What the hell happened on Woodbine's board ??

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Posted by greenman
10/19/2020 12:04 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

Woodbine is still on "silent mode" and I trust all is well.
In the meanwhile Mondo, being bored with his little cheering squad is over there starting trouble. Not that I am surprised. He loves sniping whenever he can. 

His board's nothing but an echo chamber, apart from KR who enjoys sniping at them, a pleasure I can completely understand.  When your board's dominated by Deanna, DFM, and TEXRA, you've got nothing.

Mondo's trying his usual tricks, pretending to be a sophisticated cat who digs the classics and has been a real intellectual asset to these boards down through the years (saw one this morning where he quoted a thread from around 2005-6).  An exception to his usual behavior, unfortunately, then and now.

Disagree with him and you'll soon see the angry, vicious side come out.  It always does.

Come back and clean up the mess, Woodbine!  I used to enjoy the place, even with Bauer on it...

Posted by Siagiah
10/19/2020 1:09 pm

That he has saved so many posts from more than a decade ago is VERY TELLING. 
I hope that Woodbine and his family are okay.  I also hope he returns SOON.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/19/2020 7:17 pm

Mondo Fuego wrote, 

"We just don't want uneducated backwoods hicks like you slinging your illiterate cow manure on our clean floors.

To post on our board, one must have a degree from an accredited university, must have a steady job, must be able to spell correctly, and must offer material of substance. That would rule you out."


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
10/19/2020 9:52 pm

Right, because there's such stimulating, intelligent discussion over there. 

ROFLMAO.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/20/2020 11:03 am

Woodbine will return to wreckage.

Mondo is entrenched and flexing his ignorance. Today he asked what Classical music composition can be identified by two notes. There are hundreds! He thinks he's so informed as a listener. He found a new home where he can sit his ass on people he dislikes. Hints of that throwback dropped. He and Trump have the same regard for people. 

Bauer is too. 

White whine is spreading like an infection. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/22/2020 11:35 am

Apparently tired of both reading posts in his empty echo chamber, and responding to the same, Mondo Fuego entrenched on Woodbine's board, taking advantage of the owner/moderator absence to engage in the destructive troll behavior he greatly enjoys and values. 'T'is a lesson in Hypocrisy 101. His presence on the Abuse Database appeared to plateau when civil and legal troubles began. They may be about to rise again with fresh, new evidence. 

Woodbine will return to a mess, if he returns. I hope he is OK. 
Covid19 is flaring back up again in many places. 

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 22, 2020, 1:16 pm, in reply to "P.S., creep"
 You have no room to speak. You have been nasty to me from day 1.

I owe donatello nothing. IMO, he was just another pompous horse's ass like his successoress. You'll get no praise or respect for him from me. He let his faves attack, curse, threaten, berate, while censoring their foes. Screw donatello.

However, just above in the same thread...

  • Sounds like a lover's quarrel, don't it? ... only prollem ...  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 22, 2020, 6:36 am, in reply to "Riiiiiiiiiight.. Because I top posted this whole bunch of crap..." ... I ain't your lover. Pa-tooey!

  • I think you had too much to drink tonight, or your heavy bi-polar, passive-aggressive prophylactic meds are way off.

    We all know that, by your own admission, you are on heavy meds, so that is prolly a pretty good excuse for your erratic obsessive behavior.

    PS .. it ain't your board. You have your own sh*t hole that you stealthily stole from a dead man, Jim 'donatello' Dern, who I am not sure was a really good person. He let that nasty 'donk' tell people that he f'ed their mothers, and your sanctimonious donatello and you never sanctioned donk. You are an insidious hypocrite, and a very evil schemer. You spend 20/7/365 on your board trying to pit people against each other.

    Piss off, creep.​

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/22/2020 1:03 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
10/23/2020 12:16 pm

Well, things are looking up now.

Woodbine is back. He wiped the board and we’re starting over.  And he went over to the Snakepit and told Mongo to get out, stay out. Of course one or two of his sycophants whined and snarled on his behalf.

I’m greenman again (yes, I’d been posting as cheezwiz), and hopefully things will pick up again.  Cheers!

Posted by Siagiah
10/23/2020 1:02 pm

I saw that and I'm glad.

I knew that Cheezwhiz was you from day one.  LOL.  You can change your name, but not your posting style or your "targets".

Glad that Woodbine told mongo to stay out again.  He knew all along that he was NOT welcome there. Typical behavior from him.


Posted by greenman
10/23/2020 1:54 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I saw that and I'm glad.

I knew that Cheezwhiz was you from day one.  LOL.  You can change your name, but not your posting style or your "targets".

Glad that Woodbine told mongo to stay out again.  He knew all along that he was NOT welcome there. Typical behavior from him.


For sure.  Now he’s trying to sleaze his way back on as ‘Justi,’ attacking Hemi and myself, demanding to know why the former didn’t follow the moderator’s wishes!  WHAT EFFRONTERY!

On his own board he’s attacking Merlin as well. What a POS.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/23/2020 3:43 pm

greenman wrote:

Well, things are looking up now.

Woodbine is back. He wiped the board and we’re starting over. And he went over to the Snakepit and told Mongo to get out, stay out. Of course one or two of his sycophants whined and snarled on his behalf.

I’m greenman again (yes, I’d been posting as cheezwiz), and hopefully things will pick up again. Cheers!

I wanted to post, and did once- just debt and deficit figures. But I just can't with what's ahead with that jerk. However he exposed himself well, especially that little episode with the pedophile-young girl exchange affirming his history of those accusations by a third party. That was a very useful lapse in his judgement. 

I am not confident in my ability to recognise different nics with one author, with the exception of Mondo, since I learned and saw his style too many times. That was another lapse in his good judgement, to post under so many aliases in one place at one time. Became a little mother lode for the investigation. He also may have paid a visit to R&E to leave a few droppings.... and most amusingly, posted the same things on his dying board, proving and sealing his authorship. Several times he "disclaimed" use of any other handle besides Mondo Fuego, only to offer solid proof the claim is a lie. 

He was obviously caught up in the ecstasy of being able to resume his old, usual self on a board without present moderation to stop him or reign him in, so he went wild and forgot EVERYTHING he says and does on line like that adds to the sum of what is likely to cost a significant amount of his money and freedom.... AND he bragged about how much money he makes while other suckers waste their time on these boards. If he reads here, and he will, maybe he will experience one, two or a few dozen sleepless nights in worry. He should worry. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
10/23/2020 11:36 pm

Yes, he should worry.  There's a TON of evidence against him because he's too stupid to just STOP himself from attacking others.

He's a nasty pig without an ounce of class. He denied that he posted that hateful, disgusting comment about our Evelyn while trashing HH at the same time with his suggestion.  I'll never forgive him for that.  I have a copy of it on my external hard drive at home, but I'm not at home.  It was also logged into the abuse database, which I have copies of.  I know that it was him from the IP he was using that night.  And he knows it too. I don't care that he was probably drunk as a skunk or that he showed up the next morning to offer a half arsed apology using yet another fake name.  It was unforgiveable and so disgusting that I took it down as soon as I saw it the next morning. It still makes me nauseous and ready to vomit just thinking about it.

As much as I dislike him for all of the horrible things that he's done to me and to others, I would NEVER, EVER attack his family or say such vile things to him about his granddaughters.  NEVER. 

His denials are hollow given the hateful attacks he makes on HH all the time pretending to be his supposed daughters and the equally disgusting suggestions of pedophilia against Pikes, and even Merlin once.  His demand for an apology infuriated me given that it's HIM who owes them to multiple people. 


Posted by greenman
10/24/2020 8:32 am

Mongo’s latest vicious attack on Woodbine, for having the temerity to come over and beard him on his own board:


‘Woodbine, Kiss my Ass, you wimpy, insignificant little Mouse-o-lini

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 23, 2020, 4:38 pm, in reply to "Mondo. I told you to keep off my board."

You let your nasty posters verbally abuse me with vulgarities, then you clear off your board, ban me, and let your nasty critters suck up to you.

I likewise told you to stay off my board. Now, piss off. ‘

Can’t imagine why anyone would tolerate this hypocritical vermin, and Woodbine is right not to do so.

Posted by Siagiah
10/24/2020 9:55 am

=19.5pxHe kept denying that Woodbine had kicked him out before and acted like he had every right to be there.  Then gets all pissy when Woodbine told him to stay out again.  Mongo's biggest problem is his sense of entitlement, which is tRUMP's biggest problem. It's no wonder he likes him so much. 

Posted by Siagiah
6/29/2022 1:00 am

This was an interesting thread too.  I'd forgotten that Woodbine always disappeared for weeks at a time.

However, this time, it's been more than 4 months.  Something is really wrong, but unless he eventually returns, we aren't going to ever know what it was.

We should resurrect lots of older threads for the funovit.  Make mongo jump around to find the latest posts.





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