Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/21/2020 10:52 pm | #61 |
Tweedle Deanna strikes again.
I moved her words around so they are readable in the screen shot capture.
If the screen shot it too wide, text shrinks significantly.
I wanted this text absolutely clear.
can i use any picture on the internet
The person killed from the bridge fall wasn't on the same day as the NHL hockey game at the AFA.
We had a late night, early morning ice and snow storm, and he was on his way to work before the AFA
called it a snow day and closed. That was a separate, unrelated event on a different day, a few days after the
hockey game.
Holding an NHL game there is an unbelievably stupid idea.
To get on the AFA campus for non military personnel, you are directed to a building where you park,
and go in to begin the procedure. They photograph your ID and you, while you fill out a questionnaire
detailing why you're there, where you're going, and how long you will be there. Every person in the vehicle
must do this. It normally takes 20 to 30 minutes. Multiply that times the 15,000 or so attending a NHL
game, and you have a recipe for exactly what happened. Many people with tickets didn't see the game
at all because they never got through security in time. Others missed one or two complete periods. Some
were stuck in traffic and didn't even reach the security gates before the game was over and people were
exiting! This has to rank among the dumbest of dumb ideas I know about.
Getting out of the hockey game wasn't the problem. It was getting IN.
THAT's where the traffic nightmare was because of the demand for ID
to get onto the campus! Furthermore the stadium is right off I-25, perfectly
visible from the road. Once out of the stadium parking lot, you're home free.
Third, there was no traffic snarl or snafu with the Obama appearance at AFA.
None at all. Only a brief slowdown on N and S bound I-25 around the south AFA exit,
not because of Obama but due to road construction that's been ongoing there for months.
Then there is a third screenshot capture I didn't pursue, about jobs.
How funny an 80 year old human parrot with dementia atop lifelong retardation writes about jobs.
In fact, Trump is more than a million jobs behind Obama measured in the same 36 month period.
Presidents don't create jobs, but their decisions can affect job creation.
Obama signed legislation that provided businesses with incentive to create more jobs based on
consumer demand and confidence. Trump cut taxes for the 1%.. and we're back to the $1.3 trillion deficit
Obama began with.
Tweedle Deanna is such a LIAR. Just like Trump. She is too stupid to know how
stupid she really is. In fact I'll suggest when she dies, she will be too stupid to know she's dead.
If there are others like her in her family who died, they're probably out there walking around because
they too are too stupid to know they're dead, and other people can't tell the dead ones apart
from the live ones.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/21/2020 10:59 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/21/2020 11:16 pm | #62 |
LOL... Yep, I saw all of that trash. Had a little amusement giving her some grief. But she's so damned DUMB that now I'm bored. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/22/2020 7:38 am | #63 |
Posted by Poppet 2/22/2020 12:17 pm | #64 |
I imagine he considers that erudite. But that level of projection is something of an accomplishment in and of itself, really. So there's that.
After all the talk here, I popped in over there for the first time in months. I was astonished at how little activity there is! There are posts from the 12th still on the front page...on the 22nd. Only eight different posters (one of whom, Gandalf, was received with "long time, no see" comments). They really have managed to kill off that forum, haven't they?
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/22/2020 3:48 pm | #65 |
Lately I practice a keep friends close and enemies closer model.
I saw the drop in activity there at CPD, and why.
In a way it reflects how the world will treat and regard America
if we re-elect Trump. The White board embrace of Trump and
the enforced quarantine as if infected with contagious disease
is no coincedence. Most people want nothing to do with the
attitude driving them both. Erudition is benevolent and neither
Mondo nor Trump are anything close. You know I attended the
Trump rally, and now, two days later, the most compelling moment
of the night was when Trump brought up Greta Thunberg and
whipped the crowd into their LOCK HER UP chant. Lock her up.
A child. For what? Being precocious and outspoken about a passion?
It reminded me of the historic examples in Germany and Cambodia
where intellectual edification was sent to the grave as a threat.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/22/2020 3:51 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/22/2020 8:00 pm | #66 |
WOW... Chanting "lock her up" about Greta Thunberg ??? WTF ???
It really says a lot about folks who want to lock up political opposition. It also makes me wonder if many of them even know who Greta is ???
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/23/2020 12:43 pm | #67 |
He's just hoping to get some activity going, particularly after Pikes straight up called his board DEAD on R&E yesterday. LOL.
Too bad he just keeps giving Pikes MORE EVIDENCE against him. He can delete his posts, but he cannot erase them from "web archives - go back machine" where most everything is saved for his trial for stalking and libeling Pikes.">
I find is absolutely hysterical that mongo thinks that HE knows more than a professional concert pianist who studied at Julliard.
Did you see my HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRISH posts ??
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/23/2020 4:57 pm | #68 |
I WOULD not play anything for him. I CHOOSE not to play anything for him.
First, motivation is all wrong. No respectable musician plays anything as a challenge, to show off, or prove something. That mindset will turn the piece ugly from the beginning, and if a work doesn't begin well, it has no chance. Mondo doesn't inspire me to play, or to want to play. He chose to do what he did and does. He killed his board all by himself.
I played all three in concert. Mondo won't hear any of them. I have recordings of concerts.
Hammerklavier was a great tour de force when written. It was a defining challenge for Liszt, and pianists Mondo likely never heard of, like Thalberg, and Dreyshock.
The Revolutionary Etude isn't even Chopin's most challenging etude. Several of my students learned and played it as part of their audition set, satisfying the demand for two Chopin works, one slow, the other brilliant. Etude Op.10 No. 4 in c# minor is more difficult. Its demands make it the non plus ultra in finger technique. So is Op. 25 in g# minor, the study in thirds.
Students played the etudes to death, and many conservatories now want bigger Chopin works, like the Ballade in g minor, Fantasy Impromptu, or one of the Polonaises.
Music is played for the love of people. Even in the competitions there's the joy of playing for each other. Seldom does the animosity of people like Mondo become a factor, and when it does, those involved take themselves out very quickly. It is exactly the wrong attitude needed for music to be musical, and human. It is my privilege to be able to play for people. That person with eyes closed, lost in the music, mind thinking back in childhood to some wonderful memory, or an inspirational place they visited, or when they first fell in love- that's what it's about. It's the tear streaming from corner of the eye, down the cheek as that lucky person trembles with sheer joy for a few moments of something like heaven, what ever that is. They are delivered for a few moments from the ugliness of this world, and if I know the music is so touching them, it is touching me with direct connection to it. We're both there, together.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/23/2020 5:07 pm | #69 |
He probably just wants to steal videos of YOUR performances to claim are HIS. Ignore him. He's so NOT worth the bother.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/23/2020 5:34 pm | #70 |
Siagiah wrote:
He probably just wants to steal videos of YOUR performances to claim are HIS. Ignore him. He's so NOT worth the bother.
He wants desperately to "win." He wants to be proven right.
Both are impossible.
He is obsessed- obsession mixed with hatred, envy, and jealosy as destructive emotions.
I don't ignore him, but am not obsessed with him like he is with me. Or his dead board.
I mentioned it in reply to Greenman because if there is anything about Trump Americans
are sick of, across the aisle both con and lib, rep and dem, it is his petty attitude and name calling.
Americans are sick of it, and Mondo's membership is too of the same petty attitude coming from him.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/23/2020 6:48 pm | #71 |
No doubt, he's drunk already.
LOL. Poor thing is positively OBSESSED !!!
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/23/2020 7:32 pm | #72 |
D would write "Sad. LOLOL"
Sad requires emotion and energy. I have none for him and them. No feeling at all.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/23/2020 8:37 pm | #73 |
So he wrote we all violate the condition of not posting about banned posters, and Ken does nothing.
CDP isn't banned. Mondo is.
He wrote we took over Ken's board. Any glance shows jb, GOG and Greenman dominate, with DFM, Deanna, Merlin, Asking, yome, and True Grit present, Skye occasionally and you and I way back.
Is he saying my one post about his dead board ignited this evening's drunken tirade? Sounds like he suffers from acute psychosis.
He can't tell what is real and what is not. He has false beliefs (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear hallucinations. I bet he has incoherent speech and RL behavior inappropriate for the situation. There may also be sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulties carrying out daily activities.Psychosis has many different causes. These include mental illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, sleep deprivation, some medical conditions, certain medications, and alcohol.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/23/2020 8:39 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/24/2020 12:58 pm | #74 |
He's an impotent joke. He has ZERO power over anyone on the boards and can't even entice any his yokels but dumbbell "DeeDee" to participate in his idiocy. He doesn't get it yet that NO ONE CARES about his ridiculous "board wars" and or him pitching his fits over his powerlessness and anger at us.
Hell, even "Gandalf's" sudden reappearance is most likely FAKE. ESPECIALLY since mongo didn't even bother to respond to it. He doesn't know how much THAT gave away about it. ROFLMAO.
He fancies himself as cultured and fancy, but he's just a fat, old loser gasping and pitching fits for attention trying to bring back the supposed glory of his "bad old days".
But no one cares... Yawwwwn… You shouldn't either. You're MILES better than he'll EVER be.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/24/2020 3:51 pm | #75 |
His mention of the two Chopin etudes is proof he snooped around here, carried it back to his dead board, and is eaten alive with pychosis.
I will write in depth here, more so knowing he will see this and read every word. I want every word etched on his heart, for exactly what he did and has done.
The name drop is indeed, something a person could assemble with Google. They're names from all over the field spanning more than two centuries, with none associated specifically with the three pieces he wants played. Thalberg, Dreyschock and Liszt all had a rivalry going with the Hammerklavier specifically. Technically I don't believe it is more difficult than Moonlight, Pathetique, Waldstein, or Appassionata. Just longer. It is a symphony for the piano with four instead of three movements.
Revolutionary Etude is in my permanent repertoire as an encore work. So is c# minor and g# minor. I practice them often because they are so good for strength and technique.
Saddest of all is how he missed and misses the point of music in the first place. When I play, it is use of a developed gift to give listeners a few minutes of relief from the burdens and worries of daily life- that corporate world about which he wrote, for which he abandoned music. He let the lure of the corporate world stop him, assuming anything he wrote about his music development is true. That world loves to be seen in association with music and musicians. Every performance program is filled with advertisements, and acknowledgement of donors and their contributions which help us make ends meet. That corporate leadership recognizes association with world class music is great advertisement for them. I don't know if he was ever at a level to make such donations, or if he just bought record albums. It doesn't matter, and I don't care.
Music to me is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. I feel closer to God in my music than to others, because my music cannot ever incur ill will, bad wishes or intent. To whom so ever it makes itself understood, he must become free from the misery with which others burden themselves. People like Mondo attempt to burden those they dislike with their miseries. If early on his musical studies, assuming they are true and real, reached a ceiling made from the corporate mindset that replaced it, that was a ceiling he could never get through or past. His studies ended because he didn't have what is required. I'm not talking about technique, which is the extent of his challenge to me in measurement of musicianship. Technique is secondary. Primary is a love for humanity. Musically that is ability to touch and move people.
He wrote more than once about my less than acceptable performance of the g minor Rachmaninoff Prelude. Certainly I can play it with the phrase rubato you hear almost every concert pianist play it with. But I had and have a different vision of that prelude- a lullaby. The A section that opens it is very militaristic. Almost a kind of march. Warlike, and in your face. But the middle part- one of my favorite things to play, is a contrasting departure. I don't see it as a swooning love song, but as a lullaby, where a mother gently rocks her baby or child in arms back and forth with a memserizing rhythm that comforts him. In the second part of that episode, the left and right thumbs play a second melody- a sotto voce, with the top note of the LH arpeggios played forte while the arpeggios are piano, and the bottom note of the RH chords when the sotto voce goes there played forte, and separate from the rest of the chord, which is a trio of voices singing the soprano melody in something of an SSA voicing.
Technically this approach makes playing the episode much more difficult, because stretches of tempo therein also allow pianists to more easily thumb those sotto voce notes so they stand out. I don't do it that way. But you can feel the gentle rocking back and forth motion. It is different, and nobody else ever played the Prelude this way.
The lullaby episode begins at 1:16. At 1:42 begins the "three handed" RH lH thumb sotto voce where the music sounds like three hands are playing. At 2:13 the prelude returns to the A theme.
He may not like how I played that. Fine. Not everybody has to like anything. I wanted it to be different, because there's more than one way to play almost any piece. If we all sounded the same, only one of us would be required.
The work was written and played during the most violent time of human history, and Rachmaninoff was in the thickj of it. WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, and rise of Hitler in Germany and Stalin in Russia. The middle section lullaby is the mother shielding her child is her arms as the last defense she has before surrendering him to an infantry of army to fight a dictatorial authoritarian oligarch's war, and die for the cause. She is NUMB to anything beautiful or romantic. Sher is surrounded by war on all sides. The middle is her motherly embrace of her child in her arms, to protect him from the war all around.
That's what I think about when I play it, and is why I play it the way I do. At the final end, the "vision" evaporates. It doesn't end with the last note.
My Matterhorn Fantasy Concerto- technically the third movement of my Concerto in c minor for Piano and Orchestra ends with a similar descent down into a basement.
The cover photo of my hands was actually taken during a performance of the Revolutionary Etude. I wonder it he'll know the exact place by my fingering.
Another original work, Medano Creek, has both the LH RH thumb technique of melody in the middle, with La Campanella like leaps of both hands to strike sopranissimo and basso notes in a mesmerizing waltz with a deliberate attitude. Like the cycles of the creek.
To play this, there can be NO tension in body, arms, hands, or fingers.
In study with Rosina Lhevinne at Juilliard, and even more so with Daniel Cataneo, came a concept of orchestrating for the piano. They steered me into understanding that sometimes there are voices inside chords that demand independence. It is a demand to play a four or five note chord and emphasize only finger 2, and then in the next chord only finger 3 and then only thumb in a third chord, so in the three chord set, you have three chords, and a melody within them. Daniel called how most pianists play chords as choreds- with a ch like in chores. Chords often have orchestral voices within them. Easy for the orchestra to bring out. Not so for the pianist. Do you play chords, or choreds?
Funniest thing about all this is I don't even consider myself a pianist. That's not my forte. I haven't played as a soloist for more than two decades. I left the stage to teach, and left the classroom to write. Composition is. When I write for the symphony orchestra- my first choice of ensembles because it has the most colors, that is because orchestrating is like painting with colors. Whether water colors, oils, or pastels, every color has all the shades in black and white and the greys inbetween. I am not interested in doing wholly new sounds that DON'T fit the music just because. My intent is to combine the colors into a painting that conveys the emotion of the episode.
I wrote in electronic medium, all kinds. But rarely is the sound not alien.
This is my finest work to date. Weminuche is travel into a dream. The opening pulses of steam powering the train, and the flute whistles are written into the percussion section and require a pressure valve and the exact trio of flutes used by the Silverton Durango RR. Introduction transitions into the principle theme with from the percussion section, roar of an avalance with a thunder machine and wind machine. Later when the music quiets down, the dream sequence begins with transfer of s single note from flute, to oboe, to clarinet, and back to flute, with only the color changing. The theme which emerges is pretty, but not good enough. Then the music quiets and a triangle sounds. One note. triangle compliment. two notes, triangle compliment. Something is emerging. The lyrical melody of the Grenadiers- not the people, but the finest mountains in all Colorado. Stunning geology in the middle of the moest untouched, wild, pristine wilderness imaginable. Its where I wany my ashes scattered when I die, and science is finished with my body. Those two triangle notes? "Come home." It is God's voice, saying, "come home."
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/24/2020 6:46 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/24/2020 11:35 pm | #76 |
Beautiful work J. I especially liked the first one !!
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/24/2020 11:57 pm | #77 |
Siagiah wrote:
Beautiful work J. I especially liked the first one !!
Thanks. That's the one "he" hates. Yes I don't play it like anyone else. That is the point.
We should not all sound the same. For me to play it the way he wants is also to change
the story so my vision no longer fits the music. That's a concept he just can't seem to accept.
All this spun off from one remark about a dead board? Amazing. It generated the most thread
activity there in weeks, mostly the author answering himself and extending his own preoccupation
from which he can't help himself. Meanwhile the "blew bored" and R&E have all manner of activity.
We sure did take over R&E, didn't we?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/25/2020 12:16 am | #78 |
and you SHOULDN'T play it like everybody else. A student plays a piece exactly as he is instructed to play. An artist makes it his own. Please, share all your work as much as you please, but don't let mongo get to you. He's a waste of skin and so not worth the effort. WHO CARES what he thinks ??
Yeah, we've taken over R&E. I don't think I even posted there Monday ?? Maybe twice on Sunday ?? Could be three, I'm not sure, but it's not a take-over, THAT'S for sure.
The only time I spent significant time over on R&E was when it was suffering and needed an injection of activity to get it back up on its feet. Same as several of us did to help Ken out when mongo and others TRASHED and nearly destroyed it. It's going fine now, percolating along nice and healthy, so I pop in now when I have time to contribute.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/25/2020 7:14 pm | #79 |
Geez, I'm sorry about his worsening problems.
Today is my birthday. This entire day has been CRAZY. I hope that yours wasn't the day he fell ??
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/26/2020 12:10 am | #80 |
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
Did you see my HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRISH posts ?? I meant to reply to this earlier. I have been wrangling with getting my husband into a rehab center that takes his insurance after he had a fall and fractured the bottom of his knee. Weeee. Thank you for remembering.
I am sorry you are going through so much. But I see you're making it work.
Or at least it appears you are. Is he better or worse?
Are you coping OK? Is your burden any easier?
Do you have advocacy who helps steer you both in the correct direction?
I wish there was something more I could do. It really sucks to have limited resources
and abilities.
Although this is an odd departure in another direction, I know the power and joy
laughter creates. You responded to Deanna with a couple slings and arrows on
R&E, when she injected herself in an effort to troll and display several qualities of
unsuccessful people listed on her chart.
I copied and pasted some of the conversation between Green, you, myself, Asking and Deanna
that just might make your day, or at least give you a good laugh now, and a snicker every time you read
one of the seven regularly demonstrated traits of unsuccessful people Deanna was so gracious
to give Ken as her exemplary erudition. Additionally you have the satisfaction of proof in hand
exactly what Deanna is. "Poor thing!!!"
I am a fifth generation Coloradoan.
My family roots began here in 1858 when William Jackson Palmer came to the region and founded
Colorado Springs. My gggrandfather Robert was a surveyor who platted out what became the major
downtown streets, Pikes Peak, Cascade, Tejon, Nevada, Colorado, Kiowa and Bijou in 1871.
My grandfather worked for the D&RG Railroad, and painted for the Broadmoor Hotel.
The ceiling in the'old, original hotel is covered with his work. My grandmother was organist at the
Burns Theatre, which became the Chief when they showed silent motion pictures.
My mother was Historian for the Pioneers Museum, and she and I wrote the best book
on the history of the region, Colorado Springs and Pikes Peak Country. Sold through Amazon
So now you have a little inside, personal ammunition to keep in mind when responding to Deanna, Asking,
and any other troll who goes a snoopin, fauncherin' and bellerin with accusations and lies.
They can say anything they want. But the above is proof they can't provide or refute.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/26/2020 12:47 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/26/2020 12:45 am | #81 |
Fact is, I know exactly who Deanna is IRL. Her name, her husband, children, her age, where she lives, etc. Several folks online from way back then know those things from years and years ago on MSNBC, when people weren't so careful about their personal information.
However, I'd NEVER, EVER post it because that crosses boundaries that there is simply NO EXCUSE for crossing. It puts people into danger from crazy cyber-trolls who'd take that sort of information and use it to HURT people. I can't stand her, but I draw the line at putting her or her family into harm's way by exposing them to such things. That's just WRONG. So, she's FOS when she refers to what Trish knows as being "hearsay from Sia".
First of all, I NEVER told Trish anything about her, so what is she talking about ?? She must think I'm like her... A hateful gossip who tells other people personal information about others that they have no business knowing. SHE does that. That's why she thinks others do it. Well I DON'T.
Second of all, her posted idiocy is all over the internet, wicked easy to find. No one needs someone to tell them her private, personal information to know that she's a ditz and says idiotic things nearly every day.
I WILL tell you this. She's NOT originally from Colorado. You all probably know where she is from originally because she's posted it often enough. It's ridiculous that she'd make such comments about you, Pikes. She truly IS clueless in Colorado.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/26/2020 1:14 am | #82 |
I never forgot my first and last extended dialogue with Deanna over the 1969 Project Rulison nuclear bomb
detonated under Mamm Peak to release natural gas. I lived there for seven years and know something about it.
She was so full of BS about it you could grow crops on her. Since then I resist direct engagement.
"LOLOL!!!! FACT!!! Poor thing!!!" She is a poster child for the internet troll. Her last remark above,
about me being an east coast transplant, or my parents was the opening of her mouth into which
I happily drove a huge truck. I parked it in there and have no intentions of removing it.
She gave Ken this chart, and yet in the brief dialogue with me executed five traits of unsuccessful people
according to her own chart. She routinely does seven or more traits of unsuccessful people. In most of
her posts you can't find any traits of Successful people.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/26/2020 2:34 pm | #83 |
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
Pikes I am ok. Travelling to and from the Rehab center is the worst part right now (along with paperwork LOL). His cat is miserable. I am trying to find people to slip into spaces where I cannot be. 7 days a week is just too much. I'd get nothing else done. My routine is topsy turvy (and I miss my morning rituals - they help with being coherent at 4 am). But like everything before I will figure it out as I go. Taking his durable medical over today.
Best wishes, Trish, I hope you can get some help and get out from under this a little. Stay strong.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/26/2020 2:39 pm | #84 |
Do you or hubby have a church you attended? Regularly attended? In which you're known?
Helping you might be a mission a church would take on, The Salvation Army is great for taking on such causes.
even if you aren't known, or new. They may be willing and eager to help and put together a team to help,
so you're not crushed and defeated by the relentless burden.
If you like this idea, and/or haven't done it, we need to find a Corps near you, and contact them.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/27/2020 9:07 am | #85 |
TSA won't ask your religious affiliation, nor proselytize. Need is need, and it doesn't go away when unmet. Some TSA stores do and did questionable things. They're as good as the people running them, and there's room for improvement. It is the congregation of a TSA church about which I write. But that could be any church. A church of ecclectic witches, or a Buddhist church may be a resource too. although their resources, i.e. population may be limited
The gofundme idea was once good, and still may be if approached correctly. There is too much fraud. Like Craig's List, they ruined their welcome. But it is possible a legitimate plea not only could be heard, it might go toward restoration of people's faith in such ideas. In that light, a gofundme that doesn't ask for money, but instead services, or help connecting to tangible services might be different enough to get some attention and traction. A school or business might see that and as a community service gesture, do something to help. That is great PR for them, and unless Trump wrecked that, might be tax deductible too.
It appears to me you're coping. Not buried. But you could use some help and relief. Solution appears to exist outside the box, so perhaps some out of the box thinking is timely.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/27/2020 7:51 pm | #86 |
AHA! The Blew Bode is beginning to crack at the seams ... it seems:Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 27, 2020, 4:03 pm Greenman points out what is wrong with Sia:
[Greenman to Sia]
I'm not posting this on the threaded board because I've left that, and don't intend to come back. Your rage and hostility toward anyone who disagrees with you has itself become so disagreeable that I wouldn't want to post there. And make no mistake about it, this isn't my, Trudy's, Poppet's, or anyone else's problem. It's YOUR problem.
I thought that allowing conservative posters there would be a problem, and I'll admit, I got a little upset with TW on one occasion. But we made it up, and I've not had problems with either of the other two, though we disagree. Oddly, it's YOU who have been the problem. Your disagreements are one thing - I have NO PROBLEM with you opposing Bernie for the Dem nomination, or questioning his credentials, contrary to your claims - but your behavior has been something else. You have consistently accused me and others of things we're not doing, particularly of opposing your right to even have or air your views. That amounts to outright paranoia, and I have no idea where it's coming from....but you're in danger of losing three of your better posters for NO GOOD REASON.
I don't know if there are personal problems, stress or other situations that are causing you to act like this, if so believe me I would be willing to sympathize. But I see no reason to go on posting on your fora as long as you're acting like this. It's like having Mongo running the place all of a sudden - and I know you're not like that.
Please reconsider your actions and attitudes towards those who disagree. Don't let disagreements make you permanently disagreeable.
Thanks Greenie for sharing your feelings about SchizoSia ... But, on the other hand, when you say "It's like having Mongo running the place all of a sudden", last time "Mongo" checked his own board, things were running smoothly without the likes of you, Trish, Merlin and other deplorable trolls. Good luck in your quest to find a new board ... you seem to be running thin on options.
The above is from Mongo Motherf----er on his board.
I'd just like to take this opportunity, if you're reading this, Mongo?
End it all, you cheap sonofabitch. It's gone on too damn long.
Last edited by greenman (2/27/2020 7:51 pm)
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/28/2020 12:31 am | #87 |
Mondo is delighted for the hurt inflicted on Sia. Elated for the conflict within the blue board body.
Gloating as expected.
He continues to post about it, welcoming blue board residents as refugees into his calm, nurturing and protective fold where they are never subjects of abuse. Fool me once.. fool me twice...
The second fool has not occurred. You're not about to fall for that.
Since when is treachery inviting?
This is time for us to resolve and regroup. For starters, so he has no reason to write and gloat.
But ultimately because we are friends.
Passions became too heated over candidates, whom we must work to find more in common, and positive, than
as liabilities. We all need to recognize when it is time to step back, scale back, and not be so bull headed adamant about our opinions and beliefs. They're not facts.
We need each other. We are better off together here than separate in a foreign and hostile place.
We grow from each other, and develop ideas from each other. We must not become so resolute that we skewer our friendship for ability to sink Sanders, or Warren, or Bloomberg, and yield to Trump. We must rediscover that empathy and agreement which brought us together in the first place.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/28/2020 2:33 am | #88 |
When you're right, you're right.
Those of us who've been upset have mended some fences and put down our "weapons". There are still some fences that need tending to, but all in good time. People need time to chill after an unpleasant, but temporary blow-up so that we can come back together with a better understanding of one another going forward so it never happens again.
mongo is nothing but an AH with nothing better to do than lurk here just waiting for something to post about. As if ANYONE there gives a rat's patootie what any of us do or say. He sees a group of friends on a successful, civilized board, who are upset with each other and gloats, all the while trying to make things WORSE. He's all atwitter, gleeful and hopeful that he can somehow lure some of the people he's mistreated back to his all but DEAD board. No one is THAT stupid that they'll go back. Everyone KNOWS the score there. People attack others mercilessly for sport and a sick pleasure they get from trashing other posters all day. No thanks !! That's WHY I left there 12 years ago, never to return. He's a liar too, claiming he "kicked me out". ROFL. No, I left on my own. He's just angry because we DID kick HIM off of the Blue board permanently, for good reasons. No chance of that EVER changing.
As a group, we may argue sometimes, even battle hard once in a while, but we are all good people who don't want to inflict harm upon one another and don't want to stay angry at each other. We are a cyber-family. So, like decent people, after an argument, we talk and we work things out so that we can recognize where we've each been wrong so that we can work together to make it right again for all of us.
THAT'S what decent folks do. AHs gloat and try to make things worse.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/28/2020 2:19 pm | #89 |
Mondo's board is dead. The occasional movement is nervous twitching more likely caused by residual
residential intellectual bacteria who have not yet consumed the the host in full. As long as the host produces
excrement, they feed and have sustenance for another day.
Mondo and Deanna are examples of intellectually dead people too stupid to know they're dead. They live to enjoy any
demise of people they dislike. Dislike is too calm a term. Hate. Hate brings them close to resurrection.
But fact remains they're dead and too stupid to know it. You can't tell a dead one from a live one because
they all look the same. If you think my music all sounds the same, you never read anything by Mondo, or
Deanna. Like a crowing rooster and cackling hen, except those animals are living... and smarter. Prettier too,
and they have a purpose.
Worst possible thing in their minute lives is to see people like us work past differences and difficulties,
recognizing when loosed without restraint, emotional differences can enlarge minor differences with unwanted
and possibly disastrous results. We are better than that, and larger than that too.
As we move on from this lesson, one thing is clearer now than ever. We need to step back into the Democratic
process of when there is a moderated issue before us, we don't act alone or in haste. A warning does not rise
to that level of concern. but a consistent, persistant argument might, particularly if it has unwanted consequential
potential. Much moderation needs a three part system of discussion.
First is an introductory hearing to hear the concern.
Second is argument to understand the concern and its nature.
Third is a decision.
I don't want to make that decision final and binding, because mistakes can still slip through.
But by the third part, we should be fairly familiar with the issue, cause, and direction necessary
to make a good or better decision.
In real life, this helps us understand and focus our understanding of the political process, and that knowledge
may in fact help others we know in real life, come to terms and understanding of problems in representative
government, leadership, and the 2020 election.
Now there is a dictatorial authoritarian to and for whom the Democratic process is trouble He would do away with
it with a snap of fingers. Mondo is just like him. In that world, the good day and bad day matter and are night and
day different in policy and attitude. In both of them we have shining examples of what and how not to be.
Do we have ability to close a thread? If an argument spins out of control, regardless of who is arguing, can we
turn off commenting in recognition of a destructive direction, in order to stop it?
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/28/2020 2:21 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/28/2020 6:45 pm | #90 |
Yes, we do have the ability to lock a thread. You should be able to find it when you log in to the co-admin section.
Problem with locking a thread is that folks get upset that they cannot have the last word. However, it's doable.