Trump's Tax Returns - More Than Meets the Eye?

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Posted by Merlin
5/08/2019 5:32 pm

President Trump's glaring secretiveness about his Federal tax returns appears to be rather exaggerated considering the fact that predecessors were more than happy to disclose their tax returns.

The most common explanation seems to be that Trump's tax returns will reveal that:

1. Trump is not nearly as wealthy as he claims to be

2. Or that Trump takes questionable deductions

Neither reason nor even both together seem worth the brouhaha.

I recall reading Trump or maybe it was Michael Cohen or Rudy Giuliani or someone in Trump's camp saying the Trump's tax returns would reveal proprietary business secrets the disclosure of which to competitors would be harmful to President Trump and Trump Enterprises monetarily.

But what secrets of the trade could there be thattrump has not already sold to any buyer who stepped up with the price in hand in Trump's various books, such as the art of the deal, or at Trump University?

I think that the secret that Trump fears will be revealed by an examination of his tax returns by forensic accountants is that Trump's financial empire is a leveraged house of cards, a self-inflated bubble ready to be pricked at any moment by happenstance, coincidence or enemy action.

A house of cards financial model that Trump is now applying to the USA.

Donald Trump appeared alone on the cover of Forbes magazine for the first time on May 14, 1990. The story inside offered a devastating look at his finances. 

Why We Took Trump Off The Forbes 400 During His Decade Of Tax Losses

Posted by Siagiah
5/08/2019 6:47 pm

From reading several books about tRUMP, written by insiders, former employees, friends, business partners, etc., tRUMP clearly owns almost NOTHING outright and his entire "empire" is, in fact, a house of cards. 

He consistently robs Peter to pay Paul, and then stiffs Paul for half of what he owes, even though he "stole enough" to pay in full.  Anyone he figures he can get away with stiffing, he stiffs.  His attitude is for his victims to sue him and then tie them up in court for so long and for so much money that they go out of business or give up.

He's literally put hundreds of "small businesses" out of business after taking them for everything he could get out of them.

He routinely stiffs the banks and finance people he borrows from, then has the audacity to ask for more another time.  Most financial lenders have his number now, so he's forced to go overseas for funding.

It is strongly speculated that one of his "most successful" ventures is laundering Russian dirty money. 

The IRS has rules about what an auditor can do and look at.  Their purview is limited to how much tax is owed, NOT from whence money came, provided taxes are paid on it.  So, the ones who "could" most easily catch him at his game, the IRS, can't.  But outsiders have no such restrictions and that scares the CRAP out of him.  He doesn't want anyone poking into his businesses and finances so that no one will tumble his flimsy house of cards.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/09/2019 12:56 am

F-E-L-O-N Trump is a fraud. He is a liar and knows it. Knows the difference. That's why he hides his assets. 

The vast majority of news Trump calls "fake" quotes him from addresses, conferences, public statements, tweets, and records he signed and authenticated. If that's all fake, then he is calling himself a liar.

Nixon took down a shipload of Republicans, all defending him to the bitter end in face of the obvious. Trump is doing the same, and I doubt he has the intelligence or ego to resign. 2018 = 1974. 2020 = 1976. John Mitchell = Bill Barr.

The six time king of bankruptcy also prepared an order to revise debt collection practices, and enable debt collectors to send an unlimited number of emails and texts to targets. He should be the first and exemplary target of his new collection policy.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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