Trump to award Tiger Woods with Medal of Freedom

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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/02/2019 4:11 pm

This is the highest civilian honor.

Woods' publicicists would best advise him not to accept this from Trump. Not that his achievement isn't notable. But it does not rise to the level necessary for the Medal of Freedom. Trump neither knows what that is, nor cares. 

Van Cliburn won it in 2003, for his work in 1958, winning the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition in Moscow during the Cold War, doing more than any other American ever, in any field including politics, to bridge the gap between Russian and American people. Soviet party and competition officials agonized over awarding the American pianist, and did everything possible to avoid that embarrassment. In a rare moment of fair play, it was Khrustchyev's decision, when approached for help, he asked the judges, "Who was the best pianist? Give the award to him."

That is the kind of quality demanded for winning the Medal of Freedom. IMO, Trump wants this opportunity to be seen with a champion- a winner. A winner with a winner. Trump works for Trump. Trump promotes Trump. In the glow of this moment, Trump will share the stage and glory.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
5/02/2019 6:08 pm

All tRUMP has managed to do by making this choice is to "dumb down" the Medal of Freedom. 

Winning a golf tournament in a "come back" performance is hardly medal worthy.  The trophy and award monies that Wood won is his reward.  It shouldn't be the Medal of Freedom ????!!!!????


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