New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Poppet
12/09/2021 8:47 pm


1. You don’t run his board anymore than I do.

Irrelevant. I wasn't posting as a moderator there, I was posting as a (former, I think) board user who was sick of the utter sh*t-fest you and Thrinx have turned that board into. I have just as much right to call you on that bullsh*t as you have to post it in the first place. As I said in the deleted thread, take an honest look at that board and tell me the ridiculous effusion of adolescent bickering from you two is something the rest of the board's users should have to put up with just because you two lack even the most basic sense of social propriety. You're being selfish AF.

2. As long as said board has no apparent rules, I’ll respond as I see fit to any and all attackers I run into there.

And I (and others) will call you on it whenever I see fit. See how that works?


No. It's a public forum, with anything posted there fair game for commentary. If you want your tiresome playground bickering with Thrinx to be private, take it to some sort of private channel. Trust me, everyone else who's trying to enjoy that board would appreciate it (except HH, who thrives on that crap).

Posted by greenman
12/09/2021 9:25 pm

Poppet wrote:


1. You don’t run his board anymore than I do.

Irrelevant. I wasn't posting as a moderator there, I was posting as a (former, I think) board user who was sick of the utter sh*t-fest you and Thrinx have turned that board into. I have just as much right to call you on that bullsh*t as you have to post it in the first place. As I said in the deleted thread, take an honest look at that board and tell me the ridiculous effusion of adolescent bickering from you two is something the rest of the board's users should have to put up with just because you two lack even the most basic sense of social propriety. You're being selfish AF.

2. As long as said board has no apparent rules, I’ll respond as I see fit to any and all attackers I run into there.

And I (and others) will call you on it whenever I see fit. See how that works?


No. It's a public forum, with anything posted there fair game for commentary. If you want your tiresome playground bickering with Thrinx to be private, take it to some sort of private channel. Trust me, everyone else who's trying to enjoy that board would appreciate it (except HH, who thrives on that crap).

1. Your reply is irrelevant.  You were on a board you not only rarely post to, but have deliberately rejected, falsely claiming you were not going to post there anymore.  Evidently there were conditions of which I was not aware, however. one of which was your disapproval of my actions there, as if it was suddenly  your business to do so.  Since you addressed your attack to me, I’m assuming you think I’m pricipally to blame. This is an implication I utterly reject.

2. Your ‘calling me on it’ is utterly meaningless when I’m the only one really being ‘called.’ KR and Mugwumps have both attacked Thrinaxodon and provoked lengthy exchanges, without words from you. Hemi has flames the board repeatedly without comment from you. But as usual, when I get in a quarrel,  it’s just greenman starting stuff again.  I’ve had all I’m going to take of that attitude, frankly.  As to whether I give a good God-damn about you ‘calling me on it, ‘ no, I do NOT.

3. You’re not ‘trying to enjoy that board.’  You’re ignoring it until it suits you, then jumping in and blaming me (and secondarily, the perpetrator Thrinaxodon) for responding to attacks on me by a troll whose behavior you’ve criticized even on the Blue Board. How arrogant.

Is it a public board? Sure. And if you decide to post there, it’s your business.  But I’ll respond publicly and appropriately to you or ANYONE who thinks it’s their business to give me sh*t.  I hope you’re clear on that, too. 

Fair warning.

Last edited by greenman (12/09/2021 10:14 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
12/09/2021 10:10 pm

Poppet, Mugwump is most definitely NOT HH

Mugwump on R&E is also SJW on this board, and uses The Classist on Woodbine's.

I guarantee you that he is NOT HH.


Posted by Poppet
12/09/2021 11:49 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Poppet, Mugwump is most definitely NOT HH

Mugwump on R&E is also SJW on this board, and uses The Classist on Woodbine's.

I guarantee you that he is NOT HH.


Okay, cool. Not the point of my reply, anyway. HH _does_ post on woodbine's, though.

Posted by Poppet
12/10/2021 12:03 am

Since you addressed your attack to me, I’m assuming you think I’m pricipally to blame. This is an implication I utterly reject.

You assume incorrectly. I don't give a flying fvck who started it or who's to blame. I addressed you because I thought (obviously erroneously) that you might be someone I could get through to about the sh*tshow you lot have been turning that board into. I don't reply to Thrinaxodon at all any more, and only rarely to KR, who is just a provocateur. I thought, mistakenly, that Mugwump was HH, and obviously I don't address that lunatic in any manner. Trust me, I'll not make the mistake of trying to reason with you again, either.

Also: you are really the last person to pick at someone for returning to a board they stated they weren't returning to.  How many times have you done that on these boards? Hilarious...  In any case, I already mentioned that I'd decided to return because a problem between woodbine and I had been smoothed out, and it is (or used to be...) a more interesting board than most. I returned just in time for...well, what it's been turned into.

<<wrote and decided to delete rather a lot more, as this was obviously pointless from the beginning>>

Posted by Siagiah
12/10/2021 12:15 am

I mentioned it only because I saw your response elsewhere and wanted to be sure that you knew that it isn't HH: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poppet: Also: Mugwump is almost certainly Heavy Hemi the deranged insult troll. I can't confirm that, since we can no longer see IPs (and yes, I know how to triangulate proxies), but the writing and behavior leave me little doubt.

I'm not even touching the rest of the exchanges here because I'm already so B.S. about Woodbine deleting my post and doing so before I could even read your response to me there.  I found out it was deleted when I tried to open your post to me. But still, WHY did he delete my post in the first place? It was an attempt to find peace between them all without accusations or blame, just an appeal to everyone's better nature. Absolutely no trouble making whatsoever. 

THEN it started all over again.  I don't care if I never return there at this point.  It's just not worth the bother of having to wade through so much crap.


Posted by Poppet
12/10/2021 1:17 am

Yeah, I have no idea why that thread got whacked. It was, as you say, an unbiased attempt to make peace on a board being inundated with asshattery. I don't get it...

Posted by greenman
12/10/2021 9:28 am

Face it. We all like to intervene in ALL of the boards; no one here sticks to one board and leaves it at that.  And sometimes we get angry and stomp off, and then we come back.  Don’t think I’m the only one who does that!

As to Woodbine’s specifically, he does so little moderating and posters do what they like there under any name, that trying to control it becomes absurd.  I’ve lectured him some myself, it’s pointless.  Expect GOG, Hemi, some Mondo sniping even, but don’t expect a placid environment.  It is what it is.

Finally, I’m sorry if some think I’m a problem, but just as his board is what it is, so am I.  Lots of us are temperamental, and that includes me.  I’m just done apologizing and ‘playing nice.’  And I don’t appreciate lectures.  If there’s a problem with that, oh well. 

No lasting ill will here from me, however, and in fact I moved to make peace over there on my own.  Let’s all just cool down and move forward.


Posted by Poppet
12/10/2021 10:19 am

 Let’s all just cool down and move forward.

Works for me.

Posted by greenman
12/11/2021 2:23 pm

I see jb is running everyone around on the Yellow Board again….lol

Comical that he still gets to post his NDE, etc. attacks, insult, lie, and troll after all these years.  What a classic provocateur he is! 

Last edited by greenman (12/11/2021 2:23 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
12/11/2021 4:08 pm

The craziest part is that he is LESS of a problem troll than a few others. He's obnoxious, absolutely, but he's somewhat contained, more so than the others who constantly trash R&E.

Posted by Poppet
12/11/2021 7:09 pm

The craziest part to me is that long-time board regulars, who have no excuse for not knowing better, still enable him. It is literally impossible to have a rational, reasoned discussion with bauer, a fact he's made clear to even the dimmest of comprehension for literally decades...and people still fall for it. I just have to shake my head...

Posted by Siagiah
12/11/2021 7:24 pm

Yeah, well I've given up on mentioning that to any of 'em. They clearly WANT to enable him, so they do... constantly.

Some peeps just love to mess with trolls and enjoy the back'n'forth.  I don't happen to be one of them so I avoid him like the plague (and have a DNR). I don't even open threads started by him and skip whatever he posts & what others post in return to him. So, for me, he almost doesn't exist.


Posted by greenman
12/11/2021 8:48 pm

Sometimes I do - but just as Hemi is violently insane, Bauer is boring and repetitive as hell.  I no longer see a reason to reply to either.

Who needs to have him grunt ‘prove it! ‘ to you one more time after he’s failed to prove anything?

Trish was right to call him on it.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/12/2021 5:09 am

Poppet wrote:

The craziest part to me is that long-time board regulars, who have no excuse for not knowing better, still enable him. It is literally impossible to have a rational, reasoned discussion with bauer, a fact he's made clear to even the dimmest of comprehension for literally decades...and people still fall for it. I just have to shake my head...

I believe anyone who does, and that includes me, responds to him interjecting into our conversation with someone else, or responding to us with some claim or evidence of proof-  something he read somewhere. He's one of those mental fundies convinced he's right and everybody else is wrong. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/12/2021 5:11 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
12/12/2021 11:17 am

Not to change the subject, but related to trolling, has this been commented on?  SES’ posts linking pandemic deaths this year (since Jan. 20th) to Biden?

U.S. COVID death count since January 20, 2021 - 369,542

Posted by SES on December 12, 2021, 5:18 am

Is that not political?  Looks like a cheap shot attack by a Trumpster who resents the blame laid on Trump last year…

Posted by Trish
12/12/2021 12:10 pm

Im going back to my DNR. Focusing on SES next

Posted by Siagiah
12/12/2021 12:41 pm

greenman wrote:

Not to change the subject, but related to trolling, has this been commented on?  SES’ posts linking pandemic deaths this year (since Jan. 20th) to Biden?

U.S. COVID death count since January 20, 2021 - 369,542

Posted by SES on December 12, 2021, 5:18 am

Is that not political?  Looks like a cheap shot attack by a Trumpster who resents the blame laid on Trump last year…


Of course it's obviously political. I've no clue why it's allowed to stand but it always does.

Posted by greenman
12/14/2021 9:28 am

I see Ken locked the thread and warned him about the politics.  Good for you, Ken.  Credit where it’s due.

Tougher to do anything about his nastiness, I reckon, but an administrator can only do so much…

Posted by Trish
12/14/2021 10:22 am

I came in behind him with a huge-ass broom :-)

Posted by greenman
12/14/2021 10:56 am

Like the person behind the elephants in the circus parade…

Posted by Siagiah
12/14/2021 2:27 pm

greenman wrote:

Like the person behind the elephants in the circus parade…



Posted by greenman
12/14/2021 4:19 pm

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

Not to change the subject, but related to trolling, has this been commented on?  SES’ posts linking pandemic deaths this year (since Jan. 20th) to Biden?

U.S. COVID death count since January 20, 2021 - 369,542

Posted by SES on December 12, 2021, 5:18 am

Is that not political?  Looks like a cheap shot attack by a Trumpster who resents the blame laid on Trump last year…


Of course it's obviously political. I've no clue why it's allowed to stand but it always does.

Now he’s trying to get around it a new way:

U.S. COVID deaths by year: 2020: 361,431 2021: 433,127 - SES December 14, 2021, 12:21 pm


‘Buh, buh, but it wasn’t TRUMP’S fault!  Oh s—-t, I can’t say Trump…’

What a loser.  But I’m the one who gets banned for life.  Sure, makes sense!

Posted by Siagiah
12/15/2021 12:30 am

That's even MORE political ! I haven't had time to even peek in over there so haven't sent any emails about stuff I see for a bit.  Maybe you could forward the posts to them? or to Trish if you are unwilling to send it to Ken. Just a suggestion.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/15/2021 2:04 am

This same post exists five times on the front page. This latest slight alteration does not undo political intent of the  previous four. Not only political in implication and intent, by frequency it is also spam. Some Americans think freedom is ability to do anything they want, anywhere, any time, and if challenged, their solution is to do it more. While freedom of speech may protect spam and political implication, scope of the board clearly states neither is desired. Frequency of the post isn't to inform, but to irritate, issued by a poster with a long history of and desire for irritation.

If one of the five is locked, perhaps all five should be locked. While they could be removed, if removed, more will appear. But locking them all might send a better message.  

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/15/2021 2:07 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Trish
12/15/2021 8:14 am

Fixed for the moment

Posted by greenman
12/25/2021 2:39 pm

Typical of SES’ nastiness is this vicious attack on Thrinaxodon, who dared to offer criticism of Almighty Israel:

"Previously Unknown Massacres": Why is Israel Allowed to Own Palestinian History? - Thrinaxodon December 24, 2021, 10:53 pm
Ignorant Jew-hater. - SES December 25, 2021, 5:35 am
In relation to this - Thrinaxodon December 24, 2021, 11:37 pm
These two posts just go to show that the State of Israel has blood on its hands - Thrinaxodon December 24, 2021, 11:42 pm

‘Ignorant Jew-hater’ is the kind of Zionist crap I’d have expected from DFM.  But SES is an even bigger abuser than that.

Posted by Siagiah
12/25/2021 9:47 pm

IMHO, the ENTIRE thread should be sh*t canned.

Posted by greenman
12/29/2021 8:25 am

Holy crap, did I just see the name ‘Bob the Builder’ appear on Ken’s board?

There’s a blast from the past, assuming it’s the same guy…from the Nottingham area, if I remember.

Say hi to him! 

Posted by Siagiah
12/29/2021 11:10 am

greenman wrote:

Holy crap, did I just see the name ‘Bob the Builder’ appear on Ken’s board?

There’s a blast from the past, assuming it’s the same guy…from the Nottingham area, if I remember.

Say hi to him!

I said Hi for you at the link.


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