Has anyone here ever tried CBD Oil for pain ??

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Posted by Siagiah
5/19/2019 1:29 pm

Has anyone here ever tried CBD Oil for pain ??

I bought some yesterday at the Fryeburg Fair in Maine.  I'm not terribly impressed.  Then again, the seller (in a building dedicated to ONLY CBD oil and medical marijuana, wasn't familiar to me.

The company is called 802 Hemp Oil.  I didn't have access to internet checking when I bought some, so maybe because they are fairly new, they aren't legit?

Anyone have experience or recommendations.


Posted by Siagiah
6/07/2019 5:44 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

I tried it in cream oil for my foot neuropathy. It did help. the problem is finding someone who will guarantee the strength of the blend and has the knowledge to do it correctly.


The person I bought it from had multiple strengths of the oil in both their drops for under the tongue and in their creams.  The price differences were dramatic, but I wasn't sure that it was on the level, so bought small amounts of their lower level stuff figuring that if the results weren't enough, but still noticeable, that I'd go back and get more at a higher level.  Problem is, they did NOTHING.  I mean NOTHING. 

I have several prescription pain meds (Tramadol, Meloxicam, & Celebrex) that I use, mixed and matched, with Tylenol & Advil to avoid heavy duty opiates.  The Tramadol is a moderate pain killer but low level opiate.  I had a lot of issues with the heavy duty opiates and an "addictive personality", so am very careful with opiates, but I NEED something more because the lower level prescription pain killers really aren't enough.

I have access to pot cookies and fudges, but they have THC in them and I'm not particularly interested in getting high, so thought I'd go for the CBD oils. 

Plus, my husband has to have two more major surgeries soon - one on his spine again, just below the one done in March, only this time removing bone as well as fusing the remaining disc, plus his left shoulder has to be replaced and a rather large tumor removed.  (non-cancerous, thankfully, we did the cancer thing 2 years ago and it SUCKED!!)   He can't use anything with any THC in it because he has random drug tests done and it would ping on them.  He HATES taking opiates and I've been told that the CBD oil really helps, more so than opiates.


Posted by quantafyre
8/17/2019 5:01 pm

CBD is for most people ineffectual for pain.  The necessary ingredient for pain control is THC, the active psychochemical ingredient in cannabis.  CBD is generally only effective for control of childhood seizures.

Posted by quantafyre
8/17/2019 5:11 pm

Sia, all of the evidence suggests that the pain controlling character of cannabis lies in it's THC content.  CBD will not control the quality of pain that your husband suffers from.  I am a veteran of opiate pain management, graduating to morphine and oxycodone for about 10 years to a modified dosage of hydrocodone for the past 4 years.  When Trish and I moved permanently to southwest Florida, I lost my contacts in Michigan for Cannabis sativa, and I cannot afford the cost of medical marijuana that permeates the state of FL.  I smoked cannabis from 1970 to 1995 on a daily basis and found that not only did it mediate pain but also combated depression better than any of the pharmaceutical poisons available on the common medical menu.  TCH is THE key ingredient in cannabis for a variety of medical issues.  

Posted by Siagiah
8/24/2019 12:12 pm

Well, that makes sense !!  My pot cookies work SO MUCH better than the CBD oil. 

I bought the oil in Maine, where it is legal to sell with or without THC.  The seller made a big deal about it NOT containing THC and proclaiming it better.

Obviously, he is FOS because it does exactly NOTHING.

Thanks for the info M.  Most appreciated.  


Posted by quantafyre
8/24/2019 3:54 pm

Da nada.


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