Trump's Economy

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Posted by SES
5/03/2019 12:36 pm

I just heard that unemployment is now as low as it was when man first walked on the moon, and the New York Mets won their first World Series -- 1969.

And also that the United States is now energy independent, and a net exporter of oil.

Historically low unemployment, especially for minorities, high business and consumer confidence, the Stock Market continuing its upward trend, peoples' 401Ks doing quite well, etc.

Even if you want to give the previous Administration credit, it's obvious that (1) the predictions of economic disaster if Trump won the election have been proven wrong, and (2) it bodes well for the 2020 election, assuming the word gets out to the electorate through all of the Russia/Mueller/Barr nonsense.

Posted by Amadeus
5/03/2019 1:00 pm

Hey, facts are facts.
I will say that the economic success is due in part to the gridlock keeping us mostly on path, but Trump owns his portion of it, too.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/03/2019 1:11 pm

What we enjoy today began as a trend in 2010, the result of "Stimulus." 
We enjoyed it in 2016. Since 2016, growth and improvement in all aspects of the economy slowed. For the last year, stocks averaged no growth, with wild Dow Jones swings between 26,000 and 21,000. Unemployment slightly increased, and production of new jobs decreased. GDP projections are always adjusted downward, with an overall increase since Jan 2017 of 1.864%

Debt today $22.28 trillion
Deficit today $.951 trillion
Trump spending 148% greater than Obama. 
But he didn't inherit a crashing economy to save and restore. 

Decline of the economy due to Trump wasn't going to happen overnight. But warnings exist and persist. Now is a very bad time to invest in stocks, and long term retirements don't look so good. Everything is in an oscillating, "wait and see" mode. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by SES
5/03/2019 1:32 pm

If you watch the 2016 Election Night coverage on YouTube, you'll see them talking about the Dow Futures, and how they were down 800 points, and how that reflected how badly the economy was going to be hurt if Trump won. Rachel Maddow hit that especially hard.

And of course you had suppos-ed economic experts like Robert Reich and Paul Krugman predicting that the economy might never recover if Trump won.

"NEW YORK — Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House. New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8."

So yeah, many people DID expect the economy to tank "overnight".

Instead, it's booming. By almost every single measure.

Posted by Siagiah
5/03/2019 2:14 pm

SES wrote:

If you watch the 2016 Election Night coverage on YouTube, you'll see them talking about the Dow Futures, and how they were down 800 points, and how that reflected how badly the economy was going to be hurt if Trump won. Rachel Maddow hit that especially hard.

And of course you had suppos-ed economic experts like Robert Reich and Paul Krugman predicting that the economy might never recover if Trump won.

"NEW YORK — Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House. New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8."

So yeah, many people DID expect the economy to tank "overnight".

Instead, it's booming. By almost every single measure.


Seriously, is that ALL you've got ??  I don't see anyone disputing that they were wrong, and they obviously were wrong, and thanks be for that.

The POINT is that this economy is a BENEFIT tRUMP inherited, he didn't create it.  I'm grateful that he didn't manage to DESTROY it.  However, given enough time, he might just manage that as he's managed to do to nearly all of his businesses over the years***.

All indications are that Obama is responsible for saving the economy and the steady recovery that tRUMP is claiming credit for.  Fact is, the economy's recovery has slowed down under tRUMP after huge increases and improvements over the previous 8 years.  In all fairness though, it would have slowed down under ANYONE because "rapid regrowth" can only go so far for so long before it naturally has to slow down to a normal growth.

***If you've ever read about his businesses and what's actually happened to them, you'd understand my meaning more clearly.


Posted by Amadeus
5/03/2019 2:49 pm

What people did not expect was the resulting gridlock as the Republican Party couldn't decide what to do with Trump, and then made stupid decision after stupid decision.

Like attacking the ACA repeatedly, even as 70% of the people tried to tell them to stop, and then going after major tax cuts - for rich people and corporations.

Republicans certainly mastered the art of putting the "trick" in trickle down economics.



Posted by SES
5/03/2019 3:07 pm

Actually, if you'll recall, Obama implored us to prepare for a "New normal" in the 21st Century. Slow economic growth. High unemployment. Even though he had tried massive government interventions into the economy - signing an economic stimulus package of historic proportions [which failed miserably], oversaw the bailout of the nation's financial industry, and watched the Federal Reserve cut interest rates effectively to zero and move to purchase hundreds of billions of dollars in Treasury bonds to help stimulate activity - nothing was working, the economy sucked, unemployment was high, growth was anemic....

Everyone knew the economy sucked, and was going nowhere, and the President was shrugging his shoulders and warning us to get used to the "new normal".

And Trump's election was going to destroy even Obama's weak recovery. Doom and gloom. An overnight economic downturn from which the economy might never recover.

Pick and choose whatever statistics you want. The economy is booming, doing VASTLY better than the naysayers were warning of in 2016.

Posted by Amadeus
5/03/2019 3:24 pm

The stimulus didn't fail. What the heck planet are you on?
I DO disagree with the way the bailout of the banks was handled. Angrily. Especially when I hear the rich complain about socialism. It makes me want to smack people.

The economy was already doing well before Trump. And Trump, by and large, hasn't disturbed too many things. What he has done that has had impact:
* trade wars, especially with China
* force the renegotiation of NAFTA
* pull out of climate accords
* screw up the Iran nuclear deal
* get the tax scam passed

Now, I may disagree with a number of those things, but I have to accept the fact of the current economic situation. It isn't in a free fall of decline. Unemployment numbers are good. And it is only fair to give Trump his due on this.

But this doesn't change my outlook on Trump and the economy. It is similar to Trump and most things. Trump's primary concern is not the nation. It is not the people. It is not even the corporations or the rich. Trump's primary concern is TRUMP. So he will do what benefits him, first. This will likely benefit those who align themselves with Trump and Trump's interests. This means that the people - the vast majority of them - stand to eventually be left holding the bag while Trump and the rich take as much as they can out of it.

Sooner, or later, it is what is going to happen. The tax scam was one big scoop for the rich, and they got away with it. They'll do it again.

Trump and his policies have caused immense damage to this country. He has to be removed from office.


Posted by SES
5/03/2019 3:39 pm

As with all things economic, you can find opinions on both sides of any issue/statistic.

Obama's stimulus was a dismal failure. In my opinion. About $800 billion dollars, intended to keep unemployment under 8%. Went well over 8%, up to 10%. Remember the "shovel-ready" projects? Yeah. Not so much.

Did the economy improve. Sure.

But not nearly as much as intended, or hoped. In my opinion.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/03/2019 5:26 pm

SES wrote:

As with all things economic, you can find opinions on both sides of any issue/statistic.

Obama's stimulus was a dismal failure. In my opinion. About $800 billion dollars, intended to keep unemployment under 8%. Went well over 8%, up to 10%. Remember the "shovel-ready" projects? Yeah. Not so much.

Did the economy improve. Sure.

But not nearly as much as intended, or hoped. In my opinion.


The "dismal failure in your opinion" is directly responsible for the booming economy you brag about. It did exactly what it was designed to do, and still is. This trend began in 2010 and sustained for 104 consecutive months. Did you suddenly awaken when Trump was elected, to see things then weren't as bad as you often said? Or did the obvious bias of Trump replacing Obama completely change your outlook on reality? 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by SES
5/06/2019 9:14 am

I remember Obama trying to get us all to accept the n\"new normal".

I remember Obama incredulously dismissing Trump's vow to "bring the jobs back to this country".

I remember Obama's ignorant comment about "shovel ready jobs", that I IMMEDIATELY knew, becuase of the business that I'm in, was ignorant.

I remember all of the Liberal doom-and-gloom economic collapse predictions if Trump won the election.

I remember what the stimulus was SUPPOSED to do, and what it actually did -- nowhere close to what it was SUPPOSED to do.

Bernie Sanders said this weekend that " low." Yeah. Like, the lowest it's been in half a friggin' CENTURY.

Yeah. I remember it all. Thanks.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/06/2019 6:07 pm

SES wrote:

I remember Obama trying to get us all to accept the n\"new normal".

I remember Obama incredulously dismissing Trump's vow to "bring the jobs back to this country".

I remember Obama's ignorant comment about "shovel ready jobs", that I IMMEDIATELY knew, becuase of the business that I'm in, was ignorant.

I remember all of the Liberal doom-and-gloom economic collapse predictions if Trump won the election.

I remember what the stimulus was SUPPOSED to do, and what it actually did -- nowhere close to what it was SUPPOSED to do.

Bernie Sanders said this weekend that " low." Yeah. Like, the lowest it's been in half a friggin' CENTURY.

Yeah. I remember it all. Thanks.

The most interesting thing about Trump's fake news, much of which you support with Trump accolades, is most of it comes from direct Trump tweets, quotes, conferences, responses, addresses, and rallies, and is witnessed by dozens, to hundreds, to thousands of witnesses, before publication and distribution. This material is audio and video recorded, printed, published, and distributed. The record of it is irrefutable. 

If this is in fact, fake news, then Trump admits he lies most of the time, just by calling it "fake news." They're his quotes!

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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