Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/04/2019 10:21 pm | #1 |
Ex-Justice Department officials are shocked Mueller put his displeasure with Barr down in writing
May 1, 2019
Three days after Attorney General William Barr released a four-page summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, Mueller wrote Barr a letter complaining that Barr's memo "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office's work and conclusions," leading to "public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation," The Washington Post reported late Tuesday.
In a call the next day, Mueller told Barr nothing in his summary "was inaccurate or misleading," Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement. Legal analysts were stunned that Mueller put his concerns about Barr's assessment down in writing.
"We are conditioned not to 'go to paper,'" Chuck Rosenberg, who was Mueller's counsel as FBI director, told Politico. "There are times you get mad, or frustrated, and think someone is making a bad decision. But you pick up the phone and call them. I think I only went to paper a handful of times in 20 years at the Justice Department. In the time I worked for Bob in the FBI, I can't think of a time he did that."
Former Justice Department inspector general Michael Bromwich called the letter "an extraordinary move" for Mueller, who "doesn't do things like this. Apparently he didn't appreciate having his hard work falsified." Former U.S. attorney Harry Litman said that "for the laconic and obedient Mueller, it’s almost like lighting yourself on fire in front of the DOJ."
We already knew members of Mueller's team were upset with Barr's characterization of their work, but "what we didn't know until today is that Mueller was pissed," legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said on CNN Tuesday night. New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman had another explanation: "Muller seems to have learned the lesson that a lot of people who have been around Donald Trump's world learned — and Mueller knows, because almost all of them were witnesses for him — that you have to put everything down on paper. This was not enough to just voice his concerns privately to Barr, there had to be a letter documenting it, and it's a stunning letter."
Peter Weber, The Week Magazine
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 5/05/2019 10:40 am | #2 |
In a phone call, Barr told the Lindsey Graham crusade Mueller told him he was displeased with media inaccuracy of his report. He said Mueller's letter appeared snitty, and suggested it was more likely written by one of Mueller's team. During that testimony he looked at the floor and fished for words.
Then Barr declined to appear before the House Judiciary. Contempt of Congress charges are pending. First for failure to provide the full, unredacted Mueller Report. His presence at hearing is under subpoena and will move to contempt if he ignores that too.
There's already sufficient evidence to impeach Barr as well as Trump, but for the Mitch-led Republican blockade in the Senate.
Barr reminds me of AG John Mitchell, who went to prison for lying for Nixon.
2018 was like 1974 after Nixon.
2020 will be like 1976 after Nixon.
Voters will do what the Senate won't.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/05/2019 3:58 pm | #3 |
I hope that voters will do what the Senate won't do.