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Posted by greenman
9/11/2022 8:45 am

Dr Mongo has noticed the distress of his flunky, iGOG, apparently:

‘A SchizoSian Paradox [note the usual pretentiousness]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 11, 2022, 12:44 am

SchizoSia thinks it odd that I occasionally visit her perverse Crack Alley to see what libel and slander [note his legal ignorance] she and her Boy-Toy greenworm are posting about us in their 24 page diatribe filled with hundreds of filthy posts that I have fully documented, but her demonic Crack Alley is chock-a-block full of stuff that has nothing to do with her and her Boy-Toy, that she and her pervert Boy-Toy greenworm copy from our board and what I, GOG, Deanna and DFM post on other boards.

I can’t believe anyone would have anything to do with that evil crone. All she has on her Crack Alley is herself and her pervert Boy-Toy greenworm.‘

I can’t either, Mongo.  Given how you hate us and how butt-hurt you are, that is.

So why DO you?  Just that one board you can’t control, or suppress, or screw up, huh?

lol…losers.  And yes, that includes the rest of your posters as well.

Posted by Trish
9/11/2022 9:21 am

the word "occasionally" stuck out. We know that it's far more than "occasionally". 

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/11/2022 10:49 am

He apparently thinks that using his own words against him is libel.  LOL.  Still, he ALWAYS dances to our tunes.  Ha ha ha ha ha

Truth is, HE is the one libeling US.  Not the other way around.  For something to be libel, it has to be untrue.  Nothing we post about them is untrue.  Almost everything he posts about us is a flat out lie.

What really makes me laugh is how he thinks that anyone cares one bit.  But it shows that HE cares a whole bunch!


Posted by Trish
9/11/2022 12:01 pm

Do you keep counts of his visits? It would be interesting

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/11/2022 11:00 pm

I don't, but there were at least 15 visits over the last day. 

Posted by greenman
9/12/2022 8:26 am

Siagiah wrote:

He apparently thinks that using his own words against him is libel.  LOL.  Still, he ALWAYS dances to our tunes.  Ha ha ha ha ha

Truth is, HE is the one libeling US.  Not the other way around.  For something to be libel, it has to be untrue.  Nothing we post about them is untrue.  Almost everything he posts about us is a flat out lie.

What really makes me laugh is how he thinks that anyone cares one bit.  But it shows that HE cares a whole bunch!


You called him out, rightly, for stalking Merlin’s posts on Yellow.  Like his Master, the banned Mongo, he compulsively attacks Merlin and blames him (not Mongo or DFM, let’s
say) for all political posts.

Of course on White he mocks you for that and me for being banned, which is typical hypocrisy from one of Boardhost’s biggest cancers.

Posted by greenman
9/12/2022 8:45 am

And now GOG’s own political conspiracy post on Yellow, an insulting attack on the solemnity of 9/11 yesterday from the ‘Truther’ conspiracy viewpoint. Disgusting.

If Ken had any guts, he’d ban that wretch permanently.  But I doubt it.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/12/2022 11:34 am

it's amusing that either of them would ridicule you for being banned when the both of them have frequently been banned from every board but mongo's many,  many times. 

GOG constantly targets Merlin, who typically ignores him, while all of his other targets have DNR'd him.  Merlin doesn't allow anyone to break his "cool" because his philosophy is that no one can insult or upset him without his permission and acceptance of it.  He's right, of course.  When we allow others to upset us, we give them permission to do so by allowing ourselves to give a crap what they might say. 

He's offered me that advice many times. It's taken me years to get to where I mostly just laugh at whatever they spew because they and their opinions mean so little to me. So I enjoy teasing them because they DO care what we think and say about them.  

I'll give credit where it is due, DFM couldn't care less what we say or think about him, at least outwardly, so it's no fun to tease him, so I mostly don't bother. 

Posted by Trish
9/12/2022 1:36 pm

DFM thinks he can use certain terms in a title and not have it clipped, then tells me his post was not political by Ken's terms. I think I know Ken's terms pretty damn well

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/12/2022 11:07 pm

Yep, me too.  I sent it to you guys for that very reason.  He CONSTANTLY used "LEFTIST" and ignores that it is against the rules. 

I also posted comment about it TO him because it annoyed me beyond belief that he does it almost daily and just KEEPS doing it and arguing that it's NOT against the rules.  Obviously, it's none of my business, but the rest of us can't do it so why the hell does he keep doing it?

My R&E tab was still open to the post I'd made because I've been busy all day, so here it is.

Do you think that you are ABOVE the rules or something?  

Posted by Sia on September 11, 2022, 11:38 pm, in reply to "Hollywood's Leftist Bias Exposed"

  You constantly post politics and crap about LEFTISTS even though Ken/Trish delete it every time they see it. It's like you simply don't care that it's explicitly forbidden right up at the top the board. Message Thread 


Posted by greenman
9/13/2022 8:25 am

DFM was always arrogant and self-righteous, mostly about Israel.  I got into angry quarrels with him even before I left about 2010.

But since he became a Trumpster, he seems to have lost his mind.  At this point he’s no better than GOG, really.  Paranoid right-wing ravings supported mostly by crackpot YouTube viddies.  Even his grasp of science has weakened significantly.

Like most of those people, ‘free speech’ means to him ‘I can spew whatever lies and insults I wish.’  He posts the same messages on Mongo’s s—tboard, but he doesn’t seem to grasp that the boards have different rules.

What a jerk.

Last edited by greenman (9/13/2022 8:26 am)

Posted by Ken C
9/14/2022 8:43 am

I mostly agree with this post.  I would not use the word "wretched", and it is probably less than 100 hours.  I agree with the rest:

  • Can you imagine?  Posted by Quinn Rose Karlsson on September 14, 2022, 8:19 am Can you imagine how wretched your life must be if you spent hundreds of hours complaining about how others police their discussion boards, craving drama and conflict, and spewing hateful words on a daily basis?

  • Life is precious and time is short.

    Live to be free, not obsessed with hate.

Posted by Ken C
9/14/2022 8:51 am

I think that applies to both Mondo's forum and to this Back Alley.  Sia is mostly doing a great job of running this place.  My only disagreement is with having a back alley.  The Back Alley may have started with good intentions, but now it seems like it does more harm than good.  The hostility is contagious.  It's best to just ignore the hostility and name calling instead of getting involved in the mud slinging.  It's like getting into a mud fight to defend yourself when it's better to stay away and avoid the dirt.  Merlin sets a good example in this regard.  Merlin usually stays out of the mud fights.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/14/2022 9:05 am

Ken C wrote:

I mostly agree with this post.  I would not use the word "wretched", and it is probably less than 100 hours.  I agree with the rest:

  • Can you imagine?  Posted by Quinn Rose Karlsson on September 14, 2022, 8:19 am Can you imagine how wretched your life must be if you spent hundreds of hours complaining about how others police their discussion boards, craving drama and conflict, and spewing hateful words on a daily basis?

  • Life is precious and time is short.

    Live to be free, not obsessed with hate.


Did you FAIL to notice the hypocrisy in his passive/aggressive attack?  

His INTENT is to increase friction, NOT lower the temperature.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/14/2022 9:13 am

Ken C wrote:

I think that applies to both Mondo's forum and to this Back Alley.  Sia is mostly doing a great job of running this place.  My only disagreement is with having a back alley.  The Back Alley may have started with good intentions, but now it seems like it does more harm than good.  The hostility is contagious.  It's best to just ignore the hostility and name calling instead of getting involved in the mud slinging.  It's like getting into a mud fight to defend yourself when it's better to stay away and avoid the dirt.  Merlin sets a good example in this regard.  Merlin usually stays out of the mud fights.


The PURPOSE of the hostility being over here is to keep it OFF of our main board where it would undoubtedly spill without this board.  This way, no one HAS to be exposed to it or feel like they must take sides or weigh in.  They can completely ignore it.  Then,, so can you. Mongo can also ignore it, but he chooses not to because HE thrives on conflict.  Attention fell off of him for a few days so what did he do?  He created a post using a name he KNEW would get my attention if I looked in over there, which I hadn't until YOU pointed it out, because he WANTS attention! 

Posted by greenman
9/14/2022 10:14 am

Siagiah wrote:

Ken C wrote:

I mostly agree with this post.  I would not use the word "wretched", and it is probably less than 100 hours.  I agree with the rest:

  • Can you imagine?  Posted by Quinn Rose Karlsson on September 14, 2022, 8:19 am Can you imagine how wretched your life must be if you spent hundreds of hours complaining about how others police their discussion boards, craving drama and conflict, and spewing hateful words on a daily basis?

  • Life is precious and time is short.

    Live to be free, not obsessed with hate.


Did you FAIL to notice the hypocrisy in his passive/aggressive attack?  

His INTENT is to increase friction, NOT lower the temperature.


Indeed.  It was Mongo’s own behavior which started this thread, in fact the Back Alley in general. Others have been involved, but him far and away the most often.  And it’s his own reactions on White which make people here talk about and laugh at him.

The poster over there whose criticism Ken notes could’ve been criticizing any of us, I suppose, but Mongo immediately took it as an attack on himself.  Which again was funny - as all of it is.

I’d suggest others not take the whole thing so seriously.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/14/2022 10:59 am

Back Alley is just one of ten different topical discussion boards within this format. Philosophy, Sciences, Religion and Ethics, Creative Arts, Cooking and Foodies, Entertainment, Home & Family, Politics, General Discussion... exist as alternatives to Back Alley. People who visit have a choice. 

In the two Civilized General Discussion sites, Back Alley is the most read, most visited, most popular by participants, lurkers, exiled and banned alike, of existing discussions. It directs and isolates the kind of "discussion" that killed, kills and discourages participation on other boards in the Boardhost system. 

If anyone has a complaint or concern about Back Alley and its content, perhaps the better way to kill it is to stop visiting, and stop posting about it.

Suppose people ignored Back Alley for three weeks. Didn't think about it, didn't post about it, didn't visit it. 
What would happen? Establishment of a trend? A good habit?


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/14/2022 5:59 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/14/2022 7:42 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Back Alley is just one of ten different topical discussion boards within this format. Philosophy, Sciences, Religion and Ethics, Creative Arts, Cooking and Foodies, Entertainment, Home & Family, Politics, General Discussion... exist as alternatives to Back Alley. People who visit have a choice. 

In the two Civilized General Discussion sites, Back Alley is the most read, most visited, most popular by participants, lurkers, exiled and banned alike, of existing discussions. It directs and isolates the kind of "discussion" that killed, kills and discourages participation on other boards in the Boardhost system. 

If anyone has a complaint or concern about Back Alley and its content, perhaps the better way to kill it is to stop visiting, and stop posting about it.

Suppose people ignored Back Alley for three weeks. Didn't think about it, didn't post about it, didn't visit it. 
What would happen? Establishment of a trend? A good habit?



Actually, by the numbers, the threaded forum has double the visits than the forum does, but The Back Alley absolutely gets a LOT of attention by lurkers and members alike. 

Like you said, it exists to direct and isolate the kind of thing that can destroy a regular board with too much venom spewed so that others who don't care to see, never mind participate, can happily avoid it.

Ideally, no one would have much to squawk about, but given the "relationships" between some, there's a LOT to squawk about.  So, it belongs HERE, not on the main board. 

If mongo wants to spoil his own board with venomous attacks and hatefulness directed at those of us who don't post there, then he can certainly have at it, but his posters don't appear to enjoy it at all and it's frequent enough that they are forced to navigate around it. 


Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/14/2022 9:27 pm

Also, it was probably mongo who trolled his own board.  The name choice is significant.

Posted by greenman
9/16/2022 6:30 pm

Dimwit Mongo on White Whine gives the game away while talking about human trafficking of illegal immigrants:

‘Why belabor the point?Saving money isn't the objective.Making hypocritical rich libs look like fools

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 16, 2022, 10:46 am, in reply to "You can move more by bus for the same dollars.... can you not grasp that?"

is what is at issue.

It's all about creating political drama to make the Dems look bad.

Well worth the extra cost.‘

Fake political drama is indeed the point, Trumpster conman.  Thanks!

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/16/2022 6:33 pm

He's a flippin' IDIOT.  Consider the source.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/17/2022 6:02 pm

Well, the nosy busybody mongo is at it AGAIN... Apparently, no one has paid him enough attention lately, so he wants more. LOL


Here's what Ken C has to say about SchizoSia's Nasty "Crack Alley"  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 17, 2022, 4:26 pm

"My only disagreement is with having a back alley. The Back Alley may have started with good intentions, but now it seems like it does more harm than good. The hostility is contagious. It's best to just ignore the hostility and name calling instead of getting involved in the mud slinging. It's like getting into a mud fight to defend yourself when it's better to stay away and avoid the dirt."



Posted by greenman
9/18/2022 8:51 am

Firstly, I personally couldn’t possibly care
less what Ken thinks about this part of the site, or others’ opinions.  He can mind his business and his own board, which appears to be more than he can actually handle anyway.

Secondly, the hypocrisy of that sleazy old Tennessee tramp Mongo Flatuloso, after the vicious things HE’s said about Ken, is comical indeed.  Of course like most Righties, he’ll happily tack his sails and either stab or smooch another poster depending on whether they’re in agreement with him or not.  Like GOG, his little pet, he’s absolutely two-faced.

Again: Don’t like this board?  THEN QUIT READING IT!

But y’can’t, can ya?  lol

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/18/2022 9:14 am

BTW, for whomever "Old Vet" is, (and I'm pretty sure I know who it is), Pikes did NOT drop his case against Mongo.  It's moving forward without a hitch and was never halted. Pikes may want peace with others on the boards,, but he's not stupid and can readily see the truth about Mongo and his fake friendship.  

Here's what most have to say about Mongo Farto  

Posted by Old Vet on September 18, 2022, 1:50 am, in reply to "Here's what Ken C has to say about SchizoSia's Nasty "Crack Alley"

" Pikes should have never dropped his case, filty old man.

Last edited by Siagiah (9/19/2022 2:45 pm)

Posted by greenman
9/20/2022 8:20 pm

Old Vet knows Bauer well, and calls him out for decades of trolling.  It really is shameful to let that brain-damaged clown post the same drivel (‘I’m not, YOU ARE!’ ‘I don’t believe, I KNOW!’ or ‘You’d know if you read my proofs, but you’re afraid!’) for 20 years.

Poppet was right: ‘Best. Troll.  Ever!’

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/20/2022 10:45 pm

Ken apparently thinks that Bower (the correct spelling)  offers enough "good posts" to warrant tolerating him.

I know, I know, I don't see it, but there it is.


Posted by Ken C
9/21/2022 8:10 am

Are you going to let  "Old Vet"  post here?

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/21/2022 8:31 am

Ken C wrote:

Are you going to let  "Old Vet"  post here?

Old Vet is not a member and hasn't asked to be, so no.

Posted by greenman
9/21/2022 8:41 am

Siagiah wrote:

Ken apparently thinks that Bower (the correct spelling)  offers enough "good posts" to warrant tolerating him.

I know, I know, I don't see it, but there it is.


I’d like to see ONE example of him being anything other than a mindless, proselytizing troll and provocateur.  Not to mention him being polite or thoughtful instead of insulting (aren’t ‘personal insults’ against the rules over there?).

He’s a board cancer.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
9/21/2022 9:28 am

LIS, I don't see it.


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