New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 9:01 pm

I wish he would just STOP it.  It's more pathetic than annoying.

Truth be told, I rarely look in on his board.  Basically only when there's been an "episode" because I know there's going to be gross misrepresentation of what transpired.  This time, I decided to document it where he cannot erase it.

Needless to say, I was mighty surprised that he actually WANTED his minions to SEE IT.  He's pretty far gone if he believes that ANY of it makes him look good in ANY way.  It reveals a pathetic, manipulative, old man with SERIOUS anger issues and psychotic tendencies.


Posted by greenman
5/24/2022 10:07 am

The whining getting louder…will the rest of Mongo’s board walk out?

‘Kenny-Poo is so spineless.He lets his terrorists abuse victims with impunity, then bans the victims.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 24, 2022, 9:50 am, in reply to "Nasty wench!"

Effing coward, IMO.

Also, he is more concerned with the destruction in Ukraine than the destruction in the US caused by this incompetent jerk interloper and his clueless laughing hyena in DC.’

Comical misunderstanding there of ‘terrorists’ and ‘victims,’ although the fake victimization is hilarious.  Hell, even I wouldn’t call Mongo  a ‘terrorist,’ more of a dimwitted raccoon knocking over trash cans.

Also, he apparently thinks that the Biden administration is bombing and rocketing parts of the U.S…lol

Posted by Ken C
5/24/2022 10:56 am

Mondo is right about this, I am more concerned about the  the destruction in Ukraine than anything going wrong in USA right now.  USA has check and balances.  Our system does not let any one person have too much power.  The Russians allowed Putin to get too much power.  Now he is not only destroying Ukraine, he is even harming his own country.

Sometimes I complain about all the arguing caused by the 2 party system here in USA, but it's still better than what they have in Russia now.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/24/2022 11:41 am

Ken C wrote:

Mondo is right about this, I am more concerned about the  the destruction in Ukraine than anything going wrong in USA right now.  USA has check and balances.  Our system does not let any one person have too much power.  The Russians allowed Putin to get too much power.  Now he is not only destroying Ukraine, he is even harming his own country.

Sometimes I complain about all the arguing caused by the 2 party system here in USA, but it's still better than what they have in Russia now.


Danger in America are those who seek this kind of power, who worked and are working to achieve it and drive the "other party" out of existence. While both sides make the accusation of the other, one has evidence and the other has easily disproven lies. Base of the side with lies and liars shows they prefer to believe the lies as truth, instead of accepting the real truth. Liars on the side of liars convinced them "altenate facts" exist and are just as valid. Like alternate slates of electors. They believe what they want, not what is. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/24/2022 1:35 pm

First of all, I did NOT break any rules. I merely pointed out GOG's gross error.  The ONLY POTUS who called their personal home "The Southern White House" is tRUMP.  GOG took TrueGrits foray into verboten politics even FURTHER.

He obviously doesn't seem to know that "45" is tRUMP, NOT Bush.  My response to his post was:


Ummm... CHECK your history of who that number belongs to

  Posted by Sia on May 23, 2022, 10:10 pm, in reply to "
You referring to that fake Texas ranch? All hat and no brains.


THEN he went on with more of it about GWB, so I called him a dimwit.  He IS a dimwit.  He assumes all kinds of nonsense and then runs with it as if it's somehow true because HE believes it.  No wonder he believes every damned conspiracy he hears about.

Screw mongo.  He's a pathetic whiner who can't handle getting exactly what he's asked for because someone in his early years gave him the wacky idea that he is somehow more special than everyone else. 

As for DFM, he's a waste of skin who USED to be an intelligent scientist type but who's completely lost his damned marbles in the last 5 years.


Posted by greenman
5/25/2022 8:26 pm

The old fart continues to spread his bile:

‘DFM and GOG, just watching your back. Nasty Sia is not your friend. Here's what she said about you. - Mondo Fuego™ May 25, 2022, 2:11 pm
...and as I used to tell my children... posts on a website mean nothing. - TEXRA-Extremely Ultra MAGA! May 25, 2022, 3:09 pm
Sia is as nutty as a fruitcake. Her insults amuse me. - DFM May 25, 2022, 2:30 pm’

Imagine having Mongo ‘having your back.’  lol  The question wouldn’t be WHETHER you’d be stabbed, but WHEN.

It is amusing that some of his own people seem bored with his petty complaints and whining.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/25/2022 10:45 pm

LOL.. I guess he just can't resist lurking here and running home to his nest with whatever he sees, as if ANY of them give a rat's patootie. 

Pretty amusing how he was trying so hard to get me to be friends with him just last week.  And he wonders WHY I don't trust nor like him ?

You'd think that he'd have better things to do than lurking here, running back to whine about it on his board.  Then again, I suppose it's probably far more interesting than what they normally post over there.

Poor thing.  He just can't get over his predictable and fake overtures being refused.


Posted by greenman
5/26/2022 9:11 am

I saw his post of vacation pictures, including one (distant shot) of him at some Southern plantation.  And I find it hard to reconcile these pictures of a prosperous older couple on vacation with the petty, sniveling, angry and abusive NITWIT who posts on these boards.

Talk about a disconnect…

Posted by greenman
5/29/2022 1:36 pm

David Mayer, Zionist toady and slanderer.

This should get him banned on Yellow:

‘Re: Zionist Nazis march shouting "Death to Arabs"

Posted by DFM on May 29, 2022, 11:18 am, in reply to "Zionist Nazis march shouting "Death to Arabs""

You anti-Semitism is more blatant by the day.

For every such post, I can find a thousand others where Palestinians demand extermination of all Jews.

By the way, if it were up to me, I would arrest the organizers of the march and sentence each to five years in the slammer to learn some manners. [By the way, that is outright Faacism.]

No Muslim EVER suggested that genocidal statements by Muslims should be punished

It started nearly a century ago:

Nineteen twenty-nine?  Aten’s post was a repost of my post on Woodbine’s board of an ACTUAL CURRENT  INCIDENT OF FASCIST ZIONISM.  How DARE he refer to Aten as an ‘anti-Semite?’  Is Ken going to DO something to police his board. or continue to sit on his ASS?

Mayer needs to be taken down.  Period.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/30/2022 3:27 pm

DFM is incorrigible, particularly when it comes to Israel.  They can do NO WRONG in his mind.  Nothing they do is a good enough reason for what their enemies do to retaliate.

Imagine how HE would behave if the shoe was on the other foot and the Palestinians had taken THEIR land and were actively working towards taking MORE of it while indiscriminately killing their people in massive attacks against them rather than targeted ones to take out the bad guys? 

To DFM, being Palestinian = Bad Guys.  Even the children.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/30/2022 3:37 pm

greenman wrote:

I saw his post of vacation pictures, including one (distant shot) of him at some Southern plantation. And I find it hard to reconcile these pictures of a prosperous older couple on vacation with the petty, sniveling, angry and abusive NITWIT who posts on these boards.

Talk about a disconnect…


Because he's a pretentious and petty AH who comes from money and good breeding but who failed to inherit the good breeding or any real class beyond what he's seen but doesn't feel or understand.

He thinks that trying to be charming, attempting to  disguise his spiteful, hateful nature, fools anyone.  He also thinks that showing off his inherited money somehow makes him worth the bother.  He's grossly mistaken.


Posted by greenman
6/01/2022 1:44 pm

Siagiah wrote:

DFM is incorrigible, particularly when it comes to Israel.  They can do NO WRONG in his mind.  Nothing they do is a good enough reason for what their enemies do to retaliate.

Imagine how HE would behave if the shoe was on the other foot and the Palestinians had taken THEIR land and were actively working towards taking MORE of it while indiscriminately killing their people in massive attacks against them rather than targeted ones to take out the bad guys? 

To DFM, being Palestinian = Bad Guys.  Even the children.


No idea why he lives here.  He needs to emigrate and stop supporting horribly stupid and misguided ‘leadership’ in America.

Good riddance..

Posted by greenman
6/02/2022 11:39 am

And how is KR constantly attacked for ‘abuse’ while DFM gets away with it?  In this case, he even attacks KR - for the ‘crime’ of disagreement…

Again, everyone’s an ‘idiot’ but him.  Just obnoxious.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
6/02/2022 5:05 pm

IDK why DFM constantly behaves like an arrogant AH and gets away with it OR why he thinks that HE is somehow special when he ignores R&E rules and calls people stupid.

KR is often VERY rude and in your face, but so is DFM, mongo, GOG, and others who complain about him as if he is the only one who does those things.

Using youtube as a source for his claims is unbelievably idiotic.  ANYONE can say ANYTHING on youtube.


Posted by greenman
6/03/2022 11:58 am

I see a jb posting on Yellow.  And it seems legit, since it’s a sharp attack on his ol’ buddy KR.

We’ll see, I guess.  Especially if after-death posts show up anywhere…

Posted by Poppet
6/03/2022 3:41 pm

greenman wrote:

I see a jb posting on Yellow. And it seems legit, since it’s a sharp attack on his ol’ buddy KR.

We’ll see, I guess. Especially if after-death posts show up anywhere…

Yeah...not that long after people started talking about him.'s like they never read any Lovecraft! 

Posted by greenman
6/04/2022 12:32 pm

But I don’t think I ever said his name more than once at a time!  🫢

Posted by Siagiah Online!
6/06/2022 6:08 pm

greenman wrote:

But I don’t think I ever said his name more than once at a time! 🫢


HA HA HA... Are you SURE you didn't say it 3 times?

Posted by greenman
6/07/2022 8:54 am

What’s the deal with this post on Woodbine’s board?  Legit warning or elaborate troll?  Looks like a repost of something from 2013, though.

Some creep was on there making death threats - the most recent against Trish - so I wasn’t sure if someone was really reporting this to Boardhost or not.

They SHOULD be, of course. That’s totally unacceptable, and their ISP should be notified.  Could be the same creep that posted as ‘WLM’ using racist and anti-Semitic slurs.

Last edited by greenman (6/07/2022 8:59 am)

Posted by Siagiah Online!
6/07/2022 9:12 am

THIS is where to report T.O.S. violations...

THIS is where to contact BOARDHOST OWNERS

Posted by Trish
6/07/2022 9:36 am

Sia thank  you for the reset (I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaak lol). 

I notified board host of both death threats. If need be the next step will happen which is reporting it to the internet crime center If this individual is caught they can face 10,000 in fines and three years in jail. 

I love how certain posters forget what I did for a living for three years.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
6/07/2022 9:52 am

I'm glad that the reset worked!! 

Have you gotten in to post at the message board too?


Posted by Siagiah Online!
6/07/2022 9:53 am

Never mind, I see that you did!!



Posted by greenman
6/15/2022 1:22 pm

I see a post by Kelt, of all people, on Ken’s board.  Something appropriately sarcastic in reply to Ken’s dumb question about whether or not we should have a nuclear war.

One thing which seems to confirm it’s by him is the use of the expression ‘totes mcgroats,’ which seems very Kelt-like…lol

Last edited by greenman (6/15/2022 1:46 pm)

Posted by Trish
6/16/2022 8:58 am

I noticed that too. I'd be cool if we see more of him.

Posted by Trish
6/18/2022 10:32 am

Ya know, I'm glad JB is ok, but dang... I swear he has a list of replies that he cuts and pastes into the board. 

Posted by Poppet
6/18/2022 3:35 pm

Trish wrote:

Ya know, I'm glad JB is ok, but dang... I swear he has a list of replies that he cuts and pastes into the board. 

Back for less that a week and already dominating the "conversation" (I use the term lightly...), with his enablers falling all over themselves to, well...enable. I have to laugh...because banging my head off my desk hurts.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
6/18/2022 9:38 pm

Poppet wrote:

Trish wrote:

Ya know, I'm glad JB is ok, but dang... I swear he has a list of replies that he cuts and pastes into the board. 

Back for less that a week and already dominating the "conversation" (I use the term lightly...), with his enablers falling all over themselves to, well...enable. I have to laugh...because banging my head off my desk hurts.

After a long absence, I tested the waters to learn if anyfhing was different, or new. No. 
Just as sanctimonious as ever. Perhaps more so. Hard to tell. Therefore my interest in bauer/jb returns to its grave. 

To the Polish pianist, Chopin,
said his devoted mistress, George Sand.
"My dearest Fred,
if you knock off for bed,
You can bang me instead of your grand!" 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
6/18/2022 10:54 pm

greenman wrote:

I see a post by Kelt, of all people, on Ken’s board. Something appropriately sarcastic in reply to Ken’s dumb question about whether or not we should have a nuclear war.

One thing which seems to confirm it’s by him is the use of the expression ‘totes mcgroats,’ which seems very Kelt-like…lol


But HOW did he find the board? 

Did Ken delete his post?


Posted by greenman
6/20/2022 8:17 am

Poppet wrote:

Trish wrote:

Ya know, I'm glad JB is ok, but dang... I swear he has a list of replies that he cuts and pastes into the board. 

Back for less that a week and already dominating the "conversation" (I use the term lightly...), with his enablers falling all over themselves to, well...enable. I have to laugh...because banging my head off my desk hurts.

Not sure what his issue was, but not wishing him dead is not the same as wishing him back.  He is exactly the same annoying,
proselytizing, offensive jerk as before, and I would’ve expected no less.

Perhaps the single most fanatical Baha’i in the world - at least I’ve never thought of Baha’is like proselytizing, intolerant Christians or Muslims.  He absolutely gives them a bad name, albeit in a small setting.


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