What the hell happened on Woodbine's board ??

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Posted by Siagiah
7/15/2020 4:12 pm

HOW did they let jb & GOG take over there ??  Bringing out all those posters who love to fight with them more than anything else.

Obviously, it's brought a helluva lot of traffic in, but of the entire page 1, out of hundreds of posts, there are 8 posts, YES, 8 posts from the original crew there (aside of Woodbine). 


Why does the presence of those two demented trolls ALWAYS wind up exactly like that ??  It was driven off of R&E recently and long ago off of Blue, but now it's there. 

The original flavor of that board is GONE.  I just find that incredibly disappointing.  I wasn't going to say anything as it's really none of my concern, but I had gotten to like the "kooky flavor" of that board with its different and interesting characters who are now pretty much GONE.

Just sayin', absolutely NO insult intended for Woodbine.  I'm just bewildered that he'd welcome it is all.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/15/2020 6:30 pm

WB is clearly teasing GOG with his conspiracy theory crankery.
Jb flext his crankery on R&E, diving into his NDE.
The loony toony boys are attracting the predictable flies. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
7/15/2020 6:43 pm

Yes, I noted that Woodbine is drawing him out, perhaps for the "kill" ?  But he did that same thing with jb and NOTHING changed. They are still both just as bad, if not worse.  Woodbine's board is effectively RUINED. What made it kinda cool is GONE.

On R&E, I was quite surprised to see jb yanking out his long list of acronyms, including NDE, and trashing up the board there again.  It's maddening. 

Truth be told, I find it so annoying that I just don't want to skip around it, I just don't want to even see it anymore.  I resent them ruining two perfectly good boards with their inane, idiotic nonsense. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/16/2020 9:51 am

I'd rather have Gog and jb than Mondo. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
7/16/2020 11:12 am

Heavy Hemi's appearance is the potential nail in the coffin. As is ever the case with him, he posts nothing but criticisms and outright attacks on other posters, and tends to ramp up the anger level as the "conversation" progresses. He's lit into both GOG and jb pretty heavily (hemily?), and even spewed a rather disappointingly rote regurgitation of his old screeds and slanders against me. The last thing that board needed...

All three have some obvious mental health issues, but Angry Art (HH) is the only one of the three that would have me keeping a hand on my carry piece if I encountered him in person. Not even joking...jb and GOG are annoying trolls, but they're a pair of harmless old cranks. HH has already made an implied threat to GOG over there. They may all be crazy, but the difference in types of pathologies is palpable. Art triggers warning bells with me.

It really is a shame. That board's atmosphere and it's cast of genuinely weird regulars had something delightfully unique and quirky going on there. It seems to have been poisoned by these three blights (and, to be brutally honest, by some of us - myself very much included - being so willing to continue our fights with those three over there). I need to try to make that up to woodbine.

Posted by Siagiah
7/16/2020 2:25 pm

The poisonous nature of what's going on there is disturbing.  We might as well be back on the old White Whine Board.  That's what it felt like to me and why I just bailed and posted this.  It's upsetting.  I hate what jb and GOG have done and caused there.

Woodbine's board was fun and quirky.  Weird as hell sometimes, but it's flavor was unique.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/16/2020 2:55 pm

I put Mondo in same category as HH. 
Lock them in a room together. 


I went back and found I wholly miswrote this post. It threw HH under a train, and that wasn't my intent. 
I read HH's quote. Did I write that? Went back and looked. Sure enough I did. What was I thinking? Shame on me. 

I thought about editing it, to correct it, wrong and stinging. Best I just apologize for an uncalled for and unintended slam

HH is nothing like Mondo. I don't why I wrote that. I meant GOG, not HH He's like Mondo. They ruin any board. Lock them in a room together. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/22/2020 4:18 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/09/2020 8:33 pm

Apparently, the infection there is just getting WORSE.  It's simply unbelievable.

GOG & jb are a BAD combo.  But GOG has turned the place upside down and into so much B.S. that it's nauseating.


Posted by greenman Online!
8/10/2020 10:41 am

GOG and jb are, of course, the big problems.  Bauer may be annoying, but he's limited to talking about religion and NDEs, for the most part.  GOG, OTOH, is little better than a Russian troll, which is how I've begun addressing him.  His delusional bullsh!t about COVID-19 is something I've been on him about from the start, and it's worse than ever.  Even though he's an old guy, he STILL minimizes deaths due to the ages of the largest number of victims, which is cruel and stupid.  Plus, he's a shameless hypocrite and racist, as always.

Hemi's settled into mostly just going after those two, so he and I are no longer slugging it out (I am deliberately avoiding provocations)...that's a plus, at least. 

I do feel bad for some of the regulars, but Woodbine is a good operator because he's very laissez-faire.  He doesn't scold people all the time, make rules and micromanage, or kick people off, and that works fairly well, IMO.  Contrast that with a certain yellow board, which thanks to rules, removals, and random enforcement is now practically dead...

Last edited by greenman (8/10/2020 10:42 am)

Posted by Siagiah
8/10/2020 11:04 am

Somewhere in between might be better ??

Notice that Woodbine's board has lost the majority of its "regulars" ??

Not only that, but posters who might add to it pretty much don't anymore.  I know that I rarely bother nowadays aside of blasting GOG for ruining the board.  Others, who were frequent flyers seem gone now too.

So, yes, overuse of rules and micromanaging to the extreme isn't good at all because it drives posters away. (also R&E forbidding politics for excessive days, constantly flipping from okay to not okay is annoying), but all but NO rules guarantees the same environment that turned the White Whine board into what it ultimately became.

Woodbine's board is on the same path.

I did notice that HH has calmed down considerably.  Well, I should say that the two of you have settled into a more comfortable "peace" which is a plus.  But GOG is singlehandedly destroying the whole atmosphere there, even worse than jb does.  His nonsense just gets worse and worse.


Posted by Siagiah
8/10/2020 12:07 pm

I think that you're doing fine, Trish.

I do think that the political thing IS hurting the board, but I get why it's being done.

The other day, on a regular weekday, I was bewildered by Ken's comment on this thread
https://mb.boardhost.com/ReligionAndEthics/msg/1596522627.html  about him removing a "too political" comment.  It wasn't on a no-politics day, so what was that about ??

It made me think that the rules had changed again ?? 


Posted by greenman Online!
8/10/2020 1:56 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Somewhere in between might be better ??

Notice that Woodbine's board has lost the majority of its "regulars" ??

Not only that, but posters who might add to it pretty much don't anymore.  I know that I rarely bother nowadays aside of blasting GOG for ruining the board.  Others, who were frequent flyers seem gone now too.

So, yes, overuse of rules and micromanaging to the extreme isn't good at all because it drives posters away. (also R&E forbidding politics for excessive days, constantly flipping from okay to not okay is annoying), but all but NO rules guarantees the same environment that turned the White Whine board into what it ultimately became.

Woodbine's board is on the same path.


The problem with the White Whine Board, which Woodbine's does NOT have, is Mongo.  His use of sockpuppets, his attacks on posters he disagreed with, his encouragement of bullying of said posters, his random ejections of posters, and ultimately his devotion to right-wing politics destroyed that board.  It was doing well, at least in terms of number of posts and posters, until he wigged out.  Using registration to turn it into an echo chamber was the last straw.

Woodbine's board was nothing but a few regulars and Bauer, who spammed the CRAP out of it, when I got there a year ago or so.  It's a lot more lively and viable now (I'm not taking credit, no), and seems to be on a pretty good track IMO (despite a couple of posters).  Bauer's not nearly as much of a nuisance.

Posted by greenman Online!
8/10/2020 1:59 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I think that you're doing fine, Trish.

I do think that the political thing IS hurting the board, but I get why it's being done.

The other day, on a regular weekday, I was bewildered by Ken's comment on this thread
https://mb.boardhost.com/ReligionAndEthics/msg/1596522627.html  about him removing a "too political" comment.  It wasn't on a no-politics day, so what was that about ??

It made me think that the rules had changed again ?? 


Yep.  Trish is great, but she can't overcome the nonsense all by herself.  I noticed too that Ken was discouraging politics even on politically OK days, which seems typical of him.  But hey, it's his problem, ultimately.  I'm not returning, so I'm not lecturing him...

Posted by Siagiah
8/10/2020 4:46 pm

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Somewhere in between might be better ??

Notice that Woodbine's board has lost the majority of its "regulars" ??

Not only that, but posters who might add to it pretty much don't anymore.  I know that I rarely bother nowadays aside of blasting GOG for ruining the board.  Others, who were frequent flyers seem gone now too.

So, yes, overuse of rules and micromanaging to the extreme isn't good at all because it drives posters away. (also R&E forbidding politics for excessive days, constantly flipping from okay to not okay is annoying), but all but NO rules guarantees the same environment that turned the White Whine board into what it ultimately became.

Woodbine's board is on the same path.


The problem with the White Whine Board, which Woodbine's does NOT have, is Mongo.  His use of sockpuppets, his attacks on posters he disagreed with, his encouragement of bullying of said posters, his random ejections of posters, and ultimately his devotion to right-wing politics destroyed that board.  It was doing well, at least in terms of number of posts and posters, until he wigged out.  Using registration to turn it into an echo chamber was the last straw.

Woodbine's board was nothing but a few regulars and Bauer, who spammed the CRAP out of it, when I got there a year ago or so.  It's a lot more lively and viable now (I'm not taking credit, no), and seems to be on a pretty good track IMO (despite a couple of posters).  Bauer's not nearly as much of a nuisance.


OH? I didn't know that mongo went to registration ?? 

mongo DEFINITELY is a major negative as far as his own board goes, for sure.  But I was thinking of the "free for all" nature of it that lends itself well to posters getting seriously nasty with one another and devolving down into mud wrestling and food fights. 

Hey, if everyone there is content, then that's a good thing.  I was only pointing out the "free for all" thing and where that leads is all.


Posted by greenman Online!
8/11/2020 7:57 pm

Mongo didn't go to registration, but he WAS requiring people's e-mail addresses at one point, wasn't he?  In any case he blocked me (and probably others), as if I'd want to waste time with those losers...

Woodbine's board seems to have attracted some religious nut/anti-evolutionist calling himself Davidjayjordan.  Claims to be an ex-jock who turned preacher, and that he'd posted on that board before.  He looks like a big-time troll, GOG is already fawning over him...lol

Posted by Siagiah
8/11/2020 9:09 pm

Oh, I think that he asked for emails to send the location of his new board wherever it was going to be ??  There was a major threat that Webapps might pull the plug early and there'd be NO way to let anyone know where his board went without email addresses.  I'm pretty sure that was the reason for that.

Davidjayjordan ??  LOL... Like johnjay jinger hammersmith ? or some other sock puppets of you know who ??  LOL. 


Posted by greenman Online!
9/22/2020 2:16 pm


His board's nuttier than ever, and guess what - GOG and jb have nothing to do with it.  No, it's the flame-troll known as HH who's  yet again (HOW many times is it, now?) stinking up the board.

He hates my guts, even when he's being civil to me, apparently.  Of course I'm not the only one, but whatever.  He got all upset over Thrinaxodon's put-down of RBG, which to be fair upset me as well - and I said so.  As did others.  But oddly, none of them kept repetitively attacking Thrinaxodon over and over again with the most insulting language, nor did they get so mad that they took to referring to her, a transgender person, as 'it.'  Repeatedly.  Of course the minute I took the slightest exception to his flaming, he immediately burst into a rage and began attacking me all across the board, including with top-posts dredging up every one of his past complaints about me.

I frankly told Admin/Woodbine that I'm out of there, and have no  intention of returning until that NUT is gone.  Poppet's right - he's the sort who makes you think you'd want to have a weapon on you if you actually had the misfortune of meeting him.  One wonders if it's all an online act, or whether he's this violently abusive in real life, too.  I wouldn't bet against it.

Will be interesting to see if Woodbine is finally tired of him, or whether he's going to sit back and watch the rage-flaming continue.  If so, hey, it's his board.  I don't HAVE to post there...

Posted by Siagiah
9/22/2020 4:26 pm

I haven't any idea what the gender of Thrinaxodon actually is, whether by birth or by choice.  However, I saw comments about being transgendered and also a teenager, about age 19, but also vaguely worded suggestions that S/He might be intersex or nonbinary as well as handicapped somehow. 

So, I used S/He because I don't know and don't care which it is, but needed a pronoun for her/him in my post because I didn't want to assign an incorrect one or be demeaning for THAT reason, which I consider rude.

Since the disgraceful RBG remarks, I want NOTHING to do with that poster ever again.

It is my opinion that S/He is nothing but a nasty troll play-acting on the board trying to get attention and to spark angry exchanges.  I'm highly suspicious because said poster has now THREE TIMES tried to get another poster to make an off-board connection using twitter and email.  Once to me. Just this week to Poppet and once to someone else, a while back, whom I forgotten who it was but noted at the time and remember because an offer to continue discussing a topic via email was made to me a day or two later.

HH clearly loves strife and flame wars.  Sooner or later, it's always going to end there no matter what you do or say.  So why indulge it ??  Clearly Thrinaxodon is more than capable to lobbing her/his own flaming arrows and venom back at detractors. S/He apparently enjoys it as much as he does.  So why bother defending him/her ??  I've little doubt that Thrinaxodon ENJOYS provoking that kind of thing.  As far as I'm concerned, S/He isn't worth the time or bother of even reading anything posted to or from her/him.

Shades of typical jb-like crap is rampant in his/her posts too.  It wouldn't surprise me ONE BIT if they were the same troll.  As far as I'm concerned, they may as well be for all the attention they'll get from me going forward.

Woodbine is tied up with some family business if I read his post correctly, so don't expect any response from him anytime soon. 


Posted by greenman Online!
9/22/2020 5:34 pm

Look, I understand you're pissed off at Thrinaxodon because of the RBG post.  As I noted, it didn't make a good impression with me, either.  But I don't see how that is cause to make absurd speculations about who that poster is.  A "troll, play-acting?"  On what basis?  Yes, she's asked others to communicate with her off-board, so what?  I was in fact the other poster in question, and while I'm dubious about meeting any other poster off-board, and said so, that's not because I think she's a phony.  If she says she's a transgendered teen, then as far as I'm concerned she IS, until I know differently.  That's the sh*t HH was posting, claiming that she was lying, a troll, a 'middle-aged man,' other competely unsupported nonsense purely for the sake of abuse.  Of course because I implied he might be gay in the past (based on actual comments), he hypocritically calls me a 'bigot' while he refers to a trans person as 'it.'  But such is the insanity of the poster in question. As to suggesting that jb and Thrinaxodon might be the same poster...are you NUTS?  lol..that's like me suggesting that you and TW are the same poster.  Please.

And BTW, I didn't "engage" HH (recently) in any other than a friendly and agreeable way until I raised the MILD complaint that MAYBE he was being a tad bit hard on Thrinaxodon.  His response?  Losing his mind and starting a flame war.  As per usual.  Bottom line?  He's a f-------g psychopath.

I hope Woodbine does something about that POS, but I'm not holding my breath - or going back to his board.  Not until he, as I suggested, takes out the trash.

Last edited by greenman (9/22/2020 5:34 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
9/22/2020 6:19 pm

I think that she is seeking strife and disagreements because I've never seen her make any effort to discuss topics or gain any understanding of other's viewpoints.  She is usually antagonistic.  The remarks about RBG were so far beyond the pale and uncalled for that she poisoned herself and I simply don't care what else she is, says, or does.  It's about the kind of person she portrayed herself as. I'm not "pissed off" and will get over it. I'm disgusted and that's the end of my interest in her.

My impression of her is that she consistently lobs lit bombs and waits for the reaction.  I most certainly could be wrong, but that's the impression I have of her.  She exhibits no ability to empathize with anyone else and everyone else is to blame for whatever she's angry about.

She has admitted that she plays multiple roles on the board, just for the funovit.  Have you forgotten "Concerned Citizen" and "Dr. Ben Dover" ? as well as others that may very well be her ?  Remember when she callously dissed Pikes talking about his sick wife and children ?  Now she disses RBG.  Did she pretend to be GOG with the obvious troll "Smoke Jumper" ?  She's that kind of person. 

I didn't say that she IS jb.  I said that she employs troll-like behaviors similar to his nonsense.  For example: top posting to keep disagreements going.  Using a suddenly appearing disability that came out of nowhere in the middle of a flame war. Going out of her way to bring attention upon her personal life rather than her opinions and using it in her arguments.  

I said that it wouldn't SURPRISE me if it was jb FOR that reason, NOT that it is so. 

As for who she claims that she is, obviously I accepted it and tried to be sensitive to her self identification but didn't know what it was, so covered the bases.  She can be a 19 year old transgendered troll playacting on the board to start fires and get attention.  Saying that I think that she's a troll does NOT mean that I think she's a 40 year old man and whatever else you said HH is claiming. 

As for trying to connect privately, every single time there was NO REASON not to just continue the discussion right there.  WHAT possible reason/need was there to put out private email or "identifying info" trying to draw others to bite ??  If she's 19 years old, then WHY doesn't she know all about the "dangers" of the internet and NOT exposing oneself in that manner ??

Something just doesn't add up and I distrust her and her intentions.

No more, no less.

As for HH and your arguments, I didn't read most of them so really don't know (or care much about) what crap was thrown. I seldom do because I'm not interested in that stuff and frankly, don't like it.  You brought up his attacks, which the ONLY reason that I mentioned them at all.



Posted by greenman Online!
9/23/2020 10:38 am

I only mentioned the fracas over here as an update on Woodbine's board, I doubt many here would be surprised at the bizarre and violent behavior of HH.  He's been doing that for years now.

I didn't say you thought Thrinaxodon WAS jb, but you implied strongly that you thought it might be, and I find that simply absurd.  They're not remotely alike.  And Thrinaxodon, from past experience, is not a 'bomb' poster most of the time.  I was suprised to hear she was relatively young, because she's intelligent and often contributed effectively to the board, especially on scientific matters.  Also a pretty far-left poster though, so radical comments didn't really surprise me. 

And as to people taking on different names and roles on the board, that's old hat to them.  They're not married to one nick like other boards are, and as long as it's not done to deliberately deceive, it seems to be accepted.


Posted by greenman Online!
10/04/2020 4:18 pm

Not only is Bauer’s trolling worse than ever, Hemi’s constant screeching counterattacks and flaming have made it far worse.  Enablers?  He’s the biggest by a mile.  And with Woodbine gone who knows where, there’s zero moderation of the board.

Needless to say, no reason to be a regular there at this point. Glad to notice that Ishkabibble might be coming over here.

Posted by Siagiah
10/04/2020 5:32 pm

Spot on.  It's pretty ridiculous there.

Yes, Ishkabibble/Ennui/Dancing Digits is an excellent poster.  Hopefully she'll join in on the message board, or even here, soon.


Posted by Siagiah
10/04/2020 5:39 pm

Hey, I got a notification that you also posted to an ancient thread by SES saying "It's going to take some getting used to here" ??  But there's nothing there ??

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/04/2020 8:32 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Hey, I got a notification that you also posted to an ancient thread by SES saying "It's going to take some getting used to here" ??  But there's nothing there ??

I did too, and nothng there. 

Prolly Trump's chauffer, pissed that the Toddler in Chief would not take his nap, so the WH-WR staff used an old
parenting trick, put him in the car child seat, and drove him around until he went to sleep. If I was in a car- closed space with Trump at this time, I'd be pissed too. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
10/06/2020 1:08 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Hey, I got a notification that you also posted to an ancient thread by SES saying "It's going to take some getting used to here" ??  But there's nothing there ??

I posted in the wrong place, sorry.

Last edited by greenman (10/06/2020 1:08 pm)

Posted by greenman Online!
10/06/2020 1:13 pm

Comical events on Woodbine’s board...Mondo (I assume) came over here and grabbed a previous post of mine, then posted it there under a false nick. 

Naturally, paranoid HH thought it was me and attacked stupidly, as he always does.
That little creep really hates me....lol

It’s amusing to drop by and watch him flounder.  He makes jb look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.  He’s absolutely destroyed that board, as I told Woodbine he would...

And BTW, I hope Woodbine and family are OK.  I’m a bit worried about him.

Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2020 1:42 pm

No problem on the other post on other thread.

I saw what transpired there and chuckled.  It's never been your style to hide behind fake nicks.  Plus, it didn't sound like you.

It has been some time since Woodbine has been around.  I, too, hope all is okay.


Posted by Siagiah
10/15/2020 10:36 am

It's been a few weeks that Woodbine has been "busy with family".  I hope things are good there. 

Obviously mongo isn't going to let an opportunity to sneak in pass by.  Such a JERK!!

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/18/2020 1:46 pm

Woodbine infected with Mondonucleosis. Kissingass disease. The pestilence is just like Trump. Prolly richer too. Buying his way into heaven with his old money and brags about his new money. Is obsessed with small dicks and farts too. He is a small dick. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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