Apparently tired of both reading posts in his empty echo chamber, and responding to the same, Mondo Fuego entrenched on Woodbine's board, taking advantage of the owner/moderator absence to engage in the destructive troll behavior he greatly enjoys and values. 'T'is a lesson in Hypocrisy 101. His presence on the Abuse Database appeared to plateau when civil and legal troubles began. They may be about to rise again with fresh, new evidence.
Woodbine will return to a mess, if he returns. I hope he is OK.
Covid19 is flaring back up again in many places.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 22, 2020, 1:16 pm, in reply to "P.S., creep"
You have no room to speak. You have been nasty to me from day 1.
I owe donatello nothing. IMO, he was just another pompous horse's ass like his successoress. You'll get no praise or respect for him from me. He let his faves attack, curse, threaten, berate, while censoring their foes. Screw donatello.
However, just above in the same thread...
- Sounds like a lover's quarrel, don't it? ... only prollem ... Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 22, 2020, 6:36 am, in reply to "Riiiiiiiiiight.. Because I top posted this whole bunch of crap..." ... I ain't your lover. Pa-tooey!
I think you had too much to drink tonight, or your heavy bi-polar, passive-aggressive prophylactic meds are way off.
We all know that, by your own admission, you are on heavy meds, so that is prolly a pretty good excuse for your erratic obsessive behavior.
PS .. it ain't your board. You have your own sh*t hole that you stealthily stole from a dead man, Jim 'donatello' Dern, who I am not sure was a really good person. He let that nasty 'donk' tell people that he f'ed their mothers, and your sanctimonious donatello and you never sanctioned donk. You are an insidious hypocrite, and a very evil schemer. You spend 20/7/365 on your board trying to pit people against each other.
Piss off, creep.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/22/2020 1:03 pm)