental board as of this morning.

Closed before I even found out how to access it.

Well alrighty then...

Posted by greenman Online!
1/20/2023 8:08 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Well, it appears that Ken C is closing the experimental board as of this morning.



Posted by Siagiah
1/20/2023 9:07 pm

I figure he must have recognized that it was going to be a buttload of work that he just doesn't have time for.  I had the link and so did mongo, obviously.  Perhaps the rules of engagement disappointed those who wanted a free for all? 

Posted by greenman Online!
1/21/2023 8:05 am

Siagiah wrote:

I figure he must have recognized that it was going to be a buttload of work that he just doesn't have time for.  I had the link and so did mongo, obviously.  Perhaps the rules of engagement disappointed those who wanted a free for all? 

Obviously Ken’s rules, given that one was that you couldn’t say anything bad about other boards or people on them, and another told people ‘not to read it’ if it wasn’t ‘right for you.’  Typically fussy…lol

Last edited by greenman (1/21/2023 8:07 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/21/2023 12:41 pm

I was optimistic and hopeful. I give anything and everything a first chance and more. 
But when a situation is hopeless, and I finally let go, the decision is final,
just like the lone lion surrounded by a pack of hyenas, whose only option is
to quickly flee the territory. There is no joy or fun when surrounded by a pack
of trolls whose joy intends to pick you apart. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
1/21/2023 1:20 pm

You are my spirit guide.  Looking in at that train wreck is something I’ve had a hard time avoiding.  I will try to do better.

Posted by Siagiah
1/21/2023 3:24 pm

You were wondering if you are being played Pikes?

Guess who just tried to use you as a reason not to get Covid boosters?

The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything. 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 21, 2023, 10:17 am, in reply to "Why are you done? I think KR has had all 4 boosters. And look at him."

 Just ask Pikes.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/21/2023 6:34 pm

Siagiah wrote:

You were wondering if you are being played Pikes?

Guess who just tried to use you as a reason not to get Covid boosters?

The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything. 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 21, 2023, 10:17 am, in reply to "Why are you done? I think KR has had all 4 boosters. And look at him."

 Just ask Pikes.


My vaccine and booster saved my life. My doctors unequivocably said so. Without them I would not have made it through the first night, let alone as long as I held out before dottir and Beloved realized I was in trouble and took me to the ER. One of my doctor's quotes to dottir and me; "You are a very sick boy!" They could not do surgery on me until my blood oxygen was back up to 95. It was 70 when I was admitted. 

Many people, especially in the climbing community, with whom I spoke, who "thought" they had mild cases, discovered just how compromised were their lungs when they attempted to resume climbing Fourteeners. The discovered altitude celings of 12,000 feet and even 10,000 feet above which they were too exhausted to go further. It is an aspect of Covid-19 poorly understood; the so called long covid.

I have not been above 12,000 feet since the event. I know from that day I could not make it to 14,000 without serious risk. AMS, HAPE or something else. 

I am able to get my suck meter up to 3000 now, so some progress was made. I have another thousand or more to go. 

The many false doctors out there talking about "long covid," using this and that name and diagnosis for it, are IMO dangerous because of the likelihood someone in their circles will listen, take their advice, ignore what real physicians say, and compromise their lives in some unforeseen way. For example as one of my doctors told me, they have no idea about long term impacts that will absolutely shorten lifespan. My bodily inability to get enough oxygen due to compromised lungs makes other organ damage possible, and of which I am acutely aware. I learned what to watch for. Therefore I do things and exercizes to get my blood oxygen level back up to a safe level. 

The fake doctors won't quit either. They go on and on beating the same dangerous drum because it fits their belief and political narrative. The only way they quit is if and when somebody else quits them.

I totally lost interest in even visiting R&E. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
1/21/2023 7:11 pm

Siagiah wrote:

You were wondering if you are being played Pikes?

Guess who just tried to use you as a reason not to get Covid boosters?

The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything. 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 21, 2023, 10:17 am, in reply to "Why are you done? I think KR has had all 4 boosters. And look at him."

 Just ask Pikes.


I cannot understand why ANYONE would answer a ‘poll’ by that little POS anti-vaxxer.  Obviously his motives cannot be considered to be honest; he’s been posting disinformation about the pandemic for almost 2 years.

The troll should’ve been ignored.

Last edited by greenman (1/21/2023 7:15 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
1/21/2023 9:53 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

You were wondering if you are being played Pikes?

Guess who just tried to use you as a reason not to get Covid boosters?

The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything. 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 21, 2023, 10:17 am, in reply to "Why are you done? I think KR has had all 4 boosters. And look at him."

 Just ask Pikes.


My vaccine and booster saved my life. My doctors unequivocably said so. Without them I would not have made it through the first night, let alone as long as I held out before dottir and Beloved realized I was in trouble and took me to the ER. One of my doctor's quotes to dottir and me; "You are a very sick boy!" They could not do surgery on me until my blood oxygen was back up to 95. It was 70 when I was admitted. 

Many people, especially in the climbing community, with whom I spoke, who "thought" they had mild cases, discovered just how compromised were their lungs when they attempted to resume climbing Fourteeners. The discovered altitude celings of 12,000 feet and even 10,000 feet above which they were too exhausted to go further. It is an aspect of Covid-19 poorly understood; the so called long covid.

I have not been above 12,000 feet since the event. I know from that day I could not make it to 14,000 without serious risk. AMS, HAPE or something else. 

I am able to get my suck meter up to 3000 now, so some progress was made. I have another thousand or more to go. 

The many false doctors out there talking about "long covid," using this and that name and diagnosis for it, are IMO dangerous because of the likelihood someone in their circles will listen, take their advice, ignore what real physicians say, and compromise their lives in some unforeseen way. For example as one of my doctors told me, they have no idea about long term impacts that will absolutely shorten lifespan. My bodily inability to get enough oxygen due to compromised lungs makes other organ damage possible, and of which I am acutely aware. I learned what to watch for. Therefore I do things and exercizes to get my blood oxygen level back up to a safe level. 

The fake doctors won't quit either. They go on and on beating the same dangerous drum because it fits their belief and political narrative. The only way they quit is if and when somebody else quits them.

I totally lost interest in even visiting R&E. 



My sister will have to take blood thinners and be checked for clots for the rest of her life because of her near death experience with Covid. Both her heart and lungs are now compromised, so it may very well cost her some months, if not years.  She got Covid a week after getting her first vaccine... FINALLY... after resisting for a year!

Others I know who had so called "mild" cases are discovering that they struggle now to jog or run as fast or as far as they used to.  One friend lost his smell and taste 2 years ago with Covid and it has not come back.

Covid is nothing to mess with.  Those who insist otherwise are fools.


Posted by Siagiah
1/21/2023 9:55 pm

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

You were wondering if you are being played Pikes?

Guess who just tried to use you as a reason not to get Covid boosters?

The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything. 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 21, 2023, 10:17 am, in reply to "Why are you done? I think KR has had all 4 boosters. And look at him."

 Just ask Pikes.


I cannot understand why ANYONE would answer a ‘poll’ by that little POS anti-vaxxer. Obviously his motives cannot be considered to be honest; he’s been posting disinformation about the pandemic for almost 2 years.

The troll should’ve been ignored.


I won't do his stupid poll either.  WHY would anyone expect anything but games played by him?

Posted by greenman Online!
1/22/2023 11:01 am

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

You were wondering if you are being played Pikes?

Guess who just tried to use you as a reason not to get Covid boosters?

The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything. 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 21, 2023, 10:17 am, in reply to "Why are you done? I think KR has had all 4 boosters. And look at him."

 Just ask Pikes.


I cannot understand why ANYONE would answer a ‘poll’ by that little POS anti-vaxxer. Obviously his motives cannot be considered to be honest; he’s been posting disinformation about the pandemic for almost 2 years.

The troll should’ve been ignored.


I won't do his stupid poll either.  WHY would anyone expect anything but games played by him?

Absolutely.  He’s a major-league troll and pest.

For REAL nastiness, you need someone like TEX (attacking Trish here):

‘Yeh, anyone that YOU and your election-stealing, America-hating friends don't like...

Posted by TEXRA on January 22, 2023, 9:18 am, in reply to "You need a better source"

..must be a horrible person. Pull your head out of your ass and breathe every now and then.

Wanna confuse a Democrat? Just ask them what gender they are. It takes the idiots an hour to decide.‘

This is how brainwashed and rage-filled the Right has made itself (with help from the fascist Rightedia, people like Deanna’s fave, the aptly-nicknamed ‘Catturd’).  Another post by a sockpuppet (‘Blue’) raves that ‘White liberals are extremely evil!’

One nation under God…yeah.  Sure.

Posted by Trish
1/23/2023 9:29 am

Yeah his next reply was even more caustic (and I might add childish). He wants the sandbox. He's not getting the whole thing (tough noogies). Hell, I wasn't even insulting initially - but I am not going to sit there and let him lie so badly. AND change the topic of the thread

Posted by Siagiah
1/23/2023 10:27 am

Trish wrote:

Yeah his next reply was even more caustic (and I might add childish). He wants the sandbox. He's not getting the whole thing (tough noogies). Hell, I wasn't even insulting initially - but I am not going to sit there and let him lie so badly. AND change the topic of the thread


I don't know why anyone goes there to become nothing but target practice for the denizens there.  NO other board allows that kind of abuse of its participants or visitors.  Says volumes about the management there.

It's difficult to navigate rough waters between "enemy combatants" on any board, to set lines in the sand to keep things at least this side of a free for all, but there are NO LINES there.  Allowing regulars to endlessly abuse guests is WW's calling card --- hiding behind claims of "free speech" and non-interference between participants.  It's nothing but B.S. cover for allowing and encouraging cruelty and blatant abuse.  There isn't even a request to be civil or to at least pull one's punches. 

I left there back in 2008 when the pig-piling and deeply personal abuse got SO BAD that I just couldn't remain civil in return.  That was my line in the sand.  When a place triggers off a desire to retaliate in a manner foreign to my personal standards, it's time to leave and NEVER go back.

Now it's even WORSE.  The cruelty and hatred no longer has to hide behind random troll drive-bys. It LIVES there in plain sight, within the regulars.

mongo somehow doesn't seem to understand that there are REAL people with real feelings behind the blips of light on the screen who are too often being torn to shreds and who will take their leave permanently once they've had their fill.  One on one battles are bad enough, but PIG-PILES are several steps too far. Who needs it? 

Hell, if we were to EVER let mongo join BLUE, (no worries, we WON'T), we would NOT allow regulars to mistreat him the way he routinely mistreats others.  It's just plain WRONG. EVERYONE in our "house" is our welcomed guest and deserves to be treated fairly and civilly.  If someone dislikes another, it's still not okay to constantly be an AH to them. 

So, I guess I got carried away here (blame the pain meds and weakened, vulnerable situation I'm in right now) but my POINT is that you deserve to be treated respectfully wherever you post.  NOT to be cannon fodder for the regulars whenever they see your name on a post. 



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