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Posted by Siagiah
6/01/2020 10:27 am

There are posters who PREFER this format who will participate if someone posts.  Just post and then post a link on the threaded board so others know it's here.  Some posters over there aren't members of both, so they'll have to get a registration here too (automatically granted to members over there).

Then there will be a choice of formats to please everyone.


Posted by greenman Online!
9/11/2023 10:03 am

Rebel displays lunacy on the Whineboard..

Military Will Oversee 2024 Election… the Cabal’s Days are Numbered

Posted by Rebel on September 11, 2023, 9:20 am

This is the caliber of NUT Mongo encourages on his board - an out-and-out fascist conspiracist who wants a military takeover of our elections.

And you thought GOG was bad..

Needless to say this won’t be happening.

Posted by greenman Online!
9/11/2023 6:21 pm

This is amusing, too, on the laughably-named ‘Bipartisan Political Board.’

First, KR has (unsurprisingly) been banned for his hard-hitting attacks on the board’s
far-right politics and BS from idiot conspiracists like GOG. Only a matter of time with Mongo running the board, of course. But look at the response to Scalise’s ‘liberal’ comment:

Please be advised - Mike Scalese 9/11/2023, 3:45 pm
Troll - GOG 9/11/2023, 6:05 pm
...that you're a liar. - CE0802 9/11/2023, 4:37 pm
Glad to see you are taking your own advice - BornToFarm 9/11/2023, 4:30 pm

Of course he’s personally attacked by GOG and SES. And I guarantee they will get a free pass - at worst a caution.

I faced this myself right from the start, of course.  Having been invited in, I left because of Mongo’s attacks on Sia. He told me ‘Come back anytime.’  Then, a short time
later, I found myself in a permanent ‘time out’ - just as I had on his regular White Backstabber’s Board.

Never, ever trust Mongo.  He shouldn’t be allowed back onto R & E, either, IMO.

Posted by Siagiah
9/11/2023 7:08 pm

A new section to squawk in where mongo and his pinheads are unlikely to look?  Okay, it works for me.

Rebel should be careful what (s)he asks for.  The military running elections wouldn't be in ANYONE'S best interests, but certainly not the GOP in 2024.

No surprise that KR is banned there now.  Anyone who busts THEIR chops gets banned while all republicans get a pass.


Posted by greenman Online!
9/12/2023 10:01 am

Sadly, not my intent. I don’t know if the ‘Posts on Boards with Bans’ board moved first, or I just misposted (that’s more likely), but I’d intended to post it there.

My bad.

Posted by Siagiah
9/12/2023 10:56 am

It's right here.  Not moved, just beside this one.  Find it in the POLITICS section if you don't see it right away.


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