Does anyone have any special summer vacation plans?

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Posted by Siagiah
6/28/2019 2:12 pm

Does anyone have any special summer vacation plans?

I'm going on a whale watch out of Gloucester in July.  Gift from my kids.  Of course, they are going with me too.  Can't wait !!

Also, staying in a mountainous, lakeside rental for a week in August to do a painting retreat with my son-in-law's Mom.  She's an accomplished artist too !!

Some seaside, ocean trips to lounge on the beach and jump in the freezing ocean water, but that's the usual for most easterners living in coastal states.

Anyone else?

Posted by Siagiah
7/15/2019 7:55 pm

You can't garden anymore ?? 

A BANK has illegal lunch and break rules?  Surprising!!

Busy-work plans for updating your house to better suit you all is a GOOD thing...

Sorry for delay answering.  For some reason, I thought that I already had, but must have never hit submit?


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